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Código: PCGA-02-R-18

Versión: 2

Página | 1


SUBJECT: English TEACHER: Daniel Bustamante Osorio GRADE:


1. The Wave is based on a true story that occurred where and when?

2. Match the names with their role on the First Chapter of the book.
*** You are allowed to use your Reading Control Card (RCC)

Ron Jones Bully person

Laurie Saunders Real History Teacher

The Gordon Grapevine The school Paper

Amy Smith Class Loser


Mr. Gabondi Editor-in-chief

Mr. Ben Ross French Teacher

Christy History Teacher

Brian Ammon Quarterback

Robert Billings Laurie’s boyfriend

David Collins Ben’s wife

Brad Laurie’s BFF

Código: PCGA-02-R-18
Versión: 2

Página | 2

3. How is Ben Ross different from the other teachers at Gordon High School?
Compare the students' response to Ross to the faculty's response to him.
Why are they different?

4. Mark T (true) F (false) according to the following statements.

A. Mr. Gabondi’s way of teaching French was so entertaining that no student falls
asleep in class. (T – F)
B. Mr. Ben was so capable of handling electronic devices that he was used to
making fun of his wife by telling her she was not even able to change a light
bulb. (T – F)
C. It was not peculiar how students sometimes left class so quickly but somehow
arrived at their next class at the speed of snails. (T – F)
D. There were always the same kind of scores in Ben’s class; two A’s, a bunch of
B’s and C’s too. (T – F)
E. Teacher Ben did not always complain about the sloppy way in which their
students used to do their assignments. (T – F)

5. Why did Laurie say that the only person to come up with a death idea about
chewing on the end of a Bic pen was her mother? What incident happened
with which she thought straightly about her mother?

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