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The assignment the evaluated the organisational development in the Water and Sewerage
Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (WASATT), and exmine all the critical issues may
exist.. The student analysis the problems and issues that WASATT is currently facing in
organisational transformation using the diagnostic tools of Lewin (1951) ,Kotter (2007)
and Denison Model (1990) in the change process and further made recommendations to
management.A brief introduction of the company will be discussed, in terms of the
organisation structure, system ,culture and politics .

The literature review, Greener (2008), should look at all the key issues in relating to the
assignment and to see what other authors' views are on the these issues. The literature
review in the support the student would use to compare and contrast these issues.

The student takes the role of an Organisation Development (OD) Practitioner: a person
practicing organisation development .These individuals may include managers responsible for
developing their organisations or developloment , Cummings and Worley (2009) to employ in
this assignment by looking at a qualitative positivist theory approach, as the student
examine the critical issues that affect the organisational transformation and development
in WASATT , the student would start by looking at the focus of the research (organisation,
business, problem, an economic ethisc) and through investigation with various research methods,
aims to generate theory from the research. Greener (2008), as well interpretive approach,
social science detects that interpretation is valid of subjectivity. As Weber (1947) argues that
social science attempts the interpretive understanding of social action in order to arrive at
a causal explanation of its course and effects, Sauders et al (2008).

This set the precedent for the finding and analysis of the assignment. According to
Lewin (1947) the freeze : this involves reducing the forces against change through action
step or innovation of process and unfreeze: which is the final stage of crystallization and
the adoption of ownership. This model gives the organisation an understanding on how
to make these changes. And the refreeze is to institiionalize the changes.

Kotter (2007) the eight steps of organisational change management , he further divided
the three stages into eight :

Figure 1.1 Change Management Model

1. Create a Sense of Urgency

2. Form a Guiding Coalition

3. Create a Vision

4. Communication the Vision

5. Empower others to Act on the Vision

6. Create Quick Wins

7. Building on the Change

8. Institutional the Change

Source extracted from www.employee-motivition-skill[Accessed August 10th 2013]

Denison Model (1990) provides a comprehensive guide for organisational

change through two frameworks : The Organisational Culture Model and the
Leadership Development Model (See Appendix1), as the OD practitioner would
further discuss in this assignment.

Finally the conclusion and recommendations will be formed by the student and
will be used to help the organisation in answering the problems and issues that
they are facing.

The student notice WASATT is currently undergoing organisational development and
organisational transformation.

Organisation Development (OD) defines as:

The systemwide application and transfer of behaviour and transfer of behavioural science
knowledge to the planned development , improvement, and reinforcement of the strategies,
structures and process that lead to organizational effectiveness. (Organisation Development &
Change by Cummings & Worlsey 2001).

Organisation Transformation (OT)is defined as:

a process of radically altering the organisation ‘s strategic direction , including

fundamental changes in structures , process, and behaviour .(Organisation Development &
Change by Cummings & Worlsey 2001).

Both OD/OT is important to an organisation in forming and developing that organisation to be

able to have competitive advantage.

There are four groups of issues that are interrelated that would be further discussed in the
Literature Review , these are Cummings and Worsley (2001):-

 Human Process issues, McNamara (2009) that deal with assisting the members of
the organisation to enhance their productivity by working together ; individual
and group levels. This further requires training and development , team building .

 Human Resources issues, look at the relationship between individual,

interpersonal and group dynamics in the organisational structure , Cummings &
Worley (2005)

 Strategy Issue, look at the design to change by focusing on the organisation

interaction with the external environment , it mainly apply to cultural change and
strategic planning et cetera ,McNamara (2009)

 Strategy Issue, ( Technology) focus on technology and structure of organisation ,

how to improve the overall performance by changing the procedures ,
technology , operations , structures and roles , McNamara (2009) .

The student used these strategic invention mention above to further assess the
organisation WASATT.

1.1 Background of the Company

In Trinidad and Tobago, the utility industry is made up of electricity, water,

sewerage, natural gas and telecommunications. Consequently only the industries
that are monopolises are electricity and water and sewerage, because these
industries receive subvention from the government of Trinidad and Tobago.

The Water and Sewerage Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (WASATT) is a

Statutory Authority created by an Act of Parliament 1965. This was modified by a
series of amendments.

