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Using Neuro-semantics $59.

For Creating Wealth
and Financial Independence


Wealth is an Inside-Out Game.

To win at the outer game of wealth creation we learn to
first play the inner game of mastering our wealth
creation Matrix and mind-to-muscling that game into
every facet of our lives. Do that and you'll become a

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D

About the Audio and Video Recordings of this Training
With every presentation of the Wealth Creation training, I update, add, and refine the Neuro-
Semantic Model on creating wealth and financial independence. The consequence of this
is that I am continually improving and changing the training manual as well which means
that the audio and video recordings of this training will not reflect the page numbers as used
in the updated manuals. If you find that frustrating, then reframe yourself with the
realization that you have in your hands the most updated version of the manual, one that
goes beyond the audio or video recording!

For a full range of recordings of this training as well as other cutting-edge Neuro-Semantic
training, contact Tom Welch and Also see his website:



Overview of Wealth Creation Open Frames Open Frames
What is it about?
Why create wealth? The Self Matrix
The Neuro-semantics of How rich are you in yourself? The Time Matrix
Wealth. Developing a Wealth Creator The stages of wealth building,
The Matrix of Wealth Identity. Wealthy sense of time.
Inside-Out Wealth pattern.

The Meaning Matrix The Power Matrix

What is wealth? The State Matrix Seeing and Seizing
What are we going after? Dancing with Dragons. Opportunities for wealth.
The heart of wealth. Clearing the path of the wrong
The Others Matrix
The Power Matrix Wealthy relationships.
Grounding wealth in talent. The Power Matrix Working with and through
S.W.O.T. analysis The wealth of self-discipline, others to create wealth.
and meta-SWOT analysis The wealth of courage. Accountability and support.
Gestalting as a process for
creating rich meta-states.
The Intention Matrix The State Matrix
Why create wealth? Playfully rich, richly playful.
Wealth Planning. The Meaning Matrix Adding vitality
Developing your personalized Wealthy beliefs.
Wealth Creation Plan. Building up empowering
The Wealth of Intentionality. beliefs for wealth creation The Time Matrix
Meta-Yesing new beliefs. Time for a change pattern.
The State Matrix
State Wealth.
Accessing your Top 3 Wealth
Creation States. Closing: Wealth Induction Closing:
Live Long and Prosper

Closing: Wealth Induction

Discovering the Matrix of a Wealth Genius

Within your Matrix of frames about wealth are all your maps that govern your inner game for creating wealth—what
you think and feel about money, work, abundance, contribute, the rules of the game, how you play it, what counts as
a point, who to play with and much more. This leads to all of the games that you play around work, career, education,
learning, contribution, creativity, finances, saving, investing, being an entrepreneur, financial independence, etc.
Are you playing the games that self-made first-generation millionaire's play?
Do you even know the games that they play?
Do you think like a millionaire?
What games do you play?
Which games do you need to retire so that you can play more rewarding games?
What inner games do those who have a knack for making money play?

Because frames control our games, the adventure begins with detecting and changing our frames. That's why our
Matrix of frames are so central—that's where we create and play the inner game. Winning the inner games makes
playing and winning the outer games a cinch. There is a strategy for building wealth to become financially independent.
There are thousands of people who are first-generation rich around the world. How is it that they are able to do that?
Luck? Wealth genes? Superior intelligence? Secret skills?

No. Somehow they have discovered the heart of wealth creation. They have built up a Wealth Matrix with frames that
support the expert games they play. They have built wealth through a very definite set of steps and stages from finding
a passion, caring about something, adding value, developing something of value, and finding a way to give or
communicate it effectively.

Such inside-out wealth is not built overnight. We create it over time. It arises as we become wealthy inside and learn
how to transfer that wealth of ideas, creativity, and value outside. In doing that, in a given market, we become more
and more valued and wealthy. Then, adding some business intelligence, we become financially wealthy. To not play
the Wealth Creation Game means missing the true secrets of building the kind of wealth that's truly satisfying,
invigorating, holistic, and enduring. Sure some win a lottery or happen upon a source of almost instantaneous wealth,
but they are the exception and if they are not ready for wealth, then like most lottery winners, they will not be able to
sustain it.

Mastering Your Wealth Matrix focuses on the inner game of wealth creation so that we first empower ourselves with
the necessary frames. With that, we create wealth from the inside out. We customize wealth so that it fits our passions,
talents, and circumstances. We use the proven principles in the field of wealth to create our own Ten-Year Plan. We
construct a blueprint for a business plan that gives us an action plan of rich things to do everyday.

