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A solution by: Talha Daud


The Major problem has nothing to do with diversity in a workplace. Workplaces have
diversity. Major problem is the stereotypes, emotionally reactive or emotional in-stability
in our nation and bad political decisions which make people believe that they belong to
a stronger group and most of them came up with this perspective that we were treated
unfairly. Second major issue is the lack of EQ. Today organizations are working on EQ
which solves the workplace problems or diversity problems well.


---Highlighting Personal Uniqueness:

Some organizations celebrate diversity days to recognize and appreciate employee

differences. So it will be a good option to highlight the personal uniqueness. It is about
inviting co-workers to highlight personal uniqueness to promote acceptance and build
team strength. .

---Develop Policies:

Develop policies that work in unison with the ethics and values of the company as
defined in the mission statement. Use your policy statement to emphasis the company's
commitment to diversity and recognition of the value it brings to the organization.

---Hold People Accountable:

Policies need to include disciplinary action. Give victims a process to report abuses and
develop a protocol to address them. The protocol usually includes speaking with both
parties before giving a written warning and perhaps coaching to the guilty party.

---Continue to Evolve:

Diversity is not just about a positive corporate culture and enjoyable workplace. It is
important for employers to understand changes, adjust existing policies to meet the
evolving laws, and continue to work with employees on new diversity issues and

---And working on EQ by arranging sessions or training programs will be a better to go



1. Implementation of new policy is not easy in an already working environment and

especially whose organizational culture has become so rigid. This may lead to
more emotional in-stability among employees.


1 Once the employees learn how to remain emotionally stable this will also solve
his personal issues and will also make him a good citizen of the nation.
2 Work efficiency will be increased and it will be done effectively also

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