“The Authority is responsible for maintaining and developing the waterworks and
other property relating thereto transferred to it by Section 11 and for
administering the supply of water thereby established and promoting the
conservation and proper use of water resources and the provision of water
supplies in Trinidad and Tobago”

1.1.1 Vision:

To be a high quality utility service provider for the people of Trinidad and
Tobago and thereafter to be the center of Excellence within the water
sector in the Caribbean.

1.1.2 Mission: We are a customer Service Business

We shall deliver consistent, reliable, quality water and wastewater


We will achieve sustainable financial self-sufficiency

We shall enable our employees to be motivated and well trained,

providing a platform for future growth and delivery of excellence.

We shall improve the organisation’s impact on the environment.

(Source extracted :WASATT’s Vision and Mission 2013).

1.1.3 Strategic Tactics:

The organisation is divided into two main components; water and

sewerage which have many sub-components and function.

The Water component comprises of four parts, these are:

 Source (Surface Water Intake , Impounding Reservoir, and

Ground Water Wells

 Treatment of the water

 Transmission

 Distribution

The Sewerage components comprise of four parts:

 Sources ( Industrial Effluent and Domestic Municipal waste)

 Collection

 Treatment

 Disposal (Digesters/Dry Beds, Faecal Waste and sludge ponds)

The Authority serves over ninety (90%) of the population (1.3 million)
with pipe borne water through private household connections and
standpipes. Additionally over forty (40%) of the population is served by a
central sewerage collection and treatment system. The rest of the
population is served by cesspit-tank.

The WASATT’s human capital is approximately four thousand persons;

the manpower is categorised by the different skill set , which are skilled,
semi- skilled and un-skilled labour (technical ) and administrative. This is
shown in the table 1.1.

(Source extracted :WASATT’s Vision and Mission 2013).
Table 1.1 WASA’s Human Capital Categorise

Technical Strategic/Administrative

 Engineers  Human Resource

 Accountants  Corporate
 Secretary  Legal
 Project Managers  Strategic Planning
 IT-Technical’s
 Cleaners

Source: WASA‘s Human Resources Department Manual Document 2013

1.2 Rationale :

The Problems and Issues surrounding WASATT transformational of the

organisation can be exams by both the Human Process Issues and Human
Resource Issues:

 Culture

 Communciation

 Power, Poltics and Conflict (Leadership)

1.3 Aim :

The aim of this research is to examine and evaluate the measures to be adopted by
WASATT in order to attain service and excellences in the service delivery. The
student will critically examine how organisational development and organisation
transformation will achieve service performance.

1.4 Objective:

1. To critically examine the WASATT’s current issues

2. To examine the leadership role in WASA in its quest for future

3. To critically analysis the organisation changes require in order for

WASATT to fulfilled its mandate.

1.5 Strategic Plan in WASATT

The Strategic Plan in WASATT, is a separate department (The Strategic

Planning Unit –SPU) whose responsibility for the development of the
Authority policies,procedures and the re-engineeringof business processes.
The Unit is also responsible for monitoring and reporting the WASATT’s
performance , strategic planning and the development and implementation
of change management strategies. (See appendix 2)


The Literature review should define and identify the key issues facing the
organisation WASATT from other document sources and writers. According to
Tranfield et al (2003 page 208), critical literature review is mapping the research
through scope and research question by attaining the answer by using published

In close examination of WASATT , the student or the OD practitioner would

mainly focus on ;

 Transformational Leadership

o Communication

o Organisational Structure

o Leadership style

 Culture

 Politics

2.1 Transformational Leadership

The management styles depend on the individual personality trait, as well the
need of the organisation.

Management styles are concepts and theories that influence the general work
environment of an organization. Different management styles can vary a
little bit with a change in leadership; however, the crux of the style mostly
remains the same , Mullin (2007).

The managerment roles follow a leadership styles depending on the individual ,

as there several styles of management so to leadership.

According to Northouse (2001), this is the ability to get people to want to

change, to improve, and to be led. It involves assessing associates
‘motives, satisfying their needs and valuing them.

Figure 2.1 Transformational Leadership

Source extracted from /transformational –leadershp[Accessed on August 10 th 2013

2.1.1 Communication

Mullins (2007) , express the importance of communication of an organisation can
be determined by the level of internal and external information that can influence
the perception of the individuals or employees in an organisation. This is shown
in Figure 2.2 below.