In the process you will set many specific goals to set a direction that taps into the inside-out nature of wealth. As you
learn the inner game of wealth, you will begin to actualize that into your outer game for your performance and
achievements. You will incorporate the principles of the game into your mind-body system as beliefs, decisions, states,
intentions, pleasures, skills, emotions, and actions.
As you prepare yourself now for wealth via this training... know that you will be challenged again and again
about the principles and meanings of wealth building ... that you will have to fight and tame and even slay
some Dragons along the way... that you will be invited to rise up to the highest levels of your mind to adjust
your frames, deframe those that get in the way, reframe, and set entirely new frames of meaning and mind...
that you will learn a set of new tools for governing your mind-body system of thoughts, feelings, speech, and
behavior.... and that in the end, you will begin a new journey toward wealth in a holistic way that will enrich
your life in many, many ways.
We all live inside of a Matrix of frames. We call this Matrix our "mind," "self," or "state," or "personality." It makes
up all of the internal mapping that we have framed over the year and that creates our sense of reality. From it comes all of our experi

1) Meaning:
What is wealth?
What does wealth mean?
Do you have a compelling
definition of wealth?

2) Intention:
What will wealth do for you?
What will you do to obtain it?
Why become wealthy?
What's your magnificent obsession?
Do you have a big enough why?

3) Self:
Are you wealthy within yourself?
Do you deserve to be wealthy?
Do you see yourself as a wealthy?
4) Power:
What talents do you have with which
to create wealth?
What skills, passions, and interests will
you use to add value?
What strategies do you have in place
for creating wealth?

5) Others:
Who will you work with and be on
your team?
Who will you collaborate with?
What rich skills do you have for
working with and through others?

6) Time:
What stage of wealth creation are you
Do you have a wealth of time?
What is your wealth creation plan?

7) World: O) State:
What world will you work in? What are your top 10 wealth creation states?
Do you the financial intelligence? How wealthy are you in mind-and-emotion? In attitude?
Do you have the business acumen? Have you tamed all your dragons?
The Matrix model arose from a strange combination of the cognitive-behavioral sciences and some basic
distinctions in developmental psychology. From these two fields I put together three process matrices and
five content matrices.
The process matrices are those frames of reference, frames of meaning, and meaning constructions
that we invite and then experience that make up our reality, our sense of what's real and possible.
In everyday language, these frames are our beliefs, values, understandings, intentions, anticipations,
memories, imaginations, hopes, dreams, models, worries, metaphors, cultures, etc. Via meaning
construction and intentionality, we create our mind-body-emotion states and then experience life in
those states. Yet all of this dynamic energy of meaning attribution is of our own making. We are
the meaning-makers, there is no meaning outside of our thinking-emoting system. When you know
that, you're ready to take the Red Pill and exit your current Matrix and begin to learn how to
construct a more empowering Matrix.

The content matrices are those belief frames that we build around five essential concepts that make
us human beings—concepts that we never leave home without. Within these content matrices are
all of our ideas, meanings, beliefs, understandings, prohibitions, rules, etc. about these given concepts
or semantic realities. The five essential abstractions are Self, Power, Others, Time, and the World.

Together these seven matrices of frames which are embedded within yet higher frames make up the essence
of what we experience as our reality, our personality, our attitudes, and our perceptions. Once installed, we
move through the world from this universe of meaning and see the world in terms of this Matrix. Then the
Matrix governs who we are and what we are about. Then, the Matrix has us. And if it is well formed and
robust, we're effective, successful, and happy. If the Matrix is not well-formed, if it full of contradictions,
errors in programming, fallacious ideas, erroneous maps, then we're torn, ineffective, stressed, unhappy, even
miserable and self-sabotaging.

All of the sub-matrices are built around our mind-body-emotion neuro-linguistic states. What goes on at the
higher levels of our meaning-making and neuro-semantic states becomes grounded in the primary states. As
a model, the Matrix gives us a systemic way to think about our mind-body-emotion system and how to work
with it. It gives us a way to "follow the energy of information through the system" and to facilitate the
enrichment of our Matrix.

The Matrix Model

As a model, the Matrix is designed to use as a structuring format for sorting experience out as we explore,
understand, coach, manage, model, profile, and work to transform our experiences. This gives us specific
Matrix Questions along with the 26 categories of Meta-Questions. By these we can explore a Matrix and
coach for development, even transformation.

Process matrices:
1) Meaning/ Spirit Matrix What does it mean? What is its significance?
What do I believe? What do I expect?
What have I mapped about this?

2) Intention Matrix: What do I want? What's important?

What's my outcome? What's the purpose?

0) State Matrix: What state are you in? How are you feeling?
How intense is the state? What triggered the state?
How do you do that? What do you call this?
What state do you have to be in to do this?
How do you get yourself into this state

Content matrices:
3) Self / Identity Matrix Who am I? What am I like?
What's my nature? Who can I become?

4) Power / Capacity Matrix What should I do? What can I do?

How should I do it? Can I do something?

5) Others / Relationship Matrix: Who are others? What are they like?
Are they friendly? How can I communicate?
What do I feel about them? How do we connect?

6) Time Matrix: Is "time" a friend or enemy?

How much do I live in the present?
How much do I live in the past or future?

7) World/Reality Matrix: What is out there? What is real?

How does X work? What strategy helps me deal with

It took me seven years. Eight years from the day that I sat down and wrote my first wealth creation plan, I
accumulated my first one million in equity in U.S. dollars. Yet what's actually surprising about that is that
it just seemed to happen and it didn't seem to be "the work" that I had always anticipated. Like the people
in Blotnick's study, "it crept upon me."

