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Tomato TOEIC SPE Chit bién Kim Hyeonju - Lee Boyeong John Boswell - Henry Amen IV Chuyén ng phan ché giai Lé Huy Lam a NTV WHA XUAT BAN TONG HOP Cong ty TNHH THANH PHO HO CHi MINH Nhan Tri Viet Tomato TOEIC SPEAKING FLOW Copyright © 2009 Neungyule Education, inc. Published in Vietnam, 2009 ‘This edition is published in Vietnam under a license Agreement between Neungyule Education, Inc. Korea and Nhan Tri Viet Co., Ltd. Vietnam through Imprima Korea Agency, Korea. ‘All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, fo otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Ban da ting dap ngudi tuyét chua? Nhigu ngudi khong tin ring chiing ta o6 thé dép duge ngldi tuyét tit nhng ong tuyét bé nh. Nhung day la su that! That ki digu! eee ‘Tuong ty, nhiéu ngudi cing khong tin la ching ta 06/1 thé néi tiéng Anh that tét nhi hoc ‘thude mot sé cdch dién dat cia tiéng Anh. Sy that.Ja mot s6 niguti hoc thuge rét nhiéu ti vamg va nhién each dign dat khde nhau nhung cudi eanig cing khong thé giao tiép bang tiéng Anh, Nhing ngudi nay ging nhu nhing nguoi di gon tuyét thanh h dong réi dé d6 cho né ty tan chay. Vay bi quyét nam & dau? ‘Chae cde ban } hiéu cum tir ‘be supposed to’ chu? Cym tir nay 06 nghia la ‘dung ra phai lam gi de. Cum ti nay rt quen thuge trong 16i an ting néi cada ngudi ban xt. Do dé, Khi nghe mot ngudi ban xii nia mot eau e6 cum tit nay, che chin ben sé hiéu ngay. Nhung vén dé la: Ban o6 chée [a ban 6 kha nang si dung cum tif nay gidng nhw nguéi ban xt khong? Chie chén la ban khOng thé diing tt cum ti nay néu ban chi hoe thude long mot vai edu éé cum tit nay. Néu chi vay thi khong du. T6t hon 1a ban phai thet ding né trong ede tinh hudng kchée nhau. Cé thé ban-diing n6 Kkhi néi chuyén v6i ngudi ban xi, hose néi chuyén véi ban ba, hay ham eh 3 ‘gi chuyén mot minh, gud ra, ban cong eb thé thu ém sgiong noi ciia minh, sau d6 nghe lai va chit stta 48 sau d6 noi tot hon. Luic ddu ban ¢6 thé néi ngén thoi, réi sau d6 dan din ban tape ai hon. Mue tiéu cia tai ligu nay 1a gitp ban cé thé néi dupe lién tye trong 1 phit, Mue dich chinh cia quyén sdch nay la giuip cée ban-chudn bi coe Néi cla TOEIC (TOEIC Speaking). Tuy nhién, ede ban van c6 thé dang fai ligu nay dénéng cao kha nang n6i tigng Anh iia minh néi chung. ; re ig Anh that tét, Ban nho la phai dap cho Chting t6i tin rng quyén séch nay sé gidip ban n¢ duye nguéi tuyét nhé. Déng tuiyét thi khong di dad! > ‘Tap thé du bép Tomato Speaking What's on the M.E.N.U% Sone e 2. - Recipe 1. Grammar 14 Recipe 2. Vocabulary 20 Recipe 3. Listening 24 ey Recipe 4. Pronunciation 26 Recipe 5. Tu duy theo kiéu Anh Recipe 6. Fluency 34 Recipe 7. Goal 3 Main Dishes Tu luyén tap phat am Dén noi lién tuc trong 1 phut ‘Thé loai I: Doe doa vn 44 Thé oat Hr igu té énh 70 Th oa Tk: Ted Tei edu hei 96 thé lot Doe thing tin va tra loi cau hai 122 ‘Thé losi V: Trinh bay gidi phap 148 ‘Thé logi VI: Trinh bay y kién 174 LISSSEITS seme Tests Actual Test1 200 Actual Test2 214 Actual Test 3 228 7 Actual Test4 242 Actual Test5 2956 Cau tric quyén sach Starte cc Dau tién la hay doc! fe epee ‘Trude hét, chting ta phat xée dinh dau 1a nhung ngo nhan va dau Ta su that vé vige néi tiéng Anh. Disges mers bude dudi day! Preview tig thé loai day, ta can xae dinh chi dé trong timg thé loai la gi Cool Solution Recipe: Bi quyét dé tim Cool Solution Recipe: Bui hoe thuc té ra céch tra loi tot nhat trén gidy Phan gidi thich chi tit sé givip ban hiéu vin dé rat d8 dang. Hot Training Recipe: Céc cach dién dat Hot Training Recipe: Ready? thug gap trong méi thé loai Phan nay gitip ban luyén tap dé lam quen voi céc cach dién dat thuong gap trong méi thé loai. | Mini Test | Phan nay gitip ban ty lam thiz céc cat hii giéng mbur thi that. [ VOSSCI TS sm nie wenan an Phan nay giip ban tu kiém tra nang lue nhim xée dinh diém manh va diém yéu oa chinh minh, oe cae Hung dan sti dung sdch Théi khéa biéu mau Hoan tat trong tudn 4. Ban khong nén 4é qué trinh luyén néi cia minh bj gidn doan, dit chi mot ngay. Tot nbat 1a ban nén danh ra méi ngay mot gi, lién tue trong 28 ngay dé hoan thanh phdn Speaking eo ban, 2, Trong phan Starter e6 mye So, how?, ban khong cin phai hoc hét mue nay. Thay vio dé, ban chi chon nhung noi dung ma minh thay edn thiét. ® Thoi khéa biéu mau cho hoc vién chudn bi thi TOEIC Speaking oe benan pet paraet 1. Hoe vign phai bat dau it nhat 10 ngay trude ngay thi. 2, Sau Kthi da lam xong phin Actual Test, ban nén tp viét lai phan tré loi da ghi am cia minh. Qué trinh nay sé gitip ban néi t6t hon. Thdi khéa biéu mau cho hoc vién chudin bi thi TOEIC Speaking an 1. Hoe vien phai bat dau it nhat 28 ngay trade ngay thi 2. Vige thue hign ede bai Actual Test va sau 46 tw minh dénh gié bai lam thong qua CD-ROM la cong doan gidp nang cao diém s6 rét nhanh chéng. Thong tin vé ky thi_ TOEIC Speaking & Writing ‘Thong tin chung vé ky thi TOEIC Speaking & Writing Hign tai ky thi TOEIC Speaking & Writing gim hai logi: TOEIC Speaking & Writing kiém tra ky nang néi va ky nang viét va TOEIC Speaking chi kiém tra ky nang néi. Thi sinh 6 thé chon mot trong hai loai nay dé dang ky du thi. Ot He théng ky thi Ky thi TOEIC Speaking & Writing duge tién hanh theo thé thie IBT (Internet-based Test); thi sinh sé lam bai thi trén may tinh tai ede trang tam khéo thi duoe chi dinh. Trong phan Speaking Test, cau tra Joi cia thi sinh s@ duge ghi am lai; 6 Writing Test, thi sinh sé lam bai true tigp trén méy va phan tré loi sé duge giti dén ETS & Hoa Ky qua dudng truyén Internet, Phan tra loi ciia thi sinh sé duge cdc chuyén gia cia ETS true tiép cham diém. 02 Diém sé Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 ee er Pe 1. Phuong thtie tinh diém (Scoring) Diém s6 cia bai thi TOEIC Speaking & Writing duye tinh rigng; 86 diém t6i da cho méi ky nang 1a 200 diém. Cap dé 8 1a ep d9 cao nbét cita Speaking va dip d6 9 18 ep d6 cao nhét cia Writing, 2. Thong bio diém Khoang 3-4 tudn sau ngay thi, thi sinh 6 thé xem_ 4iém qua trang Web do ETS chi dinh va thi sinh s@ nhan duge phiéu diém trong vong 7-10 ney ké tir ngay cong bé diém. 8. Thoi han higu lye eta két qua thi Théi han higu Iye 1a 2 nm, Dé du thi, thi sinh khong edn phai 6 didu kign dae bigt nhu hoe luc, tw cach, vv, ‘Théng tin vé TOEIC Speaking Test 01 Dac tring Mue dich ciia TOEIC Speaking Test lé nhim ddnh gid kha nang giao tiép bing tiéng Anh trong moi trudng kinh doanh quée té. Gidng nhu TOEIC co ban, TOEIC Speaking Test cing xoay quanh ede cht dé nhu cong vige va ude séng hang ngay. Tuy nhién, phan nay khée TOEIC eo ban 6 ché né true tiép déinh gid duoc nang lye néi tiéng Anh cia thi sinh, 02 Thoi gian thi va cu tao cia bai thi gian tra lai | Diém cho m Mii ciu 45 gigy Milctu 45 giay 03 diém S| Mien Betty Mic agty §— O3ciim Cee ct Bhing Cu ds IB gity 08 em Cu 5:15 ity Cu 6:30 gity ee aue tec 03 diém ce Ce sesh bay. ph 05 din Seat ae f Mil ciu 16 gy Mit clu 60 giiy 0.5 diém ee 1. Noi to va r6 rang Du ban néi rat t6t nhung néu gidm khéo khong nghe r0 nhting gi ban néi thi ho cuing khong thé cho digm cao duce. ‘Trong thei gian chudn bi, ban nén kiém tra lai ede thiét bi am thanh, 2, Thi ghi am va nghe lai Giong néi dupe ghi am nghe rat kha giong n6i that bén ngoai. Do d6, trude khi thi that, ban nén thit ghi 4m giong néi ciia minh va nghe lai dé danh gid that khach quan vé cach phat am cia ban than, 04 Chudn bj vao phong thi Théi gian thi: budi sang bit déu ti 9 gid 20 phut va budi chiéu bat dau te 13 gid 20 phut. Thi sinh o6 thé chon thi busi sing hoge bud chiéu. Ngoai ra, thi sinh pha dén tru gi thi 20 phut. Kihi dén phong thi, thi sinh khong edn mang theo gidy but, nhumg phai mang theo gidy 1 tay than nhu ching minh nhan dan hoae hé chiéu. ° A oa a a loai nguyén liéu dé nau mén Speaking Recipe 1 Grammar 4&2 Sai lim thit nat: a Su that thi nhat: Ngit phap la nén tang Ng& phap chi la cong cu nhim kiém tra xem cau dugc ni ra la diing hay sai ‘That vay, néu ta rép cdc tir lai voi nhau theo ding ngi php thi chua chic ta cd mot e4u 06 nghia hodn chinh. Nhw vay, néu ban ném viing ngix phap thi vn khong c6 nghia Ja ban néi tiéng Anh t6t. Dé la do nhiing nguyén nhan sau day: ‘Thi nhét, néi can phan xa nhanh. Dén ding thoi diém edn néi ma khong néi duge thi sau dé du ban ¢6 nghi duge cdu hoan thién dén dau cing vo ich. Phan xq nhanb la rat can thiét, ‘Thit hai, tir loai trong tiéng Anh va tiéng Viet e6 lic khong tuong ting voi nhau. Tiéng Anh va tiéng Viét khée nhau vé nhiéu mat, trong 46 06 trat tay tir va tit loai. Ddi khi trong cau tiéng Anh ta edn ding mot dong tir dé dién dat mot ¥ nao dé nhung trong ting Viet ta phai ding mot danh tir dé dién dat cing ¥ dé. Serer Vi du: Hai ngudi ban dang ngéi trén 6 t0. Mot nguéi dang lai xe con ngudi kia ngéi ké bén chi ding. Dén mot giao 10, ngudi Idi xe hing ting vi khong biét nén ré ng& nao, Ngudi kia méi n6i Di riép di! voi y la Di thang di, dimg queo!, Cé nguéi chuyén eum ti Bi tigp di! thanh Go continuously!. Vé nga phdp, cum tt Go continuously! khong sai, nhung vé nghia thi sai. Trong thue té, ngudi ta chi néi Keep going!. ‘Thi ba, van néi khong phai Iie nao cting chudn ngi phap. Ngon ngo that trong cude sng rét da dang, gin nhu khong o6 gidi han. Dé tign cho vige hoe ngon ngi, ee nha ngon ngit méi tim ra cée quy téc lp di lap lai trong rét nbiéu dur ligu €é tao thanh ng phap. Nhu vay ngi phap chi 6 tinh tuong déi, khéng thé ding trong moi truéng hop. C6 nhang céu hoan toan dving ngit php nhung van bi xem la sai vi trong thuc té khong ai néi nhu vay. 6 thé vi ngw phap nhw tm ban 46 thanh ph6, cdn ngon ngw that trong cuge song chinh la duéng phé trong thanh phé 46. Ban 46 chi gitip ching ta tim ra duong 48 dang hon, nhung ban dé khong phai la duémg pho! Ngut phap giuip chung ta tranh sy nham lan vé ¥ nghia. Nho trat tu tu, thi, dai ta cé thé phan biét duge cdi nay véi cdi kia. Vi du: Did you eat? chi qua khit, con Are you going to eat? chi tuong lai. Nhung 6 nhimg tragng hop ta khong edn git duing ngu phap mot céch my méc trong van n6i. Vi du, gita 2 edu I heard you will quit the job va | heard you would quit the job thi cau thit hai ding ng phép hon, nhung chinh cau thtt nhat lai dking trong van néi hon. ‘Tom lai, ching ta nén tép théi quen néi tiéng Anh true hét 1a dé dién dat ¥ minh muén néi, loai bd suy nght 1a néi phai diing ngd phép ngay tt déu. Ban khong can lo lng vi dan dan ban sé dat duge tinh chinh xc mot cach tu nhién trong qua trinh néi 1. Cha ng gid It ‘Theo ban thi ta nén dich ning edu sau sang tiéng Anh nhu thé nao? Da musi mot gid roi. Bén ngodi troi dang mua phdi khéng? Di bang tau dién ngdm mét khodng 30 phiit. ‘Trong tiéng Vist, ta khong thé xée dinh duoc chi ngit trong nhting cau tren. Trong ting Anh, khi noi vé thoi gian, khodng céch va thoi tiét, ta diing chi ngi gid It. It's already 11 o'clock. Is it raining out there? It takes about 30 minutes by subway. 2. They, we, you ‘Theo ban thi ta nén dich nhung eau sau sang tiéng Anh nhu thé nao? Nghe noi co hodn tién lai cho anh réi phdi khéng? Trong vén phong hét gidy in roi. GO day cd nhdn thé Rhéng? www.nhantrivietcom Recipe 1 Grammar 18 6 ‘rong cau thir nhat, chit ngito6 thé la cong ty hay cia hang nao dé. Trong edu thit hai, chil ngtt 6 thé la cng ty hay van phong ma ngudi néi dang lam viée, Trong eau thtt ba, chi ngtt 6 thé 1a cia hiéu ma nguoi noi dang mua hang. Ta ed ede cau tiéng Anh tuong ving nhw sau: Do they give refunds? ‘We have run out of printing paper. Do you take cards? Ro rang, they khong chi e6 nghia la ho, we khong chi 6 nghia 1a cling ta, va you kkhéng chi 6 nghia 1a ban. NgOn ngé trong cuge song the sw phiie tap hon rat nhiéu! 3. There: d6ng vai trd cht ngit Hang ngay, chuing ta thong néi e6 / khong o6 edi gi d6. Vi du: C6 qué nhiéu ngudi trong nha v6 sink. Khing 06 cdi dign thoai di déng néo trén ban ca Céch dé nhat dé dién dat ¥ co/khdng co cai gi dé la edu tnic there + be. There are too many people in the restroom. There isn’t a mobile on your desk. Ban thén there 1a mét trang ti, nhung there + be Iai chi trang thai co/khdng co edi gi 6, Lamu ¥ la there khong phai la chi ngir that trong edu. Chi ngit chinh la cum tir theo sau cdu trie there + be. Vi vay, trong hai eau trén, are la déng tir di theo chii ngw too many people; is la dong ti di theo chi ngi a mobile, 4. Trung hgp chi ngit qué dai Vi du ban mun néi: Dén phing tdp thé duc méi ngay qua 1a khong dé cht nao. Chui ngut cia céu nay la Dén phong rap thé’ duc méi ngdy. Chi ng nay qua dai, khong tign ding trong tiéng Anh. Trong truong hop nay, trong tiéng Anh ngudi ta ding chi nga gid tt. Itis not easy to go to the gym every day. Nhu vay, khong gidng trong tiéng Viét, edu ci trong tiéng Anh thutmg phai e6 day dui hii nga. Néu khong e6 chi ngi that thi phai muon chi ngt gia. Tur bé 1éi dich “A = B” (Idi dich ting chi?) Gid sit ta 06 hai cau: Mat ctia Ann thét dep. John la gido vién rung hoc. Hau het chuing ta sé djch 2 cu trén sang tiéng Anh nur sau: Ann's eyes are really beautiful. John is a high school teacher. Nhung ngudi ban sé khong néi nhw vay. Ho n6i thé nay: Ann has beautiful eyes. John teaches at a high school. Hai cau nay hdu nhu khong o6 tit méi nao, nhung ching ta lai kh6 néi duge nhu vay. 2" BE Van dé 6 day 1a do céich néi trong tiéng Anh rat khée so v6t ting Viet. Thong thuong chung ta hay n6i tigng Anh theo eéch néi tiéng Viet (hai eau trén), tuy eiing ding ve mat ¥ nghla nbung nghe khéng tu nhién bang néi tiéng Anh theo kiéu Anh (hai céu dui. O ep 46 so cdp, hoe vien thuing néi tiéng Anh theo ech néi tiéng Viet (I6i dich timg chit A = B), vi dy nhw He is tall; You are beautiful; She is nice.; It is my dog; | like this bag.; | love this song.; | want this book; v.v. Néu muén tang eutng kha nang noi tigng Anb, ta phai lam quen véi nbiéu loai =e cu Khée nhau. Theo truyén thong, ching ta c6 5 logi edt trong tiéng Anh Mue tia cia chuing ta khong chi la hiéu ma con phai diing thanh thao 6 loat cau nay theo nhiing edeh thic va tinh huding Khe nhav, Nhiing cau tric da dang dua trén 5 loai cau Cée ban hay quan sét 3 cu sau day It sounds fantastic! Thar ruyét vai! It tastes awful. Miii oi shat kinh Rining. You smell like Chanel No.5. Ban co miti nuéc hoa Chanel No.5. Ca 3 cau nay déu ding dong tir chi gide quan. Nho ding déng tit chi gide quan nhu Sound, smell, feel, taste, look thay cho be, ta lam cho céu néi tré nén da dang hon. Ngoai ra, ta c0 thé lam cho van néi da dang hon bing cach ding tic ti. Cae ban hay quan sat ede edu sau day: | want to meet him alone. Téi mudn gdp anh dy mét minh. (to-infinitive] ''d like to eat out tonight. Ti mudi dn ngodi 16% nay. [to-infnitive] ' need to drop by the bank. Ti mudn ghé qua ngdn hang. [to-infinitive] 1g his day with a cup of coffee. Anh a thich bt dau ngdy moi {danh dong ta) ‘hope you get well soon. 7%i mong chi ching khée. [ménh dé] Nhu vay, ede ban luu y rang bie tir khong phai chi la danh ta; trong nhung vi du trén, tic ti ciing e6 thé la to-infintive, danh dng tt: hay thém chi la ménh dé. Bay gid, ta bat dau xét dén cde each néi mang ¥ nghia yeu cdu, cau khién. F'd like you to mest my friend. Anh gdp ban ciia ti nhé. / Day la ban cita t6i | want you to come by my office. Anh ghé gua van phing t6i nhe. I need him to call me right away. Anh ta cdn phdi goi cho t6i ngay bay gid. What do you want me to do? Anh mun tdi lam gi? Do you want me to cancel the blind date? Chi mudn t6i hily b6 cugc hen ho dé phai hing? Cac mau edu tren khong dé cp dén doi tuong, trong khi cde mau ciu nay c6 déi tuong duge n6i dén. www.nhantrivietcom 8 ‘Negoai ra, ban dig lin Ign véi ede eau sau day: I got Dan to call you back. Tai bdo Dan goi lai cho ban. I told Dave to do so. Toi bdo Dave lam mhw thé. I made him arrange the meeting. Ti bdo anh ta sdp xép budi hop. I had my staff solve the problem. Téi bdo nhan vién gidi quyét vdn dé do. I had my coat dry-cleaned. 76i nhd ngudi gidt khé edi do khode. Nam edu trén déu 06 nghia Ia nhd ai lam oiée gi do, hung edu tnic lai khong gidng nhau. Sau dong tit get hod tell ta diing to-infinitive, trong khi sau have, make, va let ta ding dng te nguyén mau khong to. Tuy nhién, cu cuéi 6 dang hot Khée vei céc edu con lai. Tuc tit trong céu nay khong trye tiép thue hién hanh déng ma git tiie ti coat va dry-cleaned 6 moi quan he bi dong, vi thé dong tu trong trudng hop nay khong phai & dang nguyén mau ma 6 dang qua khié phan tt mang nghia bi dong. Nhém tiép theo ta edn xem xét 18 dong tt chi gide quan. Vi du: | saw Ella opening your letter. Toi thay Ella md thee ctia ban. I heard you ery out. Téi nghe ban la het. Sau dong tir chi gide quan, ta c6 thé ding hién tai phan ti hode déng tir nguyén mu khong to. Néu ngudi noi ching kién (nghe, thay, ...) tron ven mot hank dong nao dé, ta dang dong tt nguyen miu khong to. 0 vi du trén, | heard you ory out nghia la toi nghe ‘tron ven vige ban la hét, Nguoe lai, néu ngudi n6i chi ching kign thong qua mot hanh dong nao dé thi ta ding hign tai phan ti. Cau | saw Ella opening your letter cho ta biét la ngudi néi chi di ngang qua chd Ella va thay cb dy dang mé thu; ngudi n6i chi théy mot phan ciia qué trinh ma thoi. ‘Tren thue 16 thi dng tir chi gide quan edn nhiéu ech dang khéc. Vi du: se: | see a glass halt empty. Tdi thay ly chi con phan ntta nuéc. Tom lai, nguii hoe nét 6 trinh 49 so ep trade hét edn ndm ving ede edu tric co ban, Ti ede edu tric co ban nay, dan dan ngudi hoc sé luyén tép sit dung ngon ng trong eée tinh hudng khée nhau va dién dat cde ¥ khée nhau. ‘Toi day thi chée ede ban da nhan ra rang mun néi t6t ta khong thé chi hoc thude long mot vai cau nao dé ma phai ném ving cdu tric. Ngoai ra, dé ky nang n6i duoc hoan thién, ban can liu y mot s6 diém dudi day. 1. Dai tt ‘Trong ting Anb, ngudi ta phan biét rét 16 ede loai dai ti chi ngudi, chi vat, gidng duc, gidng cdi, Day la diém tuong déi gidng voi tiéng Viet. Tuy nhién, trong tiéng Anh, ngudi ta c6 Khuynh hudng ding nhiéu dai tt hon trong tiéng Viet. Vi du, trong tiéng Viet ta néi: Toi udng tra mdi ngdy vi tra rat tt cho stic khde., nhung trong tiéng Anh ngudi ta thudng néi I have a cup of tea every day because it is good for health. | 2. Cac hinh thai ctia dong tr Dong ti la thanh phan quan trong nhét trong ngon ngd viét eiing nhu ngon ngi noi Ban phai ndm that ving céc thi, hinh thife qua khié va qué khit phan ta, nhét la cia cée dong ti bat quy tée, dé sao cho méi Khi gap tinh hudng la ban e6 thé néi ngay duoc, ing cdn pha suy nghi quai léu. 3. Su hoa hgp gita chi ng va dong tr Khée v6i tiéng Viét, trong tiéng Anh chi ngit va dong te phai hda hgp voi nhau vé sé, ltée 18 chi ngu s6 nhiéu phai di cing dong ti s6 nhiéu, chii ngu s6 it phai di cing dong tus sit. Diéu nay hot khé nhé khi n6i, nhung néu tap dan ban sé thay rat dé. SO, HOW? ‘Néu ban cdm thy minh vn cin chua ving ngit phép, ban c6 thé tim mot cudn séch ngt phap hay nao 46 4é xem lai nhiing diém ngtt phép minh chua ving (LND: nhu cuén English Grammar In Use eiia Raymond Murphy chang han). Khi xem, ban nén dé ¥ sy khéc biét git ting Viet va tiéng Anh. Ban cdn hge thuge long nhing diém nga phép sau day: 1. Ba thé cia dong tir bat quy tée (nguyén miu, qua khtt, qué khtt phan ti) 2, Da to (dai tir lam chi nga, dai ti lam tec td, dai ti s6 hitu, dai tt phan than, tinh ‘tis hitu) 3. Céc hinh thife cia dong tit (6 ede thi khée nhau, thé chi dong hay bj déng, try dong te di kém, ..) Recs | Grammar 19 ecioe 2 Vocabulary 4.3 a 2 Sai im tht hai: Can phai biét hai mui ngan ti’ vung Su that thi hai: Chat quan trong hon lugng O cae nuée néi tiéng Anh, mot nguéi truéng thanh od von tit vung trung binh la duéi 5.000 ti; trong dé, chi edn 3.000 tir a ngudi 46 6 thé thue hign duge 85% cdc cude adi thoai hang ngay. Mot ngudi hoe tiéng Anh euing chi cd ching dé vén ti ma thoi, Quan trong 1a nguéi dé e6 dang duye 3.000 ti nay hay khong. ‘Thé nao la “biét” mot ti? Néw ban biét nghia ciia mot tix nao 46 thi vin chua di. Ban phai biét phat 4m tu dé chinh xdc va diing tir dé dhing eich. Ta cing xét tir point. Ti nay rét quen thude véi ban va duge ding rét nhiéu trong loi in ting noi hang ngay. Néu ban biét nghta etia tik nay la diém, chi, td ... va biét ech phat 4m chinh xée nhung lai khong thé ding né trong cau dé dién dat mot y hoan chinh thi ban chwa that su biét tir nay. Phan chim ciia tang bang tréi é thé, ban dé biét nghia cia rét nhiéu tr tigng Anh, nhung ben edn xem Ls Jai la ban that su ding duge bao nhieu ti tiéng Anh réi. Newt ban i xa cing chi biét 3.000 ti vung, nhung 8.000 tt vung cia ho cue i sau va ring. Ho c6 thé hiéu va diing 3,000 tir nay trong va van tinh hudng khée nhau véi vo van ¥ nghia khde nhau. ‘Tat vung ging nhu mot tang bang tréi, Nhung phén ma ta biét hw nghia, phat am va mét vai cach ding théng thuimg chi la phan “ néi cia téng bang. Phan chim eia tang bang lén hon rét nhiéu, a6 1a v6 86 ede ech dng tinh té khée cia tir dé. ‘Néu ban mé tit dién Anh-Anh (nhur Oxford ching han), ban sé thy mot tw ea ban o6 rét nhiéu tir phai sinh. Vi du tit act, acting active action sents take action activi 3 action ty ee out of ac activist actor actual actress actualy ‘Hau hét ede tir co ban trong tiéng Anh déu e6 mot “dai gia dink” tir phai sinh nhu vay. ‘Tu cang co ban thi cang c6 nhiéu tir phai sinh. 3.000 ti cia ngudi ban xt ma chting ta via néi 6 trén chinh 18 3.000 tit ev ban, khong bao gém ti phdi sinh. Néu tinh Iuén ti phai sinh thi s6 lugng sé lon hon rét nhiéu. Tw vung rat sau sic? ‘Trong phan nay, ching ta sé xét én cd chidu sau va chidu rong cia te vung. 1. Mét sé déng tix quen thudc try “check © share’ nay theo nhting ech dui day khong? May | try it on? Ti 06 thé’ mac tit khong? Please try this dish. Mai chi an thi mon nay. We need to try it out first. Chuing ta can thit nghiém né wrudc da. (need to check if it fits me. Ti can Riém tra xem no vita vdi t6i hong. {Il check with him to make sure. Dé tdi kiém tra lai vdi anh dy cho che ch. Please hold on. | should cheek in first. Xin git may, Toi phdi dang ky truic da 2 May | share your umbrella? Lam on cho t6i che chung dit vdi. You can just share mine. Anh xdi chung vdi t cting duge. | share the room with my sister. Tai od em gai d chung phing. Can you change this 100-dollar bill for me? Lam on déi 16 100 dé-la nay ra tién lé gil ti. He seems to seldom change his clothes. Hinh nhw anh dy it thay doi quén do. Do you know where we should change trains? Anh biét ché ndo chiing t6i chuyén xe lta khong? | don't use a pillow when | sleep. Khi ngui ti khéng nam géi. He is so mean to use force like that. Arh ta thdt ld thd 16 Rhi diing vii luc nluc ody. What's the use of talking? Noi chuyén co ich loi chi du! 2. Tiéng Viet khac tiéng Anh? ‘Ting Viet o6 rét nbiéu te Hén-Viét, ma nhiing tir ndy doi khi khong ¢6 tit tuong ting trong tiéng Anh. Toi dang nghi dén viéc di du hoc. > 'm thinking of studying abroad. Tiéng Anh khéng e6 cum ti du hoc nhu tiéng Viet nén ta phai ding eum ti study abroad (hoe & nude ngoai) 4é thay thé. Toi tién Suyeon ra sén bay. > | took Suyeon to the airport. Ta cling biét see off 1a dua rin ai do, nbung khi n6i sign ai dé ra sdn bay thi ngudi ban xt lai hay néi take A to the airport (dua A ra sén bay), Ngwoc lai, vit ¥ don ai 6 sdn bay thi ngudi bin xt lai ndi meet A at the airport. Are you going to meet me at the airport? Anh sé dén wi é san bay phdi khong? 