Figure 2.2 A frame of study for perception and communication

Source extracted from Laurie J Mullins 2007 Mananagement and Organisation Behaivour

Cummings and Worley (2009),view communication as one of the three major

strategies for dealing with resistance to change. The lack of adequate information

can fuel rumours and gossips which can increase fears in staff ‘s morality towards
work.The OD practitioners must think seriously to reduce the problem .

WASATT’s communication level follows a tall structure which comes from the
top and fall down to the bottom. ( See appendix 3).

2.1.2 Organisation Structure:

Many classical writers argue that the structure is made up of division of work
amongst staff, chain of command,span of control and reporting
relationship.Uriwick (1957.) writer there are eight principles of organisation; he
was critics Fayol (1949) fourteen principle of management.

In looking at organisation development and organisational transformation, one

should look at the construction of the organisation structure. As Mullin (2007)
argues there are many ways organisation structure can be form.

As mentioned in the previous section – communication WASATT’s organisation

structure is authoriatian structure .

2.1.3 Leadership style

The student see the management style as two spheres one versus the other, these
created a manager type for example shown in the table below;

Table 2.1 Types of Manager

Types of Manager Description

Is one where the manager makes decisions unilaterally,

and without much regard for subordinates. As a result,
decisions will reflect the opinions and personality of the
 Authoritarian Manager manager, which in turn can project an image of a
confident, well managed business

The manager allows the employees to take part in

 Democratic Manager decision-making: therefore everything is agreed upon by
the majority. The communication is extensive in both
directions (from employees to leaders and vice-versa).

 Paternalistic Manager Decisions take into account the best interests of the
employees as well as the business, often more so than
interests of the individual manager. Communication is

The leader's role is as a mentor and stimulator, and staff

 Laisses Faire Manager manage their own areas of the business

Source extract : [Accessed August 15th 2013

“Leader is born not created” There are many ways to look at leadership according
to Crainer (2004).The general theory is a relationship through which one person
influences the behaviour or actions of other people. The leaders can motivate
others into team work either in a positive or negative way. Leaders may not occur
in the organisation structure. As Belbin (1981)suggests that there is a clear
implication that leadership is not part of the job but a quality that can be brought
to a job . . . The work that leadership encompasses in the context clearly is not
assigned but comes about spontaneously. As leadership can be anyone in the
There is a clear view that there is differentiate between leading and managing, the
classical writers explains that managers and leaders do things right,managing is an
authority relationship,leading is an influence relationship; managing creates
stability while leading creates changes.

Leadership is influence through different types of power and authority. French
and Raven (1959) suggested that there are five sources of power which influence
the leadership.

Goleman argues most effectively used of leadership can be motivating ;

employees to management of change in the organisation.

Blake and Mouton talks about the evaluation different styles of management in
the Managerial Grid which the two principal dimensions:

 Concern for production

 Concern for people

WASATT leadership styles stated to be “The Authoritarian Manager” , as its

depends on the culture of the organization.

2.2 Culture

As mention before , leadership can be influence by culture . Culture is a term that

uses to describe society norms and values Haralambos and Holborn (1995)
internal and external factors can influence the organisational behaviour.
Hofstede (1991) suggests that organisational level culture differences in the
hierarchy of the structure are not affected by culture. In table 2.1 , dowling and
schuler illustrate types of culture found in the organisation.

Table 2.1 Types of Culture according to Dowling and Schuler

National Culture Corporate Culture Occupational Culture

An Individual ‘s Orientation Towards: A Particular ‘s Company’s A given occupation’s

 Universalism vs. Particularism  Values  Analytical paradigm

 Analysing vs. Integrating  Rituals  Work norms and practices

 Individualism vs. Communitarianism  Heroes  Code of ethics

 Inter-directedness vs. Outer-directedness  Symbols  Jargon

 Time as sequence vs. Time as


 Achieved status vs. Ascribed status

 Equality vs. Hierarchy

Source Extracted; Snow et al 2013

There many types of organisational culture, as Handy (1999) describes them are:

The four generic types of culture were raised from these factors: the tough-guy,
macho culture, the work-hard / play hard culture, the bet-your company and the
process culture.

