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Assignment- 1

Name: Talha Daud

Roll no: 38 BBA 7th (M1)


I was having tea with my friends on a commercial spot. It was 10:00 am and we were discussing
the COVID issue. This spot was a tea and gossip spot because it is surrounded by boy’s hostels
around it and also it is a bit messy place as typical boy’s places. While we were discussing the
issue, there were two men sitting beside us and enjoying the tea sips. Another man sitting in front
table was on phone and when he was done with it, these two men called him and asked “to whom
you was talking with?” this man replied no one. And after that he smiled and said today this
garden place is going to be uplifted.

In commercial spot, while with everything messy there was a garden in front of a lavish office of
a constructor. And then suddenly a Government Tractor with some officials showed up. The
phone man said “now let’s watch the show.”

As he said the officials begin to capture the chairs, tables, tents, and broke the tandoor. After
dealing with messy place they moved towards the garden. They stepped in and a man came out
from office and started a conversation with officials. After 5 minute easy conversation officials
stepped out of the garden. I would like to mention that this garden was walled.

After this a man showed up, he had a snooker club in that market. He begins to yell at a man and
claimed that this man called them. They had a conversational fight with each other. Other men of
the market hopped in and calm down the issue.

After 15 minutes everything was normal again.

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