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Garrison Academy for Cambridge Studies.

Week 9
Class: 0 I Student’s name: Walid Aamir Section: C
Subject: English Subject Teacher: M Harris Nadeem

Student's Resource: Click on the following link and watch the video before attempting the Task.
Video link:
Recently your class organised and helped to run an after school activity for younger pupils in your
school. It was very successful. The Principal has asked you, as one of the organisers, to give a speech
about it in the school assembly.
Write your speech you must include the following
● When and where the activity was held
● A description of the activity that took place
● The benefits to the younger pupil and to your classmates
Cover all the three points in detail. You should make your speech interesting and informative. Start your
speech ‘Good morning, everyone....’.
Good morning, everyone. As you all know cleanliness is next to Godliness, one of the chief differences
between a cultured man and civilized society on the one hand and an uncultured man and uncivilised
society on the other is the sense of cleanliness, hygiene and sanitation. If we have an observant eye, it
becomes very easy to tell the difference between the two at first sight, so it must be one of the
greatest aspirations for a nation and an individual to maintain cleanliness at a personal and national

This is why we thought of spreading the awareness of cleanliness to the young and the elderly.
Planning sure did take some time as it was necessary to make the young ones excited and innovated
as the famous saying goes “slow but steady wins the race”. Our team included four very talented
individuals, and our plan was ready. The occasion was to be held in the family park close to the
school. We needed to secure authorization from the landowners as the park was busy as a beaver. Be
that as it may, we succeeded and now we needed to make a few arrangements regarding the event.
We made some motivational boards, made the students practice for the main drama event, few
students prepared inspirational speeches and all rest was done. The event was a huge success not
only students of our school participated in the event but many children of other schools and colleges
showed keen interest and were extremely joyful seeing that a few schools care for the well-being of
the society. We passed our charity goal with remarkable colours and we have decided to give all our
collected charity to the waste-busters of our area; the money will be divided equally! Not only this
ladies and gentleman, the most important part is that our young ones, our children, our students not
only learned that cleanliness is part of our faith but that cleanliness is half our faith. picking up only
ten pieces of garbage can make a remarkable difference. A difference! for the sea creatures, for the
environment, for the animals, for all humankind , for mother earth. Our main event, the drama was
an aspiring success, the students did not act but reflected our responsibility as citizens of this mother
earth that we should be thankful for its blessings and should provide it with goodness

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