3. Collocation (két hgp tir) Trong tiéng Vigt, con ché mau den duge goi la ché muc, con ngua den duge goi la ngua 6, méo den thi goi 1a méo mun. Ta khéng thé néi ché mun duge di mun nghfa la muc, D6 la vi trong tiéng Viet, cho phai di véi mye, méo phai di véi mun, v.v. Cae két hop tix nay duge g0i la collocation. Tiéng Anh cing o6 hign tuong tuong tw. Vi du, dé néi ca phé dém, ta khong néi thick coffee hay heavy coffee ma phai néi strong coffee. Bo mét thoi quen xéu khong phai la throw a bad habit ma la break a bad habit. Nhu vay khi néi ta phai diing duing ede két hop tt (collocation) thi ngon ng méi tw nhién va dé hiéu. Khi hoe tt vung, ta khdng thé chi hoe nhimng ti riéng Ie, ma con phai hoe ede két hop ti. Ngoai két hop ti, ta edng nén hoe ede dic ngi (idiom), vi da, in the same boat (ciing cénh ngd) hod ede edu cita miéng (gambit) nhw How are you doing? (Anh khée khang?) Néu xét vé s6 lugng tit thi nguéi néi tiéng Anh gidi 06 khi khong cn nhiéu ti vumg. Nhung cai hay 1a 6 ché ho biét két hop lung ti d6 theo nhiéu each hop It khde nhau. Vi du, ai cing biét tit strong va tit coffee nhung khong phai ai cing biét cum ti strong cotfee 8 chi ca phé dam dac. Ai cing biét Put, on, medicine, wound, nhung khéng phai ai cing néi duge cu put the medicine on the wound (tra thuée lén vét thuong), Nhu vay, mot nguti noi tiéng Anh gidi khong nhét thiét phai diing nhung tw qué kho. Thay vi ding aggravate (trdm trong héa), ban chi cdn néi make it worse; thay vi ding investigate (diéu tra), ban chi cdn néi see into, ... Khi biét nghia cua nhiéu ti kh6, ban Khong nén voi ming ma phai xét lai xem ban e6 thé diing dting nhimng ti dé hay chua va 06 cach nao don gidn hon dé dién dat cing mot y d6 hay khong. Mot diéu ntta ma ede ban cén luu ¥ la: Khi hoc mot ti mi, ban phai diing tit mei d6 thuong xuyén, néu khong né sé “chét’, tc 1a ban sé quén né. Co can hoc thudc long ca cudn t¥ dién khong? Khong. Néu ban cén biét nghia hay cach ding cia mét tir nao dé thi ban nén tra tir dign. Nhung hau hét céc ban sé that bai néu o6 ging nhéi nhét hét tie vung trong ti dién, Cach tot nhét dé nang cao ky ning néi la xem phim va dge sich nhiéu, nhung khdng phai xem phim va doc sach chi dé hiéu noi dung, ma phai dé ¥ va hoe ning két hop ti trong khi xem va doe, Qué trinh nay phai duge thue hién thuing xuyén va lién tue thi mei mang lai cho ban két qua mong muén. HOW? 1, Truong hep ban chua biét nghia dau tien cia cée tt eo ban Trong trutmg hop nay, ban o6 thé diing ede sch tir vg va tép trung hoe mot hodie vai nghia du tién cia tt. 2. Truong hop ban da biét nghia co ban cia khoding 2.000-3.000 tir ‘Trong trudng hop nay, ban nén bat dau mé ring chiéu s4u va nhing eéch sé dung eda cée tit dé. Bing nhiéu céch khée mhau, ban e6 thé tich ldy va lam thanh mot tip ‘te vung cia riéng minh. Ban cing nén ding ti dign loai lin va day chi dé hoc cdéch diing va céc két hop ti cia nhing tema ban da biét. 8, Cn hoe ti vung hang ngay v6i tit vung, vige hoe déu dan va kién tri la dn thiét. Dé nhanh nhé duge mot tie hay mot cum ti, ban cén phai 06 dn tuong dic biet voi ta a6, Dé cb dn tuong, ban Phai nbin tir 46 trong mot ngé cénb, mot edu vi dy chdng han. Néu Khéng 06 én ‘tung date biét, ban 06 thé nhé tit dé bang edch tiép xnic véi tir d6 nhiéu lan, www.nhantrivieticom Starter I Recipe 3 Listening 43 Sai lim thtt ba: 26 Ger ih oe here pr" Néu nghe nhiéu thi sé noi gidi Su that thit ba: Viva nghe vita néi theo thi sé ndi gidi Co ngudi xem ede kénh truyén hinh cia My lién tue trong sudt mot nam nhung noi tigng Anh vdn khong t6t. Dé 1a vi ho thiéu yéu t6 thet hai: néi theo trong khi nghe. Néu chi nghe thu dong thi ban sé nghe tot nhung van khong mo migng ndi duge, Cae ban nén tap théi quen via xem phim hoae chuong trinh minh yeu thich bang tiéng Anh via néi theo léi eda nhan vat nhu thé minh la nhan vat 46, Chée chin sau mot thoi gian, ban sé néi tét hon. Ngoai ra, Ki nang nghe cing rét quan trong vi: Trong mot cube di thoai, phai nghe duge ngudi kia néi gi thi ban méi hiéu va e6 thé dp lai. Néu ban néi rét tot, phat &m va ding cum ti rét chudn nhung ban khong hiéu ngwi kia dang hoi vé diéu gi thi ban cing khong thé tré lot duge. Theo théng ke thi 50% that bai trong giao tigp la do nguoi noi khong hiéu nguii kia dang néi gi dé tré loi cho phu hop. Nhu vay, mun n6i tét tiéng Anh, ban phai luyén tap e nghe va néi cang nhiéu eéng tét. Cé Ié ban sé thée mée: 0 Vigt Nam, chting ta o6 rét it co hoi giao tiép bing tiéng Anh. Vay lam sao dé tap n6i? Cau tra Joi la: Néu ban khong ¢6 hay c6 it co hei giao tiép www.nhantrivietcom true tiép bang tiéng Anh thi ban nén tp nghe héi thoat ting Anh that nhiéu. Ban nén nho rang nghe khéng chi dé hiéu, ma cdn phai dé ¥ va lap lai cde két hop ti. Diéu nay o6 thé phan nao thay thé qué trinh giao tigp truc tiép. Di nhién, ly tuéng nhat van la két hgp day di nghe va nb. __SO, HOW? Chiing t6i tin rding néw ban chm chi tap luyén dving phuong phép thi ki nang néi tiéng Anh céa ban sé tién bo rat nhanh, Bi quyét 4¢ dat duge digu nay 1a ban nén gén viee ‘4p luyén vao sinh hoat hang ngay cla minh. Hang ngay ban xem phim, xem tin tic, tap thé thao, doe bao, vv. thi bay gli ban cing vin lam nhig viée 46 nhung o6 két hop ‘v6i tap luyén néi tiéng Anh. 1. Xem phim anh ‘Thay vi xem phim Viét Nam hay phim thuyét minh tiéng Viét, ban nén chuyén qua xem phim bang tiéng Anh. Hin nay o6 rét nhiéu kénh truyén hinh chiéu phim bang tiéng Anh. Ban nén tan dung cdc kénh nay dé phat trién ki nang néi moi ngay. Ban dimg quén cach xem phim ma chting t0i vita goi ¥ 6 trén nbé, tute la dé ¥ va néi theo Joi nhan vat trong phim khi xem. Lyfe dau ban cé thé nhin phu é@ tiéng Anh. 2, Xem ban tin Ban eting nén thuéng xuyén xem céc bn tin ting Anh trén cdc kénh tiéng Anh trong nuée, hod tét nhat la cde kénh nude ngoai. Laie ddu 06 thé ban sé gap kho khan nhung dan dan chée ch ban s@ nghe duge. 8, Luygn tap tiéng Anh trong khi lam ede cong viée khée ‘Néu khong e6 dui thoi gian, ban c6 thé vita tép thé duc via xem cde game show hay cée chuong trinh s6i déng khéc bing tiéng Anh trén ti-vi. Ban cing eé thé via Idi xe via nghe nhac bing tiéng Anh. 4. Néu ban rat ban ron, chi ¢6 thoi gian 4é hoc lép luyén thi TOEIC thoi? ‘Trong truéng hop nay, diéu tét nhét ban o6 thé lam la tap nghe di nghe lai phan audio cia cde bai tap luyén thi TOEIC ma ban dang hoe, cting dé ¥ cdc két hop ti va lap lai nhw khi xem phim, Tuy ech nay hoi budn t8, nhung day 1a lua chon tét nhit ‘trong hoan cémh cia ban. www.nhant Recioe dtslening 25 Recipe 4 Pronunciation 43 Sai lim thit tu: Chi vi ngudi noi phat 4m khéng chuan nén ngudi nghe khong hiéu dude Su that thi tu: CA phat 4m va su mach lac trong dién dat déu quan trong ‘Trong bat ki ngon ng nao, phat 4m la phan rét quan trong trong khi ndi. Nhin chung, néu ban phat am khong chuén thi ngudi nghe rét khé higu ban muén noi gi. Trong trudng hop phat dm cia ban khong t6t lam, ban e6 thé ding ngit cénh dé gitip nguoi nghe hiéu ban dé hon. Vi du, mét nguéi nude ngoai méi hoc tiéng Viet ndi voi ban: Toi mudn tim hiéu. Ban ¢6 hiéu anh ta néi gi khong? Nhung néu anh ta noi: Téi co nguéi ban tén Hiéu 6 day. Cho t6i gap Hiéu., thi ban biét ngay la anh ta dang tim ngubi ban tén Higu. ‘Ngudi ban xtt khong hiéu ¥ ban néi gi khong phai chi vi ban phat am sai ma cdn vi ban néi mot ti rat ngéin, khong e6 ngd ednh, hoge ban da két hop tt khong duing. Di nbién, phat am chudn van 1a quan trong nbdt va 1a diéu ma méi ngudi he tiéng Anh déu phai o6 ging dat duoc. Starter i C6 nguéi cho rang, muén phat am tiéng Anh tét chi cdn nghe va bat chuée each phat am ciia ngudi ban xt, khong cdn hoe Ji thuyeét dai dong. Diéu nay 6 thé diing vei tré con nhung khong dung véi nguéi lén, vi nguoi lén rat khé cam nhan sx | khée biét eiia am thanh, Dé phat am tiéng Anh tét hon, trude hét ta cén biét su khée nhau chinh xéc gia phat am tiéng Anh va phat am tiéng Viet. 1. Sy khac biét trong cach phat am ciia tiéng Anh va tiéng Viet Vi du te test cia tiéng Anh. Ti nay tuy chi c6 4 chit cai nhumg 4 chu cai nay déu phai duoe doc ro rang. Diéu nay rit khée véi tigng Viet, J Trong tiéng Viet, phu 4m cuéi thuong duoc luge bé khi phat am, va tiéng Viet cing khong cé phy am kép 6 déu cing nhu 6 cuéi. Do dé phu am keép /s-t/ rat khé phat am déi voi ngudi Viét. Thuong ngudi Viet sé bo qua phy &m cusi khi doe tiéng Anh vi nghi ring né khong quan trong, nhung day 1a mot sai lam rit Ion, ‘Tom lai, khi phat 4m tiéng Anh, ban khong dugc bé sot am nao (ngoai tri am cam), nhat la phy am cuéi. 2. Su khac biét vé cdch ndi am gitta tiéng Anh va tiéng Viét ‘Trong tiéng Anh, khi néi, cdc tit duge néi am véi nhau rét nhiéu. Diéu nay lai rét it xy ra trong tiéng Viet. Nguoi Viét thuong phat am timg tiéng rét ro rang nén gap rét nhiéu khé kh’n khi nghe tiéng Anh, Chinh vi dac diém nay ma nguéi Vit thudng noi tiéng Anh theo timg tiéng mot, dan dén thiéu su troi chay. Day cing la mot diém yéu cin sita dé ‘Tom lei, ban nén tép n6i am hi néi tiéng Anh. 3. Su khac biét vé trong am Tiéng Vigt c6 cde Am sic khée nhau nhung khong 06 trong am. Cée tiéng 06 thé lén xudng khée nhau tay theo am sée nhung 6 manh cia ede tiéng 46 tuong adi déu nhau. Nguoe Iai, trong tiéng Anh, néu mét tit o6 hai 4m tiét tré len thi phai e6 mét am tiét duoc nhan manh (goi la trong am), tite 1 duge phat am manh hon cde am tiét con lai. Do su kha biét nay ma nhiéu hoe vién Viét Nam méc di phat am tiéng Anh déu déu, Khong 06 ngi diéu Cac ban hay quan sat hinh déng cia chai coca cola. Phin gan miéng chai dang nhé bing phinh to tgo thanh hinh chi S. Khi n6i tiéng Anh ban cling phai lén giong, xudng giong nhu vay va diéu nay lam nay sinh nbjp diéu. Vi trong tiéng Viet chuing ta o6 khuynh husng phat m manh va r0 rang tét ed ede am nén diéu quan trong ‘khong phai 1 luyén nang cao giong @ nhimg phan can nang cao ma la ha thap siong 6 nhing phén cén he giong. Nguyén téc lén va xudng giong nay duoe dp Recipe 4 Pronuneistion 27 dung cho tat cd cde trudng hop, tt mot tu cho dén mot edu dai, mign la od hai am tiét tré len. Vi du — "Il take sandwich Tiltaksandwick and how about you" RNR RANE Cac ban lu y la trong 4m cia ting ti trong tiéng Ank rét én dinh va chinh xéc. Tuy ahién, déi véi ede edu dai thi vige nhén am hodn toan khéng c6 nguyén tée of dinh vi nd phu thude rét lon vao ¥ nghia biéu cam eta ting tragng hop. Chuing ti tin rang sau hi tép nghe nhiéu, ban sé e6 kha nang nhén 4m rét tét SO, HOW? 1. On Iai that ky eéch phat Am cde nguyén Am va phu am co ban Qué trinh hoc lai ting 4m riéng 18 nay hoi buén t, nhung day li nén téng eo ban dé ban néi tot sau nay. 2. Nho rang phat am la phan thiét yéu cia mot tir Ban nhé ring hoe mot ti tte ld hoc ed nghia, edch phat am, chinh td va eéch ding cia tt 46. Vi tigng Anh khong o6 ede quy tée phat Am nén voi méi tit ban phai chiu Khé tra.céch phat am eda n6. 8. Hay doe to len ‘Doc to gitip ban quen véi cach phat am cia ti va cdm nhén nhip diéu trong tiéng Anh. 4. Ghi 4m ging néi cia minh Néu giong néi cia ban duge ghi am thi ban o6 co hoi nhén xét each phat am cia minh khéch quan hon, do dé ban cé thé edi thign ech phét am cia minh nhanh hon, 28 Recipe 5 Tu duy theo kiéu Anh 43 Sai lam thit nam: Po Phai suy nghi theo kiéu Anh Sy that thi nim: Suy nghi theo kiéu Anh chi a “gia vi”, khong phai Ja mon chinh Phai lam céch mang “tu tuéng” sao? ‘Tiéng Anh va tigng Viét la hai ngén ngt khdée nhau nhung déu 1a cong cu dién dat suy nghi va tinh cam cia con ngudi. Di nhién, néu so véi ede ngén nga chau Au thi tiéng Viet khée ting Anh nhiéu hon. Chung ta thuong duge Khuyén la muén not tigng Anh gidi thi phai o6 gang suy nghi bang tiéng Anh. Su that la chung ta khong suy nghi bang tiéng Anh ma khong qua trung gian tiéng Viet vi chuing ta lin lén vei tiéng Viet. Thue chat loi khuyén d6 ham ¥: hay of ging néi tiéng Anh theo kiéu cla ngudi Anh, diimg néi tiéng Anh theo edch dién dat cia nguoi Vist 30 ‘Vi du, trong tiéng Viet ta néi Mat wi rat gidng mdt me ti, nhumg néu trong tiéng Anh ta ni My eyes are similar to my mother’s thi khong duoc, vi day 1a céch dién dat cia nguéi Viet. Céch néi eda nguéi ban ngit la | have my mother’s eyes. Nhu vay, khi tap noi ban ean dé y su khéc biét gitta céch néi trong tiéng Anh va cach néi trong tiéng Viet dé néi theo kiéu Anh, trénh kiéu Viét. B] Suy cho cing thi su khde biét trong eéch néi phy thuge rét lon vao van dé ti vung. Vi du ban muén noi U,, muy co hoi xa cong ty hing t6i rat thick cd tric ctia cam hé nay, Khi nghe th edi tic ban nghi ngay dén tir structure. Nhung structure khong ding trong trudng hop nay. Cau mic & day phai 1a layout. Layout nghia 1a cach bd’ tri mot vét gi dé, do a6 cd cau sé la: Yes, | like the layout of my apartment. It's a bit far to the company, though. Do 46, céch néi cia ban khdng giéng each néi cia nguéi ban ngit la do khong higu su tinh té cia ta ving va cdch dién dat chinh xée M6t s6 khac biét trong cach dién dat gitta tiéng Viét va tiéng Anh Cé rt nhiéu khée biet gida cach dim dat trong tiéng Viet va ting Anh. Thit nhat la Khde bigt vé thi, thet hai la khée biet vé mao ti va gidi ti, Nhiéu ngudi My hoe tiéng Viet than phién ring ho khong hiéu lam sao ngudi Viet o6 thé phan bist thi nay véi thi Ixia duge, vi thi trong ting Viet Khong r0 rang nu trong tiéng Anh. Cing vay, ngudi ‘Viet noi trén cdy, nhung trong tiéng Anh Ja in the tree, tiéng Viet la rrén bdu trai va tiéng Anh la in the sky. Tiéng Viét cung khong e6 mao ti xée dinh tuong ty nhw the trong tiéng Anh. Muén vugt qua su khae bigt nay khi néi, chuing ta phai mét rét nhiéu thoi gian va nd Ie Dudi day ching ta sé xét mot s6 giti ti trong ting Anh, 1. for For thudng 6 nghia la dé, nhumg ciing 6 nghia la so o6i, cho. Can you believe he's 35? He looks so young for his age. 2. from From thutng 6 nghia la rir (daw dén), nhumg cdng e6 nghia la duca theo (thing tin nao a6), From what he said, ~ From what I've experienced, ~ Storer a 3. over Over thuimg c6 nghia la d orén, nhung cing o6 nghia la trong khi (dn/ubng), nhw trong vi du dudi day. Let's catch up with what happened over lunch. 4. with With thucmg c6 nghfa lé edi, nhung cing ¢6 nghia la of rdng nhu trong vi dy dust day. With the deadline coming up in a few weeks, | feel much pressure. Néu muén dién dat y Néwu khong c6 thi 5. in Gigi ta nay rét quen thude v6i ban, nhung d6i khi ban ding sai do chju anh hudng cia tidng Viet ta ding without. Toi sé dén do sau mét tigng déng hd nita Néu khong khéo ban e6 thé noi l'll be there after an hour. Tuy nhién, eau ding la Vll be there in an hour. 6. away Away thuimg c6 nghia 1a cdch xa, nhung dt nhién céch ding cia né phute tap hon nhiéu. Vi du: Con khéng toi mgt twain nita la dén Gidng sink, Ta c6 thé diing away cho céu nay. ‘Christmas is less than a week away. 7. up Up la trang ta, Néu ban bao ai dé mé cdp xe, ban sé néi Open!. Nhung néu mudn tang tinh biéu cdm, ban sé néi Open upl. Cho va nhan Trong tiéng Viet, khong ai n6i cho mét it suy nghi hay Idy mét it hoi thd cd, nhung trong ting Anh ngudi ta néi Take a deep breath. Tid mét hoi sd. Il give it some thought. Téi sé suy nghi vé vide dé. | got it wrong. Ti hiéu sai véin dé réi. eopes Tay tha biéa Ach 94 I'l take salad and lemonade. Téi diing raw tréin vé mic chan, t'm thinking of taking a swimming course. Ti dink theo khdia hoe Os bai. | got a ticket today on my way to the office. Téi da mua vé khi trén duing dén oan phong. pte eats ester Dong ty sé hitu have va d6ng tir ton tai be Dong tit be ngoai nghia shi, 12 cdn e6 nghla la 6. Con dong tu have ngoai nghia la 6 con dién ta sy tén tai. Theo ngit phap truyén théng thi ta thuong dung have véi nghia la cd néu chi ngit chi nguoi. Vi du: John has no brothers or sisters. Jolin khidng co anh chi em. Tuy nign trén thye té, ngudi ta van diing have cho ehti ngut khéng chi nguot, Ching han: Our team has twelve staff members. Doi chiing tdi cd 12 thanh vién. Chiing ta xét them cde vi dy dusi day: | like the book because it has many pictures. The table has only three legs. How many rooms does your apartment have? Dong tir have edn dupe ding dé dién dat vé con ngudi va ede b6 phan trén than thé con guts. Vi du: Ihave sore eyes. Ihave stuffy nose. She has long hai ‘Tuong tu, dng tir be cang duoc ding theo nhiéu each khéc nhau. Vi du: He works very hard. > He’s a hard worker. | don’t read a lot. -> I'm not much of a reader. | don't ike Harry Portter that much. -* | am not a big fan of Harry Portter. Su khac biét trong cach suy nghi chi 1a gia vi Ching ta da xét qua rét nhiéu su khde biét trong cach dién dat gitta tiéng Anh va tiéng Viet. Va dé ciing chi la nhng Khe bigttiéu biéu, vi trén thye t8 cdn vo s6 nhung khée bigt khde, Gidng nhw gia vi lam cho mén an thém dm da, phong cach dién dat theo kiéu Anh lam ngén ngu néi eda ban them ty nbién va dé hiéu. Di nhién, gia vi khong thé thay thé thie am, eting nw eich dién dat theo kiéw Anh khong phat la thanh phan chinh tqo nén ngon ngué nei. Thanh phan chinh tao nén ngon ngitnéi, nhw 4a néi 6 trén, chinh la sit dung than thao ede tix ev ban. Storer So, HOW? 1. Phai chi ¥ that ky su khée biét gitta cach néi trong tiéng Viet va cach néi trong tiéng Anh hi dgc mot tai ligu bing tiéng Anh, khi xem phim hay khi nghe mot bai d6i thoai bing tiéng Anh, ban phai cé mot su chit ¥ cao do. Ban nén nh ring chi hiéu thoi la khong i, Ban o6 thé hiéu hét mt bai 46i thogi nhung cé thé ban vin khong c6 kha nang ang ohiing cum tir ma ban vita nghe trong bai déi thoai d6 néu khong ¢6 su chi ¥. 2, Luon thu thap nhtng eéch dién dat moi Khi phat hign mot ech dién dat méi, ban dig bé qua ma.nén.oé ging thu thap lai. Céc di ligu do chinh ban thu thép la thit v6 cung qui gia 46i véi ban thén ban. 5 Tue ths tds Anh 39 4-3 Sai lim tht sau: N6i luu loat déng nghia v6i néi nhanh GD ow tat that sau: Noi luu loat 1a dién dat tron ven ¥ minh muén noi ma khong ding qua nhiéu diéu bé thay thé Néi lum loat khong phai 1a n6i nhanh, Nguoi noi Iu loat la ngudi ngit giong (pause) duing ché va khong qua nhiéu. Ngudi not lu loat cang khong ding qua nhigu ci déng tay chan dé dién dat ¥ minh néi. C6 ba nguyén nhén chinh dan dén tinh trang noi tiéng Anh khong uu lodt. Tht nhét 1a nguéi noi qua chu trong dén ngi phép. Néu eit so sai ng phap mdi kin mi migng thi ban khong bao gid noi duge gi, Tot nhét 1a ban ctt néi, roi ti ti sé sika ngw phap sau. ‘Thiet hai la ban thiéu tiz vung va ede két hgp tit (collocation), hode ban biét nhigu ti vung va két hop ti: nhung it diing nén khong phan ting nhanh duge. Py vaww.nhantrivieticom www.nhantrivieticom Nguyén nhan tht ba la ban o6 dién dat that sat mot y tiéng Viét nado 46 trong du bing tiéng Anh, Sé dé hon néu ban dién dat ¥ 46 mét each lin déng, Vi du ban mudn néi Téi chuea xem ki, dao nay 161 ban qud. Binh thuimg thi ban ¢6 tim cho duoe te A? trong tiéng Anh, nhung tim hoai khong ra. Sao ban khong ding nhting tit khée nhw chi sit hae ti mi é thay thé. Ban o6 thé néi: | haven't checked the details. | am so busy these days. Hay tap trung vao y nghia Néu mudn nang cao su lum Jat thi ban khong nén o@ hoan chinh ting chi tiét khi dat, Thay vao 46, ban nén eh trong dén noi dung chink ma ban mun truyén dat, ri dang ede eéch Khe nhau dé dién dat ¥ 6 mot edch linh dng. Néu ban edt bém chat vo ‘ting chit trong dau thi Khong thé nao néi luu Todt duge. Khi cha trong dén noi dung chinh va néi duge lau lodt, o6 thé ban sé mée mot sé 16i ngit phap. Nhung ban ding v6i lo; et tiép tue néi nhu vay va dan dan ban sé dat duge tinh chinh xée vé ngi phap eiing nhu vé each dién dat. Mot khu riing tot hon mot cay don 1é Mve dich cia quyén séch nay 1a gitip ban nei tiéng Anb tréi chay. Dé dat duoe mye tiéu nay, ban khong nén chii trong qué nhiéu vao cach dién dat ting tir riéng 18. Thay vio 46, ban nen chu trong viee dién dat ¥ tung nhiéu hon Ban phai cd gang luyén tap sao cho trong bat ki tinh hudng nao ban déu e6 thé duy tri mach d6i thoai. Vi du, t6i néi chuyén voi anh ban ngudi My Michael. Cau chuyén dién ra nhw sau’ ‘Michael (nfiét tink): Hi. How was your weekend? ‘Toi (vd it ndi): It was okay, | guess. (Guong cuedi réi im lang) ‘Michael (nhi¢t tinh): Did you do anything interesting during the weekend? ‘Toi (von it néi): Nothing much. Just the usual. (Lai gumg cui vd im lang) ‘Michael (nhiét tinh): Like watching TV or sleeping? Toi (vdin it ndi): Right. (Suy nghi tiép xem sé noi gi) ‘Néu Michael khéng quan tam lém téi tdi thi ehde chén cugc d6i thoai sé dimg & day. Toi da khong biét cach lam thé nao dé tiép tue cude néi chuyén. Toi muén néi véi Michael Sao anh dodn duoc nh vdy?, nhung toi khong biét dién dat y d6 thé nao trong tiéng Anh, Néi cach khée, t6i khong duy tri duye mach déi thoai. Neu t6i la mét nguodi néi gidi thi cd thé cude déi thoai sé dién ra nhu sau: Toi (mhiét tink): Hi Michael. How was your weekend?” Michael (khong mdy quan tém): It was okay, | quess. ‘Toi (nhigt tink): Did you do anything interesting during the weekend?” Michael (khong mdy quan tém): Nothing much. Just the usual. ‘Toi (nhiét tink): Me too! | slept in till noon! How about you?” Michael (khéng my quan tém): Haha. So did |. | got up around 10 and had brunch. (Quan tém hon mét chit) ‘Toi (mhiet tink): We have to work too hard on weekdays.” Michael (khong may quan tém): That's right ~ ‘Toi (nhiét tink): tired these days. So you ate out for brunch?” ‘Michael (bt déu quan tém): Yeah. | tried a new restaurant in the neighborhood, ‘Tei (nhiét tink): That's good. Had nice time there?” ‘Michael (bat déu quan tdm): It was disgusting, ‘Toi (nhitt tinh): Oh, no. How come?” Michael (bdt daw s0i ndi): The place was really dirty and unhygienic. There were flies everywhere! | ordered the chicken stir-fry and honestly the chicken meat was this horrible brown color. | had a stomachache the next day and I'm sure it's because | ate at this restaurant. I'm never going near that place again! ‘Toi (nhiét tink): That sounds gross. You should complain to the manager. Michael (bat dau s6i ndi): Of course | already did. (Luic nay mot ding nghigp ben canh got t6i,) Trong doan doi thogi trén, toi da thanh edng trong vige duy tri mach d6i thoat. (1), toi Ja nguéi bét du céu chuygn. Da ngudi kia khong phan ving gt nhung ti van khong bi ude. O (2), toi lai héi thém lén nda, 6 (8), toi 48 cdp dén mot chuyén gi dé ma tot nght Michael sé ding cdm. Va vi khéng thé tiép tuc néi them duge na nén toi hdi How about you?. G (4), t6i noi phu hoa cho (3). O (5), t0i phy hoa thém cho edu néi cia Michael. Liic nay, Michael bat déu quan tam dén cau chuyén va néi nhiéu hon. Toi ndm lay co hoi va hoi ngay vé nhizng diéu ma Michael quan tam. Tom lai, nhing edu héi thm, phu hoa, bay td su déng cm, v.v. chinh 1a bi quyét dé duy tri cude déi thoai. Va ban théy khong, trong bai déi thoai trén, toi dé chu trong nhiéu vao su dién dat ¥ tuéng hom 1a tig chi tiét nhé Opinion 1) It was disgusting, on: 2) The place was really dirty and unhygienic, 3) There were flies everywhere! 