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Muscle stiffness and Cerebral palsy (CP) is characterized by movement and pos-

ture disorders that result from a disturbance in the develop-

ing brain leading to primary and secondary impairments of
strength and their the sensory, neuromuscular, and musculoskeletal systems.1
Although the importance of characteristics such as strength
relation to hand and intrinsic muscle properties for motor function in indi-
viduals with CP has been underestimated by some therapeu-

function in children tic approaches,2 evidence indicates that these characteristics

may play an important role in movement patterns observed
in these children.3,4
with hemiplegic Traditionally, the increased resistance against passive move-
ment in CP (hypertonia) has been exclusively attributed to
cerebral palsy muscle hyperactivity caused by spasticity.5 Nevertheless, hyper-
tonia occurs even in the absence of electromyographic (EMG)
activity,4,6 which indicates alterations in intrinsic muscle prop-
erties.6,7 Several studies have quantified increases in passive
Daniela Virgínia Vaz* MSc PT, Physical Therapy Department; stiffness of muscles in individuals with CP.4,8,9 Friden and
Marisa Cotta Mancini ScD OT, Occupational Therapy Lieber10 demonstrated that muscle cells of the flexor carpi
Department; ulnaris of children with CP are twice as rigid as muscle cells of
Sérgio T Fonseca ScD PT, Physical Therapy Department; patients without neurological impairment. This increased
Danielle Soares Rocha Vieira PT; muscle stiffness can contribute to atypical postures and move-
Antônio Eustáquio de Melo Pertence ScD ME, Mechanical ment problems in children with CP.
Engineering Department, Federal University of Minas In addition to increases in stiffness, modifications in the
Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. length–tension relation have also been observed.4,11 Brou-
wer and colleagues11 demonstrated that in children with CP
*Correspondence to first author at Departamento de the peak plantar flexor torque is generated when the triceps
Fisioterapia, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, is in smaller lengths, compared with typically developing
Av. Antônio Carlos 6627 – Escola de Educação Física, (TD) children. In more lengthened positions, there is a dec-
Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional, CEP: 31270-010, rease in plantar flexor strength.11 Because strength is associat-
Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. ed with motor function in children with CP,12 shifts in the
E-mail: length–tension curves, causing weakness in specific ranges of
movement, may contribute to movement difficulties seen in
this population.
The altered intrinsic muscle characteristics of children with
CP may result from adaptations similar to those observed in
This study compared the passive stiffness of wrist flexors and experimental immobilization models. Muscles maintained in
the strength of wrist flexors and extensors in three different shortened positions demonstrate fewer series sarcomeres,13
wrist positions (30˚ of flexion, neutral, and 30˚ of extension) reduced length, and increased passive stiffness.14 In contrast,
between children with cerebral palsy (CP) and typically when muscle is maintained in a lengthened position, the num-
developing (TD) comparison children. It also examined ber of series sarcomeres increases and the muscle becomes
associations between these characteristics and manual longer.13 Immobilization of a muscle in shortened or length-
function in children with CP. Eleven children with spastic ened positions produces shifts in the muscle’s length–tension
hemiplegic CP (six females, five males; mean age 8y 5mo [SD 1y relationship, so that maximum active tension generated by the
8mo], range 6–11y) and 11 TD children, matched for age and muscle occurs at a length next to the position at which it was
sex, took part in this study. Passive stiffness of muscles was immobilized.14
measured as the torque/angle relation during passive motion. As tissues adapt to functional demands, atypical motor
Isometric strength tests were performed and the time needed patterns can be associated with changes in muscle character-
to complete three tasks based on the Jebsen–Taylor Hand istics. Children with CP tend to maintain the wrist in flexion
Function Test was recorded. Flexor stiffness was higher in and show difficulties in extending this joint during manual
the group with CP. Strength of flexors and extensors in the activities. This can be associated with increased passive stiff-
group with CP was lower with the wrist extended. No ness in the wrist flexors. Additionally, wrist flexors and exten-
difference among test positions was found in the TD group. sors are probably adapted to generate more tension with the
Moderate correlations were observed between manual wrist in flexion. These muscle alterations, if present, could
function and variables related to strength and stiffness of limit hand function of these children.
wrist muscles in the group with CP. Children with CP showed This study aimed to compare children with CP and TD
muscle alterations coherent with the use of the wrist in comparison children for passive muscle stiffness of wrist
flexion. Intervention on these characteristics could have a flexors, as well as the strength of wrist flexors and extensors,
positive impact on manual function. in three different wrist positions: 30˚ of flexion, neutral, and
30˚ of extension. It also examined associations between man-
ual function and variables related to stiffness and strength in
children with CP.

