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#2.Anand-Bacrot :- h5-Nh8-Ne7+-Be7-Qe6-fe6-Ne7.


#4.Geller-Mikhalchisin:-Plan-Night should go to d6 if takes while will hhave a passed d pawn and 7thh
rand f7 weakness for black. Move-Ne4-Rc2-Bb6

#5.Akopian-Tolhuizen:-Plan-Attack Black weaknesses on the light sqares on the kingside and playing
against his underdeveloped pieces. Move-Nh5-Qf7-Ne5.

#6.Botvinnik-Keres:-Plan-Having a pawn center…so need to create a passed pawn and outpost for te N8
on d6 . () Move-Bg6-hg6-e5-Nd5-Ne4(intending nd6)

#7.Anand-Vallego:-Plan-Attack the weak pawn on c4 and using the paased d pawn

Move-Nd6-c3-bc-bc Ne4

#8.Grischuk-Feller:-Plan-Black creates too much weaknesses by many pawn moves.So let’s use it.


#9.Laker-Carl:-Plan-the bishop is strong …we need to keep it and also use the c5 sware for the night and
attack blk’s weaknesses on c6. Move-Qe2-bc3-b4-(now blk hhave a very bad n8 on a6) and w8 wanna
outpost hhhis n8 on c5 put heavy pieces on c file etc

#10.Rubinstein-sandor:-Plan-We have to attack on theh queenside (minority attack)and again aving

static center we have to use the weak central sqiuares(C5 here) for the minor piecesand put heavy
pieces on the central file and wait for the r8 time to open it………………..Move—Na4-Qb3-Nb39next we
goona do a minority attack on the qs and exploit blk’s weak c5 squares by minor pieces.

#11.Lysyj-Ivanov:-Plan-White have to play on thhhe queenside.The f3-Night shoud go to c5 square(via

d1-d3-c5) Rook dubbling to a file and then only ab5 withh a file

#12.Svidler-Nguyen:-Plan-White should play on the queenside.The C3 night should go to h5, Rooks on

the g and h file, then f4 . Move-Nd2

#13. :-Plan-e to

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