None of the "secrets" of building wealth that I followed are rocket science. Nor is there any secret panacea.
They are the principles of wealth building that have been around for more than a century. While this training
focuses us on the principles of wealth creation as the critical frames of mind that empower us to think like
a millionaire, that is just the beginning. Thinking like a millionaire is not enough. From there we have to
master ourselves so we can get ourselves to actual do what we know, close the knowing-doing gap and
develop a practical plan for taking effective action.

Initially Robert Olic, who promoted some of my trainings in New York City, challenged me to model the
structure and process of wealth building. His immediate interest was a training that would be easy to
promote, my immediate interest was to find and use the strategy, demonstrate that it works, and then begin
presenting it. That initiated an eighteen-months project that culminated in the first wealth creation training
in New York City. At the time I had one investment property, was making $20,000 a year in trainings, and
barely scratching by. It was the research that jolted me out of my sleepy nonchalance about my singular
rental property that had been a pain in the rear for several years. From interviews, readings, and various
explorations, I woke up to the fact that I had never read a book or taken a training in real estate or investment
properties, and that I was making seven serious mistakes. Immediately I began to make changes.
Immediately I began translating what I was learning into action. That's also when I wrote my very first
Wealth Building Plan.

In that plan, I set numerous goals. I would read in the area of real estate to understand the rules of the game,
I would check the local newspaper regularly, I would make three offers a week, I would create frames in my
contracts that would ferret out people who would be responsible tenants, and to buy one additional property
each year. I did that for five years.

What is the secret of wealth creation? There are many. In this training you'll discover what real wealth is
and how to begin to create it inside yourself. That will initiate the inner game of wealth. Then you'll learn
to create inside-out wealth, a wealth that finds, creates, and thrills in value. You'll learn that wealth is created
over time and through time and that it takes a wealthy set of states to generate it as well as maintain it—states
of commitment, investment, patience, joy, networking, supporting, listening, seeing with your mind's eye of
opportunities to add value, and much, much more.

May you find yourself surprised, delightfully surprised in the days and months following this training of the
inside-out wealth that arises when you know the heart of wealth and have developed a robust Matrix of
frames to support making it happen!
Do you think like a millionaire?
Is your Matrix of frames comparable to how a self-made
millionaire thinks and feels? "The last thing we want to hear is the
What are the key ideas, beliefs, understandings, plain simple fact that the rich think
decisions, intentions, etc. that govern and dominate the differently than the poor. They are
mind of a first-generation rich millionaire? programmed differently. They have
different expectations with respect to
Check T for true and F for false. The more T-scores, the more money. They have a wealth mindset.
ready and robust your Matrix of frames for wealth creation. The It is as if there were a filter between
more F-scores, the more specific areas to address in Mastering you and your world— the filter of your
Your Wealth Matrix and winning the inner game of Wealth mind." Robert Allen

I find my work absolutely fascinating, absorbing, and involving. (31)

I can't wait to get up in the morning and get to the tasks and challenges of the day.
I can't believe that I actually get paid for what I'm doing.
It's not really work, it's what I love doing; I'm willing to work hard for what I believe in. (11)
I don't aim for balance, I aim to make my work fun, enjoyable, and so meaningful it gives me vitality.
I focus on maximizing the return on my efforts. (10)
I work harder than most people. (83,95)
My heart and soul is completely into what I do. (61)
I absolutely love my career. (112)
I outperform my competition. (112)
Because passion for a career is often not love at first sight, I know how to learn to love my work. (186)
My work enables me to fully use and develop my abilities and aptitudes. (188)
I not only am willing to be compensated on the basis of performance, I want it that way. (383)

I am always thinking about how to become more competent and better at what I do.
Because the only way to stay on top of the game is to keep learning, I'm a life-long learner. (204-5)
My day-job doesn't stop me from following my passions.
I'm always working on taking my skills and knowledge to the new level, always reading and learning.
I love challenges and see them as opportunities for growing and developing as a person. (162)
I work on getting rid of any and all negative roadblocks in my head that stops me from succeeding and being
all I can be.

Wealth creation and success is not just about money, it's about making a difference and touching lives.
Wealth is not the basis of happiness, it's just a scorecard. There's many things more important than money.
The status and prestige of wealth is not my primary interest. I'm more interested in the value that I create.
Money is a resource that should not be squandered.
For me, there are no limits on the amount of income I can make.
I think about the benefits of financial independence and freedom almost everyday. (135)
I live well below my means. (35, 73,301)
I am frugal in that I want to get all the joy and pleasure out of the things I already have.
1 have a budget and keep track of my finances.
Wealth is all around us. It's everywhere. There are thousands upon thousands of ways to create it.
Every dollar counts. I examine my financials regularly (at least once a week).
I have little or no debt except for a home or investment properties.
I do not borrow for lifestyle choices or items.
I use a shopping list when I go shopping to stay focused and avoid impulsive spending. (26)
I clip coupons and use them in making purchases. (278)
When I have success in making money I am not seduced by the ecstasy of buying lots of new things.
When my income increases significantly during a year, I do not automatically assume that will be my new base
but recognize that markets and economies rise and fall.