4) | ordered the chicken stisfry and honestly the chicken meat was this horrible brown color, 5) |had a stomachache the next day and I'm sure it's because | ate at this restaurant, 6) I'm never going near that place again! Nhu vay, dé duy tri duge mot cuse déi thoai bing ting Anh, ngodi ngon ngw ra thi ban nnén theo mé thie ma chting ti vita trinh bay: Y kién > Ly do -> Phy hoa cho ly do -> Phu hoa cho ly do -» Phu hoa cho ly do ~ Két luan. Recipe 7 Goal 3 Sai lim thit bay: Chiing ta can dich tt tiéng Viet sang tiéng Anh khi néi GM su that tne bay: Ching ta cdn phan chia su suy nghi Muc tiéu truyén dat théng tin Ban hoe tiéng Anh véi muc dich gi? Cé thé la ban muén xin duoc viée lim tét, hoge vi muén thang chite, hode dé i dinh cw nude ngoai ... Nhung di muc dich la gi thi muc dich tdi hau van 1a dé truyén dat thong tin (communication). Tt communication xudt phat ti tiéng La tinh voi nghia gée la chia sé (share), chit hong phai la néi (speak). Nhu vay mue dich nguyén thiiy etia giao tiép la trao déi thong tin bang each sit dung loi nol kim phuong tién. Vi thé, khi giao tiép bing tiéng Anh, ban nén chu trong dién dat ¥, Khong nén o@ dich timg chit tu tiéng Viet sang tiéng Anh, Recipe 7 Goal 37 Tur hd chiu c6 rat nhiéu nghia Vidu, gan day c6 P cam thay rat kho chiu vi moi viée déu khéng sudn sé voi 06. Vay 06 dién dat § Toi cdm thay khé chiu trong tiéng Anh ra sao? Trong ting Viet, cum tir Rho chiu c6 thé c6 nhiéu nghia khéc nhau, tay theo ng canh khée nhau. Ta ¢é thé cém thay kho chiu trong mot cin phong ngdt ngat, cing ¢6 thé kid chiw khi buon bue hose Jo lang. Mot nguti trong 6 vé kid chiu khi anh ta hay cau 6, hoa khi ban gidi thich cén than ma anh ay van khong hiéu, ban 06 thé néi Anh shat la bho chiu qué! Trong ting Anh, cum ti Aho chiu e6 4 each dién dat Khe nhau: It's so stuffy in here. (Khong khi 6 day ngét ngat/kho chiu qud.) He's so frustrating. ( (Anh ta bho chin qua.) Ihave something on my mind./ | feel heavy in my heart. (Toi thay lo lang/kho chiu trong long.) He's so blockheaded. (Ank ta cham hiéu qué.| That bho chiu hi phdi lam adi ank ta.) Vi tir Rho chiu o6 nhiéw nghia nén rat kh6 chuyén chinh xéc va nhanh chéng ti tiéng Viet sang tiéng Anh. Dé tién hon, ta chi cd ding nhiing tt new Khée dé dién dat cing ¥d6, Trong trudng hop cd P thi cd c6 thé néi nhu sau: | am so down these days because nothing seems to work out smoothly. This is not what | expect. Céch néi nhw vay tuy 06 dai nhung ngudi nghe hiéu ngay ¥ ¢6 P mudn noi That ra, do bin ning nén phan Jén ching ta déu muén chuyén déi chinh xée ti edu tiéng Viet (trong déu) sang edu tiéng Anh tuong ting, Nhung diéu nay la khong nén vi 16 rat mat thot gian va o6 khi ban eiing khong dién dat duoc tron ven ¥ cia minh, Ban chi nén nam bat. ¥ chung réi of ding vén ty vung va ng phap minh sén o6 dé dién dat. C6 thé cau ban néi ra rét dai va khong chudn ngw phép lam nhung ban ef néi nhw vay rdi dé dan n6 sé hoan thién Chung ta can biét ring khing ai e6 thé dién dat mét ¥ tuing nao a6 mot céch hon hao chi trong 1 lan néi. Ta edn dién dat ¥ tuémg d6 nhiéu lan, bang nhiéu céch khdc nhau r6i cudi pee cing each dién dat cia ta sé hoan thién. TU viéc luyén tap phat 4m Dén ni lién tuc trong 1 phut Doc doan van © I6p Mgt, ai trong ching ta cing da tap doe thanh tiéng ede bai doe tiéng Viet rat nhiéu. Trong ing Anh (duéi 100 ti). phan nay eda TOEIC, chiing ta sé lam céng viée tuong tu véi ede bai dgc ti Thue ra, vige doc thanh tiéng bang tiéng Anh c6 lién quan rat mat thiét voi viée ndi tiéng Anh. Cé dge lon va ghi am thi ban méi thay duge 16 rang nhing vin dé ban mée phai khi phat am ding thoi cng giip ban ty tin rét nhiéu khi néi Mreview tung thé loai mars, mm SU 3) (‘ead (Tbe) (a8 Io ‘ TY ASSAY Q1,2 Qs Q4-6 QT-9 aio Qu 0-3 diémiedn 0-3 diém 0-3 diémledu 0-3 diémictu 0-5 diém 0-5 diém Chu dé ciia thé loai I 1a gi? screen 1 Man hinh hién thi doan van huéng din Man hinh nay gidi thich v8 cée clu hi cia thé loai I. Theo 46 Questions 1, 2: Read a Text Aloud thi ban 06 45 gidy chuéin bi va 45 eiy doe (cho mbi edu hii) | Directions: In this part of the test, you will read aloud | the text on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to | prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text | aloud. § Ban sé nghe doe phin huing dn ‘va céu Begin preparing now. Good afternoon everybody, and thank you for flying Khi 46 dogn van xudt hién va with West Air. My name is Paula Griggs, and I'm the | ban nghe ting bip - hit dau head flight attendant on today’s aircraft. if you have any —_tinh gity chufin bj. Sau khi hét questions during your flight, please don’t hesitate to | 45 gidy chuan bi, hdp tinh gi ask me or one of the other attendants for assistance, | s@ chuyén thinh Response Tine The pilot is preparing the plane for takeoff, so this is | Va ban nghe eéu Begin reading an excellent opportunity to review the in-flight safety | aloud now. guidelines. Please take the time to study the material stored in front of your seat. Thank you. | | Théo | screen 3 Man hinh hién thj doan van sé 2 Seu Ki hét thd gian doe dink cho doan sé 1, man hinh ty dng If you're ever in the mood for tasty Italian food, then | chuyén sang dogn sé 2. Cing you should head down to Maria's, the new restaurant | giéng nhu dogn sf 1, thi gian down on the waterfront. Having only opened for | chuén bj doen sé 2 cing la business last month, we have quickly established | 45 giay va thti gian doc cing ourselves as one of the most popular family restaurants | la 45 giiy in the area. With our amazing range of delicious dishes, wonderful atmosphere and surprisingly affordable prices, you'll never went to eat anywhere else, We | also have a special children’s menu which your little | ‘ones will just love! Call us now at 354-9082 to make a | reservation | See 00:00:45 Doc thé nao 1a tét? Chiing ta cing phan tich cdc Scoring _ tiéu chi danh gia. ‘Tiéu chi Trong thé loai I, ¢6 2 doan van, moi doan dai khoang 100 tit (4-5 dong), méi doan 6 diém 86 toi dala 8 diém ‘Tieu chi dnb gid la: “Truyén dat duoc noi dung doan van dén voi nguai ban xi thong qua phat am, nga digu vv trong am chinh xac.” V6i tie eh may thi ede ban rat khé ty nhan xét kha nang doc cia minh. Bay gid cde ban nghe doan ghi am duéi day va chit ¥ each dénh gi phia dui. High-Level Dudi day la cach doc chuan (diém téi da). Response 6 If you're ever [in the mood] for [tasty Italian food] 7, then you [should head down. to] Maria's 7, the new restaurant [down on the waterfront]. // Having only opened nth 7, we have quickly established ourselves as (one of the iy re: nts] [in the areal. // With our [amazing range of delicious dishes] 7, wonderful atmosphere] / and [surprisingly affordable prices} —, you'll never want to eat anywhere else. // We also have a [special children’s menu] — which your little ones will just love! // [Call us now] at 354-9082 [to make a reservationl. // (1: ¥ nghia gom lgi thinh mt cum ti, phat am liga tye nhy cig mot tir 7,1 dhi § dé khing phét Am véi dm digu ging nhu két thie AY phat am vi dm digu ket thie » A&G: nhién manh ABC : chi céch phét &m Nhiing dang cau hdi nao thudng xuat hién trong bai thi TOEIC thu t&? : ‘Tom tat so luge Summary ‘Noi dung thuimg gap nhat trong phan nay la doe mét méu quéng edo sin phém The lai 1 SE (advertisement) va thong bdo hung din 6 noi nao dé (announcement), ¢6 khi cing doc mot chuong trinh phst thanh hay tin nhén ghi am. D6 dai va n6i dung eta cae doan nay rat gidng ede doan trong Part 4 cla TOEIC téng quat. Do d6 sé rat c6 loi néu cde ban ty tap doc I6n ede doan trong Part 4 cia TOEIC ting quat. © Chit dé cia Dust day la cic chi dé duye ra trong ede ky thi nim 2007: bai doe Quing céo Khai trang eda hieu | - Quing céo vin phing phim ‘Hudng din tham quan [Luin in Hung din 6 rap hat ~ Quing co cho thu® ea 6, boi tring Hing din 6 th vign ~ Hung din trén may bay on ie oe ~ Hudng din 6 khéch san [ ~ Théng bo trong cng ty — Tin shin hidm fj ~ Gitithiu khich mii . [- Huing din nu an ~ Git thigu chum tric méi 4 cic oF quan, ‘Tin nin dign thsi [ cng ty, tring hoe, ‘wwrw.nhantriviet.corn ose ting 6 ai 47 ‘Tra loi cau hoi cing ngudi ddu bép nhiét tinh Bi quyét doc tét Biqyé1:Doc to trong thdi gian chuan bi ‘Trong 45 gidy chudn bi, ban khéng nén chi doc thdm doan van duoc cho: hay doc to doan van, Diéu thuén loi la thoi gian chudn bi va théi gian tra li bing nhau (45 giay), Sau Xkhi doe thi, néu van edn thoi gian, ban nén lap lai phan ma ban thay chua tu tin hode e6 vn dé, Tuy viée ngét giong tiy thude rat nhiéu vao ttmg nguoi nhung ban nén luu ¥ nhing diém chinh sau day: 1. Danh tir riéng Khi doc danh tir riéng, giong digu phai khéc khi doc nhting danh tix thudng. Ban cén xde dinh di tung ma danh tit riéng d6 dé cap trude khi doc n6. If you're ever in the mood for tasty Italian food, then you should head down to Mari the new restaurant down on the waterfront. Tina hing 2. Ligt ke Phan liét ké thudg c6 it nhat 3 yéu té. Thuimg thi ta sé doc A 7 B 7 va CS. Tuy nhién néu cau chua két thiic C thi ban khéng nén xuéng giong hoan toan & C. With our amazing range of delicious dishes 7, wonderful atmosphere / and surprisingly affordable prices --, you'll never want to eat anywhere else. 3. Ki hiéu va cha sé Call us now at 555-9082Ifive five five nine ou eight two] to make @ reservation 4, Déi voi nhimg phan ban khong biét r6 noi ngit giong Ban khong nén ngét giong xen gitia mot cum tit dién dat mot ¥ hoan chinh, Ban cing . khong nén ngét giong xen gida mot chil ngut dai, trong d6 ¢6 mgt danh tix duge bé nghia bang mot menh a quan he. Someone [who enjoys wearing the latest fashions] / will just love this place! // cage eae eet Cae Vint 6 www.nhantrivi Bi quyét 2: Bi quyét 3: Bi quyét 4: Bi quyét 5: Hay nhap vai vao ngudi doc doan van ‘Trude khi doc, ban edn phai biét qua noi dung va muc dich eta bai doe 46. Dac biét, ban phai dé ¥ xem ngudi doc doan dé trong thue té lé ai va dat minh vao hoan ednh eda ngudi dé trong thue té dé 06 géng déng vai ngudi 46, Nha vay giong doc cia ban s8 sinh ong hon rét nhiéu. Khi doc sai, ban nén stta sai ngay Ngay ca trong tiéng Viet chiing ta cing o6 hie doc vap hodec doe sai. Vi thé, ban khong nnén boi réi khi dai 16 dge sai mot ti nao 46. Ban phai binh tinh va doe siza sai ngay lap te Nguyén tac co ban nhat trong khi doc van 1a ae a xuong giong 6 cudi cau (dau cham) va ngat giong ngan 6 dau phay That ra, doc mét doan van véi giong diéu tr nhién la mot diu rat khd, Tuy vay, ede ban khong nén qué lo lang vi muc tiéu eda ching ta khong phai la doc ging nhuw ngudi ban mi, ma nguodi ban xt thi cing e6 nhing cdch doc rat khée nhau. Diéu quan trong la ban git duge cde nguyén tac cv ban, tite ld xudng giong & cudi céu (du chém) va ngat giong ngén 6 dau phdy. Diéu nay nghe o6 vé don gidn, nhung kinh nghiém cho thay néu ban so ¥ mot chit la lam sai ngay. ‘Tam ogg lid thé, ding xadg giong. If you're ever in the mood for tasty Italian fo then you should head down to Maria's yhe new restaurant down on the waterfroy Tem ging i hd, dng rong ging ling ging Khong nhat thiét phdi doc nhanh Ban dimg nén doc mét eéch voi vang. That ra, 45 gidy la khodng thoi gian di dai dé ban doc xong 4-5 dong mét cach cén than, Vige phat am 76 rang quan trong hon vige Just qua nhanb nhing phan minh khéng biét. Di nhién, doc ro rang khong e6 nghia 1a gc timg chi. Phai dge sao cho vita ré rang via tao mét nhip diéu ty nhién va lén xuéng sgiong diing chi, The lost 50 | 5 ot! Are you looking to get into shape? / Well, there's good news. Wellness [Gymis finally opening a branch right here in/New Trenton), Wellness Gym is one of the most popular fitness chains in the word, and let me tell you why. Our facilities offer the perfect mix of weight and fitness machines—, exercise classes,”, and professional staff to assist you with your workout routine... But don't take my word for it. Stop by our new location in New Trenton anytime ‘this month and receive a three-month trial membership, absolutely free! Chudn bj OMS gidy © Néim duge ngubi doe (trén thye t8) va thé logi bai doe thing qua dogn dé ten Day 1a dogn quing efo, cn due dge vei giong ty tin, sinh déng. © Hidu § nghia va doc dén cufi bai oan quing edo ny néi vé wu diém eda efe dich vy vA trang thiet bi # mot phong tp thé dye mei khai trumg. Ban khing nén ngit giong xen gida cum ti 06 § hon chinh. © Tip trang vao tim diém cia vén 1 7 eh § long digu trong phn ligt ké va trong cu nghi vn © []+ eh ptm chin xe gym, dan tiring New Trenton va ft absolutely < Nhs trong am: dge phn so sn tuyét abi bling giong nhdn de bigt ‘Tra loi OOMS giay Ban khéng clin phai voi ving. Hay doc véi t6e 46 vite phai va of ging thé hién sinh ng nhu thé ban dang la ngvbi quing edo that sy cho phing tp 6, @ Bap an cia TOMATO ‘Are you looking to [get into shapel? “Well there's good news. // Wellness Gym i finaly opening @ branch right here in New Trenton. // Wellness Gym is lone of the most ina] fin the ‘wera, and let me tell you why]. /] Our facilities offer [the perfect mix of weight and fitness machines}, ‘exercise classes /, and {professional staff to assist youl [with your workout routine!N,.// But don't ‘ake my word for it. /! Stop by our new location in New Trenton fanytime this month] and receive [a ‘three-month trial membership], labsoltely free]! // Bai 2 : Sie Questions \'m|[Angela Connelly]“, your head flight attendant. | want you to know that Our state-of-the-art aircraft is designed with your comfort in mind If you require a pillow. blanket’, or any other items —, please let one of ‘our flight attendants know by pressing the|button|located above your seat). Thank you for flying Comfort Airlines, and enjoy the flight. Chudn bi COMS gidy ‘© Nam duge ngubi doe (tén thy t) va thé lop bai dpe thong qua doan A tin Day la doan phat thanh hung din trém may bay trufe Khi ot edn nén edn duge oe chim ri, 16 ring. Ty due viét hoa Confort Aifines la tén oa hang hing khing. (© Hida ¥ nghia va doe én cut bai Wi diy i dogn phat thanh hung din trén mAy bay nén ben ekn bit ton ele thing hing khing, noi én, ni dung hung dn. © Tép trung vao tam diém oia vin dé © Boe chit sf fine ou nine) hoge [nine zero nine] 7 chi § giong digu kh doe ligt ke @ [_}: cha § céch phat am danh tit riéng va céch phat am eée tit button, seat (eo di Tra loi OOMS gity Ban hay doc dogn phét thanh huéng dn trén may bay nay abu thé minh la mot than vién eda phi hinh doin. @ ‘Dap an ciia TOMATO Attention, passengers. ff Welcome aboard [Comfort pr v , 0.1 if Fm Angela Conhely//, your head fight attendant: //-({ want you to:know] that {our state-of-the- : 2r arcattlis designed with your comfort in mind: // Ifyou require pilow 7, blanket 7, or any other a items pleas tone ot cur fight tenants now by resin abate ated above your Pe ‘seat. // [Thank you for flying Comfort Airlines|, and enjoy the flight: // Questi oe A, 2; Rock Radio is proud to present an hourlong interview with [Collin Taylor|/”. world-famous singer and songwriter The interview will be broadcast live on Rock Radio, [98.7] on March 18th at 7PM We'll discuss the music industry“, Mr. Taylor's early career 7, and his latest album.\, After the interview. Mr. Taylor will be answering|questions| from listeners who call in. You|won't|want to miss this one. 7 P.M., March 18th, on Rock Radio. Chun bj SOMS giay © Nim duge ngubi doc (trén thu té) va thé logt bai doc thing qua dogn dau tién iy 1b doan-quing céo chung tinh trén raid, © Hiu nghia va doc dn uti bai Bai doe néi vé nhin vt 58 xuft ign trong chug trinh radi sf ti va ngi dung cote chug trinh 6, Ban phli ndm bit duge nfi dung thi méi 6 thé dia chin hi thd va giong du mot eich thfch hyp. © Tap trung vao tim diém cia vn €8 © Bae chit si: tin s6 frinety eight point seven] 7: cht § giong digu Khi doc ligt ke @[]: cha cfc phat am danh ti rigng va céch phét am ce tit questions, won't ‘Trd 1di OOMS gidy Ban hay doe doan quing eéo chug trinh nay nhu thé minh 1a mgt ngubi din cchuong trinh trén radi viy. e ‘ap én cia TOMATO Mesa (@s Rock Satie cistttn-orecent am ae interview) with bel Ta son [world-famous singer and this one! 7/7 PM, March #8, on Flock Rado. nai ia Questions 1,2 wwwrnhantrivietccom ‘a I Hello. Thank you for calling [Larson’s|Computer Repair Center. We are currently closed. Our[opening]hours are from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M every day except on national holidays If you have an urgent[inquirylabout our services. please leave your name,, number“ and a short message after the beep. \. One of our customer representatives will get back to you promptly in the morning For all other website at[ww Thank you please call back during business hours 7 or check our Chuan bi OOMS giay © Naim due ngubi doe (tr thu t8) va thé lai bai dge thong qua dogn déu tién iy 1a tin in tr Io ty dng cd trung tm sacha my vi tink, Néa gi dén met ccéng ty hay mot ngan hang ngoai gid lam vige, ban sé nghe tin nhin ty dong nhw vay. © Higu § nghia va doe dén eudi bai ‘éi vi tin nbn td loi ty dng, ban en ném nhitng diém nhut Ii chdo cia céng ty, ‘hii gian mé ot, hung din vé efe dich vu . © Tap trung vio tm diém ola vin dé [chs § cfch phat am danb tit riéng va céch phat am ede tir opening, inquiry, queries 2 7: ea § giong du Khi ge ligt ké va miu efu A oF B <® Boe dia chi trang web: du chm dge Ia dot Tra 161 OOMS gidy Ban hay dgc doan tin nn tri loi ty ddng nay ging nbu eich ma ban thing nghe G cde cing ty. @ ap An cila TOMATO Hello. Thank you for cain Larson's Computer Reral Center:// Wo ere aurentylosedl. // Our ‘pening hours ere fom 8/A.M. to SPM, levery:day except-on national holidays). // If you have an urgent inquiry about our services, pease eave your nam /, number? and a short message ater the beep. \, ‘1H {One of our customer representatives) will get back to you promptly in the morning. // For all ther ‘Queries! please call back! Iduring business hours} “or {check our website} lat wwwlarsonrepairs.coml. // ‘Thank you. // 00! Solioeséine 50 Thé eg ° C Hay tp trung luyén tap nhimg cdch dién dat thudng gap trong mdi bai doc \ Z ‘ iC@r wea.s i’ Pattern ' Fae Cnater) teu chi 46 dah gis nang Iye doc la phat am, nhain trong ém va ng dibu. Didu gp ban phan nao dat duge nhing tiéu chi nay chinh la mite 49 quen thnde véi ee méu eft thuong ding trong mbi thé lai. Bing eich nghe lai nhiéu Kn, ban s® quen vi nhimg mu cau nay. Thing bao, huing din, Thanks for coming to ~ ign thuyét [B, » Thanks for coming to the annual awards ceremony. our gallery exhibit. the 7” anniversary of GE Enterprise. We're so ~ to ~ BB), wore so pleased to introduce our final speaker. proud open a branch in New York. happy announce a pay raise. Be sure to ~ B) be sureto complete every section on the form. be back here by 2:30 PM. stick around for the Q&A session. 5 We will soon be doing ~ Bs) We wit soon be landing at Narita airport. arriving at the final stop. opening our new store. Thé loci | We're offering ~ percent off! B We're offering up to 20 percent off! more than 50 from 20 to 30 We’re open ~ Bs were oven 7 days a week till 8:00 PM. from Monday to Friday till 6 RM. from Sunday to Friday. If you want to request ~, please call us. Bs i: youwant to request a replacement product, please call us. a refund a quote Hot Trainiog Recios 55 For more information, ~ ":) For more information, visit our website. pick up our brochure. call our retail store. Noi dung phat thanh We'll have ~ coming up after this short break. B), weave 07. Gonzales coming up after this short break more caller responses a popular Jazz band Stay tuned to this channel for ~ BB stay tuned to this channel for traffic updates. weather reports. the quiz show. Traffic is now ~ B, Traffic is now flowing steadily. gridlocked. heavy. Tin ohin shi am trong You’ve reached ~ Migathost IB, Helio, you've reached Richmond Investment. the sales division of Field Company. Pioneer Electronics. If you wish to speak to an operator, please ~ BE: tr you wish to speak to an operator, please remain on the line. press 1. dial 0. Please leave ~ after the tone. Bs; Pieess leave your name and a contact number after the tone. a short message your personal details I'm calling about ~ Bs) im cating about your message. the job advertisement. the apartment you are renting. ciia tig sé thich hop. | - c Nghe va tim tir tuong ing trong s6 ede tir cho sn dé dién vao ché trong if p M34 [vung trong bai dpe 6 nf dung ni destrian @entrepreneur @souvenir @attire @ itinerar thing béo, hing din, dén thuyét] © PECestrian ® entrepreneur © @ ® ry (TU wing trong bai dge 6 ngi dung quing éo © @ amenities ® guarantee @complimentary @patron @ refurbishment ich vy, sin phém] 8 (Tu wing trong bai doe 6 ngi dung phét thanb) 1* Ly @ io or 4* a. @stay tuned @chef @ excerpt @ technical problem @ detour (Tir vumg trong bai dge 06 ‘ni dung li tin nn ghi am @ extension @ conveniently @interrupt @ access @ office hours ‘rong dign thoai] Hot Training Recipe 60 2 1 30 Hay doe thanb ting nhimg tix duéi day. 21, Sam Walters 22. North Boulevard 23. Halstead Electronics 24. Athens 25. 2008 26. 27. 855-7700 28. 63* floor 29. booth 102 30. 25% off Hay doc cdc cau sau day va biéu thi ngu dieu (7 \,) cho nhiimg phan - duye in dam. 31. Rock Radio is proud to present an hourlong interview with Collin Taylor, world-famous singer and songwriter. 32. The next speaker will be Marshal Jenkins, the vice president of the company. 33, Are you someone who enjoys wearing the latest fashions? 34, We have it all, from summer dresses, to men’s casual wear, to the latest beach attire. 35. Drop in at lunchtime for special Vietnamese dishes, fresh summer rolls, and spicy soups. Dap din p21. Son(sen) Wotravtor] 22; North {nc BouleverdTb Gt )tavird) = 23. Halstead [halstéd) Electronits[iléktriniks} 24. Athens{@#inz} — 25. two thousand eight 26. double u'double-u:double u er funstyle[fanstail] dot{dat} corn kom): 3 27. five five five seven seven'zero zero. -. 