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My sense of justice

a. Some people are biologically predisposed to become criminals.

R/= I disagree with the idea that there is people that are biologically predisposed to
become criminals; and I base my opinion with some researches that has shown having a
genetic predisposition doesn’t determine the actions of a person, and also with my
experience, not with criminals but with alcoholic parents that her kids are not like them
when they grow up.
b. Crime is a consequence of poverty.
R/= I strongly disagree because poverty will never justify the fact that people decide to
steal to have what to eat or something to live with. The government should implement
measures that help people with fewer resources or facilities to get a job, but crime is
never the solution.
c. A criminal cannot be reformed.
R/= I agree having in mind that these criminals are rapists, since psychological studies
state that these people with these types of problems are never cured, nor can they stop
doing so. In other cases, as people who steal or kill, they should be articulated to
programs that teach them that they can make a living in a different way, instead of
committing crimes.
d. To reduce crime, we just need more police.
R/= I disagree, the fact that there are policemen can make criminals afraid to do so
because they can catch them, however I think the problem must be terminated from the
root. The education and resources that should be given to the less favored people should
be better and in this way they will see that there are other ways of obtaining sustenance.
e. Some criminals deserve the death penalty.
R/= I agree with this, those criminals who have raped large numbers of children or
adults, those who have killed hundreds of people, who enter schools with weapons and
murder, will not be cured in any way will change their thought, many of them do not
even regret what they did, so they should not have forgiveness or life.

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