Handy (1999) tend to look at the internal culture of the organisation, while Deal
and Kennedy(2000) exams the corporate cultures and discovers there are two
factors that influences the culture in the marketplace;

 The degree of risk associated with the organisation’s activities

 The speed at which organisations and their employees receive feedback on

the success of decision or strategies.

Over time, the culture has developed through many external factors; these are
history, primary function, technology, strategy, size, location, management and
leadership and the global environment Mullins (2007).

The role culture is typically found in the government sectors , as Handy (1999)
states that the job description is more important than skills and abilities . The roles
given are more prescript rather than emrgent . As mention in the indtroduction,
WASATT is a state entity tend to follow a “role culture”. This type of culture is
heavily influence by the politics of the land .

2.4 Poltics

Organisational Politics in the workplace can be a very disruptive factor , as it

involves an employee’s different opinion on public issues Witt et al (2002) .
While others view politics as fairness and justice in the workplace.
Organisational politics can describe as a power game , Vigoda (2000) .

For instance , subordinates may have a common view or affiliation with their
superiors, they receive higher performance evaluation , Zivuska et al (2004).
They tend to feel more satisfied within their organisation than others . This is
shown in the figure below . As mention before ,the student observe this type of
behaviour in the research.

Figure 2.3 Perception of Poltics

Source extracted Handbook of Politics 2012

There are four major effects of politics on the WASATT :

 Divisiveness: which resulted in a lack of harmony and cooperation in the


 Distraction: Employee so passionate about their political view they can

distract others from working.

 Feuds : This includes two groups' opinions is so strong that results in

disruptive feuds

 Disciplinary Action : Employee refuses the accept discipline due to the fact
poor work ethics , he simply uses the politics as an excuse .

In Figure 3.3 , illustrates that there are relationship between leadership ,
organisational politics and employees’ performance , Vigoda and Dryin –
Amit (2003).

Figure 3.3 The relationship between orgainsational politics, leadership and

performance: a theoretical method

Leadership In-role

Perception of
Transactional OCB

Source extracted from Handbook of Organisation Politics: Organisational polics, leadership and performance in modern public
worksites ANDand
by Earn Vigoda-Gadot FINDING
Yinnon DryzinANALYSIS:


The research and finding look at the results obtains from both from primary and

secondary data. And further analysis the inductive and deductive approach to the

research question.

3.1 Data Technique and Data Collection

The data were analysis using mainly questionnaires , the student divided the

sample into twenty persons from all over the organisation and from different

department. The first set of fifteen person's questionnaire was about readiness for

change . Twenty (20) structure questions answers ranked from Strongly disagree
=1 to Strongly Agree= 5 SPSS13 used to analysis the data. (Robson, 2002 p.393)

argue that quantitative data analysis is a field where it is not all difficult to carry

out an analysis which is simply wrong or inappropriate for your purposes.

The next set of five people were questioned about organisational development

answers ranging from Disagree = 1 to Agree = 3.

Firstly, the student stated the results from the questionnaires and comparison with

the literature review to answer the assignment ‘s objective:

Secondly, the student look at the secondary data from the literature review, to

form observations in WASATT, and analysis trends,making co-relations

between variables and frequency distribution in the organisation.

Finally, make conclusions from the finding and recommendation, which can be

used in the near future.

In table 3.1 is a summary of results from interviews and questionnaires that

WASATT is currently have to faced by WASATT , showing the reader the

critical issues addressed.

Table 3.1 Finding of Water and Sewerage Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

Management Diagnostics Critical Responsibility Resources Time Outcome

of Change Path

Organisation Poorly Important Management Time and An estimate Better Leadership,

Structure developed Cost 12 months Authority and Power.
to Better communication
implement with staff.

Culture Poor Important Management Time and As soon as Better understanding of

Different Understanding Cost possible culture
of the different
Culture through
the organisation

Management There are no Important Management Time and As soon as Good Management and
and Leadership true sense of Cost possible Leadership
style management
and Leadership

Politics Discrimiation Important Management Time An estimate Regular and clear

and lack of 12 months communication to
cooperation and to migrate the probles
harmony implement
towards the

3.2.1 Communication

Question three: the purpose or rationale for any change is clearly communicated
to employees

The results ranges from Strongly Disgree 46.7%, to Strongly Agree 13.3% The
student asked.

In table 3.2 , the student observes that WASATT lacks clear communication , as
the results shows a seventy-three percent-73% of employees disagree, while
thirteen percent-13% agree .The literature review highlights,Mullins (2007) the
Source extracted for student’s data 2013
lack of communication can affect the organisational development.

