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NOUN EXAMPLE SENTENCES  I feel bad at his missing this

 I live in Australia. opportunity.

 Jenny is my sister.  Their mocking of him was
 I love to play with my dog. inappropriate.
 The name of this monkey is Boo.  I loved listening to his singing.
 Pacific Ocean is very vast.
 Hello Jack! Will you play with me?
 My cousin lives in Norway. EXAMPLES OF VERBS
 Every Sunday Mike visits the
church.  Anthony is throwing the football.
 Christmas comes in the month of  She accepted the job offer.
December.  He thought about his stupid mistake
 Teachers teach in school. in the test.
 Birds live on trees.  John visited his friend for a while
 I love to read storybooks. and then went home.
 Sally's mother is a doctor.  The dog ran across the yard.
 She left in a hurry.
 She yelled when she hit her toe.
 The cat sat by the window.
 I'll play this song on my guitar.
 The kids are yours and mine.  He hit a home run at the last game.
 The house is theirs and its paint is  In the summer, we will swim in our
flaking. pool.
 The money was really theirs for the  Will you help me with the laundry?
taking.  He rode his new bike around the
 We shall finally have what is block for hours.
rightfully ours.  The horse trotted along the trail.
 Their mother gets along well with  We ate dinner then walked around
yours. the park.
 What's mine is yours, my friend.  Did you fix the mistake in your
 The dog is mine. homework?
 The cat is yours.  She waited for her friend at the mall.
 The ring is hers.  She lay on the couch and slept there
 The bag is theirs. all night.
 Your taking the prize was a nice  Close the door!
surprise.  The bird sings a cheery song every
 The children make their beds without morning.
my asking them to.  The teacher reads a book to her
 Their singing inspired us. students then asks them questions
 I so appreciated his helping out. about the story.
 Her coming to us was the right thing  The roof on the house leaks.
to do.  The lightning struck the tree.
 I appreciate your understanding of  They bought a new house.
the matter.
EXAMPLES OF ADJECTIVES  He drove over the bridge.
 They live in a beautiful house.  She lost her ring at the beach.
 Lisa is wearing a sleeveless shirt  The book belongs to Anthony.
today. This soup is not edible.  They were sitting by the tree.
 She wore a beautiful dress.  We are running in the gym today.
 He writes meaningless letters.  The sun is above the clouds.
 This shop is much nicer.  She lives near her workplace.
 She wore a beautiful dress.  She drew the picture with a crayon.
 Ben is an adorable baby.  He swam at the lake.
 Linda's hair is gorgeous  We located the key for the lock.
 This glass is breakable.  The car went through the tunnel.
 I met a homeless person in NY.  I got a package from a friend.
 I have liked that song since 1999.
ADVERB EXAMPLES SENTENCES  She put the flowers by the window.
 He swims well.  The food was placed on the table.
 He ran quickly.
 James coughed loudly to attract her WORDS
 He was late for school, so he took a
 He plays the flute beautifully. ( after shortcut.
the direct object)
 Her favorite colors were purple and
 He ate the chocolate cake greedily. red.
( after the direct object)  She doesn't like coffee, nor does she
 The town grew quickly after 1997. like tea.
 He waited patiently for his mother  Because it was raining, we had to
to arrive. cancel the class picnic.
 He gently woke the sleeping woman.  The house was a mess after the
 She angrily slammed the door. crazy party we had last night.
 Slowly she picked up the knife.  He doesn't go skiing any more, since
he had the accident.
 Roughly he grabbed her arm.
 You can have either chocolate or
vanilla ice cream.
 He not only plays the guitar but also
the drums.
 He sat on the chair.  Such was his strength that he was
 There is some milk in the fridge. easily able to move the fallen tree.
 She was hiding under the table.
 The cat jumped off the counter.
 Here are some more interjections,  Ahem - The sound of someone
this time used in the context of an clearing their throat in an attempt to
accompanying sentence: get your attention
 Ahh, that feels wonderful.
 Aah - Used as a call for help or
 Alas! I'm lost in the wilderness. when someone is scared

 Bah! That was a total waste of time.  Boo - Used to scare someone or to
voice disapproval
 Bless you! I couldn't have done it
without you.  Eh - Used when you didn't hear or
understand what someone said
 It's time for me to go. Cheerio!
 Eww - Conveys dislike or disgust
 Congrats! You finally got your
master's degree.  Hmm - Can mean you're thinking or
 Crikey! Do you ever think before
you speak?  Jeez - Could indicate you can't
believe something or you're
 Gesundheit! Are you starting to get exasperated
a cold?
 Ooh-la-la - A slightly comical way
 Good grief! Why are you wearing to refer to something as fancy or
shorts in the winter? special

 Grrr. I'm going to get back at him  Oops - An exclamation people use
for that. when they do something by accident

 Humph. He probably cheated to  Phew - Expressing relief or gladness

make such good grades. something is over

 Oh dear! I don't know what to do  Whoa - Can show surprise or

about this mess. amazement

 Shoot! I forgot my brother's  Yahoo - Expresses joy or happiness

 Yeah - Demonstrates a very strong
 Well, duh! That was a stupid thing affirmation or approval
to do!
 Yoo-hoo - An expression used to get
 Yowza! That is a gorgeous gown. someone's attention

 Zing - Usually used comically to

emphasize a clever statement or


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