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Once upon a time, in the marvelous Kingdom of wonders, between the highest branches of a
young and hardy tree, resided a family of birds: the chief was a firebird and his companions
were bright falcons. Their fame was such, that surrounding villagers would refer to them as
the fellowship of the ‘fearless and enlightened”.

Inside the bird’s nest, peculiar and magical matters were occurring. The mysterious flock has
been crafting for many years, so called legendary scrolls of wisdom. The nest’s secret to
uniqueness, resided in its boundless creativity and intention to share their knowledge with
Kingdoms from all around the world.

The tale began when the firebird met for the first time Oracle Ivanushka. This powerful living
being granted him a vision that would ultimately change his life. The revelation involved him
becoming a leading figure of an everlasting quest to master the craft of magical scrolls. The
faithful bird took the maiden’s vision seriously and strongly believed in the art of scroll
crafting. Then he thought to himself: “this ought to be the most suitable medium for me to
share my wisdom in philosophy, art, music and science with the rest of the world. As years
went by, skillful and wise falcons sought out the firebird and made a solemn pact to join him
on his quest.

The amount of effort invested in scroll crafting by the fellowship was ultimately rewarded.
The team received an honorific prize from the heron emperor himself. Before flying away
from the perch, the heron announced: “My Kingdom is grateful for the outstanding service
you have brought forth to the community. Good luck to you all pursuing your future
projects, I bid you farewell!

Once conquering his homeland, the firebird’s newest and greatest dream was to spread the
fellowship’s knowledge throughout other Kingdoms. Once he had finished packing the most
valuable scrolls, he undertook to migrate on his own to the foreign lands, even though he
wasn’t sure how to get there. After quite a long while flying he realized that he was lost, and
decided to rest for a while on the lark’s perch that was ahead of him. The firebird said to the
host: “Would you mind me resting here for a while? – my wings are feeling sore.” The lark
answered: “Not at all fellow traveler, be my guest”.

Larks, as well as many other bird species, are known to be seasonal migratory birds. After
dialoging about the lark’s past experiences traveling and feeding on a pinch of sesame seeds,
the firebird felt compelled to ask to his new acquaintance: “I am lost, would you accept to be
my guide, take me to the foreign kingdoms! Help me spread messages of wisdom you will be
rewarded if you choose to be part of the cause”. The firebird then opened his satchel and
revealed the magical scrolls he was carrying”. “It would be my pleasure”: said the lark
After many days travelling up north, they finally landed in the Sapphire Kingdom; it was mid-
summer at the time. There they attended to an international magical scroll festival. They
then did some networking and managed catch the attention, then gather some of the most
powerful wizards interested in magic precious scrolls.

The bird flock’s nest continued growing substantially as more advocates joined their cause.
The magical scrolls have earned the respect and admiration amongst many new Kingdoms.
The birds and wizards learned reciprocally from each other over the years and managed to
build bonds with the community. Countless inhabitants from around the world recognized
and desired the powerful wisdom that was enclosed inside BTG’s scrolls.

Creatures of all species and ages have been mesmerized by the gameplay innovation,
graphics and the overall artistic experimentation inherent to each magical scroll developed
by Below The Game.


Antoine Christopher Dubois

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