728 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2006, 48: 728–733

Method identified by a marker. For wrist extensors tests, the hand sup-
PARTICIPANTS port was positioned against the dorsum of the hand and pro-
Eleven children with spastic hemiplegic CP (six females, five cedures were repeated. As a high level of agreement was
males; mean age 8y 5mo [SD 1y 8mo], range 6–11y) and 11 observed between three measurements in the same position
TD children, matched for age and sex, participated in the (ICCs: CP=0.93–0.98; TD=0.97–0.99) only one maximum
study. Children with CP used the affected hand mostly to assist contraction of 5 seconds was performed in each position for
the non-affected hand during daily activities. They were able both muscle groups. One minute of rest was given between
to extend the wrist and fingers voluntarily, but used the wrist contractions. Values registered by the dynamometer were mul-
predominantly in flexion during manual activities. They could tiplied by the length of the lever arm of the support device
grasp and release objects with reduced quality and speed of (0.095m) and corrected for the hand length of each child
movement; most could move fingers in isolation and oppose (ICCs: CP=0.81–0.93; TD=0.93–0.99, according to muscle
one or more fingers. No child was receiving interventions for group and position tested).
upper limb function, showed deficits greater than 10˚ in pas- For assessments of passive stiffness, a Biodex System 3 Pro
sive wrist extension, had undergone medical or surgical isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex Medical System, New York,
interventions for the upper limb, or had any associated path- USA) was used in association with EMG monitoring of wrist
ologies. Children of the TD group had no history of neurologi- flexors and extensors with an MP100 unit (Biopac Systems,
cal or musculoskeletal pathology. The study was approved by Goleta, USA) connected to a computer. Forearm skin was
the local ethics committee; parents signed a consent form. cleaned with alcohol and active surface electrodes were posi-
Reliability coefficients (intraclass correlation coefficients tioned over both muscle groups. A reference electrode was
[ICCs]) for the measures used in this study were obtained in a placed on the acromion. The child was positioned on the
pilot study that included all 11 children of the CP group and chair of the dynamometer. The hand was positioned with the
seven children of the TD group. Two sets of measurements palm and extended fingers against a metal plate attached to
were performed 1 week apart. Assessments were performed in the lever arm of the dynamometer (Fig. 2). For stabilization,
the affected upper limb of the children with CP and in the non- elasticated bands were strapped to the arm and forearm.
dominant limb of the TD children. The child was instructed to remain quiet and relaxed while
Initially, body mass (ICC=0.999) and hand length15 EMG baseline values were registered for flexors and extensors.
(ICC=0.913) were measured. After that, isometric strength Ten passive movement repetitions of maximum wrist flexion
tests of wrist flexors and extensors were performed with the and extension at 10˚ per second were performed for tissue
wrist at 30˚ of flexion, neutral, and at 30˚ of extension. Test viscoelastic accommodation. During the test, the dynamome-
order was randomized for the CP group and repeated for each ter speed was adjusted to 5˚ per second to avoid eliciting the
matched TD child. Each child was seated on a chair with a stretch reflex, and EMG activity of wrist flexors and extensors
device for upper limb stabilization attached. The hand was was registered. The range from 0 to 60˚ of wrist extension
positioned with the fingers extended against a support that was considered for the calculation of passive stiffness of flex-
could be moved 180˚ around its axis which was aligned with ors. All EMG data were collected at a frequency of 1000Hz, fil-
the wrist axis. Velcro straps were used to fasten the hand and tered with a 10Hz highpass and 500Hz lowpass fourth-order
forearm (Fig. 1). For flexors tests, the support was positioned Butterworth filter and rectified. To eliminate the effect of
against the palm of the hand and the child was asked to exert a muscle activity on stiffness results, test trials were discarded
maximum effort to flex the wrist. The examiner positioned a if EMG mean activity 2SDs larger than baseline values were
Microfet-2 dynamometer (Hoggan Health Industries, West registered in one or more periods of 250ms of the test sig-
Jordan, UT, USA) against the support, always in the same area nal.16 Test procedure was repeated with 1-minute intervals

Figure 1: Device for stabilization of upper limb and Figure 2: Child in position for passive stiffness measures,
positioning of dynamometer during isometric strength with forearm and hand stabilized and electrodes in place
tests of wrist flexors and extensors. for electromyographic monitoring.

