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The unusual deaths of Americans in the resorts of Dominican

Dominican Republic sounds like vacation, blue beaches, tropical rainforests, all inclusive resorts and partying.
In the past few years things are getting strange in Dominican Republic, there has been suspicious deaths of
American tourists at an alarming rate. For a while this was a story that was captivating headlines and causing
a lot of paranoia. Although this story has wound down and the news outlets hardly cover these anymore, we
never got a satisfying conclusion to why this was happening. It all broke when 3 tourists died in a span of just 5
days which led to the discovery that this has been happening for a year and all in all 13 tourists have died.
On June 15 2018 Mark Hulburt passed away due to heart and respiratory problem. The night before
Mark and his wife was eating and drinking at a restaurant at their hotel. Mark reported feeling ill and went to
sleep early. The next morning Mark never work up and to add to the creepiness, Mark was found dead with
green substance coming out his mouth.
The next death pops up later on the same month, 51 year old woman Yvette Monique Sport died
at Bahia Principe resort due to heart attack. Sport drank liquor from her room’s minibar and went to sleep only
to never wake up again.

*follow up cases to be inserted *

What is strange is that all 13 deaths have couple of similarities. all 13 people died suddenly from
either heart failure or respiratory failure many of those who died had randomly fallen ill in the days
or hours leading to their deaths also many had taken drinks from their minibar or from other bars in
their hotel and finally many of the victims showed some symptoms of poisoning. Which narrows us
down to the theory, “tainted alcohol “. Tainted liquor is being sold all across the Dominican Republic
and this tainted Liquor is actually poisonous. This is a fact and many resort workers have admitted
that tainted liquor is sold widely across to cut down costs and make huge profits. People claim that
the liquor is being laced with chemicals such as antifreeze, battery acid and Methanol and all of
which would cause symptoms similar to what these victims had. Further adding to the theory, no
children have died till yet as children wouldn’t be drinking.
But there's something that still doesn't make much sense about this liquor theory if there
really was such an influx of poison laced alcohol in the Dominican Republic, wouldn't more people be
dying? It really is a tourist area and people at these all inclusive resorts drinks a lot. The whole
vacation at these resorts are fuelled by drinking. So if tainted liquor is widely sold, people would be
dropping like flies. So why aren’t there more deaths?

*to be continued *

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