Table 3.2
Clear Communication

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Strongly Disagree 7 46.7 46.7 46.7

Disagree 4 26.7 26.7 73.3

Not Sure 2 13.3 13.3 86.7

Strongly Agree 2 13.3 13.3 100.0

Total 15 100.0 100.0

Source extracted : Data from the Questionnaire conducted by the student , SPSS 13 was used to
analysis the data,2013

Question six: Communication channels allow for ongoing feedback and /or information
sharing between employees and designated leaders”

Question eleven. Communication channels with designated leaders are open for

The results ranges from Strongly Disagree 33.% to Agree 13.3 % shown in the
table 3.3 below:

Table 3.3

Communication Channels allow feedback

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Strongly Disagree 5 33.3 33.3 33.3

Disagree 8 53.3 53.3 86.7

Agree 2 13.3 13.3 100.0

Total 15 100.0 100.0

Source extracted : Data from the Questionnaire conducted by the student , SPSS 13 was used to
analysis the data,2013

Table 3.4

Communication Channels Open for All

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Strongly Disagree 5 33.3 33.3 33.3

Disagree 5 33.3 33.3 66.7

Not Sure 2 13.3 13.3 80.0

Agree 2 13.3 13.3 93.3

Strongly Agree 1 6.7 6.7 100.0

Total 15 100.0 100.0

Source extracted : Data from the Questionnaire conducted by the student , SPSS 13 was used to analysis the


The table 3.3 and 3.4 illustrates the causes for the lack of the communication through the
channels which do not allow for feedback and opinions . Eighty -80% and 66% disagree
that WASATT’s management allows for feedback and openiness from their staff.
Hertbezy (1979) this can cause staff to resist change. According to Atkinson this can be a
problem if not handled properly. Resistance can be healthy to an organisation

3.2.2 Leadership

Question seventeen:Manager and other leaders make themselves easily accessible for
ansewering questions or information-sharing during times of changes.

In the table 3.5 the results show the range from Strongly Disagree 46.7 % to
Strongly agree 6.7% towards manager share information.

Table 3.5

Managers share information

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Strongly Disagree 7 46.7 46.7 46.7

Disagree 5 33.3 33.3 80.0

Agree 2 13.3 13.3 93.3

Strongly Agree 1 6.7 6.7 100.0

SourceTotal 15conducted 100.0

extracted : Data from the Questionnaire by the student , SPSS 100.0
13 was used to
analysis the data,2013

The writer exams the leadership by how manager or leaders in the
organisation share information. Northouse (2001) and French and Raven
Leadership is influence through different types of power and authority.

Blake and Mouton two principal dimensions:

o Concern for production

o Concern for people

The writer further observes that an eighty -80% percent of managers in

WASATT do not share information with staff . This type of leadership
tends to follow Autocratic style French and Raven (1959). Decisions are
made without the staff knowledge and input.

Question 4: My manager/supervisor consistently demonstrates support for the


In table 3.6 the results shows a range Strongly Disagree 6.7% to Strongly Agree
13.3% in relates to mangers supporting change.

Table 3.6

Manager Support Change

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Strongly Disagree 1 6.7 6.7 6.7

Disagree 7 46.7 46.7 53.3

Not Sure 2 13.3 13.3 66.7

Agree 3 20.0 20.0 86.7

Strongly Agree 2 13.3 13.3 100.0

Total 15 100.0 100.0

Source extracted : Data from the Questionnaire conducted by the student , SPSS 13 was used to
analysis the data,2013


While in table 3.6 shows that managers are supportive to change , the majority of
the staff disagrees .The writer is left wondering why there is a mixed set of results
. The writer needs to look further into this issue .

3.2.3 Culture:

Question fourteen : Key milestones are recognized with celebrations,rewards or other


In table 3.7 the results shows a range Strongly Disagree 4 6.7% to Strongly Agree 20% in
relates to rewards system.