Muscle Characteristics and Hand Function in Children with CP Daniela Virgínia Vaz et al. 729
until three successful repetitions had been performed. (diameter 4.8cm, height 10.6cm). Children were instructed
Resistance torques registered by the dynamometer were to complete the tasks as fast as possible and were allowed a
treated with a fourth-order Butterworth filter with a low cut-off maximum time of 40 seconds to complete each task.18 The
(1.25Hz). A biomechanical model, considering body mass, age, total time spent in the three tasks was registered in seconds
and hand length, was used to estimate the torques generated and used as the hand function score (ICC=0.98).
by the weight of the hand.15 The estimated hand torques and
the torques generated by the metal plate were subtracted from STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
the torques registered by the dynamometer, allowing the mea- Mixed analyses of variance (ANOVAs), with two repeated mea-
surement of the remaining torque produced by the soft tis- sures and one independent factor, were used to compare wrist
sues. Simple regression analyses between resulting resistance extensor and flexor strength between groups and between
torque values and joint angles were performed for each of the the three test positions. Independent t-tests and Mann–Whitney
three successful trials. The mean of the three regression slopes U tests were used to compare anthropometrical characteris-
was used as the value of passive muscle stiffness, expressed in tics and passive stiffness of flexors between groups.
Joules per radian (ICCs: CP=0.96, TD=0.85). Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficients and
Manual dexterity of the CP group was assessed with three Spearman’s rank correlations were performed to test associ-
tasks based on the Jebsen–Taylor Hand Function Test,17 which ations between variables related to strength and stiffness of
included: (1) picking up two pencils, two correction fluid bot- wrist muscles and hand function in the CP group. A stepwise
tles, and two erasers and putting them in a can; (2) stacking multiple regression was performed with the independent
four wooden discs; and (3) picking up five round containers variables that correlated significantly with hand function.

Table I: Group estimates and comparisons between children with cerebral palsy (CP) and typically developing (TD) children

Variables CP group TD group Comparison of CP and TD groups p

Mean (SD) 95% CI Mean (SD) 95% CI Dif. between (95% CI)

Body mass (kg) 28.70 (7.30) 23.80 to 33.60 30.26 (9.79) 23.68 to 36.81 1.56 (–6.12 to 9.23) 0.677a
Hand length (m) 0.10 (0.01) 0.07 to 0.11 0.11 (0.01) 0.10 to 0.11 0.07 (–3.24 to 0.02) 0.059a
Flexor strength (N) 48.69 (16.47) 43.08 to 54.31 118.44 (32.50) 107.35 to 9.53 69.75 (57.08 to 82.42) 0.001a
Extensor strength (N) 17.93 (10.61) 14.31 to 21.55 60.64 (22.65) 52.91 to 68.37 42.71 (34.02 to 51.41) 0.001a
Median, IQR (95% CI) Median, IQR (95% CI) Dif. between medians (95% CI)

Flexor stiffness (J/rad) 0.192, 0.195 (0.17 to 0.52) 0.145, 0.076 (0.09 to 0.26) 0.076 (0.01 to 0.21) 0.02b
aDifference tested with independent t-test; bdifference tested with Mann–Whitney U test. IQR, interquartile range; CI, confidence interval.

Dif., difference; J/rad, Joules per radian.

Table II: Estimates for joint positions and comparisons between positions for wrist flexors and extensors strength values in
children with cerebral palsy and typically developing children