28: sixty third floor 28. boothfb:0] ons hundkod two 30, wenty Sve porcont oft : 31. Rock Rado is proud to pfesent an hourlong intorvow with’Colin Taylor, “ wodkdfamous singer ‘Nghe va dién vao ché tring nhing tit thich hop, déng thai viet @ - noi dung trong tam va thé loai cia bai doc vao duéi mai bai. MPS6 *@* 36. Why don't you treat yourself to a holiday at the Hotel Carlton in Bermuda? For just ©________ per person, you can fly to sunny Bermuda and enjoy a wonderful Snnight stay. The Hotel Carlton is a@___ resort with great facilities including "be! | (EEE a swimming pool, a gymnasium, a business center and an 18-hole 6. course. This promotion is only available for a limited time, so you'd better reserve your place today! The number to call is @. © The loai cia bai doe: _ © Noi dung trong tam: (© 37. Attention shoppers. Please note that Fresh Greens will be closing in fifteen minutes. While you finish up your shopping, @ make the most of the special closing time promotions around the supermarket. In particular, large discounts are available on all @__ goods, @_______ products, and fresh fruit and vegetables. However, please make sure that you finish shopping and get to the checkout area before 10:00 PM., as this is when we will be shutting our doors and turning off our cash @__ Thank you, om © Noi dung trong tim; Toai cia iit doe: Coming up after the break we'll have our weekly business @- Sieeeaneaaead In this week's edition, we'll be interviewing Cameron Gibbons. Cameron is an international expert on management, human resources and communication. He's in the city at the moment as part of his nationwide tour and he will lead @_ ene — seminars for local @___ over the next few days. We're very lucky that Cameron has taken time out of his busy schedule to chat with us today. Stay tuned to listen to what he has to share! @ Thé logi cia bai doe SBT cg pe in, SSL SE a SE aE Dap an ch bg hla vient ‘Kkhfch san Carlton ¢ Bermude 37. @ fel roo to @ baked © meat @ registers © Des thing Me, ag dn @ Thing in kp a gi ig cin sida thi 38. © news bulletin @ a s ies of © executives @ Bran phat thanh radio @ Gioithigu nbn vit 9 mult hign ‘trong chung trinh radi 36. @ $1000 © 5-star © golf © 887-7764 © Bagn vin qung eto © www. ahantriviexcom ES Thé loail *, @ Mini Test Bay gid dén luot ban! Hay ndi that tu tin nhé! ee Mini Test 1@ ‘Th lg 1 Directions: In this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud. |The Eagleton Hotel is proud to announce the completion of its new Convention Center. With advanced audio-visual equipment, dining facilities, and plenty of | _space, its the perfect location for any corporate event. To reserve the Eagleton Hotel Convention Center, simply call one of our friendly customer service agents at 1-800-555-0035. You can also arrange a tour of the facilities with the center manager, Lisa Cambell. Call today! 00:00:45 Welcome to the Alto Motors factory tour. My name is Jimmy Saunders, and Ill be showing you around the facility today. On the tour, you'll learn all about how ‘our award-winning automobiles are manufactured. We'll begin here in the design department, where skilled technicians come up with all the design specifications for our vehicles. || lead you through the department, and then we'll actually have the opportunity to speak with one of the technicians that works here. oo ese tions: In this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud. Attention, passengers. We'll be landing in Los Angeles in about 20 minutes. Please put all bags in the overhead compartments, under the seat in front of you, or give them to a flight attendant for safe storage. I'll be coming around to take any trash or other items you no longer need. If you need information on 2 connecting flight, please see our agent at the gate in Los Angeles. On behalf of myself and the rest of the crew, thank you for flying Tyson Air, and have a great day, We here at WXLY radio station apologize for the interruption to the program Dana White's News Hour. We seem to be having a problem with the transmitter at our local broadcast station. Our repair technicians are already on the job, and I'm sure they'll have the problem fixed in no time. As soon as they do, we'll continue with more of your favorite news programming on Dana White's News Hour. Please stay with us. Ban cé biét anh Michael Sia Sone? Ten trong tiéng Anh rat phie tap, do dé d0i hic nguoi Vigt ining ta khong biét phat am thé nao cho duing, Dac biet, MV a noi o6 rat nhiéu dan nhap cw 4én ti khép noi trén thé gidi nén ten cia ngudi My cung vo cing da dang. Van dé edn phite tap hon vi ede made noi tiéng Anh, nhing tén riéng nay duoe phat / ity 4m rat khéc so voi cach phat 4m eiia ngén ngit abe ‘Trong eae cude dim thoai thuc t8, ban ding ngai hdi edch phat am nhimg tén la. Day la mot digu binh thuomg ma ai cing ein phai lam. Néu ban gap nhiing tén la trong bai thi thi ban ett e6 ging phat am r@ rang nhat c6 thé. Di nhién, t6t nhat van la biét duge edch phat am chin xée nhing tén rieng thuong gap. Dudi day la rot s6 tn rt phi bién 6 Mg bitn nay *@ [Most Common Girl's Names] [Most Common Boy's Nomes] 3.9» Emily [émali] » Ethan [ian] » Emma[éma} » Jacob[dséikeb] » Hannah [héna} Joshua [dsafua] Madison [médasan] - Michoel [méikal] » Olivia [oulivia] Alexander [&ligzéndar] Groce [greis} > Daniel {dénjal] » Elizabeth [ilizaba6} Andrew [éndru:] Abigail [@bageil] » Tyler[tailar] Samontha [somén09] » Matthews tmé6ju:] Alexis aléksis} » Benjomin[béndgamin] www.nhantrivietcom Natng vi thing gp tag bith TOEIC tage tf 6? Thé loai II Miéu ta anh Ban c6 bao gi¢ thit mé t4 mot bite anh chua? Néu ban m6 td tt thi nguai nghe cé thé hinh dung ra buic anh rat dé dang mac du khong nhin thay bie anh dd, ‘Trong phan nay, ede ban sé luyén tap ki nang mé ta anh. PTeVIEW tung thé loai ee ane / Ve aa \ Taélogi—_(Thé los (‘To8 lai) (‘Th lai) (‘Th lei mr \m/ v/\Wy a3 ane aio an 0-8 didmiein 0-9 dim 0-9 difmedu 0-8 difmetn 5 dim 0-5 did Chi dé ctia thé loai II 1a gi? screen 1 Man hinh hién thj doan van hudng din TOE Speskg ° AGREE Man binh nay wid thich ve fe | hi ca thé loi IL. Bay 1a cu hai Question 3: Describe a Picture ‘yeu clu ban migu ta that chi tigt bie én cho sin trén man hinh, Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe the Thai giam chun bi 1a 30 giy vit | | Picture on your screen in as much detail as you can. You thi giant bi rt I 45 gy will have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to speak about the picture IA GisSE soe suse su esuee au sueesauesuesasuesueseeesueEy) 70 VY Screen 2 Man hinh chudn bj miéu ta bie anh GF Ki nghe Begin preparing now kom theo tigng bip thi thai gian chun bi bit déu duge tinh (30 giay) Khi ciu Begin speaking now vang lén thi ng hé trong hip RESPONSE TIME bit du tinh ait Khi nghe tiéng bip thi ban phai bit ddu n6i ngay. Khi hét 45 gidy, man hinh sé ty chuyén sang céu hai loai TIL. » Thé nao la miéu ta t6t mot bifc anh? Cc tiéu chi dénh gid Scoring 6 Tigu chi Chi c6 mot céu héi miu td anh va diém t6i da la 3. Anh trong phén nay rét ging anh trong Part 1 cia TOEIC cg ban. Vige danh gid dua trén cdc tiéu chi nh “sir dung tit ngit thich hop, du tric hop li va da dang, ¢6 kha nang migu ta timg chi tigt nhé mot each chinh xa”. Di nhién, da ban n6i tét nhung néu n6i dung ban miéu ta Khong lién quan én bite nh duge cho thi ban cing khong 06 diém. Trong 45 giay, ban nén néi it nbét 1a 5 cau, va 5 edu nay cn dye lien két chat che v6i nhau dé trénh cam gide at ngot cho ngubi nghe. 6 High-Level Response Dusi day la bai miéu td mau (iém t6i da). @p (1) We can see a family is hai a picnic in the park. ups_10 (2) The grandparents a/@'prOBZAIRE the food for everyone else. The grandfather is in charge of the barbecue, so he's weafifig an apron and holding the barbecue tools. (3) Um ... The rest of the family is sitting around the picnic table talking afd diinking, (4) They Ze al'sthiliig @Agihaving a good time. (5) Ah ... It'S a nice sunny day. And the weather l60ks perfect for this kind of family gathering. > ABC: tikhia > AC: diém vin pham > ‘Tinh nbd qui: [iu 1] mig t tng thé bie nh — [eu 2, 2, 4] miu t ey thé vé 4 tuong — {elu 5) elm nhdn cia bin thin, Nhiing loai anh nao thudng xuat hién trong bai thi TOEIC? Tom tat sé lige : ce Summary Chit dé eiia ede bute anh rat da dang nén ching toi khéng thé tom tét that gon duo. Diém chung cia ede buic anh nay la déu lay con ngudi hoae phong cénh lam trong tam. Dui day 1a mot s6 loai anh thuong gap. {Anh lay con ngudi lam trong tam] 14) Anh oé mgt ngubi lam trong tim 1-2) An 6 niu nga im trong tam Thi ei 1 Anh nay tring dm gin shung rt kh miu Voi ak loa nay, ngo vge miu td bai inh, Ban phil mi thi tt vé cd bi cin vb tan cin mé t8 inh ding eating ng on ng [Anh lay phong cdnh lam trong tam] 2-1) Anh chi e6 phong enh 22) Anh tin enh: con ngui visu vit DE miu tate dn dang my, ban phi chia dn ra Dé me td tt inh dang nay, ban cing phi chia 2am hia phn: ni eh, tién cénh, hi enh, anh ra thinh tng phan: con ng, sv ben tr, bén pha. Do 46 ban rt edn ki ning hong edn, noi chin rigu tv Dy cing 18 login thuing gp nba www.ahantri Lf A Tra loi cau hoi cing ngudi diu bép nhiét tinh Bi quyét miéu ta Biquyéti: Liét ké ra gidy it nh&t 5 t¥ kh6a trong thdi gian chuan bi Thoi gian chudn bj la 30 gidy, trong Khi thot gian thi la 45 gidy. Do 46, ban khong thé tap néi hodn chinh truge khi dupe ghi am trong phén thi. Vi thé, trong 30 gidy quy baw nay, ban nén e6 suy nghi ra Khodng 5 tir trong tam lién quan dén bie hinh, Nhung tir yy 8 giip ban trénh dimg lai suy nghi qué lau trong 45 giay thi | sit around the table + grandparents prepare the | food / barbecue have a picnic / have a good time Biqyét2: Miéu ta téng quat lan chi tiét ting phan ctia bite anh Dé giip nguoi nghe 48 dang hinh dung ra bie anh, ban khong nén m0 ta so luge mbi phén cia bie anh réi lai quay tré Iai, Thay vao 46, ban nén miéu té hoan chinh mot phan, ed tong quét va chi tiét, rdi mot chuy % Bi quyét 3: CO. gang théng thao cdc buGc miéu ta ting thé loai anh 5 tir khda ma chuing toi 48 nghi é trén e6 thé gidp ban khong bi gidn doan khi miéu ta. Tuy nbién, dé miéu ta tét hon, ban eung cn ném vimg cdc bude miéu ta mot bute anh. (Céu mé du) miu té ni chin hoge db tuyng trung tam ‘The picture shows a business meeting with four people INGi dung chink ©] néu dé; twong trung tam via migu ta chi tdt vé Abi tung do There are two men wearing suits. One man has a laptop, and it looks like he's showing some information to the other people. Next to the men are two wornen, and one has some paper and a pen in front of her. {Noi dung chinh ©] migu t& doi tuyng phy Behind the men, | can see windows and an indoor plant. (Két thie) néu suy nghi cd nhdn hoge binh lug vé béu khéng Kh chung | think they are concentrating hard and talking about some issues, Biqyé 4: Ban nén stt dung nhiéu loai cau khi miéu ta Néu ban chi str dung edu dom trong qua trinh miéu ta, ban s8 bi dnh gid la nghéo nan vé céu tric, (Bogn niu tel dung eau don} (Doan miéu t8 si There is a man. He is wearing a There are two men wearing suits black suit. And he has a laptop. Next One man has a laptop, and it looks to him | can also see another male. like he’s showing some information to He is holding a pen. There are also the other people. Next to the men are two women. One of them has some — two women, and one has some paper Paper and @ pen in front of her. and a pen in front of her, Bai hoc thuc té trén gidy | Chudn bj 00:30 gidy © Xéc din phung thie mig ta ‘rong be dah ny, di tog tung tr 8 agit bit Vi vy, ban nn miéu td hin dng va trang thi cia agi nay tre, sn 6 mint fea vt Khe. @ Nghi ra ede tit hoe cum tif trong tam e.g] family, preparing for a meal, standing around the table, cutting the turkey, smiling, looking at glasses of wine, various dishes, brick wall ‘Tra 1di OOMS gidy (© N6i khdi quit v8 bie an ‘Phin Khai quit nay 6 thé la vé noi chén hoje béi cin, chung ofa bie anh, Béi enh chung oda bie nh nay Ia mgt ia dinh dang sta soan bua dn trong phing in. Vi bi cénh 16 ring, ban sé mé td ting nbn vit dé dang hon. This is a picture of a family preparing for a meal ina dining room. It looks like a picture of a happy family gathering for a holiday dinner. © Miu td oy thé ede nhin vat trung tim ‘Trong 3 nguti trong dnb, ngubi phy ni ob vé nd bat ‘nhdt nén ta miéu t€ ngubi phy nif trude. Day 6 thé 1 mot ngubi me dang em dao edt then, Hai ngut cn Iai o6 thé la ching va oon gai. The mother is standing up ** SUSUTTERTTERRE with 2 knife and fork. ** WRSUERSGEREES, her husband and daughter are smiling and looking at the turkey. **Phuong php miéu ta cy thé: ding eym phin tit hi migu ta mhiéu ding tée hoge nhiéu trang théi ke hau cia cing mit ngti, bm nn ding eym phan ti Bing eich nay, vie mitu té sé ngin gon va d8 hid hon, The git is sitting down waiting to begin her meal. @ Dap an cila TOMATO ** Phung phap miéu ta cu thé: ding gidi ti Gidit thding duge ding a migu t vi tt, gp cho cu mo 8 stich hon, Aman is standing next to her looking at the turkey, © Mita td ede ay vit xung quanh Sau Khi migu td song nhdn vt trung tém, ben bét du miéu td ee sy vat xung quanh nh rau va cée logi thie an trén bin; pha sam thi ob Ag gb va ie tung ‘There are a lot of dishes and glasses of wine on te table inthe middle ofthe dining room. ‘Also, I can see some woaden shelves and a brick ‘wall in thé background. ‘Thé fosi 1 © Két thie bing ¥ kign of nhin ‘Néu ban thém va cim nhén of nhén hoge nbn din chung vé biu khing khi cia bie ah thi vige migu t& sé sinh ong hon, Ble Anh nay tg0 cém ge rt dim ip cin gia inh, of 16 la vo dip 1 hoi no d, Overall, everyone looks happy and the mood seems light. From the picture, I can tell they're celebrating Thanksgiving Day. 6@»_ Tis a pctie of fay prepara for areatin a cing oom, Te mothers standing wp euting & big turkey witha kfe and fork On eter side ofthe mother, her husband and dayabter are smiling and looking at the ut -There ee alot of dishes anid glass of wano onthe taibin the mle of ‘the dining room. / Also, can see some wooden shelves aie ‘everyone looks happy and the maod seems ight brick wall the backaround. //Overal, \ 2 Chudn bi 00:30 giay © Xéc dinh phuong thie miu t& Bae dn ndy-m 4 mot khung enh rng Ion va king 06 hin vit tring tam. 6 day, tgn ednh va hu eénh duge phan bigt rt 16 rang, do d6 ben nén migu ta tién enh ‘rue va hu cn sau, © Nghi ra cde ti hoje cum ti trong tam €.g1] intersection, crosswalk, crossing the street, traffic ight, lamppost, a yellow car has stopped, tall and large buildings, signboards ‘Tra li CONS giay © N6i Kh quit 8 bie dh Bae anh nay mb ti vé quang cénh & thinh phd, Ban nén a6i v8 quang ednh chm, vf dy dy Ia cin thanh pho vai x6), nha ola, ngbi dan dang ai ai, vi giao Ip This is a picture of typical city scene with people and tall buildings. What ! see in the picture is a street intersection with a crosswalk. © Mibu tb cy thé v8 tid cia 6 tién cd, ta thay 06 vai ngubi dang bing qua dung & vach danh cho ngudi di bd, 6 mét chiée 6 t6 mau ving dang ding Isi bn phai. In the foreground of the picture, you can see *"EEMTEEAE crossing the street and "ESA HEE ere wearing winter clothes like coats. Next to the people there is *725EREIRTN= ‘stopped at the intersection. "Phuong php miéu td cu thé: Ding tinh ti chi s6 Iugng nku a few, some, several, many, v.v. vio vi tri thich hop. There are © padestrisns crossing the road. @ ap an cla TOMATO “Phutdng php miéu ta ey thé: Ding tinh tt chi mau se dé lim cho ede hinh anh duge miu td tri nén sinh dong hon. On the right, can see a red signboard, © Miu t oy thé vé hu cinh 6 hi cin, ta thay hinh dn ohidu nguti dang di chuyén va nbidu tha nha voi mau sfe Khe nhau. In the background of the picture, there ore many large buildings and people walking around ‘on the sidewalks, The buildings on the left look like stores, There are some signboards hanging in front of these buildings. Tl 2 © Két thie bing § kign of nhin ‘Néx ban thém vio cm nbn e& nin hoe nbjn din chung vé bu khong Khf ola bde anh thi vige miéu ta sé sinh dug hon. Bae nh nay tgo cm gide nhin nhip eda i sng 6 mét thin phd Ion. This picture looks like the downtown area of 2 big city because there are meny people and buildings. | think it’s probably « big city because of the tall buildings and wide roads. (@»_ het se0in the pct iee street intersection witha crosswalk: In the foreground of the picture, you ‘can see a few people crossing the street and all of them are wearing winter clothes lke coats. Next to the people there is one yellow car stopped atthe intersection, in the background of the picture, there ‘re many large buildings and people walking around on the sidewalks. The buildings on the lett look lke stores. // There are some signboard hanging in front of these buildings. I! Ths picture looks like the downtown area of a big city because there are many people and buildings. www.nhantrivietcom / YUMMY i CY CCL) CC Hay tap trung luyén tap nhimg cach dién dat thudng gap trong phin miéu ta anh MPas2 vic Plertfec) Hay luyén tap cée cach dién dat ex ban cho md hinh “mé déu —r ni dung chi tiét -> téng a cia viee miéu ta. Bat dau miéu ta This is a picture of[about] ~ By thisisa picture of a family gathering. a big park in the city. downtown on a sunny day. There are /is ~ BB there are three children standing around. are many people in the market. is a man riding a bike. 0 In the foreground (of the picture), ~ BB; in tne toreground, 1 can seo a few flower pots. there are people playing football. there is a sunny beach. In the middle (of the picture), ~ ‘The loa! BBs in the middle, there is a trafic light. there are a few big trees, I can see cars parked in a row. In the background (of the picture), ~ Bs inthe background of the picture, there are a few tall buildings. there are many kinds of stores. we can see blue sky. On the left, ~ Bs onthe lett, snore are many cars on the road. there are people taking a walk. there is a baby in a stroller. On the right, ~ Bs onthe fight, there is a motorcycle parked by the curb. there are people sitting next to each other. there is food displayed on the counter, Hot Training Recine 81 B next to[beside / by] A Bs, the manis sitting right next to his son. The building is beside the Han River. There is a dog sitting by the entrance of the house. B behind A B, | can see a fountain behind the people. There is an entrance behind the teble. There is a board behind the man. Bin front of A Bs, 4 caris parked in tront of the building. can see a bench in front of the store. There are people in front of the bus. B on the opposite side of A By, the bonkis onthe opposite side of the street. The store is on the opposite side of the mall. The fountain is on the opposite side of the square, with A in the middle Bs two poopie are sitting with a child in the middle. a suitcase 2 pet dog around A Bs they are sitting around 8 table. The students are standing around the teacher. The small trees are around the fountain. ‘he ox either side / end / hand (of A) BB) there ere many ciothing stores on either side ofthe street There are two people standing at either end of the table. The man has something in either hand, Ding ding cétitchi few / most / several / all / both SB row Most Several of them are wearing ties. All Both Miu ta sia FBforowoaring A é6itumg IBS; The manis wearing glasses. a safety helmet. atie. BinA Bs) there are swo menin business suits. He is talking to a woman in a hat. A woman in black pants is taking a walk Awith B B) the man with glassesis standing in front of the store. boots an umbrella adog A-ing é6itang ») There is @ child smiling at his mom, sitting on a bench. riding a horse. A-ed B >, There is a conference room arranged for a meeting. equipped with a projector. occupied by businessmen. It looks + tinh tir/ It looks like + danh ti/ménh dé that Bs irtoots hazy. Te i It looks like it’s raining. a mother and daughter. ~ of some sort By itseems to be « cooking gadget of some sort. It looks like an exercise machine They seem to be office supplies chang Overall, it seems/ looks like + danh ta B >) overat it iooks tke a friendly family picnic. Overall, it seems like a beautiful sunny day outside. Overall, it looks like a busy scene of downtown at night. Het Tainng Recipe 88 @iizoma | 1 5 Hay dién dat bang tiéng Anh nhing cum ta tigng Viet tuong ving sau day Al is two people riding a camel (Troog tim oa bie ao) aman is leading the camel, OMhiatikecaby) — Clnkelos ng 3. can also see a white tent —__—_—__—_ awoke 4,___ there are a few tall trees. (Trin ala bie 5, it looks like a hot sunny day outside in Wei chingy the amusement park. 6. is a crossroad in the city. (vag dah) 7, ______, there’s something which looks like a (Gen ea sports car. 8. And there is a traffic light the building, (Ghia ae 9. There are people shirts init va Sis and pants. 10. They ____be going home after schoo! 11. This is a picture of people ___at the beach ang neh ge i are lying down on the beach, —__ i na Tabi ag io are enjoying swimming in the sea. 12, 13.___we can see several buildings Tans We 14, From the picture, ____ the weather is very ‘thé 261 hot and sunny, 15.____, everyone must have a good time at the beach. (in pt ch tng gt) Dap an (@_* Terman focus of ho pire 2. In font of them @ weangna white shir 9, behind them yes 4 lnthebeckground ofthe picture 5. Overall 6, Whet seein the picture 7. On the let 8. in-ront of 9. several a few © iniwearingl 10, sbem to” 11. relaxing 12 © Some people other people! others. 13. In the background of the picture 14. we can tell 15. Allin all 1 6 2 @ ‘Xem anh va diém vao ché tréng dé hoan chinh eae tir trong tam (keyword), 16. a picture of ac 17.__womeninag. a Tt iiss sees gece a table 19. w. —{____ their food 20.h_____ a conversation 7 1 0 | ‘Hoan thanh ede cau miéu ta anh theo ede cum tit tiéng Viet cho san. 21. {Cau m@ diu| This is a picture of some women fi trong qui ch ph) 22, (Miu ta d6itugng trung tim] The first thing | see in the picture is three women __ Dinghi thinh maeabém) ——_ —_. ___ are all sitting on stools ii They seem to be _ but they don't look Blethen ea bored _ they are having an interesting conversation. 23. [Miu ti twong ph} __ the women, there is a chef in the open kitchen. 