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5/7/2020 constitution - Google Académico

The english constitution

W Bagehot - 1891 - Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner
Citado por 2905 Artículos relacionados Las 26 versiones

The law of the constitution

AV Dicey - 2013 -
The Law of the Constitution has been the main doctrinal influence upon English
constitutional thought since the late-nineteenth century. It acquired and long retained
extraordinary legal authority, despite fierce criticism and many changes in law and …
Citado por 4774 Artículos relacionados Las 9 versiones

The American Constitution: its origins and development

WA Harbison, H Belz - 1983 -
The Revolutionary Constitution - Google Books Result In this new edition of the standard text
in the field of American constitutional history, Herman Belz has brought the most up-to-date scholarship
to bear on . The American Constitution: Its Origins and Development, Volume II. Outlines & Highlights …
Citado por 867 Artículos relacionados

Our perfect constitution

HP Monaghan - NYUL rev., 1981 - HeinOnline
Projessor Monaghan takes isue with" due substance" theorists, who rietr the Constitution as
protecting rights and values generated by current conceptions of political morality. In this
Article, he examines and criticizes the theories adcanced to jILstify looking to those current …
Citado por 879 Artículos relacionados Las 4 versiones

Búsquedas relacionadas
us constitution philippine constitution
constitution fourteenth amendment written constitution
constitution section republic constitution
south african constitution constitution ratification

Introduction to the Constitution of India

DD Basu, VR Manohar, BP Banerjee, SA Khan - 2001 -
LexisNexis Butterworths Wadhwa Group, Nagpur, India, 2013. Soft cover. Condition: New.
Introduction to the Constitution of India provides an in-depth look at the intricacies of the
Indian Constitution, the longest written constitution of any sovereign state in the world. The …
Citado por 564 Artículos relacionados Las 2 versiones

Coal: typology, physics, chemistry, constitution

DW Van Krevelen - 1993 -
The chapters cover: coal as an economic good; coal as a fuel and raw material; coal as an
organic sediment; coal as a rock; coal as a biological debris; coal as an evolving organic
chemical complex; coal as a solid colloid; coal as an enigma in solid state physics; coal as …
Citado por 2282 Artículos relacionados Las 2 versiones

The living constitution

DA Strauss - 2010 -
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia once remarked that the theory of an evolving," living"
Constitution effectively" rendered the Constitution useless." He wanted a" dead
Constitution," he joked, arguing it must be interpreted as the framers originally understood it …
Citado por 791 Artículos relacionados Las 5 versiones

The strategic constitution

R Cooter - 2002 -
Making, amending, and interpreting constitutions is a political game that can yield
widespread suffering or secure a nation's liberty and prosperity. Given these high stakes,
Robert Cooter argues that constitutional theory should trouble itself less with literary analysis …
Citado por 750 Artículos relacionados Las 6 versiones 1/2

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