Cerebral palsy Typically developing

Flexor strength values at different wrist positions, mean (SD) 95% CI

30˚ extension 36.16 (9.06) 30.08 to 2.25 114.59 (33.80) 91.89 to 137.29
0˚ 49.27 (15.84) 39.09 to 60.36 123.25 (32.25) 101.59 to 144.91
30˚ flexion 60.18 (14.68) 50.32 to 70.04 117.48 (33.99) 94.65 to 140.32
Difference in flexor strength between test positions,
difference between means (95% CI), p
30˚ extension × 30˚ flexion 24.02 (13.88 to 53.93), p=0.001a 2.89 (–13.12 to 18.90), p=0.592
30˚ extension × 0˚ 13.56 (3.61 to 23.51), p=0.015a 8.66 (–4.67 to 21.98), p=0.114
30˚ flexion × 0˚ 10.46 (4.94 to 15.97), p=0.058 5.76 (–8.02 to 19.55), p=0.288
Extensor strength values at different wrist positions,
mean (SD) 95% CI
30˚ extension 9.35 (5.67) 5.54 to 13.15 59.57 (22.32) 44.57 to 74.56
0˚ 23.02 (12.14) 14.86 to 31.18 62.48 (21.36) 48.12 to 76.82
30˚ flexion 21.42 (7.58) 16.32 to 26.51 59.89 (26.11) 42.35 to 77.43
Difference in extensor strength between test positions,
difference between means (95% CI), p
30˚ extension × 30˚ flexion 12.07 (6.64 to 17.50), p=0.001a 0.33 (–7.63 to 8.28), p=0.920
30˚ extension × 0˚ 13.67 (7.408 to 19.94), p=0.001a 2.90 (–3.12 to 8.92), p=0.378
30˚ flexion × 0˚ 1.60 (–6.47 to 9.67), p=0.626 2.58 (–6.54 to 11.69), p=0.434
a Values significant at .p<0.05..CI, confidence interval.

730 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2006, 48: 728–733

Two children in the CP group produced extensor strength ratio between extensor strength at 30˚ of wrist extension and
equal to zero with the wrist at 30˚ of extension. Because the flexor stiffness (ES 30˚extension/FSt). The stepwise model was
threshold of the dynamometer was 3.5N, the extensor strength significant (p=0.021) and included one variable, ES 30˚
of these children was possibly underestimated. Therefore, sen- extension/FSt, which explained 46.2% of the total variance in
sitivity analyses, including five different strength values ranging hand-function score.
from 0 to 3.5N for both children were performed for all com- To control for possible influences of age on hand-function
parisons and correlations involving extensor strength at 30˚ of scores, the association between these two variables was test-
wrist extension. As results were not altered by insertion of dif- ed. Results indicated a non-significant inverse correlation of
ferent values, data presented included the midpoint estimate 0.33 (Table III).
of 1.75N. In all analyses significance was set at p=0.05.
Results Like animal experimental models that demonstrate increased
Body mass did not differ between groups (p=0.677). The dif- passive stiffness in muscles maintained in shortened positions,14
ference in hand length between groups demonstrated a strong children with hemiplegic CP who use the wrist predominant-
trend approaching significance (p=0.059). However, the ly in flexion during manual activities had significantly greater
influence of this factor on results was minimized by normal- flexor stiffness in comparison with TD children. Increased
ization of strength values by hand length. Wrist flexor stiff- resistance against passive movement in the absence of EMG
ness in the CP group was significantly greater than in the TD activity reflects changes in the mechanical properties of tis-
group (p=0.023). Comparisons between groups are report- sues. Therefore, alterations in muscle tissue histochemistry
ed in Table I. and histology are probably related to hypertonia in children
Children with CP had lower strength values both for flex- with CP. Several adaptations, such as increases in titin (a giant
ors (p=0.001) and extensors (p=0.001) than TD children, protein related to myofibril stiffness)10 and collagen concen-
regardless of test position. Interaction effects of group by posi- tration,19 or alterations in the orientation of collagen fibres,5
tion were observed for wrist flexors (p=0.021) and extensors have been reported to occur in spastic muscles. Additionally,
(p=0.026). Preplanned contrasts revealed no significant dif- alterations in the distribution of fibre types20 and decreases
ference between test positions for flexors (p>0.114) or exten- in the ratio between muscle belly and tendon lengths have
sors (p>0.296) in TD children. Children with CP produced been reported to occur in children with CP.4
significant lower flexion (p<0.015) and extension (p<0.001) Strength differences between joint positions reinforce the
strength with the wrist at 30˚ of extension compared with the argument for muscle tissue remodelling occurring in chil-
other two positions. Extensor strength did not differ between dren with CP. Children in the CP group produced significant-
30˚ of flexion and neutral (p=0.626). A strong trend towards ly lower flexor and extensor strength with the wrist extended
significantly greater strength values at 30˚ of flexion was compared with other joint positions, which was not observed
found for flexors (p=0.058). These results are reported in in TD children. These alterations suggest shifts in the length–
Table II. tension curves of the wrist muscles in children with CP.
Moderate correlations were found between hand function Alternative explanations for strength results include influences
scores and variables related to strength and stiffness (Table of spasticity in muscle activation levels between positions
III). Time to complete tasks was directly associated with the with different muscle lengths, which were not controlled in
difference in extensor strength between 30˚ of flexion and this study. It could be argued that spasticity could contribute
30˚ of extension (Dif ES) and inversely associated with the to the decrease in strength observed in children with CP when