0G phia sa) iim vee) 24. [Ciu két]It looks like the women are enjoying _ __ together. (an dng) Dap an (@s 16-celeteria 17.thveo, group, 18. sit at/eround 19, walt for’ 20, have upsis 21-sitting in a cafeteria \ © 22.00 siting ina group @They & eround a table waiting for ther food because 23.0 Behind @ working 24. eating out wwwinhantrivietcom, Thé loai ll 4 @ Mini Test Bay gid dén luot ban! Hay ndi that tu tin nhé! cy Mini Test 1 @ CE ede ead Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe the picture on your screen in as much detail as you can. You will have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Th is Then you will have 45 seconds to speak about the picture. ni Test 80 Rel aC Ie a eae 0:00:45 0 Mini Test 2 & accu ew cry Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe the picture on your screen in as much detail as you can. You will have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to speak about the picture «9 Sane @ ‘Trong nhieu trudng hop, ban sé khong biét hét tén ctia moi di ‘tuyng ban théiy trong bute anh, Vay phai lam sao? ~ Ban cit néi that la | don't know Toi king biét, Day la chuyén binh thuing. Ngay cd trong tiéng Viet ban cing khong thé nao bit hét, pha khong? °° j mot qua dia cau, Qua dia cau 14 globe. Liic nay néu khong biét. tir globe, ban cd thé néi something round like a ball. Khi gép nhang trudng hop nay, thay vi mat nhiéu thoi gian dé suy nght tim ra ti ding, ban cit miéu ta theo kiéu dinh nghia hu trén, Gidi phép nay gitip ban git: duoc su lau loat (fluency) trong bai miéu ta cia minh. ‘Néu ban khéng thé tim ra tw chinh xdc dé m6 té mét dong tae nao d6, ban nén n6i nhu sau: ‘don't remember how to describe this ACLION but he looks like he’s doing some exercise. Nhing vn tong bl ti TORIC tha 0 Thé loai I Tra 1di cau hdi Trong cude séng, 6 rat nhiéu trudng hyp ban phai tré Jéi céu hdi lign tue bing tiéng Anh nhur khi phing van xin vige, tré loi ede cude Khéo sét, v.v. Trong phan nay, chiing ta sé tap trung vo ki nang tra ldi cau hoi trong TOEIC. ax (en ~ Phitam = Ngitphap Twig = { LC RC Logi c Preview tung thé Oa ona —~ yo eo ee (Thé lost / (rn ie) 2) (Tsbtee) (teée8) (Meu) WV ie WAY Aw are aia 0-3 diémicdu 0-5 did 0-5 dig ane a3 Process Chi dé ctia thé loai III 1a gi? screen 1 Man hinh hién thi doan van hudng dan CEN 8 3 elu hi ngny lip bi, khng ob Questions 4-6: Respond to Questions | thai ian chain bi, Ban of 15 giéy tra Iti cau 4 va cau 5,30 gi cho Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer | cau6, three questions. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 4 and 6, and 30 seconds to respond to Question 6. are V screen 2 Man hinh hién thj chi dé os ead ‘Tinh huéng va am thanh sé xudt hign cing mét Iie, Tinh hung | Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research | trong vi du nly i mt cing ty in your country. You have agreed to participate in 2 | quing céo dang tién hanh mit cude telephone interview about Internet service. nghién oi vé dich vy Internet, (Chi chung ei cf eu di _) ay i chi dB chung choc be ctu Gy eeeeeee ee eee Saeceaaeaaeact hii 4, 5, va 6. * a ‘Tinh hudng va ew hii duge doe to va déng thai xuit hién trén Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research | mn hin. Ti hung nay chin in your country. You have agreed to participate in a | la tinh hudng dl xuthién & telephone interview about Internet service. | screen 2. Kh nghe ting bp, bam phi tr loi ngey. Th gian | tra lai 15 gi, How often do you use your Internet service and when do you usually use it? AES 00:00:15, screen 4 Man hinh hién thi cu héi sé 5 Ae Ce | Imagine that @ British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about Internet service. ig nh @ soreen 3, tinh hufing va cfu hdi cling duge doc to va dling thai sudt hign trén man hin. Tinh hung nay chinh 1a Th oi tinh hudng da mult hign é soreen 2. Khi nghe ting bip, ban phi tra li ngay, Thai gin tr ila 15 giy. Sau 15 gidy, man binh ty ding chuyén sang céu hi 6. ; How much do you pay per month for your Internet | service, and do you think the cost is reasonable? screen 5 Man hinh hién thi cu hdi sé 6 Crea Dy Ia cu hai yéu elu néu 1a suy nghi ofa bin than, Thoi gian tt Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research | il 30 sity in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about Internet service. How do you think your Internet service could be improved? Prev ting at 97 Tra Idi thé nao 1a tét? Cac tiéu chi danh gia ‘Tigu chi Tieu chi quan trong nhét 48 danh gid phan nay la cau tra loi phai ding trong tam. Ngoai ra, mot s6 tiéu chi Khée chu tinh nbat quan, phat am, ngt php va ti vung ... eng duge xem xét. High-Level Response Dusi day la nhiing cau tra loi mau (4iém t6i da). @ wes.16 Q4 How often do you use your Internet service and when do you usually use it? On average, | use the Internet about twice a day. Normally, | go online before breakfast and then in the evenings at home. 7% Néu eu tra li a ban o6 mdi dung t6t va trong khudn kh th cfu mig i gian cho phép thi ban s® nin duge 8 diém cho Q 5 How much do you pay per month for your Internet service, and do you think the cost is reasonable? I'm not sure exactly how much we pay per month because my parents usually pay the Internet bill. | think i's about $25 a month. That seems quite cheap to me. Voi clu ny, ban phdi tp trang vn hai vn db: phi dch wy Internet va ban thay mie phi 46 cb hop li hay khong. Q6 How do you think your Internet service could be improved? Uh ... Sometimes, the service slows down and that can be quite frustrating. It gets especially slow during busy times like weekends and in the evening. It can be annoying if I'm using the Internet to play online games or download MP3 files. So, uh, it would be better if our Internet service could be fast all the time. > Véi ch nay, ban phi tap trung vio mot choje niu) didu ma ban Khng hai long v8 Internet va dus ra céch ihe phue hay ef tién mhimg did. a Nhiing dang cau héi thutng xuat hién trong Part 3 cia bai thi TOEIC thie té Tém tat so luge Summary Cée cau hoi trong phan nay thudng tap trung vao eée chit 48 lién quan dén cuge sing hang ngay nhu ee san pham, dich vu, an mac, nha ¢ ... Cau héi phéng van ngudi tiéu dang qua dién thoai ma chiing ta vita xét 6 trén la mot vi du dién hinh. ° Chi dé Duéi day la ede chii dé xuét hién trong cdc ky thi nam 2007: ‘hung gép shopping clothes, dress code ~ Ban thing di mua sim khi ndo/ Ben mua gi gin day nbd? ~ Ban ng ei vévige mse thing phye& cong sf? job seeking eating out ~ Ban tim thy thong tin tuydn dung & du? ~ Bao liu ban an ngoi mit lit G dau? Chi lam edn nbn di kin gi? home decoration | commuting, public transportation ~ Hin ban dang sing @ nha cin hay hnh that | ~ Ban di lim bang phuong tigm 8? Ti nha ti li mat, ‘nto khéc? Ban thich nei ndo nhit trong nhk? ‘ao lau? Noi no edn sa chia? ~ Ban thuing st dung phutng tim gio thing cing cng nde? Beo lu mgt onae ‘San phim, dich vu mobile phone, watch ~ Ban ding dién thoai di ding trong nhiing trufmg hop nao? radio, reading Ban ding thing xuyén khong? ~ Ban thug nghe radié khéng? Ban nghe vito lie ~~ Theo ban thi nén deo ding hé Khing? Cé nén ding io trong ngiy? Ban thuong nghe chung trinh nao? ding hé lam qua ting khing? ~ Ban thuimg doe sich khéng? Ban doe séch vio hie | haircut L nao trong ngay? Ban thuting dge sich vé chi dé gi? ~ Biéu gi ben thich va khing thich khi di cit te? ‘Nhing chii dé nao ban khéng thich? Ben thutng de sich 6 du? e LOTL ° CCL/ CL Tra Idi cau héi cing ngudi dan bép ahiét tinh . Bi quyét tra Idi cau hdi hiéu qua / %qwétt: X4c dinh chi dé téng quat Phan huéng dan ¢ dau méi cau héi 6 vai trd rét quan trong vi né cho chting ta biét chi dé chung cia cau hdi, Vi thé, ban nén doe ky phén hudng din nay trude khi tra loi. Khi a biét chi dé réi, ban nén don trade nhuing cau héi c6 thé duge ra vé chi dé 46, Véi vige dodn trude nay, ban sé khong théy bat ngb khi edu hdi xudt hién. Question 60131 Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about Intern | hi chung cia ce eu hi | | vice. | | Biqyét2: Ban nén luyén tap phan ting nhanh Voi céu hii loai TIT, ban kh6ng e6 thoi gian 48 chuan bj true khi tra Idi, Néu thiéu luyén tap, ban sé rat hing ting, nhét la khi déng hé xugt hign tren man hinh. M@t khi ban da hing ting vi mot cau héi thi cée cau hoi sau 6 cing bj anh husng theo. Vi thé, : hi luyen tap cau hoi loai TIL, ban nén 06 ging tra A Idi ngay 4é dan tao nén phan ting nhanh khi gap bat < a cau hai nao, Bi qué: Ban nén tra ldi ding trong tam cau héi Da ban n6i that tét nhumg néu cau tra loi khong ing trong tém cau hdi thi ban vn Khong 06 diém cho phan nay. Vi thoi gian rat ngén ban nén di ngay vao vn d8, khong nén dn nhap dai dong, Bi qyét 4: Nghe va tra ldi sé tét hon Du cau héi duge hién thi ro rang trén man hinh nhung ban van nén nghe doe cau h6i 446, Nghién ctu cho théy sau Khi nghe doe edu hai, ban thuong tra loi e&t hoi 46 tot hon Vi n6 gidip ban néi tu nhién hon, gidng véi ech hdi dap trong cube sing hang ngay. : po ea Ree 2 Bi quyét 5: Ban c6 thé ding mét phan cau hdi dé bat dau cau tra 16i Trong trudng hop ban khong nghi ra duge ech dién dat dé tra lai edu hi, ban e6 thé dung nhing cau chit trong cau hdi dé dé gitip ban dién dat tot hon. Q: How many books do you read a month and when do you like reading? R: I read about 2 or 3 rots era MESO the weekends. Te Dg Bi qyét 6: Ban nén lam quen véi cac cu tric cau héi thuéng gap Diy la mét eéch gitip ban phan vg nhanh khi gp céw héi. Vi du, khi edu hai nay xuat hien: What do you especially like and dislike about having your hair cut? thi ban phai tra loi ngay nhu sau: like getting my head massaged but I hate making conversation with the hairdresser. hoae like feeling younger and more stylish but | hate waiting in line to get my hair cut. Es Ef _ Bai hoc thu té trén gidy yi 4 onthus EI Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about shopping for electronics. Xée dink chit dé eda cau héi ‘© Ngay khi phn gii thigu mutt ign, bgn efn thn ehi dB chung cho efe efu hi, Chi 8 ndy nk & cub phn gii thigu. © Chi db & day 18 mua sé hing dign ti Voi chi 48 my, cu hi o6 thé 8 v8 hing vin dé nbv sf lén mua hing dign ti, noi mua hang, lai mat hang, e6 sit dung dich wy hin hing trén mang khing,diu eh em lj khi mua hing ign ti, vx. How often do you shop for electronic products and where do you go to buy them? ‘Tra Ibi 00:15 giay © Véi ciu hi nay, ban én tap trung tra loi hai vin dé: tin sudt mua hing dign tit (bao lau mt én) va noi ban hay mua hang dint © Néu khing nghi ra cfch dim dat pha hgp'va nhanh ching, ban ob thé sit dang shitng cum ti cho sin trong cfu hi, > I shop for electronic products ~ > | usually go to ~ to buy electronic products. © Céch dién dat tn sudt vi noi chén > Tin suit: once, twice, three times, chif a6 + times > Noi chén: a store in the mall, a department store, an electronics store in the neighborhood 5 What is the most recent electronic product you purchased? ‘Tra lai 00:15 gity © Voi cau hii nay, ban nén nghf ngay dén mit mén dé dién ti trong gia dinh hhay sung quanh ban, © Ban of thé sit dung ning cum ti cho sin trong cfu hi. Ty nhién, ban eng thé sit dng efch Ihde don gin ha, > purchase — buy © Clu hii may 1a vé vige mua hing trong qué Khd nén ben phai ding thi qué hi don, © I bought + trang tt ei qué Kh (last week, a few months ago, last year etc.) What kinds of factors influence your decision when buying an electronic product? ‘Tra 134 00:30 gidy © Diy 1 cu hii vé quan dim, Ban phi nu ra pt ose mot vai ya t6 ah ‘hung dén vide mua sdm cia ban, > price, brand, design, customer service © Sau khi di néu quan diém, ban edn va ra mot hole hai I do hay vi du 48 1D trg quan diém cia minh, @ Bap én cia TOMATO és 1 1@» 4 shop or etecronic products maybe tree or fortes, ‘them. i Po.37 wwenhantrivieticom (00! Soluloerrine 108 fi we Questions / a Cc Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about news coverage. Xée dinh chi dé cia ciu héi © Chi 48 & day atin tae, © Véi chi dé nay, cau hoi o6 thé 6 vé nhiing vain dé nh ban thuting xem / nghe ‘tin tie Khi no va 4 dau, ban o6 thug kiém tra tinh chinh xéc cia tin tie khéng, ‘bm thing xem nhing log tin te ndo, If do ban xem tin bi, v.¥. Where do you usually get the news, and how often do you check this news source? ‘Tra lai 00:15 gidy © V6i.cdu hii nay, ban cin tap trung tr Idi bai véin dé: ban nghe / xem tin te tir ngubn no va bao liu ban kiém tra tinh ehinh xée ola tin tie mot lin, > Cée nguin tin tte: TV, online website, newspaper, radio > Tin sult: s6 ln + don vi thoi gian ‘once a day, two or three times a day, more than three times a week, every day @ Khi néi vé théi quen, ban ném ding thi hién tai don, 5 What type of news is most interesting to you and why? ‘Tra loi 60:15 gidy ‘Chon mét trong nhiing loai tin tie ma ban thich va néu ly do dé gidi thich. > Logi tin ban thich: sports, culture, entertainment, international issues, finance > Che ed tre tr 1oithutng ding: | prefertike, love] to read about ~ because ~ What is the most impressive news story that you have seen or heard recently? Describe this news story. ‘Tra loi 00:30 giay ‘Voi edu hii nay, ban phéi néu ra méu tin téc ma ban of én tuyng nbt trong thai sion gin day. Tit nhién Ta ban cfm néu raf do tai sao-ban ob dn tng véi md tin 46. Néa cin thi gian, ban of thé t6m tt ni dimg cia céu chi dé bing eéch din dat khée. > Trinh ty cia dp dn [Cau chi 48] 1 was very impressed recently + ni dung tin tie 0g do} | thought it was amazinglinteresting] that ~ (Tom tét chi 4] The news was very informative as well as fascinating tome. @ ‘Bap an cua TOMATO (@ 4 sual et she news rom onine websites: lke to look at these websites at leat two or tree tines 3 e : wees? 5 | prefer to read about internationat news because | think’ Shis ig ees iroytatit Kino dws. It affects everyone. = The s1 6 (Clu ei dB twas very empress econ when read ae ate about 661 tntoy. Ly do} thought it was:amazing that companies ate building robots right now that can do so many complex things. The arte said that most pedsle cols on a robot within 20 years. {Tim tt chit 8) Ths news wes ver informative as well a fascinating to me: CCI C’ Hay tap trung luyén tap nhimg cach dién dat cho cau hoi va cau tra loi i aa felecteltiexemy D20ng thé loai III nay, cau héi dang 4W1H rat phé bién. Do dé, ban can luyén tap eae cau héi dang nay cing nhu eée eich tra lai tuong ving. ‘Théi gan When do you usually BB when do you usualy finish work or school? take days off? watch TV? ‘Thai gin How early ~? BB), How early do you wake up in the morning? get to the airport? get to work? Thoigin How late B, How late do you normally go to sleep at night? stay up? stay out on weeknights? 108 Not chin Phuong hip Déitugng, Y kién Wu dem www.nhantrivietcom Where would you ~? BB, where would you go if you could take a vacation now? prefer to live in Seoul? most enjoy working? How do you ~? BB How do you travel from your home to your office? fit in with your coworkers at work? prepare for a job interview? Who do you ~ with/ to? BB, who do you usually spend your free time with? eat your meals with? ‘Th log go to about all of your problems? How do you feel about ~? BB, How do you feel about your new boss? your present job? your appearance? What do you like about ~? BB, wet do you tke about your current house or apartment? learning a different language? being single? Hot Training Recipe 107 sivkién What is the most important factor when ~? BB, hati the most important factor when buying @ new computer? considering a new job? purchasing a car? Lyachen ~— How do you like ~? Bs how do you tke your hair done? your eggs cooked? your steak done? dat khi tra I lusually do ~ (® What do you usually do when you have free time? B, lusually chat with my friends on the phone when | have free time. hang out with my friends take a nap I shop at stores ~ '®* How do you choose where to go shopping? B, | shop at stores that my friends recommend, where the prices are reasonable. that I've been to before. It takes me ~ to commute to work. " How long does it take to commute to work? B. ) Ittakes me about haif an hour to commute to work. less than 20 minutes exactly an hour | use my cell phone ~ a day. *@® How often do you use your cell phone a day? Bs use my cel phone about five times a day, about three or four times. about just once or twice. late out ~. ‘Théo (1 @ How many times have you dined out in the last month? BB | ate out more than ten times last month Jess than § times almost every day ae Ghwa 1 9 Nghe ki cu hdi, sau 6 tra loi bang tiéng Anh theo nhting goi y cho san (bang tiéng Viet), re © omni Bb usually go shopping kh ody giim gs hi edn mot db ding méi khi thai tiét thay déi. 22 B» the best place to buy a new watch would be ia hing trang sit trong thanh phé. khu mua sém trong thn phi. trang web mua sim. © os Bo i normally den xe but dam, lai xe (6 t6) di lam. i bd dén sd lam. @ cou hat B, | usually choi game trén méy tinh hode xem truyén tranh, ra néi chuyén qua ign thoai véi ban be, ng. @® cana B The most important factor is néu né é gan toi. néu o6 nhigu sy va chon, chée chin 1a chat Iugng eda the &n, 110 @ Pr B Igo shopping é noi ma ban tai gidi thiéu G noi c6 gid c& hop ly. 6 noi toi da ting mua. {2 x ne B It takes me nila gid dong hd. hon mét gid dong hd. khong dén 20 phit. 82 B luse my cell phone hen 10 lén mdi ngay. khodng 5 lin méi ngiy. 3 hay 4 lan méi ngay. | BB» ate out hon 10 in last month, Khong 2 hay 3 dn duéi 5 lain ot Training Recipe 111 : Luyén tap tré Toi cau hoi sf 6 — edu héi vé y kign cd nhén. a Nghe ki edu hoi, sau dé tré loi bing tiéng Anh theo nbiing gol y cho sin (bing ting Viet). @ caus © By vida of unin ra ib Theo ¥ ctia cé nhdn t6i, cdin 6 nhiéu tuyén xe dién ngdm hon nia. MP3_20 oF there should be more subway lines. Céu Hign két Toi 6 vai ly do dé tin vdo ¥ hién nay. I have a few reasons for believing this. Ly do ‘Thit nhat, vi he théng xe dién ngdm giip gidm luong xe ob trong thank phé nén né rat quan trong. First, the subway system is really important because it helps @ r Ly do2 Tht hai, moi nguii tiét kim dupe thoi gian di dén sé lam vi xe din ngdm di thang va diing gio hon nhiing phuong tign giao thong khdc. Second, people don’t need to spend a lot of time @ because the subway is more @ p and d than any other forms of transportation ww i (fe BD) i vita of nhtn ri De 4: shich te mink den ot higu dé xem hang hom. MPa21 alp the real stores to see the items in person. Cau Tién két Dé t6i gidi thich ly do tai sao i6i thich tw mink dén cua hiéu dé xem hang hon, @Let___ explain {_______ why | prefer shopping at real stores, Ly do Trude tién, ti pha thit ting mén hang dé xem mén hang dé 6 viea vain va thodi mdi khong. Te loa J Firstly, | have to try on each item so | can see @ aed f__ and whether it’s os Ly do ‘Them vao dé, t6i cdm thdy rét thei vi khi duoc di mua sém v6i ban be va diéu nay giulp t6i gidm stress. Additionally, | can have an enjoyable time shopping with my friends and that helps me to reduce © Dap an 11, Glu 0 you prefer shopping over the intemet or going to real stores and why? Tilt © profer going to @ me, the reesons. © how it ft, comfortable © my stress levels jee Thé loai Ill”, 2 Mini lest Bay gid dén lugt ban! Hay néi that tu tin nhé! 14, Questions 4-6: Respond to Questions Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 4 and 5, and 30 seconds to respond to Question 6. aan fe eee Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about leisure activities How much leisure time do you have every day, and what do you do during that, time? yaww.nhanti 18 TOEIC Specking Dele at Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about leisure activities. What new leisure activities would you like to try if you had enough time? Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about leisure activities. Do you prefer spending your leisure time with other people, or do you like doing things by yourself? Give specific reasons to support your opinion Mini Test 2 @ Questions 4-6: Respond to Questions Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 4 and 5, and 30 seconds to respond to Question 6. 7 5 Aiea Question 4 of 11 Imagine that a Canadian marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about real estate. ‘What type of home do you currently live in, and how long have you lived there? 00:00:15 Imagine that a Canadian marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about real estate. When you choose a place to live, whet feature is most important to you? Imagine that @ Canadian marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about real estate. Do you think it's necessary to own your home, or is it okay to rent a place to live for your whole life? 18 Phai lam sao néu cau héi héi vé nhiing van dé rat xa la véi ban? Negay trong tiéng Viet, néu gap cht dé la, ed thé ta cung khong n6i duge nhiéu. Do d6, noi vé chit dé la bing tiéng Anh con kho ‘hon rét nhiéu. Vi du, c6 mot céu hdi vé mot higu sich ma ban 6 én tuong hat, nhung that sw ban khong nhd ra higu sch néo. Ban ed 2 céch gii quyét: Cach thit nhét, ban e6 thé tuéng tugng ra higu sich 46 réi migu ti, Tuy nhién, néu ban khong gidi tuong tuong, ban cit theo edch tht hai: néi that 1a minh khong biét, idl thich ly do minh khong biét, réi them mot s6 binh Tuan chung néo d6. Ban 6 thé néi nhu sau: Honestly, | didn't think about it much-because Im not a big reader and hordly vist bookstores:-But think thot ROVING QOOd CUStOMEr SEMVICE s cous preferable.” Cau tra Idi tren rét khon khéo vi eum tit dich ow khdch hang 161 (good customer service) e6 thé ding dé néi vé bét cit loai hinh kinh doanh nao. That ra, muc dich cia bai thi la nham kiém tra nang lye néi, khong phai kiém tra kién thife chuyén mon. Do d6, trong bét et hoan edmh nao, ban et manh dan tré loi diing vi nhuing gi minh biét. www.n jetcom Nang oo he swe Preview tung the loai = Ku) ane a3 Q4-6 a79 © ai0 0-3 diémeiu 0-3 dim 0-8 diéwlean 0-8 diémiedu 0-5 diém 0-5 dm Pa Chi dé ciia thé loai IV 1a gi? screen 1 Man hinh hién thj doan van huéng din Man hinh ny gi thich v8 ede edu ee eee eer ree | Questions 7-8: Respond to Questions Using the yeu edu ban doe thém mt bi doe Pen neaaed |v rd La 9 i vba doe ‘Thi giam doe la 30 gi; khéng cé tai gion chun bi; tii gian tr loi cau 7, 8 1 15 gidy cho mdi edu, | Directions: nts art of re test, you wil anewor tse | questions based on the information provided. You wil have 30 | seconds to read the information before the questions begin. | For each question, begin responding immediately after you | | hear a beep. No addtional preparation time is provided. You | ‘a9 la 80 eit will have 18 seconds to respond to Questions 7 and 8, and 30 | seconds to respond to Question 9. J screen 2 Man hinh hién thi bai doc es Cre i BH hi nghe Begin preparing now em theo tigng bip thi may bat di dém nguge thai gian doe | (0 gay) ‘The Swanback City Arts & Culture Festival Haines Event Center, Friday, August 17 | [B00AM.T Opening address from Mayor Tim Lowe i 830 AM. | Art auction, featuring pieces from Fran Heather and | cal at [700 PM Lunch break 1 | | [1:00 IM. [Performance from the Royal Sa | [BOOM | Book signing wih international nove Gregor Wilson | | 500PM. “| Closing comments from Arts Council chairperson i | Ruth Miller For inquires, please call the Swanback City Arts Council at 655-1325. 