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***Output Format

Bricoleur (Name and designation)


Strategic Microlearning Focus

Subject Science
Level 3
Topic Living things and Non Living Things
Key Objective/Big What life-long lesson is on top of your objectives for this lesson? 
Idea --- To identify them the Living Things and Non Living things
What is your call to action?
---showing videos about creation by God and people

Gap What gap are you trying to bridge with this lesson?


Learner and Environment Characteristics

Learner Describe your learners (level, learning preferences etc.).

How many students do you have?32
What kind of learners are they?

Learner Describe your learning space (e.g. classroom, online)

Environment How conducive is your learning space for your teaching methodology
and learning tools?

Methodology and What teaching strategy is suitable for your class size, learners and
Tools learning space? by group and individual assessment
What tools will you use?
What equipments/materials are available? activities

Lesson Outline

Essential I. Review/Motivation (Elicit/Engage)singing

Questions: II. Presentation (Explain)videos
III. Development/Formative Assessment (Elaborate)activities
IV. Summative Assessment (Evaluate)identifying
V. Assignment (Extend)

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