a b
Wrist physiological range Wrist physiological range

Maximum 0˚ Maximum Maximum 0˚ Maximum

flexion extension extension flexion

Length Length

Wrist flexors Wrist extensors

Figure 3: Consequences of shifts in length–tension curves of wrist flexors and extensors. (a) Flexor curve shifted to left owing
to tissue remodelling caused by maintenance of muscle in a shortened position. Tension decreases with wrist in extension
when flexors are excessively elongated. (b) Extensor curve shifted to right owing to tissue remodelling caused by
maintenance of muscle in an elongated position. Tension decreases with wrist in extension when flexors are excessively
shortened. , normal length–tension curves; , shifted length–tension curves.

Muscle Characteristics and Hand Function in Children with CP Daniela Virgínia Vaz et al. 731
the wrist was extended. Nevertheless, because spasticity is with the wrist in flexion could be attributed to an insufficient
characterized by muscle reflex activity that occurs during pas- number of test positions. Another explanation would be that
sive movement and ceases after movement is terminated,21 this the plateau of extensors could have been displaced to new
factor could not have influenced results of isometric strength wrist amplitudes which include neutral and 30˚ of flexion. A
tests. Strength results could also have been influenced by dif- strong trend towards significantly greater flexors strength
ferences between groups in the moment arms of wrist muscles. values at 30˚ of flexion was found; the 95% confidence inter-
However, no moment arm alterations were observed in chil- val for the difference between 30˚ of flexion and extension
dren with CP undergoing surgery for wrist flexion contrac- demonstrates the possibility of a true and clinically meaning-
tures.22 As no child of the CP group had contractures, moment ful difference between these joint positions.
arms probably did not influence results. Muscle alterations observed in children with CP appear to
A shift in the length–tension curves of wrist flexors and exten- reflect adaptations to the pattern of wrist flexion observed
sors in the CP group is probably the best explanation for the during manual activities. The excessive flexor stiffness and
decrease in strength in the extended wrist position. In adults, the decreased strength with the wrist in extension could make
both extensor and flexor peak strength occur with the wrist in the use of the wrist in extended amplitudes difficult and con-
extension.23 Such peaks were not observed in TD children, tribute to functional deficits. Results revealed associations
probably because of the few positions tested. Nevertheless, between hand function and variables related to muscle char-
results for children with CP were contrary to what is expect- acteristics in the CP group, suggesting that muscle properties
ed for TD children. that may impose limitations to wrist extension are associated
Within physiological range limits, wrist flexors work in the with poorer performance. The greater the difference in exten-
ascending portion of their length–tension curves23, as illus- sor strength between 30˚ of wrist flexion and extension (this
trated in Figure 3. A shift of the flexors curve to the left caused variable would reflect the shift in the extensors length–
by tissue remodelling in the shortened position,14 as proba- tension curve) the greater the time to complete manual tasks.
bly occurs in children with CP, would lead to an excessive Additionally, lower extensor strength in relation to flexor stiff-
sarcomere elongation at wrist extension and a consequent ness was associated with poorer hand function and explained
decrease in strength. On the other hand, extensors work in 46.2% of the total variation in hand functional scores. This
the descending portion of their curves, with tension increas- interpretation would be further confirmed by associations
ing as the wrist is extended.23 In children with CP, because between variables related to extensors strength at 30˚ of
extensors are maintained in lengthened positions, there would extension with better hand function (Table I), which could
be a shift of the curve to the right.14 Thus, with the wrist in have reached significance with a larger sample size.
extension, sarcomeres would still be in a less than ideal length It is not possible to determine if alterations in muscle char-