00:00:30 ‘Trong truéng hop man hinh hién thy bang biéu thi ban s® nghe nfi dung ny sau Hoines Event Center, Friday, August 17 eee es | 8:00 AIM. _| Opening address from Mayor Tim Lowe is Jenny Robson and I'm a | 930 AM, | Art auction, featuring pieces from Fran Heather and | professor at the Swanback other local artists Community College. I'm interested in taking my frtyear less ong tose te ers and cult fest oe 5 ‘Grog just hao coun of auestons Closing comments ftom Aris Council chairperson || sbost ne one, [Fuh Mier For inquiries, please call the Swanback City Arts Council at 555-1925. | L = 000015 eee ESSE [Question 7] Where is the event being held this year and what Sau khi nghe Narration va ting time does it start? bip, ban bét Adu tra Ji cu hoi gay. Thai gian 15 giay bit du dug dém ngue. screen 4 Man hinh hién thj bai doc cia cau héi sé 8 (cing man hinh véi céu héi sé 7) [Question 8] | heard Ruth Miller is making the opening speech Tiép theo ban sé nghe cd hii this year. Is this correct? 86 8. Sau khi nghe cu hoi, ban phai tra Joi ngay. Thai gian 15 sidy bat du duge dém nguge screen 5 Man hinh én thi bai doc cia cau héi sé 9 (cing man hinh véi cau héi s6 7) [Question 9] My students will have to leave the festival Tigp theo ban s® nghe céu hii after lunch to participate in another class. What parts of the 69. Sau khi nghe ctu hi, ban afternoon program are they likely to miss? phi tr Joi ngay. Thoi gian tr Jai a 80 pity, Ding hé bit déu dém ngage. Cae ban lun a vai cfu 7, 8 va 9, ban chi nghe edu hoi - cau hi khing higm trén man hinh. Thi ini (VE Tra Idi thé nao la tét? Cac tiéu chi danh gia Scoring 6 Tigu chi Cau hoi 7, 8 va 9 1a dang cdu hoi téng hop, tie la ban phai vita nghe, vita doc, vita néi, Do dé, edu hi nay sé khé hon ede cdu hot trude. Diéu quan trong la ban phai tim duge trong bai dge nhuing thong tin tuong ting véi edu hi va tra 1d ngay Diém t6t da cia méi cau la 3 diém. 6 High-Level Dusi day la cae cau tra loi mau (diém téi da), Response Where is the event being held this year and what time does it start? The festival is being held at the Haines Event Center and it begins at 9:00 A.M. Diy lb eau hi vé noi cha va thii gia bat du cia mét sy kign, Néo tr lei ding hei tie dim nay dua vo ‘tii gan bids thi ban dat 9 dim (diém t6i da) 2 8 heard Ruth Miller is making the opening speech this year. Is this correct? Actually no, Mayor Tim Lowe will make the opening speech. Ruth Miller will make the closing remarks instead. % Niu ban thing bio rd ring ngvbi sé doc dién vn Khai mac la ai (trong tring hop nay a Ngbi Thi tring ‘Tim Lowe) con Ruth Miller s@ phat bigu be mge thi ban det 3 dim (im ti da Q9 My students will have to leave the festival after lunch to parti another class. What parts of the afternoon program are they likely to miss? Well, uh, if they leave after lunch, they'll miss the Performance from the Royal Sainsbury Orchestra, and the book signing with Gregor Wilson, an international Novelist. Um ... And they won't hear Ruth Miller's closing comments, either. ‘% Néu ban lit ké ra duge cd 3 chuong trinh din ra sau bia thi ban dat 3 digm (4iém ti da 24 Trong thuc t€ cé nhiing thé loai bai doc va dang cau héi nao? ‘Tom tat so luge Summary 1) Thé loai bai doc ‘Dang lich trinh ti sing dén t6i ‘Thuing gip nhét la lich trinh eta? Lich trinh Dang nhiéu sy kign dién ‘cae nghi 1é hod sy kién Ién. vé su kign I / aN ra déng thai GF dang nay, cde me akin dope iA I “ F tien tring | Che mye skin didn racing Ug ke theo tin ty thoi gin ti {vd so kign IL | mite @ cde phong Khe hau sing dén chiéu ti, \ igs lich trinh rt thuimg thay 6 cf but hoi thio, eee ae Lich lim vige cung ep thing th . N S™ aha nay aoe tin chi tt ve eng vie ci ic chun by, chuyét (lam vige cen phai lam trong mgt tn chuyén bay, dng ‘od thi gan nao ds. bey, no qu cn. ‘Tét cd cde bai doe duge ra trong nam 2007 déu la vé lich trinh, Trong tuong lai, c6 thé 6 nhimg hinh thie bai doc khée nhu bang béo gia hay bang ghi chai... Di bai doc dang nao, ki nang co ban van la via doe tai ligu vita bdo thong tin cho ngudi khde. 2) Thé loai cau hoi ‘Dink cde cia: du hii va mdi dung ted 1 @ Cai hii-vi dy oe [Question 71 ' Whereis the seminar going to be held? Cu hi vé ce thing tn nbut thoi ian, die diém, » When does the serrinar start? rgb thye bién mit sy vige mio d6 When should | be there? | © What time isthe welcome speech taking | place? Who is the keynote speaker? [Question 8} | heard that the CEO will give the opening Trong cu hii my, ng hit mun xée dinh xem | Speech. Is that right? thing tin ma minh bit of ing hay Khing, 's the speech at 2 given by Samuel Jackson? Da sf cic thing tin nay I sai, do dé ngui tra lai the tour of the company's facies stil phai eung ofp thing tin ding, on? [Question 9] What kinds of programs are in the morning? Cau hai yéu elu ng tr ti néw so lupe nbing Which program wil | miss if leave after vie sé didn ra trong mt Khodng thii gan no db lunch? busi sng, bub chidu .) | > Besides the tour ofthe factory, what else is fon the schedule? www.nhantrivietcom LO7e CC Tra loi cau héi cing ngudi diu bép nhiét tinh _ Bi quyét tra Idi cau hdi hiéu qua ie a i 2 z. ae “ Biqyét: Trong thé loai IV, phan doc kho hon phan néi Dé c6 thé tra loi ngay cau héi sau 30 gidy doc théng tin, ban edn hm y nhimg diém sau day: 1) Mue dich cia tai ligu Ban c6 thé can ett vao phan dau ctia bai doc dé xde dinh mye dich cia tai ligu Ja gi: 18 lich trinh eia mét su kién, la chuong trinh nghj su, hay 1a mot ban ké hoach céng tac. 2) Xée dinh ngi dung dic bigt va phudng phap sip xép thong tin trén lich trinh Da phan cde lich trinh duge sp xép theo trinh ty théi gian, nhung cing eé khi ngu ta sép xép theo ting loai sy kién (nhu bang dudi day). O bang duéi day, ban nén doc phan ben tréi trude dé nm bét ni dung dé hon, Ban nén dae biet chit y phan e6 dau * trong cde lich trinh vi phan nay rt thug duge hoi. CE a ee Mcemas rs + Time: Tuesday, March 3, 8:00 AM, 6:00PM, — * Venue: South Hemilton Building | # Schedule: -Opening address: }9:00-9:50 Michael Connor, President, The Community Education Center | Session 1 (Room 201): | 10:00- 11:40 Housing: A Holistic Approach, Nick Lee, member of the | Greener | 2:00-3:40 _ Home security, Sue Roethole, Crime Prevention Specialists | Session 2 ‘Show Fioor)} 10:00 - 10:50 Remodeling strategies and tips 11:00 - 11:60 Plumbing repair basies for the home | \ 2:00-2:50 A special building workshop for kids ‘ [Exhibits (Main Hal: _} 10:00 -§:00 Bi quyét2: Ding suy luan qua sau xa Cau 7 va 8 thuimg héi vé thoi gian bat dau sy kién nao 46, Di mhién edu héi khong chi don gin la When does the event start? hay When is the workshop?. Cau hoi ¢6 thé lat 1éo hon, vi du nh: Q: What time am | supposed to be there? Cau nay c6 nghia chinh xée 1 nén cé mat 6 dé hic méy gid?. Chéc chan ban sé Khong tim thay chinh xée thong tin nay trong lich trinh. Thay vao 6, ban chi edn bdo cho ngudi 46 gid bat du cia su kién, Biquét3: Tai liéu da cho chinh 1a dap 4n 6 cau hai s6 8, nguoi hoi thudng mun xée nhan mot ‘thong tin nao d6, Doi khi thong tin nay rat xa lg véi ngudi nghe. Khi gap trudng hop nay, ban dig hoang mang vi chéc chan thong tin ma nguoi héi mudn xée nhan o6 lién quan dén tai ligu ma minh via doc. ‘Van dé la ban phat of géng tim ra sy lién h@ gidta thong tin duge hoi va thong tin ban 6, dé tir dé sita sai thong tin cho nguéi héi. Aas et tease Biqyét4: Bat dau bang mét cau tom tat Nguyén tée di tu et chung dén edi riéng duge dp dung trong hdu hét eée tinh hubng, nhat 14 khi ban phai néi vé nhiéu thong tin. Vi du, véi lich trinh & trang trade, ban 06 thé bat déu nhw sau trade khi di vao chi tit. There are two types of sessions and exhibits ‘excluding the opening address. 78 Biqyéts: Phai doc that chinh xac thdng tin, nh&t 1a thoi gian, ngay thang, tén ngudi, con sé va danh tY riéng ‘Nhung thong tin e6 con sé (s6 dién thoai, dia chi ...) va danh ti riéng (nhu tén ngudi, ten céng ty, tén khéch san hay dia danh ...) edn sy chinh xée cao. Doi véi nhtg tén la thi ban nén o6 gdng doc mét cach tét nhat 6 thé. ‘Tour Daily Schedule (Summer) : 110:00:Board the tour boat, Lily 110:15:;Depart from the dock, head upstream 10:30 View the historic riverfront buildings with narration from the captain §12:30:anchor at Holly Point, lunch for sale on boat 1:18: {Cast off, return downstream 11:80: {Learn about history of boating on the Wright River from the captain {2:00: 'See a short video about the fish that live in the Wright River 12:80: {Get your photo taken with the captain! isembark at the dock for the tour:aré@10; withispedial Doe théng tin 00:30 gidy © Xéc dinh mye dich cia bing biéu: Day a lich trinh eda mét chuyén du lich, © Xée dinh phuimg thde sip xép thdng tin trém lich trinh: Ce mue due sdp xp theo trinh ti thoi gian, © Doc ludt qua bing biéu dé xée dinh thong tin da bigt: G déiu* o6 néu gid tua. hi nhin thay déu *, ta biét ring thong tin vé gid tua rt o6 thé s& duge hei, @ Hello, I'm interested in reserving tickets for a tour of the Wright River this Saturday. But before | do, I'd like to ask you a few questions about the tour schedule. 3.25 \ How much will it cost to buy tickets for my four children and me? Tra 1di 09:15 giay Voi cdu hai nay, ban edn chi ¥ 2 digu: © Day la cu hai v8 gid vé tham quan, @ Thong tin vé gi vé mat hign & du * trong lich trinh, Thing tin nay khong é cép dén tré em, va chi giém gid cho doan o6 ti 8 Khéch tré ln, do 46 tién ‘vé cho 5 ngui cia gia dinh nay la 60 dé la Last year, passengers had to bring their own lunch. Is that also true this year? Tra Idi 00:15 giay © Bhi nghe ti lunch, ban tim ngay trong t8 chung trinh phan thing tin o6 tt lunch, © Trong cu hi 568, nui i thug dua ra thing tin sai va nh ban xée nh. Vi viy, true hét ban khing inh véi gui di TA thong tin ma ngui du ra 1a khdng ding seu d6 byn cang ep thing tn ding. No, (it's not true /it's not correct / it's incorrect) + thong tin chinh xée (you can buy lunch on the boat! I'm curious about the schedule of events that will take place after lunch. What will happen as we go back downstream? ‘Tra 16i 00:30 giay © Ki nghe after unch, ban hay thm phan thong tin n6i vé boa trua va efe hogt ng theo sau bla tua do @ Diu tién ban néu ro la o6 3 vige dién ra sau bit tru, sau 46 ban thing béo ‘img vige theo ding the ty. Ban nén sit dung ede lién tt chi thd ty nh next, then .. dé edch dign dat dé hiéu hon. @ ap an cla TOMATO @_ 7 The tickets ere 10 dotars each, so't't cost 50 doa for you and your four children, MPS.25 No, this year you can buy lunch on the bost, o you don’t have to bring your own, Q [Tim tt chung tinh} Well, we have three programs after lunch, [1] At 1:20 the captain wil talk about the history of Boating on'the Wight River. [2] Next, you'l see a fil bout the fistin the river. [2] Then forthe last 30 minutes, you have the chance to have your pictur taken with the captain 7 ‘Thé loa: 1 % Questions p=" 75) 1 Date: Saturday, May 5 Location: Lincoln Community College campus 10:00: Registration and orientation :11:00; Welcoming speech by Leslie del Alamo, Lincoln Community College President 52:00! Lunch break }_F*Saving on insurance, "led by insurance expert Devon Kim Paik t (Room 702) i are Today,” by Dr. Robert Evans {The Future of Health Care,” by Dr. John Wilson 3:30 ! Closing speech by Leslie del Alamo Doc théng tin 00:39 giay © Xéc dinh mye dich oia bing biéu: Béy 1A lich trinh cia mot hei thdo v8 bdo hiém yté. @ Xac dinh phuimg the sip xép thing tin trin lich trinh: Cée mye duge sdp xép theo trinh ty thai gian. Ble het, Iie 1 gid chidu 6 ai hii thdo cing duge tién ‘anh & ai phng ke nhau; Id 2 gi o6 ai bai ni chuyén cing & hai phong [khde nau, Nhu vay, 6 mbi thoi diém, mbi ngutiehi them dy duge mt hi thdo hoje mét bai ni chuyén, ‘© Boe ludt qua bing biéu dé xe dinh thing tin dic bigt: G dy, ta khing tim théy du * nto, nhuing thing tin dée biét trong lich trinh may chfnh Ta tan ngubi Ban nén tp doe tre nhitng ten ny. @' sos Hello. My name is Wendy Gates, and I'm interested in attending your health insurance seminar. But before | decide whether to come or not, I'd like to ask you a few questions about it, if that's all right. e 10 Can you tell me where the seminar is being held and what time it starts? ‘Tra loi 00:15 gidy iy la cau hi vé dia diém va thoi gian din ra cde sy kién, Néu cbn thii gian, ‘ban o6 thé thing béo cde dja diém khée nhau cho oc sy kién Khe nhau, The seminar will be held [take place] at + noi chin and it starts at + thoi gian I heard there would be four seminar programs. Can | take part in all of them? ‘Tra loi 99:15 gidy ‘V6i céu hai ny, ban tré loi cho nguéi héi la ngubi 46 chi due tham gia ti da hai chuomg trinh do ¢6 sv tring lip vé thoi gian, | want to know more details of the afternoon portion of the seminar. What will be taking place after lunch? ‘Tra lai 00:30 giay (Cu nay hi vé cf hogt ng dién ra sau baa true, Tét ah Ia ban nén theo ede ich din dat su You can choose between A and B. There will be two different seminars at + thi gian, ‘Thé loai (VBE @ Bap an cla TOMATO 7 The seminar will be held at the Lincoln Community College campus and it starts at 10 in the morning on May 5. © MP3.25 Is true that we're offering four seminar programs, but 'm afraid you can only attend two of them because we're holding two sessions at a time, (Ti tt hts trl After lunch, you can attend 3 programs. i] You can choose between Devon Kim's and ‘Sam Woods’ presentations which wil both beheld at 1 o'clock. [2] After tat there wil be two ctferent seminars which wil beled by Dr. Rober Evans and John Wison. [3 inl, Leslie dl Alamo wil dolor some closing remarks at 3:30. www.nhantrivie cor ~~ q ib Pa_26 Ertan) a’ Bee ee : Peete Duc day la cae mau edu dé hoi thong tin hode yeu edu xée nhdn théng tin va ede edeh tra loi, Hoi Could you tell me about ~? ‘thd tin rep) 8) TB, could you tell me about the afternoon schedule? the topics of the seminars? the keynote speaker? xéenhin | heard ~ thang tn d by the CEO. Hei | wonder ~ thong tn (sin) ») |wonder if there is another session | can attend in the morning. where the workshop is going to be held. who the guest speakers are. 12 wwnw.nhantrivietcom, will take place ~ B) the event will take place a¢ 9 o’slock on September 8, at 9:30 on Tuesday. from 12M. to 6 RM, will be held infat] ~ B, The seminar will be held in the conference room. in the auditorium. in the main hall, will be presented by ~ B, the first session willbe presented by Dr. Watkins, President Hernandez. Andrew Monroe. will be led by ~ ) The facility tour will be led by Richard Hong, the supervisor. Anne Conelly, the instructor. Ms. Johanson, Thé lot 1 bang bigu 4 tra loi AREADY 7] 1 desta lead MPs 27 1 Sims Health Center Grand Opening Date: Wednesday, September 8 Location: Conference room A, main building ‘Schedule: 9:00: Welcome speech, Dr. Margaret Sims 9:15: Grand opening ceremony, Helen Carter 10:00 : Tour of facilities, Dr. Margaret Sims 12:00 : Lunch in onsite cafeteria 1:00: Presentation on medical technologies, Eduardo Arroyo 2:30: Lecture on patient needs, Dr. Herman Correl 3:30: Closing thoughts, Dr. Margaret Sims Dap an 1-1) Q: When is the Grand Opening event being held, and where? R It willbe held in Conference Room A on September 8. 1-2) Q: What time do we look around the facilities and who is leading i? R: The tour of the facies will be held at 10 a.m. and it willbe led by Dr. Sims. 1-3) @: What will Dr. Correl give a lecture about? Fi: I's about patient needs. 138 o Rowland, Inc. Annual Job Fair October 11, Rowland Building 9:00-9:15 Welcome and introductions (Rowland’s Personnel Officer) 9:15-10:00 Overview of today’s manufacturing industry (Stacey Watkins, Technology Expert) 10:00-12:00 Application periods Application period 1: sales positions (Room 2B) Application period 2: administration positions (Room 1A) 12:00-1:00 Break for lunch* 1:00-3:00 Workshop Session A: “Build Your Résumé" (Auditorium) Session B: “Develop Your Interview Skills” (Room 1A) 3:00-3:30 Closing speech (Rowland’s Personnel Officer) *Lunch will not be provided, available at the cafeteria. Dap an 2-1) O: I heard that we should apply for sales positions after lunch. Is this corect? No, you.can appyforn 10 the morning te noon, 2.2) O: | quess that since it's full day event, you're going to provide lunch. Can you tell me bout the menu? ‘ : Fi: im afid you have the wrong information. Lunch will not be provided. You can use the cafeteria instead. : 23) 0: There wl only be dhe workshop afer the lunch break, right? 5 R: Actually no, we have two workshops. You can choose between “Build Your Résumé” and "Develop Your Interview Skits.” i: Trine Recine 196 . [Swit irFightiinerary—S*d Passenger: Amold Cabrera Date | Flght# | Departure Gity [Departure Time] Arrival ty | Arrival Time | Seat # Apr6 | 490 | London | 0635am. | Seoul | O7t1pm. | 318 Ap.6 | 2050 | Seoul eas pm. | Tokyo | 11:03pm. | 57 ‘Ape.17 | 7801 Tokyo 7000pm. | Moscow | 11:55pm. | SIF apc | 289 | Moscow | 07:25am. | London | 1047am. | 4iF oe Aut as you net to know. 196 4 Itinerary for Lutech Chief Executive Barry John’s Visit to Tokyo June 2~4, 2007 Monday, June 2 Depart New York, 6 a.m. Arrive Tokyo, 9 p.m. Check in at Seven Summers Hotel and rest. Tuesday, June 3 Meeting with Fukata Digital executives, 10 a.m. Formal dinner with Fukata Digital's CEO, Yamada Taro, 8 p.m Wednesday, June 4 Tour of Fukata Digital's production facilities, 10 a.m. Final lunch meeting with Mr. Taro, 1.30 p.m. Depart for New York, 4 p.m. Dap an 41) 0: Mr, John wants to be prepared for what's going to:happen during his vst please tell me what you have planned forthe second day? F: Sure, two appointments are scheduled on the second dey. First, he-has a meeting with Fukta Digtal executives. There willbe a formal diner with Yaad Tero. 42) Q:Mr, John might have to cut his tip to Japan short ty one day because he has an important ‘meeting back heron the 4* of June. What would he miss out on in that case? ln that case, he would not be able to participate in tour of Fukata Digital’ production facites. He wouid also miss the chance to have a final lunch meeting with Mr. Tao, www.nhantrivietcom Hor Teainng Recipe 197 to Japan, Can you ‘The i A EE Thé loai IV~, % Mini Test Bay gid dén luat ban! Hay ndi that ty tin nhé! a ‘, espond to Questions Using the Information Provided Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions based on the information provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No additional preperation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 7 and 8, and 30 seconds to respond to Question 9. L&L Publications, Inc. Travel Itinerary for William Donovan, Marketing Supervisor Airline/Fiight # Departure City Arrival City Departure Time’ Arrival Time In London: You will be attending the Global Printed Word Conference. it will be a wonderful opportunity to strengthen relationships with our clients and make new contacts. The schedule of seminars and other events will be provided when you arrive at your hotel in London. Date Airline/Flight #_Depar 8:20AM. 12:45 PM. 2:50PM. tet 190 40 L&L Publications, Inc. Travel Itinerary for William Donovan, Marketing Supervisor In London: You will be attending the Global Printed Word Conference. It will be a wonderful opportunity to strengthen relationships with our clients and make new contacts. The schedule of seminars and other events will be provided when you arrive at your hotel in London. www.nhantrivietcom fee eran L&L Publications, Inc. illiam Donovan, Marketing Supervisor Travel Itinerary for ‘Date | Airline/Flight # [Departure City| Arrival City [Departure Time] Arrival Time tO OEE pe Parture City Arrival City | Depertu u 08/02 [Forward Air 119 [Chicago |New York [6:05 A Ba0AM 08/02 Forward Air 4308/New York London (9:35AM. [8:35 PM In London: You will be attending the Global Printed Word Conference. It will be a wonderful opportunity to strengthen relationships with our clients and make new contacts. The schedule of seminars and other events will be provided when you arrive at your hotel in London. Date | Airline/Flight # [Departure City| Arrival City | Departure Time TAL [Boston 8:20AM. ‘Chicago [12:45 PM. meses www.nhantrivietcom MovTost 141 Questions 7-9: Respond to Questions Using the Information Provided Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions based on the information provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear @ beep. No additional preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 7 and 8, and 30 seconds to respond to Question 9. ‘Summer Fitness Programs at Caldwell Gym Adult physical fitness courses: Monday — Friday 9:00 - 3:00, every week during the summer Children’s courses: Refer to the listings below. All participants must present current health records, Cost: $50/week for adults, $30/course for children ~ Beginner's Swimming (Monday, Wednesday 10:00 ~ 1:00) - Diving Course (Tuesday, Thursday 10:00 - 1-00) _ > July Children’s Courses ~ Soccer Skills (Monday, Wednesday 10:00 - 1:00) - Diving Course (Tuesday, Friday 11:00 - 2:00) > August Children’s Courses ~ Track and Field (Monday, Wednesday 10:00 - 1:00) - Diving Course ~ Canceled ‘Summer jess Programs at Caldwell Gyr Adult physical fitness courses: Monday ~ Friday 9:00 - 3:00, every week during the summer Children’s courses: Refer to the listings below. All participants must present current health records Cost: $50/week for adults, $30/course for children > June Children’s Courses - Beginner's Swimming (Monday, Wednesday 10:00 - 1:00) Diving Course (Tuesday, Thursday 10:00 ~ 1:00) _ > July Children’s Courses - Soccer Skills (Monday, Wednesday 10:00 ~ 1:00) - Diving Course (Tuesday, Friday 11:00 ~ 2:00) > August Children’s Courses ~ Track and Field (Monday, Wednesday 10:00 - 1:00) - Diving Course ~ Canceled www.nhantrivietcom Se aT ‘Summer Fitness Programs at Caldwell Gym Adult physical fitness course: during the summer Children’s courses: Refer to the listings below. All participants must present current health records. Cost: $50/week for adults, $30/course for children Monday ~ Friday 9:00 ~ 3:00, every week > June Children’s Courses - Beginner's Swimming (Monday, Wednesday 10:00 ~ 1:00) - Diving Course (Tuesday, Thursday 10:00 > July Cl iren’s Courses - Soccer Skills (Monday, Wednesday 10:00 — 1:00) ~ Diving Course (Tuesday, Friday 11:00 ~ 2:00) > August Children’s Courses ~ Track and Field (Monday, Wednesday 10:00 ~ 1:00) - Diving Course - Canceled Resse 00:00:30 vs ‘Trong 30 gidy doc thong tin, néu ban ndm bét duge toan bo // Mj thong tin thi t6t. Néu ban chua nim bét duve hét thi phai e6 //// Mi); fy Mii ‘mot edch ving pho phi hop. Di nhién, khi may tinh bét daw tinh /4//// gid tr l6i thi ban khong nén im lang. Trong khi tim kiét Uy Yi ~"\\ thong tin cén thiét, ban o6 thé nd: <> Yj yy ‘ REE YY LL www.nhantrivietcom hing no hing gp rng bi th TOEIC he 1 148 Thé loai V Trinh bay giai phap saa : . . = - quyét. Trong phan nay, chting ta sé ‘Trong cng viéc, hau nhu ai cting gap ra tap trung vao ky nang trinh bay each x Phétam Ngtphip Tiwing Le. (~) Logic Preview tung thé loai ei oes ai i (thé ia) (The toi) ‘he log J VEY LW ot2 08 ase are aro an OSdidmidy O-9diém 03mm 0-3 démein OS diém 0-5 dda Chui dé ctia thé loai V la gi? screen 1 Man hinh hién thj doan van hudng din Phin hung dn nay o6 ndi dung nh sau: C6 mét sy of duge néu len thong que tin nhn ghi am ‘rong din thoai. Ban cén dua ra sii php cho sy od. Thoi gian chun bj Ia 30 gly va thai gin ted Ii a 60 giay Question 10: Propose a Solution Directions: In this part of the test, you will be presented with a problem and asked to propose a solution. You will have 30 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. | In your response, be sure to | show that you recognize the problem, and | © propose a way of dealing with the problem. | } 148 nad og Mes.30 [Narration] Hello. My name is Jane Richards and I'm, uh, just caling to nquie about + um, problem with my latest credit card bill You sae, uh, | just received my bill ‘rom your compeny this morning and, wel, | have been charged $126 for making ® purchase with At first, had no idea what this was for! Then I remembered that | had ordered some clothes from an online shopping site a couple ‘of months ago, The thing is | actually decided | didn’t want the items—you know. | had a change of heart—so | canceled the order the next day. So now, you see, I'm a bit surprised to see the charge on my bill Of course, I've got no intention of paying the $126. | guess, uh, you should call me back so we can solve this problem right, away. My number is 018-886-352. Thanks. screen 3 Man hinh chuén bi TOEIC eating Pea In your response, be sure to » show that you recognize the problem, and > propose a way of dealing with the problem. | Man hinh chi hign Yén bin chiée améy dién thoai. Ban s® duige nghe tin nhén ghi am trong dign thoai Ban hay d€ ¥ tn cia nguti 4 lei tin nin, ni dung trong tam cd in dé, va cée chi tiét quan trong. ‘Sau khi ban nghe Begin preparing now va tiéng bip, ban bét déu chun bj ngay vi méy da bit déu dém nguge thai gian (30 gidy), ay Ta hie ban vila dng nao tim efi phap via chudn bj sin sing tra I screen 4 Man hinh tra léi TOEIC Spéating ee "Ngay sau khi nghe Begin speaking ! now va tiéng bip, ban bat déu néi | | (trong 60 giy) Cau tr Loi ois ban { | phai néu duge hai van dé: ban hiéu \ seeenesee vi vin dé dupe néu ra nu thé nto i ban due ra duge gia php cho vin dé 46, Prov tig oh 149 Tra Idi thé nao Ia tét? Y/ Cac tiéu chi danh gia Scoring_ ‘Tiéu cht Diém ti da oda loai céu hoi nay 1a 5 diém. Muén dat diém TOEIC Speaking c20, ban edn lam that tot ede cau hoi thé Jogi V va VI. Day duge xem la phan ma thi sinh bode 16 ro nhat nang lve néi eda minh do thii gian néi dai va noi dung tung doi khé. Ngoai ra, do thi sinh phai nghe mot doan tin nhan khé dai ri méi néi, nén 6 day nang lve nghe eding rét quan trong ‘That ra, trong cau hoi thé loai V, phan néi phy thude rat nhiéu vao phan nghe, vi néu ban nghe khéng tot thi cing sé khong néi duge. 6 High-Level Dusi day 1a bai néi mau (diém t6i da). Response 4@ "Holo, Ms. Richards. Thanks for your call {1} edu cho *@" aim sorry you've been charged for an order that you (2 shone ngbe Bt Ik ban di "actually canceled. bio vin dé [a] guess there must have been an error in our payment [3] néu If do xiy ra s¥ ob system, so your cancellation wasn't processed. {A} Also |, uh, called the online shopping mall and the (4) xéc nhan manager confirmed that you had canceled the order, so it's clear that you were overcharged. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. {51So, uh, we'll send you @ new credit card bill now. {5} néu gid phap cho su ob Please don’t pay the original bill we sent you. [6] Un ... And, let me know if I can help you with anything 6] ké thie else. Have a nice day! of va xin I Néu ban trinh bay edu tra Jai ciia minh mét each ty nhién theo séu bude trén thi ban c6 thé dat diém 5. 180 Trong thuc t€ c6 nhiing tinh huéng su c6 nao? Tom tat so luge Summary Tinh hudng su 06 rat da dang, nhung thuémg la tinh hudng tin nhéin ghi am cia déng nghigp hode cia khéch hang yéu cau gidi quyét gap sw of. Dudi day la mot sé su of thudng gap: ~ Yeu clu thing bo ich he an ae i ~ Ve miy bay dt re bi sai thong tn a nghy si bay, sa tn agi ~ Khch san dit tre bj sai thing tn sila hing, sai én ng = V6 xem phim dt tr bj sa hing in a ny i bi din, sai ten agi, as. ~ May tinh cia aban vién méi bt ngi bi try trie dén cing vige (Work-related Problems) (Reservation Mistakes) Su e6 lién quan én ngdn hang, thanh toga NN (Bill Payment), SY Sut ef vé vige (Dowvery Gidiy bdo thanh todn tién bj sai Failure) [ $4.6 vi thé tn dung Tn pnw S46 vé méy ATM ~ Hing héa bi gan nh cm ~ Hing héa bi gan chim ~ Hang hab hu hing ~ Giao thiu mot phn hang Thi Logi ¥ * Ban can hiéu that ro tinh hudng cia van dé vi cdu tré loi eiia ban phy thude rat nhiéu vao diéu nay. Nguéi goi dién hay nhén tin e6 thé cé thai do than phién hoae thai dp nhé va. Tay timg thai d) ma ban e6 ede each tra loi khde nha. Prowow tg th loi 151 CCI Ct’ Tra loi cau hoi cing ngudi diu bép nhiét tinh Bi quyét tra Idi cau hdi higu qua / x eee o Biqyét: Néu nghe tét thi sé tra loi tot Vige nghe va hiéu hét n6i dung eda dogn tin nhén ghi ém dai 1 phut that khong dé. Tuy vay, néu ban khong thé hiéu va nhé hét néi dung, ban can luu y bén yéu té sau 1) Ten ciia ngudi néi la gi? Trong tin nhén dign thoai, bao gid edng e6 tén cia ngudt dé lai tin nhén dé, Ban edn ghi nhé tén nay dé ti¢n chao héi khi tra loi. Tén nay thudng duoe dé cap 6 phan dau, va thuimg dupe lap lai ¢ phan cuéi eda tin nhén, 2) Nguii tr Li e6 vai tro gi? Trude khi tré loi tin nhén, ban phai hiéu rd ban 1a ai, c6 mhiém vu va vai trd gi trong céng ty, ¢6 quan hé nhu thé néo véi ngudi dé lai tin nhén. Ban c6 thé la ding nghiép hoge cép trén eda ngudi kia, cting e6 thé la nhan vien cham s6c khdch hang cia mot cing ty. 3) Van dé ciia ngudi dé lai tin nhdn Ia gi? Day la noi dung oo ban nhét cia tin nhén. Ban phai higu that r van dé true khi dura ra hung gidi quyét. Ban cing can biét thai 46 cia nguii dé vé van dé (I6i eva ngudi d6, eda ban, hay do nguyén nhan khéich quan) dé o6 ech tré Iti phi hop. 4) Noi dung yéu cdu cia ngudi dé Iai tin nhdn la gi? Day cing la phan rat quan trong cia tin nhén. Ban cn phdi biét ngudi kia muén ban Jam gi. C6 phai nguéi 46 mudn ban goi lei eang sém eng tét Khong, hay don gidn chi la than phién, hay kiém tra lai tai khoan? Bianét2: Suy nghi va viét ra gidi phap trong 30 giay chuan bi ‘Néu khong ghi ra giai phap trong hic chudn bi, o6 thé ban sé quén sau dé, nhét la khi o6 4p luc vé thi gian. Gidi phap cang cu thé va cang duing chuyén mon cang tét. Di nhién, 8 c6 gidi phap tét, ban nén tap dé ¥ ede tinh hudng trong cong viée thue té cia ban ngay ‘tir bay gid. Vi du, khi may tinh bi héng, ban goi dén noi bao hanh, ho thuing néi gi? Biayét3: Luyén. tap cAc butéc tién hanh tra 1di Dé thudn tign cho cdc tinh hudng khée nhau, ban nén theo ede bude tién hanh tra Joi eo ‘ban sau: New r tén cia ban Cho nei ie bit la Trinh at thie 1 tin cia ng ia ban da hidu so, fii qu va tr Ia ei thich va xin Ia di dung yéu cu (au do Ii ca ban hay cia ng kie cng ty ban) Biquyét4: Ban c6 thé t¥ chéi yéu cau ‘Khong phai hic nao ban cing phai dua ra giai phap va théa man ede yéu cau cia ngudi kia. Trén thye té, ban phai tir chéi hon nia s6 yeu edu tir nhimg ngudi khée. Do 6, trong bai thi, ban van o6 thé tit chéi, nhung khi tit chéi ban nén giai thich ly do vi sao (nh ban dang di eéng tac xa, hode ban dang di nghi cuéi tun ...); hoae ban c6 thé gidi thigu mot ngudi khdc e6 thé giai quyét van dé. (Coal Solution Recipe 158 Bai hoc thuc té trén gidy nai | fate _ seston S10 \Nén €é cén gi quyét)_| ordered some, um, some sales flyers from you... to promote my store's. big holiday sale. Well, the sale starts in ten days and | stilthavenft gotten ‘the'flvers. (Noi dung yéu edu) | 866. Stet StribitinIg;heM'riow. in order to let customers know about this, uh, this event. This is always one of the busiest, uh, the busiest times of year for us, and we make a lot of money during our holiday sale. It's very important that we reach, um, as many people as possible... and the fiyers really help us do that. MPaat [Chao héi} Hi, this is Carmen McCarty from McCarty’s Furniture [Chao két thie} ll be anxiously awaiting your report on this situation. You have my number, Chuan bj 00:30 giay © Khi ogbe tin nhiin nay, ban cin chi § cfc thing tin nhut ho ela ngubi n6i (McCarty), vin €8 edn gidi quyét, noi dung yéu edu. Khi nghe, ban nén tp trang vio phin nghe, ding voi nghi vé dép én dé king bj phin tim. © Thai gian chuén bj Ta 30 gidy, chi bang nit thoi giam tré loi, Do d6, trong thoi sian chuén bi, ban chi c6 thé nghi vé gidi phép, khong thé tp n6i od bai dupe, nN 158 www.nhantrivieticom Theo tin nhan trén thi vén dé la khach hang chia nhan duoc hang nhu da hen, va cin duge nhan ngay. Theo ban thi nén tr ldi khéch hang nay nit thé nao? ‘Tra di 00:60 gity © Bua tén Khéch hing vao cfu chio hii du tién © Xée nhén sy of va n6i Joi xin Ibi © I'd like to apologize for the inconvenience. > I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. ‘hi xin Ii, nu bam dum ra If do gid thch oy of thi clu td li 8 thupét phye hhon. Ban o6 thé chudn bj trade nhing If do thutng gp nbut méy méc bi hy hing, 16i cia nhan vién, s6 ligu bi nhém, v.v. © Néu ra gidi php Diy la phn quen trong nbit va cing la phén nguti nghe tring doi nhét. Trong ‘trvimg hyp nay, t6t ohdt 1a-ban nén hita gti ngay hang bing courier hay express: ral Trin an Khéch hing va chio tam biét ‘Ban nén trén an khéch hing va cho tam bigt mot edch lich sy. @ Bap n cla TOMATO slogize for any inconvenience this {0 there wes a problem with the AGipe 155 Théo ¥ MP3_31 S10 (Chio héi] Hello, my name is\easieanh. [Vin & cén ii qué} | stayed at your hotel over the weekend, um, while | attended the National Telemarketers Conference. | was the only representative from my company who was there, so it was my. uh. my responsibilty to take notes on the conference. ae [Noi dung yéu eda) The CEO of my company expects me to, t0 give a presentation about the conference this Friday, but | can’t do it without my notes, you [Chio két thie] Please let me know as soon as possible. Again, this is my number's 555-9030. Chudin bi 00:30 gidy Veith adn ah ah agi engin ev og eh sand ah gi im ip. ghia a Seth Let cpilaidgeb is he: ‘vf ni dang yeu of, Le ding Las wondering # you~. © Néa Khdng nghe 10 tin trong phn du, ben of ng nghe 6 phn ot. Xe 196 Van dé la khach bé quén sé ghi nh6 h6i nghi trong phong khach san. Theo ban thi nén tra 13i ngu’i nay nhu thé nao? ‘Tra 10i 00:60 gity © Bi tan khéch hang vio ciu chio hi dla tén. Ban cn néi rb minh Ia nit cia Khch san. “ ‘@ Khing dinh 16 la ben d& hiéu ey of. Bat Khéng edn xin Iéi vi day khong pha 1Bi oda ben hay ca khéch sen. © Neu ra gidi phap iy la phn quan trong nbit va ngubi nghe tring dgi nit. Vi day 1a trung hhgp edp bch nén ban o6 thé chon overnight delivery 46 gi cho Khdch cuin 36d, ‘Ban efing cd néi ré la bén nao s& chiu euée goi di va phuimg thie thanh todn. © Trin an khéch hing va chio tam bigt Ban nén tra an Khéch hang va cho tam bigt mét ech leh su. @ Bap an ciia TOMATO Th tsi V olulorSoe 187 e e LLUUs lr ° Hay tap trung luyén tap nhimg cdch ‘ dién dat co ban ding trong tin nhan ghi am @ MP3.s2 Pattern : : Speer fay tap trung luyén tap nhung cdch dién dat co ban khi dé lai tin nhén va khi nhén tin nhan ghi am. Tin nhén hi am Nghe Hello, this is ~ B)) Helo, his is Rebecca Cruise. Mike Anderson. Daren Wang. I’m calling about ~ ) I'm calling about my shipment, concert tickets I got today. my appointment with Carry Hines. This message is for ~ B), this message is for Mr. Jenkins in Personnel. Derek White in Maintenance. Ms. Nolan in Customer Service. 16 You can reach me ~ B), You can reach me at my office, on my cell phone. at my home. Tin ohan Tai Hello, ~. I'm calling from ~ B ) Hello, Mr. Harriot.|'m calling from the Johnson’s Office. Lydia the ABC company. Ms. Rice the customer service department. I'm returning your call regarding ~ BB, iim returning your call regarding the new employee. the delay in shipping. the flight reservation, We got your message saying ~ BB, we got your message saying the shipment was delayed. the product was malfunctioning. you needed to reschedule the meeting. Hot Taining Racine 169 Th lox We are sorry for ~ By Weare (really) sorry for the contusion, the late delivery. the billing mistake. | guess there must have been problems. Bs guess there must have been an error in our computer system. a mistake on our side. a communication breakdown. I totally understand ~ Bs) totaly understand the inconvenience we have caused you. the troubles you have experienced. the schedule might be tight. We completely admit that ~ Bs) We compietely admit that we're responsible for the mistake. we're at fault. our service could have been better. We'd be willing to ~ Bs wedte willing to rearrange the schedule. send it by express courier so that you can get it today. refund the full cost of the damaged goods. 'm happy to say there is a way ~ Bs rn napoy to sey there is 2 way t0 contact Mr. Johnson. to deal with this problem. to help you. lll have one of our staff ~ B) trinave one of our staff contact you soon. call you back, fix the machine, ‘The looi V Hot Training Racine 161 Gilzwa 1 8 Chuyén tiéng Viet sang tiéng An, sau dé tap n6i 1 2 Hello, Rydia Han. {'m calling from ngin hang, van phong luat su. phong chim séc khéch hang. phong duy tu tda nba. B Good morning, Ms. Collins, I'm returning the call regarding phéng vin vige lam giao hang tré han. sy bat tign (ma anh J chi da chiu) hen véi bée si Gonzales Bs, We really apologize for sv nhim lén vige tra lot cham tré sui bat tign (ma anh / chi da chiu) vige hoa don 06 sai sét. 8 4 B I guess there must have been mot s6 sue & day chuyén lap rap. i cia mot nhén vién. sf thay di lich trinh, 1éi 6 he thng dat hang qua méy tink, 5 B | totally understand lich lam viée rat khit khao, anh / chj can hang rat gap. 6 khong phai la tréch nhiém cia ban. ching ti 44 khéng théng béo dit thing tin vé chinh sch cia chiing t6i cho anh / chi. 102 wwwnhantrivietcom 6 & Bp How about hoan di tién cho anh / chi? true tigp dén day? hii mot ngudi ding nghiép cia ti thay vi héi toi? éi sin phim méi ma khéng edn tra thém tién (at no extra cost)? ‘Il have ngubi 6 tréch nhigm gidi quyét vin 4@ khong vita ¥ ofa anh / chi, nguii e6 tréch nhiém lién lac ngay véi anh / chi. mot nhén vien cia ching toi s® giao n6 ngay cho anh / chi. thu ky ea toi sé fax ngay cho anh / chi. i. 8 B, We'll deal with the problem immediately so that you can si dung méy tinh xéch tay ciia cong ty ngay. hin dige hing trong ngby hom nay. nin duge thing tin m anh / chi yéu edu duge hun luyén nhu an / ch dng ki. eo. tthe Lk te on fice / ho tome Sve separ / ts ners paren ay wieres 2: YOU job inteiviews / the lat delivery/ tterincomvenicien i eppintment one of out ttf dle itinmediately/my estat faxitto you 8 Use the company lantep ight away / get the-preduct today / 3 ‘et the information you requested / gt the waiting you signed up for www.nhantrivietcom Hot Training Recioe 169 Thé loai VS @ Mini Test Bay gid dén luot ban! Hay noi that tu tin nhé! Mini Test 1 :@ pels oes Question 10: Propose a Solution Directions: In this part of the test, you will be presented with a problem and asked to propose a solution. You will have 30 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. In your response, be sure to > show that you recognize the problem, and > propose a way to deal with the problem. ‘Th en ees eae a) my cn Question 10 of 11 In your response, be sure to > show that you recognize the caller’s problem, and > propose a way of dealing with the problem Enns 00:01:00 ‘The si V, Mini Test 167 Mini Test 2 @ Question 10: Propose a Solution Directions: In this part of the test, you will be presented with a problem and asked to propose a solution. You will have 30 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak In your response, be sure to > show that you recognize the problem, and > propose a way to deal with the problem. 168 ay Question 10 of 11 In your response, be sure to > show that you recognize the caller’s problem, and > propose @ way of dealing with the problem. Eas 00:01:00 70 Cau nay tuy ¢6 ve hoa my nhung rat edn thiét trong nhimg trudng hop ban khong biét ndi gi. sae "hg fn hing ip eng bi hi TOI tae 474 Phit im = Ngtphip Tit vung ©) ©) Logie Nee Preview ting thé loai a (tm Tog, (‘Tr loa Tal a Se as cae 0-8 difmeiy 0-3 diim 0-8 diéwieis screen 1 Man hinh hién thj doan van huéng din ENTE yo vce hoi cia thé loai VI. Day la edu heen 174 Question 11: Express an Opinion Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be sure to say as much as you can in the time allowed. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. che buée trinh bay ¥ kién hai thé loai VI ato Qn 0-3 dime = 0-5 dim OS diém aoa dé ctia thé loai VI 1a Be | hi yéu edu ben trinh bay 9 kid | vé mot chi d8 nao 6. Thai gian | chuén bj la 15 gidy, thoi gian tra | tei ka 60 giay. screen 2 Man hinh chudn bj TOFIC Speaking Que Bea hi nghe Begin preparing now kom theo ting bip thi ban phi chudin bi ngay vi may bét dau dém Some managers like to let employees work independently. | gue thii gian chun bi (15 gig. Other managers prefer to give workers very specitic | instructions for each task. Which method do you. | prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to | ‘Support your opinion. | | | | ) screen 3. Man hinh tra ld ee Cea hi nghe Begin answering now em theo ting bip thi ban phi tra li ngay vi my bét dd dém Some mi Jers like to let employee rk independenth 7 Near rate a mavess work independently: 1 sie th gia ti In (60 gil). Other managers prefer to give workers very specific instructions for each task. Which method do you preter and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. TIME TS | 00:01:00 Th og www.nhantrivieticom Proview igh ah 475 Tra léi thé nao 1a tét? Cac tiéu chi danh gia ¢ chon quan da nh. Trong voag mg vit, bgn nén chudn bj khoang if do kém theo vi du. 5 diém. High-Level _ Response > Ja bai tra 161 mau (diém t6i de {Trinh bay | think it’s better for managers to give workers specific instructions for quan diém] gach task. {Ly do] This way, they can save time on projects. Vidi] In my experience, i's not easy for managers to get what they want out ‘of employees without giving them instructions. And so, the work often needs to be revised a lot or even redone, which wastes everyone's time. {ly do2] Uh... Also, for the employee, working with specific instructions makes the job more comfortable and easy. (Két uén) Basically, giving specific instructions is better for everyone. 1073.96 Trong si dy nay, ban phai trink b ay quan @iém cia mink vé mot trong hat lua chon: &é nhén vién iam vige die lap hay phai dua chi din ti mi cho tra Toi mau nay da tinh bay ro quan diém, hai ly do va rét logic va nhét quan nén da dat diém t6i da (5 diém. eéng viée ho lam. Phan. ot vi du, Day 1a phan tr Lot 78 aovdete: | Nhting loai cu héi nao thudng xuat hién trong bai thi TOEIC thuc té? Tom tat so luge _ Summary C6 hai loai eau héi trong phan VI. Logi thé nhat yeu cdu thi sinh bay t8 y kién v8 hai quan diém tréi ngupe nhau 4a duge cho sin va gii thich ly do. Loai thé hai yéu edu thi sinh trinh bay ¥ kién ctia minh vé mot quan diém cho sn. Cau héi thé loai VI tap trung vao hai mang chii dé chinh: sinh hoat hang ngay va noi lam viee. 1, Troiing hyp thi sinh bay t6 y kién vé hai quan diém trai nguge nhau 1) Cau héi vai hai quan diém thuong gay tranh ei ‘Voi dang cau hoi nay, ban ¢6 thé chon quan diém khée véi hai quan diém cho sin, ‘Quan trong la lam sao cho each If gidi cia ban hop If va nhét quan, Cm si dung Internet trong eing ty 1 ise phép si dung Internet trong cing ty Cha me phi chon nghé nghigp cho on ei | Con ai phi ty chon nghé ng eho min Hoc sinh phi mj dng phye | VS. Hoe sinh Khing phi mic ding phe | Cutmg 8 lao dng true day 1a can Cofing 46 lao dng hign nay la can | Phang thi vi wi tia chia thi mot ki || Ph iit ida a iém due tiém 2] Cau hit voi quan diém khée nhau (tiy kinh nghigm eta méi ngutt) ‘Voi dang eau héi nay, ban sé trinh bay ¥ kién cia minh vé hai quan diém cho sn vé mot vn dé nao d6. Day khong phai la van dé gay tranh cai gay gét ma don thuan chi la van dé lua chon mang tinh cé nhan. Ban c6 thé ¢6 quan diém khée véi hai quan diém cho sin, ikea vio [icq tah ite hee ‘Nén sng suit dai é mét noi |Khong nén sing sudt doi @ mét noi ‘Khéng nén dinh nhiéu thi gian dé an true | VG. [Nen inh nhiéu thai gian dé an teva ¢ sé Jam slam | ‘Nén theo nghé minh thich |Nén theo nghé of Iuomg cao n o6 mgt bi nghi di 31 Cau héi véi quan diém khée nhau (tiy tradng hop) ‘Phai sy gh tre khi qayét dh [Pha da ra qu dinh aban ching ———| ‘Nn len Ig tee tip ng ch gp mit [Na lin lac um gn tha hy email en td lung io cho nhin vién nh inh | VSS, Nin tr amg eo oho nbd ven moi gh | Soh rid cn cg ng atch ye |S phat rai ing ng teu ge | 2. Trutdng hop thi sinh bay té ¥ kién vé mot quan diém cho sin | ie} “Dao nay tré om xem tv qua mhidu® “Vito ling nghe§ kin ci an viene in tt dp mht cia nha qui Khong phai ic nao chi dé eau hoi cling lé hai quan 4iém aéi lap nhau, do dé ban Th V1 can phai chu y. Proiow ig th at 177 V4 ee Tra loi cau hdi cing ngudi dau bép nhiét tinh Bi quyét tra Idi cau hdi higu qua Biqyét1: Hiéu that r6 van dé / Diéu kién dau tién dé trinh bay tét quan diém cia minh la hiéu rd van dé duoc néu ra / trong cau héi, Cau hai thudng o6 ede dang: yéu edu thi sinh cho biét mot ¥ kién nao 46 dving hay sai, hode yu edu thi sinh chon mot trong hai quan diém, hay thinh thoding yéu cdu thi sinh trinh bay ¥ kién vé mot quan diém nao dé. What is your opinion about the statement “Children watch too much TV." ‘What do you think about the statement “Internet has changed the way we live."