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Carnivorous Chest Workout

MARCH 23, 2015 | 0 COMMENTS
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Kai Greene, also known as the ‘The Predator’, ‘The People’s Champion’, and ‘Mr
Getting It Done”, has one of the most impressive, monster like physiques to ever
grace the Mr Olympia Stage! Including a 3D chest that pops like CRAZY! This Kai
Greene inspired Carnivorous Chest workout incorporates the time tested, old school
bodybuilding techniques of volume, heavy weights, compound exercises and drop

For this workout, we’re focusing on the UPPER chest to build a well developed, full
chest that has that 3D appearance like Kai Greene!

The upper chest is an area that many lifters tend to ignore in their quest for a bigger
and thicker chest… most lifters only focus flat bench and decline bench work
because they can handle more weight than incline work. So starting with incline
exercises will shock the chest and send it into GAINS mode!

This workout is designed to be performed with an experienced and reliable training

partner as we will be going to failure using heavy weight and incorporating some
NASTY intensifying techniques into this routine.

For this workout we highly recommend the following:

1. A RED-HOT pre-workout supplement

2. A reliable training partner
3. A pair of TMJ Wrist Wraps

Let’s DO THIS!

Exercise 1: Incline Barbell Bench Press

We’re going to kick this Carnivorous Chest Workout off with the Incline Barbell
Bench Press for MAXIMUM upper chest GAINS!

Make sure to lock your form down right from the warm up sets, using a slight back
arch with your feet firmly placed on the floor. Ensure you keep your shoulder blades
high on the bench, clench your traps together, keep your chest high and your chin
tucked in. The grip on the bar should be shoulder width apart, with your hands
wrapped enclosed around the bar and elbows in nice & tight.

Use slow controlled reps on the eccentric (negative) phase of each rep, and focus on
the contraction of the chest on the concentric (positive) phase of each rep. Refrain
from completely locking out your arms at the top of each rep as this will keep
tension on your chest at all times, and ensure you keep your shoulders pinned back
and out of the movement. For each working set use enough weight to cause failure
(a spotter will be required for the two final working sets, as we want to go beyond
failure, and then some). Really push these sets HARD, progressively increasing the
load and hitting failure so your chest is FORCED to adapt and GROW!

Set 1: Warm up set with just the bar or a light weight for 20 reps.

Set 2: Second warm up set. Use a light weight performing 12-15 controlled reps, not
hitting anywhere near failure.

Set 3: First working set. Use enough weight to cause failure between 10-12 reps.

Set 4: Second working set. Use enough weight to cause failure between 8-10 reps.
Then without racking the weight, and without locking your elbows out, rest at the top
of your final rep for a count of 5-10 seconds, then chase another 2-4 reps with the
help of your spotter (constant tension rest-pause set).

Set 5: Final working set. Increase the weight to cause failure between 6-8 reps. The
goal for this set is to make sure you can complete at least 6 rep unassisted, and the
final two reps with a spotter. Now drop the weight by around 50% and rep out to
failure. Now drop the weight again down to just the bar and have your spotter
physically PUSH DOWN on the bar for the eccentric (negative) phase of each rep
while you fight against the resistance. Complete 5 of these “forced negative” reps
(forced reps into drop-set into forced negatives).

*Rest 3 minutes between sets, which is ideal for strength based training.

Exercise 2: Incline Dumbbell Flyes

Now that we’ve just performed a heavy compound exercise your chest should be
warm and full of blood. So we’re going to back this up with an OLD SCHOOL isolation
movement; Incline Dumbbell Flyes. By performing a second incline movement were
putting that upper chest into OVERDRIVE and forcing it to GROW!

Set your incline bench to no higher than 30 degrees and get ready to perform this
movement with some HEAVY ASS weight! Focus on a full stretch at the bottom of
each rep (no half rep BS) by keeping your arms as straight as possible at all times
(no excessive bending at your elbows! Remember this is a FLYE, not a PRESS).

Set 1-2: Warm up sets. Use a light weight for 12-15 reps.

Set 3-4: It’s time to WORK! Pick a weight that allows you to hit 10 – 12 reps. You
will need a spotter for these sets; the final reps should be extremely difficult and
require assistance.

Set 5: Final working set. Aim for 8 reps with MAXIMUM weight for MAXIMUM GAINS.
You have to achieve 8 reps, no matter what! If a rest pause is required then take one.

*Rest a maximum of 2 minutes between sets

Exercise 3: Flat Barbell Bench Press

The Flat Barbell Bench Press… the “go to” exercise for building a JUICY and THICK
chest. We’re increasing the INTENSITY on this one by throwing in some drop-sets
that will make your chest SORE for DAYS! When loading the weight you will need to
use 3 plates on each side of the bar (for example a 20kg plate, a 10kg plate and a
5kg plate for a total starting weight of 90kg including the bar). This will help keep
rest to a minimum during each drop set, increasing the intensity and forcing you to
push through your PAIN barrier!

We’ll be using the same weight for all three working sets, so make sure you pick an
appropriate weight.

Set 1-3: Working sets. Use a weight that causes failure at around 10 reps,
immediately remove a plate from each side of the barbell and hit another 10 reps
(drop set). Then remove another plate from each side and go to failure (double drop

*Rest 3 minutes between sets

Exercise 4: Straight Arm Dumbbell Pullovers

Let’s FINISH this!

For the final exercise we will be throwing in an absolute old school classic, Straight
Arm Dumbbell Pullovers. This BARE BONES exercise is great for stimulating the
inner portion of the chest and adding some MEATY detail. This exercise comes with
a high risk of injury, so we recommend using an extremely slow and controlled rep
tempo and getting a deep STRETCH so you don’t SNAP your sh!t up! As a general
guideline the dumbbell should extend over your head and beyond the eye line for a
DEEP stretch, then immediately squeeze the dumbbell hard keeping tension on your
chest to return the dumbbell to the starting position. KEEP TENSION! Do not
overextend the dumbbell to the point where your chest is no longer under tension!

Mind-muscle connection is important on this exercise, because your lats can come
into play if you don’t keep focus on your chest. Be sure to use a flat “palms up” grip
on the dumbbell to ensure maximum chest stretch on each and every rep, and “Go
Long”… reach back as far as possible with straight arms at the bottom of each rep
for maximum chest stimulation.

Set 1: Warm up set with light weight for 20 reps with a good amount of time under

Set 2: First working set. Use enough weight to cause failure around 15 reps.

Set 3: Second working set. Increase the weight to cause failure around 12 reps

Set 4: Final working set. Increase the weight causing failure at 10 reps. Maintain
good form and keep tension on your chest at all times.

*Rest 1-2 minutes between sets

There you have it! AWESOME work!

Your chest should be PUMPED and on FIRE. One step close to building that Kai
Greene like 3D chest.

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