for tension development, and would only achieve adequate acteristics would cause functional difficulties, or if observed
lengths with wrist flexion (Fig. 3). movement patterns, adopted as adaptations to other deficits,
The fact that greater extensor strength was not produced would result in altered tissue demands and muscle remodel-
ling, as suggested by results. Both alternatives are possible
and may happen simultaneously in children with CP. Movement
and posture patterns depend on resources available to the
Table III: Correlations between hand function score and organism, and at the same time have an impact on these
variables related to strength and stiffness of wrist flexors and resources, establishing a cycle.24,25 It is possible that primary
extensors in children with cerebral palsy deficits such as weakness may lead the child to adopt com-
pensatory movement patterns to achieve functional goals.25
Variable r 95% CI p The weakness of wrist extensors would limit extension against
FSta 0.493 (–0.15 to 0.84) 0.118
gravity during manual activities. The maintenance of the wrist
FS 30˚ extensionb –0.017 (–0.61 to 0.58) 0.961 in flexion and the relative limb immobility would result in mus-
FS 0˚b –0.229 (–0.73 to 0.4) 0.498 cle tissue remodelling, with shifts in the length–tension curves
FS 30˚ flexionb –0.168 (–0.69 to 0.46) 0.621 of wrist muscles and increases in stiffness of wrist flexors.
ES 30˚ extensionb –0.564 (–0.76 to 0.05) 0.070 These alterations, in their turn, would contribute to the main-
ES 0˚b –0.306 (–0.76 to 0.35) 0.359 tenance of the wrist in flexion.
ES 30˚ flexionb 0.210 (–0.44 to 0.72) 0.534 A better understanding of the interaction between muscle
Mean ESb 0.128 (–0.51 to 0.67) 0.708 properties and motor dysfunction is necessary to meet the chal-
Mean FSa –0.073 (–0.64 to 0.55) 0.818 lenge of developing efficient intervention strategies to promote
Mean ES/Mean FSb 0.064 (–0.51 to 0.67) 0.852
functional improvements in children with CP. Interventions
ES/FS 30˚ extensiona –0.509 (–0.85 to 0.12) 0.109
ES/FS 0˚b –0.106 (–0.66 to 0.52) 0.756
aimed at the modification of muscle characteristics associated
ES/FS 30˚ flexionb 0.371 (–0.29 to 0.79) 0.261 with hand dysfunction could promote improvements in motor
Dif ESb 0.612 (0.03 to 0.89) 0.045 abilities for children with CP. Strengthening exercises for wrist
Dif FSb –0.155 (–0.69 to 0.49) 0.649 flexors and extensors in extended wrist amplitudes could
ES 30˚ extension/FStb –0.679 (–0.91 to –0.14) 0.021 promote improvements in strength through muscle tissue
Ageb –0.330 (–0.76 to 0.33) 0.310 remodelling and neural adaptation, as well as decreases in pas-
aCorrelation tested with Spearman’s rank correlation; bcorrelation
sive flexor stiffness. Future investigations should evaluate the
effects of such interventions in this population.
tested with Pearson’s product moment correlation. CI, confidence
intervals; FSt, flexor stiffness; FS, flexor strength; ES, extensor
strength; Dif, difference between strength values at 30˚ of wrist
flexion and 30˚ of wrist extension. DOI: 10.1017/S0012162206001563

732 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2006, 48: 728–733

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Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development™

(Bayley III)

One-Day Training Workshop

9.30am – 4.30pm

Trainer: Betty Hutchon

Course fee: £80

Monday 16 October 2006, @ the Royal Free Hospital, London

This one-day workshop will introduce course participants to the Bayley-IIl.

It will include an overview of the subtests, a broad look at the changes from BSID II, research design,
psychometric properties, and special group studies. The Cognitive Scale, Language Scale, Motor Scale,
Social-Emotional, and Adaptive Behaviour Scales will all be discussed.
Administration and scoring procedures will be described and interpretative considerations discussed.
The workshop is aimed at paediatric therapists, psychologists, paediatricians, and others responsible for
assessing child development, who meet the criteria for a CL2 registration code with Harcourt Assessment.
A certificate will be issued on completion of the training day.

For information and application form, please contact:

Marilyn Dowdye, Administrator, Child Health Department, Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust
Tel: 0207 830 2003. E-mail:

Muscle Characteristics and Hand Function in Children with CP Daniela Virgínia Vaz et al. 733

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