? Day 1a dang edu hdi mé. Cée quan diém duge dua ra thuimg la su that durge da sé chap nhan. Do 46, véi cau hdi dang nay, ban nén dua ra vi dy va di kién dé lam rd quan diém 46. Vi dy, ban o6 thé trién khai ede ¥ nhu tré em xem ti-vi nhiéu dén mute d6 nao, anh hudng tiéu eye ra sao, edch gidi quyét ra sao ... DI nhién, ban hoan toan eé quyén chon. quan diém nguge lei, tiie 1a ban cho rang “tré em khéng xem ti-vi nhiéu”, Trong truomg hop nay, edch Ii gidi eta ban s@ gap khé khan hon rét nhiéu. Do 46, day khong phai la cach lua chon ma ban nén theo. Biquéi2: Ban khong nén phifc tap héa van dé ‘Trén thue té, khong phai Iie nao ban eding e6 quan diém ro rang nhw hai quan diém cho sin trong phén nay. Tuy nhién, vi day 1a bai thi nén ban khong nén trinh bay mét each phic tap nbw trong thue té. Di nhién, chting toi khong khuyén khich ban bia dat moi chuygn vi nhu thé lgp luan eda ban sé khé e6 logic. Chuing toi chi khuyén cdc ban nén ‘trinh bay quan diém ro rang, don gian va o6 dn ching day di. Bigyéts: Ban phai dua ra cin cit cho quan diém ctia minh Néu ban chi néu quan diém ma khong ching minh cho quan diém dé thi ban sé khong 6 diém. Vi vay trong théi gian 15 giay chuén bi, ban phai 05 ging tap ‘trang suy nghi dé tim ra day di ede ly do va vi du 6 tinh thuyét phuc. 1) Ly do hoge vi du Dé chiing minh cho quan diém cia minh, ban cén dua ra ly do hoge vi du. Not edch Khe, ban phéi gidi thich vi sao ban nghi nhw vay (because), oé kinh nghiém thue té nao lién quan khéng (for example). Theo kinh nghiém cia chiing ti, trong 1 phuit, ban 6 thé trinh bay hai ly do va mot vi dy. 2) Ban nén nghi ra ly do bing tit khéa tiéng Anh Dé trénh ling ting khi tré loi, trong thét gian chudn bi, ban nén of nght ra dupe tir khéa tiéng Anh cho cdc ly do ma ban sép dua ra. Vi du, véi chi dé “tim thong tin tren Internet tét hon tim trong sach”, ban o6 thé 6 ede tt khéa nhu faster, more up-to- date, free (don't need to pay), easy to access ... 3) Ban nén dién dat ¥ bang nhiéu cu ngin Nhu da néi ¢ trén, ban nén trinh bay quan diém cing voi hai ly do va mot vi du, Tuy nhién, xin ban dimg higu Kim ring ching ta chi nén trinh bay phan trd loi trong vong 4 cau tiéng Anh. Nguoe lai, ban nén diing nhiéu eau tiéng Anh voi 4) dai, ngan khée nhau dé lam r6 quan diém ciia minh. Khi gidi thich tai sao Internet tét hon séch, ban 6 thé néi nhu sau: Ding ti Khe to ea First of all, the Internet is easy to access | mean, you can use the Internet almost everywhere these days. However, in case of books, you should go to libraries or bookstores in person ot the rt ion. aes inerrneth Tang tinh thuyét phye khi so sinh wéi sich Bigytt: Ban phai nam r6 cdc buéc co ban khi trién khai y kién Coe ee ee Co thé bao gim C6 thé bao gim Ba ra Kt lum dy trén cde If do vidy vid vite néu, ahiin mgnh quan diémn Vin ita (oe! Solution Racine 179 Question / 11 e Some supervisors think a high level of education is important when hiring employees. Others think it is more important to hire employees with a lot of relevant work experience. Which do you think is more important? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Chudin bi.00:1S giay © Higa v6 eau hii ‘Ban nén dpe Ki cui vi ban bj digm:0-néu-trd oi Khng ding trong tim cu bi, cho di bam ni ta lot. Sin xip§ Chon quan dim, suy nghi I do va vi dy. Vikhing thé ghi ra gify ném ben dinh su nghfrtong fu Ban ding quén ng ra cdc t kha tiéng Anh nhé. > Quan diém A: kink nghigm quan trong hon = Lf do 1: kinh nghifm gdp nbn vidn o6nhidu kin thie thu #8 trong cbng vie (more practical knowledge) = Ty do 2: néu chi o6 ly thuyét thi nbn vidn 8 khing biét lam mat s6 cing vige tye 16 (a gio tip voi Khel hing, ..) {Theory is just not enough for some work) > Quan diém B: trinh 46 hoc vin quan trong hon ~ Lf do 1: ohn vién cf kin thie bi bia, he théng (more systematic knowledge) =f do:2: mgt s6-cing vige chuyén.mén-cdn; cf trinh 4 hoe van cao (nhu khoa hge, php ludt, v.v.) (Some professional work needs degrees). wwwinhantrivietcom Vhdn vién cé trink dé hoc vén cao va nhén vién co nhiéu kinh nghiém ‘Tra Ii 00:60 giay © Néu ré quan did Ban nén néi ré quan diém eda minh ngay bi déu, @ Trinh bay ly do ‘Ban of thé ding miu cu That's because ~ © Dus ra vf dy phit hyp voi If do Gia oi bn cho ring kinh nghim quan trong hom trinh dd hoe vi thi bem hai néu ra m6t céng vige cy thé trong mOt odng ty cy thé mio 46 va chi ro ra ring cing vige nay khéng cén trinh dd hye vén ma cln kinh nghigm. Ban of thé ding mu elu For example © Lap lai quan diém va két thie @ Bap an cia TOMATO rth alot of relevant work t than education in many fields, | think, Education just che yes general eve about certain things, but won’ experince means you know how to manage’the specific and practical things it your industry. [Ths ba: vidal For exemple, if you'r in the position of aetng with cistrner com ints, you came learn through textbook, But ‘when you get practical experience handling rel complaints, then you learn how fo daatwith customers more efficiently: (Ni iuin] That's why think relevant iwark experience is rhore essential ‘when hiring employees. paar ac (oa Some people like to take public transportation to work or school. Others prefer to drive their own cars. Which method of transportation do you like better and why? Chuan bi 00:15 giay (© Higu 16 ctu hit 'B8 bai yéu edu ban chon mt trong hai han ding: t Tai 6 t6 hay ding phuomg ti giao thing céng cng. © Sip xép 6 ey, bam o6 thé chi ara hai If do, khong mbit thitt phi ob vid. > Quan diém A: ding phwiong tién giao thing cdng cbng = Lj do 1: tit kigm thi gian (faster -* save time) = Ly do 2: tit kigm tién (cheaper + save money) > Quan diém B: ty léi xe riéng = Lf do I: 06 thé ai bit et Ibe nao (can use anytime) ~Lf do 2: hing phi chen iin (not crowded) Diing phuong tién giao thong cong cong va tw Idi xe riéng ‘Trd Idi 00:60 gidy © Neu ri quan diém ‘Ban nén néi rd quan diém cia minb ngay ti du. Mot phén ca clu hai of thé dupe ding 48 gii thigu quan diém cia ban. © Trinh bay If do ‘Ban o6 thé ding oée ti néi nhu Firstly, Secondly. © Bus ra vi dy phi hyp voi If do @ Lap lai quan diém va két thie e Dap an cia TOMATO #@p_ (Cent Foe my personal experienc, | thnks beter to wansportation than dive my Mae reasons, | Can say refer using pubic transportation. Hay tap trung luyén tap nhimg céch dién dat co ban ding khi trinh bay y kién ip wP3.38 er-laclag) : feeerteee !2y tap trung luyén tap nhuing ech dién dat eo bin ding khi trinh ba ‘Trinh bay quan tiém Personally, | agree ~ B) Personally, | agree that job satisfaction is more important than a high salary. | think it’s better to ~ Bs From my personal experienc, | thnks better to use publi ransportation. I'd prefer doing ~ If it was up to me, I'd prefer working independently. To some extent[degree] it’s true. By iim not entirely of the opinion that people should do what they want rather than what they are expected to do, but to some extent it's true. sas | definitely agree with ~ each other when they do a project together. | think it depends on the situation. | definitely agree with the idea that staff members should listen to BB, | tink it depends on the situation, Bur normally people want to own their own homes, | think sometimes ~, but other times ~ By, | think sometimes is better to use public transportation, but other times | find it more convenient to drive. I'd like to elaborate on this point ~ B) ratte to elaborate on this point by giving two reasons I can justify ~ Bs 1 can sity driving to work forthe following reasons. raining Recipe 185 ‘The og V0 Primarily, ~. Next, ~ B>) Primarily, it costs iess if go to a traditional market. Next, | fee! more comfortable with many people around me bargaining loudly with shopkeepers. Also, / Furthermore, / Besides, / In addition, ~ Bs vou can save time by using emails. Furthermore, you can find out automatically when the recipient reads your mail. hi dva ra ket lug To summarize, / In conclusion, / In short, ~ Bs in conctusion, its better to employ workers on a short-term basis. Accordingly, / So, / Therefore, ~ Bs accordingly, | would say that job experience is more important than a college degree. fina 4 8 Chuyén tiéng Viet sang tiéng Anh, sau dé tap néi. 1 BE If it was up to me, \'d prefer mua hang trén mang hon 1a mua é tiém. chay bd bén ngodi hon la dén phong tap. di an tiém hon 1a an @ nha. 2 BE From my personal experience, I think c6 mét vai ngubi ban than tét hon ed nhiéu ban. Jién Ige qua dién thogi tét hon qua e-mail. am vige theo nhém tét hon lam viée mét minh. > LB» | cefinitely agree moi nai nén me ding phue 6 sé lam, tré em khéng nén tn qué nhiéu thai gian dé vao Internet. chit phat tén Tam thém gi cho nbn vin. 4 B> ican justty ts nhiéu thi gien cho gst doan lip ke hosch, chi mua hang 6 cia hang (offline). chi lin Ige voi moi ng qua e-mail Dap an Hot Trainng Recioe 187 © B | can't say | totally agree wong cao quan trong hon su hai long véi cing viée. radié 1a phuong tién truyén thong tét nhat dé ném bit tin tie moi. dé dank tién cho tung lai quan trong hon tiéu tién 6 hign tai, 6 B» that’s because aé tip cn 6 nhiéu thong tin, 6 thé tiét kiém tién va thoi gian. ( B The thing is, people tend to nhin su vat theo quan diém ca minh, ghét ti “thay déi” va khong muén mao hiém. phan ting tiéu eve véi nhiing dieu ho khong hiéu ré. 8 oma Accordingly, | would say that ching ta cin nhigu thi gian ranh hon. trd thanh tuyp ngudi (lam viée hiéu qua vao) budi sing 1a didu tot. moi ngudi cin quan tam hon dén cdc van dé xa héi. Dap an 188 Q Q 4 O Hoan thanh ede y cho sin va tap néi, [Truding hgp chon mét trong hai quan diém A/B] TOPIC : Some people think job satisfaction is more important than a high salary. Others think it's more necessary to choose a job that pays a high salary. Which point of view do you agree with and why? ‘Theo ban thi gia luding cao va suf hii ling véi cdng vige, yéu t6 nio quan trong hon? \ ‘Case’A : Job Satisfaction 1. have to spend so much time at work 2. easy to get motivated \Y, Tabi Quan diém ‘® Theo tii thi job satisfaction is more important than a high salary. Ly dol @ Li do quan trong nhat la job satisfaction is crucial because we all © bé ra nhiéu thoi gian 6 ché lam. | mean, we have to work almost every day for 40 years, Imagine spending all that time in a job you hated! Ly do2 © Tiép theo, ' prefer a satisfying job because it is © lam cho ta d8 c6 déng lue hi lam vige, ‘Két lngn & Vi nhing ly do nay, | think it’s better to choose a satisfying job. Dap an 4@»_ 9.250 © Porsonaly think @ Primary © have to spend alot of time at work © Secondly @ easy to get motivated @ For these reasons Case B @ Personal | think © Firsty © need money to support our family : P3.20 vs. V Case'B : High Salary 1. need money to support the family 2. can enjoy doing whatever we want with the money we made NY B, Ta Quan diém © Theo tdi thi a high salary is more important than job satisfaction Ly dol ® Truée hét, no one can deny that we all © cin o6tién d€ nui sng gia dinh. Living costs in big cities like Seoul are getting higher and it's not easy just to get by. Lydo2 © Them vio 46, we @ of thé thodi méi lam thing gi minh thich with the money we made. Két Ingn © Tom la, i's better to get a job that pays a high salary. © Additionally © can enjoy doing whatever we went @ In short 10 @ 123.40 190 [Trung hgp khdng chon ditt khodt A hoic B] TOPIC : Do you prefer communicating with someone face to face or via email? Give specific reasons to support your answer. informal situation: formal situation: It's better to communicate face to face. It's better to communicate via email. (e.g. dealing with a problem with a client) B, diém Tritei © Toi nghi didu d6 con tiy vio ting truimg hop. @ Néu la tink hudng than mét then it’s probably better © true tiép gap va trao déi thong tin as it’s more natural and faster to talk face to face than to email each other. © Nguoc lai @ néu la tinh hung trang trong email can be better because you have extra time to think about what you want to. say. For example, © khi gidi quyét vin dé véi khéch hang you can carefully review and revise your email before sending it. Két win © V6i cach hiéu nhu vay, face-to-face communication and email can both be useful at different times. 11 12 i3 Hay viét 2 cém ett (ly do hoge vi du) cho timmg quan diém fe dust day, ‘Would you rather have friends who are similar to you, or would you prefer to hang out with people who are different? Give specific reasons to support your opinion, (A) friends'similar to me vs. (B}friends'differentfromme * Can ett @ Can ct © Can ef @_ Cine @ “Supervisors should listen to their employees before making decisions.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give specific reasons to support your opinion, Cin ct @ Cin et @ “Most of us have more enjoyable lives now than people used to have in the past.” What is your opinion on this matter? @ make employees feel valued e.g}in some gencies it wort nee Hot Haining Recipe 181 Toe Thé loai V7, @ Mini Test Bay gid dén luot ban! Hay noi that tu tin nhé! c 92 Mini Test 1@ Question 11: Express an Opinion Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic, Be sure to say as much as you can in the time allowed. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. Thé ti VA www.nhantrivietcom eT neces ‘Some managers like to schedule a lot of meetings with their employees. Others feel that team meetings are @ waste of time. Which opinion do you agree with and why? Question 11: Express an Opinion Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be sure to sey as much as you can in the time allowed. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. ‘Th lo VA Mini Test 198 esa Coenen What do you think about this statement: "Should children learn to play a musical instrument in school?” Give your opinion and use specific reasons to support it. 00:01:00 196 Ban khéng nén ndéi “Chi vi khéng ‘thich.” Trong phén VI, méi khi dua ra mot quan diém hoje mot y kién, ban cin giai thich ly do vi sao. Ly do nay phai cu thé, ro rang va hop ly. Trinh diing 16i tra lai chung chung nhw *Toi khong chon né vi toi khong thich”. Ly do chung nay khong di thuyét phuc, va do 46, ban sé khong dat diém cao. “Because it is Actual Tests Actual ee | Actual Test 1 @ Speaking Test Directions This is the TOEIC Speaking Test. This test includes eleven questions that measure different aspects of your speaking ability. The test lasts approximately 20 minutes. pronunciation | _s intonation and stress + grammar + vocabulary | + cohesion | all of the above, plus | | 46 | Respond to questions | all of the above, plus | + relevance of content : ________| + completeness of content _ 7-9 | Respond to questions using | all of the above pose a soll all of the above 2 1 Express an opinion | all ove For each type of question, you will be given specific directions including the time allowed for preparation and speaking, It is to your advantage to say as much as you can in the time allowed. It is also important that you speak clearly and that you answer each question according to the directions. Click on Continue to go on. Questions 1, 2: Read a Text Aloud Directions: In this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud. 202 Question 1 of 11 At this time, Air Pacifica flight 8-1-8 to Taipei is ready to begin boarding. I'd like to ask all passengers seated in first class to please come forward to board at this time. Once the first-class passengers are onboard, we'll call for the remaining Passengers by seat number. Make sure to have your boarding pass out, and please show your passport or other valid photo ID to the boarding agent. Again, we're now starting the boarding process for Air Pacifica flight 8-1-8 to Taipei 00:00:45 ie seer CT ae BN Do you like to keep up with events happening in your world? If so, the Daily View is your source for both local and international news. For nearly forty years, the Daily View has been bringing reliable and award-winning news coverage to people throughout the country. Business and economy, entertainment, sports, weather... we cover it all and much more. Get your year’s subscription to the Daily View today for the low price of $19.95. You'll be glad you did. 204 Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe the picture on your screen in as much detail as you can. You will have 30 seconds to prepare your response, Then you will have 45 seconds to speak about the picture. TOEIC Spe: Question 3 of 11 Questions 4-6: Respond to Questions ction: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 4 and 5, and 30 seconds to respond to Question 6. cele) Cres Imagine that @ British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in 2 telephone interview about how you use your vacation time. If you could take a vacation next week, where would you go? 00:00:15 208 www.nhantrivietcom, TOEIC Speaking Ce ou ae) Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about how you use your vacation time. How long do you usually spend on vacation, and who do you go with? a Ce an Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about how you use your vacation time. When you go on vacation, do you plan your time thoroughly or do you go without many plans? Describe your style of traveling Actual Test 1 207 Questions 7-9: Respond to Questions Using the Information Provided Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions based on the information provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear @ beep. No additional preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 7 and 8, and 30 seconds to respond to Question 9. See the Sights with Streetcar City Tours! Choose from this month's exciting one-day tour packages: Date Tour May 5 “Downtown High-Rise” Get to know downtown! May 12 “City Science” ~ Natural Museum, Aquarium, Science Center May 19 “Nature in the City” — City Zoo, Howard Gardens, City Parks May 26 “Extreme Shopping” ~ Visit all 9 city malls! * includes entry fees 208 Cost $15 $35* $20" $15 | Choose from this month's exciting one-day tour packages: Date Tour Cost May 5 “Downtown High-Rise os Get to know downtown! $15 May 12 “City Science” - Natural Museum, Aquarium, Science Center $35° May 19 “Nature in the City” ~ City Zoo, Howard Gardens, City Parks $20" May 26 “Extreme Shopping” Visit all9 city malls! $15 * includes entry fees See the Sights with Streetcar City Tours! Choose from this month's exciting one-day tour packages Date Tour Cost May5 “Downtown High-Rise” Get to know downtown! $15 May 12 “City Science” ~ Natural Museum, Aquarium, Science Center $35* May 19 “Nature in the City” — City Zoo, Howard Gardens, City Parks $20" May 26 “Extreme Shopping” - Visit all 9 city malls! $18 * includes entry fees Question 10: Propose a Solution Directions: In this part of the test, you will be presented with a problem and asked to propose a solution. You will have 30 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. In your response, be sure to + show that you recognize the problem, and + propose a way to deal with the problem In your response, be sure to + show that you recognize the caller's problem, and + propose a way to deal with the problem. www.nhantrivietcom oa Question 11: Express an Opinion Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be sure to say as much as you can in the time allowed, You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. (eee Ca aoi Do you agree or disagree with this statement: "A good supervisor listens to all the employees on his or her team."? State your opinion and give specific reasons to support it. 3 Actual Jest 2 Actual Test 2 & ‘Speaking Test Dir This is the TOEIC Speaking Test. This test includes eleven questions that Measure different aspects of your speaking ability. The test lasts approximately 20 minutes. Read a text aloud + pronunciation : + intonation and stress 3 Describe a picture all of the above, plus + grammar + vocabulary : + cohesion 46 Respond to questions all of the above, plus + relevance of content + completeness of content 7-9 Respond to questions using all of the above the information provided 10 __ Propose a solution all of the above " Express an opinion all of the above For each type of question, you will be given specific directions including the time allowed for preparation and speaking, It is to your advantage to say as much as you can in the time allowed. It is also important that you speak clearly and that you answer each question according to the directions, Click on Cont ue to go on. vaww.nhantriv! vai Tes: 2 216 Questions 1, 2: Read a Text Aloud Directions: in this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen, You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud. 26 Cm aE Hawthorne's Coffee is now the most popular coffee-house chain in the country, To celebrate this achievement, all Hawthorne's Coffee locations are offering a special deal for customers. During the month of June, when you buy any Hawthorne's Coffee beverage, you'll receive a second one at half price. That's right — buy any beverage and get half off the second one! This great deal is available at every Hawthorne's Coffee location. Visit one in your area today! Res pte ea aD Attention, employees. The Northview parking lot will be closed next week for some scheduled maintenance work. The Southside lot, as well as Edgewood lots A and B, will remain open. However, we realize more space may be needed. The shopping mall across the street has given us permission to use any of its parking lots until our maintenance work on the Northview lot is completed Please direct your questions on this issue to Sue Everton in Human Resources at extension 1-1-5 st? 217 Question 3: Describe a Picture Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe the picture on your screen in as much detail as you can. You will have 30 seconds to prepare your response. ‘Then you will have 45 seconds to speak about the picture. 28 wwwnhantrivietcom CE aE 2109 ate ss) Questions 4-6: Respond to Questions rections: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No preparation time is provided, You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 4 and 5, and 30 seconds to respond to Question 6. Cote cual Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about bookstores. How many books do you read a month, and where do you usually buy them? 20

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