I love solving problems and creating new solutions.

I love the products I produce and services I provide. (21)
I am following my talents and passions and always learning to make them more marketable.
Giving quality service, creating quality products is what brings wealth.
Wealth is not money, but thinking, caring, creating, solving problems, seizing opportunities.
I take pride and pleasure in standing behind and guaranteeing my work (products and services).
I love seeing people enjoy the products and services that I produce.
I am always thinking about how I can add value to things.

I view mistakes as inevitable and a source of learning. I learn and make adjustments as quickly as possible.
I consider everything negotiable, asking the right questions, and creating a win/win arrangements.
There's always a solution. Every problem has dozens of good solutions.
I take full responsibility for my career, for the things I do and the results I get.
I am a nicher in that I am zero-ing in on a specialized field. (189)
I have a niche that gives my wealth creation focus and direction. (35)
I have found a profitable niche for my economic engine. (191)
I thrive in my niche as I fully express my talents and interests. (62, 160)
I love selling my ideas, products, and services. (33,41, 163)
I never pay asking or retail price, I always negotiate. (317)
T h e reason that so few people are
I am ready to walk away from a deal at any time. (303) financially independent today is that they
I work to ensure that my clients and customers receive the place many negative roadblocks in their
Very best deal for their dollar. (51) heads. Becoming wealthy is, in fact, a
To increase the odds of financial independence, I own my mind game. Millionaires often talk to
own business. (160) themselves about the benefits of
I have developed a niche where there's little competition. becoming financially independent They
(189) constantly tell themselves that it is very
In running my business I'm cost conscious and control my difficult to achieve that without taking
expenses. (205) some risks. Before you can become a
I always ask for a discount and resolve to not pay full price. millionaire, you must learn to think like
(317) one. You must learn how to motivate
I have found ideal career for my unique talents and yourself constantly to counter fear with
aptitudes. courage." The Millionaire Next Door [p.
If what I am doing now is not my ideal job, I will learn 135)
everything I can about myself, this particular industry, and keep
searching until I do.
I have the ability to sell my ideas, dream, products, services, and game plan. (41)
I win my customers one at a time by devotion to their needs. (206)

©2005 L. Michael Hall, Ph.D, -12- Mastering Your Wealth Matrix

There's no success without risk. Taking risks is what makes it exciting. (134)
There is no financial security, my security is within myself, in my wits and creativity.
My security is in my knowledge, ability to learn and to adjust to changes, and to enjoy life for what it is.
The most risky thing is to be an employee and work for others (135).
It's risky to not be self-employed. (18)
I take action on my plans. I create action plans and then take the initiative to make them happen.
The benefits of financial independence greatly outweighs the risks. (134)
I capitalize on opportunities by knowing my niche, doing my homework, and developing more courage. (163)
I regularly nurture my courage and counter my fears. (135)
The biggest risk of all would be to let someone else control my career. (143)
I control and manage my fears by taking charge of my own brain and believing in myself. (164-6)
I have created a stable center in my life (home, friends, faith, etc.). (171-3)
Risk is buying a home in a neighborhood where things are not appreciating. (305)
I have a well-designed plan for "managing risks." (160-1)
I take well-planned calculated risks in my business on a regular basis.
I constantly counter fear with courage. (135)

I have a steel resolve that empowers my persistence on my way to wealth. (101)

I have a burning desire to become financially independent. (98)
I don't care that much about what others think, even authorities and experts.
I make up my own mind and follow my own visions.
I accept frustration as part of the game and work on increasing my frustration tolerance.
I question everything and don't assume that I have to accept the hand that has been dealt me.
It takes a lot of courage and creativity to create wealth opportunities.
I want and deserve wealth. I have the right to go for the best and to share the wealth.
It's critical to stay focused and to refuse being distracted with too many projects.
The power to say no to good things enables me to say yes to the best.
I am dependable, as good as my word and promises.
People know that they can count on me for being punctual, dependable, and responsible.
I believe in myself and my ability to learn, adjust, and grow. (166-7, self-efficacy)

