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Yina Marcela Arroyo Navarro
Hola seño le mando la actividad en practice porque no daba la opción de
enviar respuesta.

 Mr Ben sleeps, at the sound the alarm goes off and drops in a glass of

 He has a hose that wakes him.

 Mr Ben gets up late and takes his clothes quickly.

 He hugs his teddy bear before he leaves.

 He is having milk and coffee for breakfast, dropping the well.

 He is sitting on the park bench with a man.

 He sneezes next to the man, and man gives him a napkin.

 He goes in his armchair above the car.

 At high speed comes Mr Ben up the cart and crashes into a car carrying

 He reads in his bed a book with teddy bears.

 He is living with teddy bear

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