Table 3.7


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Strongly Disagree 7 46.7 46.7 46.7

Disagree 3 20.0 20.0 66.7

Not Sure 2 13.3 13.3 80.0

Agree 3 20.0 20.0 100.0

Total 15 100.0 100.0

Source extracted : Data from the Questionnaire conducted by the student , SPSS 13 was used to
analysis the data,2013


In table 3.7, the writer observes that sixty –eight -68% percent disagree that key
milestones are recognized with celebration, rewards or other acknowledgement.

the writer exams the culture that is reinforced by how manager or leaders in the
organisation through goals and rewards system. Handy states this culture exams
only the role and task the individual performs.

.2.4 Politics

Question five part B:Conflict or competition between either individuals or groups, in

which one comes out the winner and the other the loser, is in the long run not an effective
approach to solving organisational problems

In table 3.8 the results shows a range Disagree 25% to Agree 75% in relates to conflict
or competition.

Table 3.8

Conflict or Competition
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent


Disagree 1 25.00 25.0 25.00

Neither 0 0.00 0.00 25.00

Agree 4 75.00 75.00 100.0

Total 15 100.0 100.0

Source extracted : Data from the Questionnaire conducted by the student , SPSS 13 was used to
analysis the data,2013


The writer exams the conflict between individuals or group, how this factor
affects the change process in WASATT. Handy states that negative politics can

influence change as the tasks of the individual performing may not be in
agreement with the individual political opinions. In table 3.8, the writer observes
that seventy five -75% percent agree that the organisation is conflict and highly

4.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, the problems and issues of WASATT are mainly stem from the
lack of enforce of transformational leadership, poor cultural and negative politics.
According to Cummings and Worsley (2001) these are strategic inventions for
Human Process issues McNamara (2009), Human Resources ,Cummings and
Worsley (2001) and Strategy Issue ( Technology) McNamara (2009).

Using the Lewin change process model , WASATT will have freeze all the
problems or issues and unfreeze to diagnostic . The recommendation states below
once accepted by the organisation is to refreeze

Kotter will assist the writer to further divide the change process into eight stages
or milestone to critically evaluate .

Dension’s organisational culture survey assist the writer in further looking at

culture , as WASATT is a role culture , Handy ( ) this is more difficult to
implement change . The Dension culture cycle starts with assessing WASATT,
and evaluating the strengths and weakness . He will further assists the student by
identifying the gaps and what needs to be changed. Dension ‘s culture survey
observes that WASATT often have trouble reaching agree on key issues, there are
a lot of things fall between the cracks and problems often arise because WASATT
do not have the skills necessary to do the job.

4.1 Recommendations

. The student would suggest the following recommends (1) WASATT need to re-
Structure all the departments to meet the mission and vision of the company. (2)
WASATT need to encourage open communication between management and
staff. Staff need to be encouraged to give feed and quick response time from
management. (3) Promote increase motivation towards staff . (4) Develop proper
training for all staff. (5) Ascertain power and leadership to the right personnel

The student use Kotter eight stages to recommend the following :

 Creating a sense of urgency , will enable WASATT’s management and

employees to understand the importance of the change to further develop
the organisation.

 Forming a guided coalition,using the feedback from both management and

employees to strengthen commutation.

 Creating a vision that will align with WASATT’s overall mission and
vision stated in section 1.1.1 and 1.1.2.

 Commciate the vision efficiency throughout the organisation.

 Empowering others through the Transformational Leader (also in literature


 Creating rewards and incentive systems that promote change

 Further building and improving on the change

 Institutionalise the change as it will be embodied into WASATT’s culture

and norms.

5.0 Reflection

In looking at my assignment initially, I was confused, because there were so many

issues that my orgainsation is currently facing. My Organisation Transformation
Lecturer made it look so easy. His PowerPoint slides and notes made it relatable
to me. Being in his class was exciting. The group , I originally formed in first
semester , work together and form a support system continuously motivating and
encouraging each other.This assignment will be able to fulfil many objectives,
firstly is allowing me , to act as an OD practitioner for my organisation , see the
reactions towards changes.Secondly, to make recommendations which can benefit
the organisation , and to be used as future reference for the public sector .

The biggest challenge is structuring my assignment to meet the entire

requirement, to write 4000 words, obtaining data on my research and applying to
the relevant theories. I know, I just finish my second trimester and writing 4000
words should be easy, but it was not. Especially the reflective writing, it has
been a long time I was asked to write reflectively. Writing the assignment around
Summer time and the eve of a personal transformation was somewhat difficult.
But, I set a plan how to structure my time for my assignment, which was able to
overcome most of my initial challenge.


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