Accumulating wealth takes time; I don't look for some short-term bonanza, I'm in it for the long-term.
It's not the timing of the market, but one's time in the market.
It takes patience and accumulated interest over years that builds incredible wealth.
Time is money, I use lists to prioritize my time and am in control of my time. (26)
I spend time strengthening relationships. (30)
When purchasing, I think about the lifetime costs and benefits. (278,282)
I use a shopping list to save time, money, and avoid impulse buying. (278)
I take time to plan for ways to use my time more productively. (285)
I plan to reduce my waste of time and energy. (285)
Frugality is buying quality items and making them last. (290)
I do things like re-upholster and refinish furniture to extend the life-cycle of things. (297)
When selling, I decide on my time parameters so I never panic. (345)
I have control over how I allocate my time. (370)
Time is money so I don't do do-it-yourself projects unless its part of my enjoyment as a hobby. (370)
It's all about relationships, working with and through others.
I believe in being personable with everybody I work with and so I act. (57)
No one can be successful by themselves, it's the relationships. (17)
Getting the right people on board is critical, people smarter than me who complements my skills.
I am able to make others feel comfortable in my presence very quickly.
I have my ego out of the way sufficiently to create alliances and to set up collaborative partnerships.
I mostly use a coaching style in my communications and negotiations.
I enjoy a good competition and can be highly competitive. (51)
I have (or have had) one or more mentors who enriched my life. (95)
I don't follow the crowd in my purchases, clothes, ideas, etc., I think in unconventional ways. (50)
I have superior social skills for getting along with people. (38)
I want to be well respected and work to protect my reputation for integrity. (33)
I am able to ignore the criticism of detractors and not let it bother me. (33,46, 48)
I don't take criticism personally. (50)
My partner and I are both unselfish, caring, forgiving, understanding, and patient. (236)
My partner and I have a common interest in wealth building activities (i.e., budgeting, sharing financial goals,
etc.) (238)

I can enjoy economic success without having to adopt a Spartan lifestyle.

I focus on a comfortable lifestyle, but not an extravagant lifestyle. (9)
I am not tempted or seduced by consumerism.
My interest in wealth creation is not about social status or displaying wealth. (193-4)
I believe in balancing economic success and developing an enjoyable lifestyle.
My lifestyle puts me in contact with lots of people who become clients, customers, suppliers, friends. (10)
Many of the best things in life are very inexpensive or even free (e.g. trips to museums, sporting event with
kids, dinner with friends). (29)
I prefer buying a house in an older and more established neighborhood. (28)
I am not self-indulgent in my lifestyle. (83)
I don't have to spend a lot of money to enjoy myself. (363)
I am moderate in consumption and live a disciplined life-style. (363)
The activities I do in my spare time enhance my wealth and creation of wealth. (376)
Being well-organized in all facets of life is important to me. (280)
I live in a well established neighborhood in a well-constructed home and see my home as a significant part of
my investment portfolio. (302, 308)
I operate an economically productive household via frugality, planning, extending life cycle, etc. (277,299)

Know the importance of integrity, I strive to be honest with all people.

My integrity begins at home; I don't lie at all to my loved ones. (60)
People will invest in you if they believe that you are honest and hardworking. (17)
I fully recognize my limitations and weaknesses and have an unique strategy for compensating. (20)
I believe that wealth is created hard work, tenacity, getting along with people and discernment. (15)
I have several strong leadership qualities. (33)
I am very well organized. (35)
I am well disciplined and enjoy being so. (33,82)
I have extraordinary drive and resolve. (48)
I work hard at my primary vocation and enjoy my free time doing what I enjoy. (29)
I have the resolve to fight for what I believe in. (70)
I have all five of the foundation stones for financial success: integrity, discipline, social skills, a supportive
spouse, and hard work. (11)
I focus my energies and resources on maximizing output and results. (19)
What's on my mind is success and solutions, not failures and problems. (19)
I focus on quality over what's new, better, improved, or cheaper. (27)
When one door is closed, I don't get discouraged, I get creative. (62)
I am a finisher in a society of starters. (86)
While 1 don't gamble or believe in luck, the harder I work the luckier I become. (83, 144)
I work hard and study thoroughly to invest in what I know. (145)
I question the norm, the status quo, and the labeling of authority figures. (92)
I have a strong work ethic. (99)
When it comes to what I believe in and want, 1 am, a fighter. (123)
I think differently from the crowd and do not go along with the crowd. (387, 22)
I think strategically about things from shopping, scheduling to investing. (280-1)
I am very deliberate in shopping for a home and will invest lots of time and planning. (314-5, 334)
I thinking in terms of how to make things more efficient and productive. (337)

I exercise regularly to be physically fit and have lots of energy. (35, 51)
I have extraordinary energy that I devote to my work and passions. (33, 51)
I value regular exercise for the energy and discipline it gives me.
Sports helps me to build an athletic heart of determination and self-discipline for mental toughness. (19)

I study the investments I make and seek advice for making intelligent investments. (35,77)
I am, or plan to be, my own boss and own my own business. (35, 107)
I invest primarily in what I can control, namely my own business. (74-77)
I surround myself with smart people when making financial decisions (a CPA, attorney, investment advisor).
I know how to select and work with getting good advisers on my team. (147)
I calculate the probabilities of success with every investment. (225-6, 145)
"Waste not, want not" is one of my personal mottos. (295)
I refuse to buy a home in a very short time, I can patiently wait. (312, 318, 331)
I use real estate as part of my investment plans. (338)
When investing in the stock market, I diversify and use a "buy and hold" strategy.

I have experienced the humiliation of defeat, been labeled inferior, or told that I didn't have what it takes. (102)
I refuse to take the negative evaluations of authority figures seriously. (101)
Having been confronted with challenges that would defeat others, I refuse to accept defeat.
I have bounced back from numerous set-backs.
Getting a "no" no longer discourages me, in fact, it now excites me. (103)
I now have the tenacity of a bulldog, (or I have graduated from Tenacity #101). (105-106,15)
I will never allow adversity to defeat my spirit or rob me of hope. (109)

I see opportunities all around me. (62,1262)

I am not put off by low status occupations (e.g., pawn shops, salvage yard, car washes, etc.). (193-4)
I am always looking for problems to solve. (194)
I know how to sniff out opportunities. (195)
I watch for and study trends and markets especially those that effect my area.
I am always exploring what ideas in books, conversations, courses can I use in my business? (204)
I am not seduced by the glamorous, high status occupations or trophy homes. (240)

1) Work
2) Self-Development Based u p o n questionnaires from 733 self-made
3) Money first-generation rich millionaires by Thomas J.
4) Adding Value Stanley, Ph.D. recorded in The Millionaire Mind
5) Business (2000). Of these 733 from 1001 questionnaires,
6) Risk they averaged a net worth of 9.2 million, annual
7) Rich Resourceful States realized income of $749,000, only 2% inherited
8) Time all or any part of their h o m e s or property.
9) Relationships
10) Lifestyle
11) Character
12) Thinking Patterns
13) Health and Fitness
14) Investment
15) Experiences
16) Entrepreneurship

For Information about trainings in

see the schedule on

Put a T for true and F for false to the following questions.

Do you have enough money to consider yourself financially stable?

Do you have enough money to be an aggressive saver?
Do you have a personal budget?
Do you have enough accumulated to be financially independent?
Do you feel that you are spending enough time with your loved ones, family, and friends?
Do you typically come home from work in a positive state?
Do you come home from your job frill of life, energy, and vitality?
Do you wake up with a passion for what you do so that it pulls you out of bed?
Do you participate in the activities you really believe are worthwhile?
Are you pleased with the direction your life is going?
Do you see your job as an opportunity for financial success, adding value, and personal growth?
Do you constantly think about how you could add value?
Do you have an admirable attitude about your work?
Are you satisfied with the contribution you have made to the world?
Are you comfortable with money?
Does your job reflect your values?
Does your job reflect your talents and passions?
Do you have enough savings to maintain your lifestyle for the next 3 months?
Do you have enough savings to maintain your lifestyle for the next 6 months?
Do you have enough savings to maintain your lifestyle for the next 12 months?
Do you feel that your life is whole?
Do you sense that all of the pieces (job, expenditures, relationships, values) fit together?
Do you feel passionate about, captivated by, and absorbed in your work?
Do you have peak moments of delight and excitement every week?
Do you find it easy to get yourself to take action in doing the things you love?
Do you have the skills and tools to take effective action?
Are you in your ideal job?
Are you self-employed?
Do you love being self-employed?
If you are not in your ideal job, have you begun to make your passion your avocation?
Do you invest your time, energy, and money in finding your passion?
Do you have a plan?
Do you know your highest outcomes and values?
Are you committed to becoming financially independent?
Do you have a plan for creating wealth?
Are you disciplined in terms of getting yourself to get involved in and carry out your passions?
Are you patient about being in it for the long run?
Are would known for your persistence and tenacity in staying with the things you commit yourself to!
Do you take care of the critical details involved in your work?
Are you saving money as capital to invest?
Are you investing or preparing yourself to?
Do you study your investments?


L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.

(Anchor Point, Jan. 2000)

Would you like to use your work, career, or income producing activities to become
financially independent?
Would you like to become wealthy enough so that you no longer have to make money your
Would you like to understand, identify, and install the kind of states and meta-states that
would facilitate in you the mind of a millionaire?

Research has long indicated that the amount of one's financial wealth only plays a little difference in terms
of overall life satisfaction, "happiness," or the experience of "flow" (Csikszentmihalyi). Making money only
for the sake of having more money does not actually enrich our internal experience of life, or give us more
quality in our thinking or feeling. Money by itself, apart from other things, does not enrich us, and most rich
people do not find it all that fulfilling. Harry Dent (1998) says that there is only a 2% difference on the
Happiness Scale between the wealthy and all other financial classes (p. 22).

What does this mean? It means that money, as a end value, does not serve us very well and is not what wealth
is actually about. As an end value— as something to live your life for, money is inadequate for motivation,
happiness, or personal growth. At best, the goal of making more money serves as a good means value We
seek to increase our income and become financially independent so that we can then cease worrying about
paying bills. It gives us the freedom so that we can turn all of our psychic energy toward the things that we
really want to do and experience.

Yet while this sequence is almost right, it is still an inadequate mental map for navigating the territory of
wealth building. We still do not have it quite right. There's a missing piece—a piece that plays the most
critical role in terms of using our work and careers for building a wealthier bank account and life.

Wealth Researchers
When Scrully Blotnick, Ph.D. psychologist decided to track the lives of people who wanted to become
wealthy in 1960, he set up a study to track 1,500 people. Over the years he lost a third of the people—an
occupational hazard to longitudinal studies. In spite of that, of the remaining 1,057 people, 83 became
millionaires. Given this we naturally ask some modeling questions:
What were their secrets of success?
What mental and emotional states supported them in the process of becoming financially
What principles or concepts enables and/or facilitated their experience in using their business to
become wealthy?
What beliefs, strategies, and behaviors played a key role in their success?

Blotnick and associates also discovered that about half of the 83 became wealthy and lost it numerous times.
While they could make it, they did not seem able to hold on to what they made. It left as quickly as it came.
There was some kind of hole in their back pocket.
What sabotaged their long-term success?
What thoughts, emotions, or response patterns led them to undermine the wealthy building strategy?
What saboteurs were at work?

In addition to this longitudinal study, Blotnick and associates also conducted focus group interviews with
more than 200 multi-millionaires. Again, they did this to uncover the secrets of becoming wealthy. You can
read about the conclusions that they drew as a result of the research in Getting Rich Your Way (1980).
Blotnick summarized his findings this way:
"We are not going to make matters worse by telling you we've found a secret formula that will make
you rich overnight. There is no such thing, though we know plenty of people who've gone broke
looking for it. What we are about to describe might be labeled a 'get rich slow' technique. But it
works. And nothing else does." (p. 15)

More recent research now appears in other books that have become best sellers. These include the 1996
publication, The Millionaire Next Door, and The Millionaire Mind (2000). Researchers Thomas Stanley
and William Danko similarly studied America's Wealthy and also came up with some surprising secrets.
"What kind of businesses do millionaires own? All kinds. You can't predict if someone is a
millionaire by the type of business. After 20 years of studying millionaires, we have concluded that
the character of the business owner is more important in predicting his level of wealth than the
classification of his business." (p. 228)

"Character" signals us that wealth building is more about states of mind, meta-states or frames of mind, and
strategies. We might even conclude, as we shall see, that wealth much more is a state of mind than anything
else. But which states and what kind of "character?" Who then becomes wealthy?
"Usually the wealthy individual is a businessman who has lived in the same town for all of his adult
life. This person owns a small factory, a chain of stores, or a service company. He has married once
and remains married. He lives next door to people with a fraction of his wealth. He is a compulsive
saver and investor. He has made his money on his own. Eighty percent of America's millionaires
are first-generation rich." (p. 3)

The Secrets and Stages of Wealth Building

The most significant factor in wealth creation that Blotnick noted, as well as many other researchers and
theorists concerns the focus, mind-set, and intentionality of the person who succeeds. This may surprise you.
It surprises many people.
"A missing ingredient, a key one which operates so quietly it had previously been overlooked, had
to be present if someone was ever to become rich: they had to find their work absorbing. Involving.
Enthralling." (p. 6, italics added)

Above and beyond everything else that contributes to building wealth— and there are many, many
contributing factors, the central and most determinative one is absorption in the work itself—an absorption
that arises from truly caring about the work and learning to enjoy it.

Think about that. Check yourself on those qualities:

To what extend do you truly care about your work or some work that you long to do?
To what extend do you love it, value it, recognize it as something significant that you do?
To what degree do you enjoy it? What values and meanings enable you to view it passionately?
What have you come to enjoy about it?
How have you learned that enjoyment?

Suppose for a moment that this truly is the secret for using your work and career for becoming financially
independent. You may not believe this yet. It may be shocking to think about this as the pathway to wealth
creation. You may be in a job that you really don't care about, one that you endure, one that you just put up
with. Your attitude may be, "Hey, it's an income."

Nevertheless, go with this idea for a moment. What if the pathway and process to financial independence
for most of us will not involve the lottery, not involve "getting some big break," not involve our investments
really hitting a hot new market, etc.? What if the typical path involves falling in love with some task, activity,
or career and patiently becoming absorb in it for years?
"As it turns out, your work is more likely to make you wealthy than any bet or investment that you
ever make.... The crucial role played by work you enjoy is only one of the startling conclusions
which emerged. There were others." (Blotnick, p. 5)

The researchers in this field all point in this direction. It's the get rich slow technique. The 83 individuals,
that Blotnick and associates followed, became absorbed in their respected fields, felt compelled about their
tasks, and then gave themselves to that passion for a long period of time. In the process, they became highly
competent in their skills and craft. In the process they seldom thought of it as "work," it was more like play.
Their curiosity about it drove them to more fully search into it, to live and breathe it, and to become
increasingly more skilled in it. As their competence grew, so did their confidence—and this made it
inherently rewarding. A rich experience in and of itself. And that basic enjoyment at becoming more skilled
and competent, at producing better quality work, at becoming more knowledgeable, at contributing, etc
operated as the real source of their eventual wealth.

What was going on at an even more profound level was that they were finding an area in which to add or
create value, to become more valuable to others, and this eventually returned to them in terms of the value
the market gave to them. They discovered the power of Inside-Out Wealth.

What Does This Mean For Me?

Would you like to become rich? Good. Set that as your goal, then forget it. In the Wealth Building trainings
—this is the first paradox: To get rich, get the dollar signs (or pound signs, etc.) out of your eyes. It's not
abut money. Blotnick noted that almost all of those individuals who eventually became millionaires hardly
noticed. Can you imagine that?
"Basically, it crept up on them." (Blotnick, p. 37)

How could it have crept upon them? How could they have "barely noticed?" The only answer that makes
sense is that it must not have been their primary focus. They must have had other things on their mind. And
that, to a great degree, was their secret. Wealth isn't money, it's a heart that knows how to create value.

In Meta-States terms, we can say that they had other frames-of-references operating as their higher meta-state
structures. Making money would have been a lower frame goal. The goal-of-that-goal which truly drove
them, that served as their motivational engine, and that directed their energies to the area where they were
making a contribution was something bigger and higher. The outcome-of-their-outcomes must have been
something yet bigger and higher. Money was important, yet there were many things even more important.

Like what? Like solving problems, developing competence, feeling confident, the adventure of succeeding,
making a difference, bearing one's best, developing new skills, exploring possibilities, becoming an expert,
etc. Csikszentmihalyi, the researcher and author of Flow and numerous other books on flow states, describes
the state of absorption as an intense concentration of focus whereby we order and structure our consciousness
in a context or game that has lots of feedback and which eventually becomes valued for its own sake (it
becomes "autotelic," auto, self and telic, goal).

This is not only the creative state, the state of "happiness," it is also a genius state. When you step into a
state of commitment, you become so focused, all of your psychic energy (mind, emotion, and body) becomes
concentrated on one thing. When that happens, you use up all of the attentional energy so that you then lose
consciousness of the matrices of our mind—self, time, the world, others, etc. What an altered state!

In Neuro-semantics we call this the genius state. And it is this state that we elicit as a gestalt state in the
trainings on Accessing Personal Genius. In this case, we are accessing our financial genius, our persuasion
genius, our business genius, etc. When Blotnick discovered this state as "the secret" a long time ago in the
field of wealth building, it surprised him and others. Yet it makes sense. It still does.
Absorption in a love or passion is the state of mind and emotion of someone who has a strong chance
becoming financially independent. What will a state like that do for a person? It will keep you involved.
It will activate all of your skills, intelligences, passions, and energies. It will keep you involved so that you
persist through the ups-and-downs of your field, the economic environment, the learning curves and plateaus,
etc. It will make you resilience, patient, and persevering. And eventually, it will give you the opportunity
to become highly skilled and knowledgeable in your field. Then you will be in demand—your expertise will
become more valued. People will pay more for your insights, skills, and time.
How valuable are you right now in your field?
How much value can you or do you add where you work?
How much more valuable can you make yourself?

Interesting enough when Blotnick asked the millionaires what they attributed their success to, 82% in the
study attributed it to luck. Now imagine that! This shows what happens when you ask an expert to tell you
his or her secret. They cannot do it. They don't know. And if they think they know the secret of their own
success, more frequently than not, they are wrong. Why? Because operating at the level of unconscious
competence—they really do not know why, they just run the programs of their excellence. They don't know
why or how. It takes a modeler to figure that out.

That's what Blotnick (1980) did. Without the Neuro-Semantic and NLP distinctions about the structure of
experiences, he set out to find and specify the structure of this piece of excellence. To that end, he wrote the
following about absorption:
"A child's desire to be hypnotically engrossed doesn't end with childhood. Being absorbed is deeper
and more important than like and dislike, love and hate. It is the only magic our everyday lives have
left." (p. 202)
"Those who were better at becoming absorbed by their work looked forward to being caught up in
it and also found it inherently rewarding (p. 212).

When you enter into a meta-state of total absorption, you will no longer think of your work as a "job." That
will not be an option. You will think and experience it as your mission. It becomes the higher frame of
reference or executive state about your purpose, destiny, and identity. Many years prior to this research
Charles M. Schwab said:
"The man who does not work for the love of work, but only for the money is not likely to make
money, nor to find much fun in life."

Similarly, Harding Lawrence, CEO Chairman and CEO of Braniff said,

Don't set compensation as a goal. Find work you like, and the compensation will follow... If money
is a large part of your thinking, you won't do really good work, and that's what matters most... To
me ... this was the field I loved. It wasn't a vocation. It was an avocation. I couldn't wait to get to
work in the morning." (Blotnick, p. 52)

The Stages of Wealth Building

With this beginning, we can now recognize the two stages of wealth building that needs to be coordinated
in a way so that we use them in proper sequence. Blotnick identified the following two stages in the wealth
building process:
Stage I: Profoundly Absorbed Stage: Time and energy here is invest in oneself, in education,
development, skills, and growth.
Stage II: Investment Stage: Time and energy now devoted to investing money into stocks, bonds,
CDs, real estate, etc.

Getting these stages mixed up or turned around creates a sequence that almost always sabotages wealth
building and leaves a person less and less capable for becoming financially independent.
"The vast majority of people make things much worse for themselves by trying to go from Stage 2
to Stage 1, from first finding financial independence to subsequently locating an absorbing interest.
They want Stage 1 and Stage 2 simultaneously! But no one can hand you Stage 1 Satisfaction. You
have to find that yourself. Profound involvement in an area always springs from sources deep within
a person (p. 91)

Get Yourself a Great Big "Why"

We also need for a driving passion for what we do if we want to use our skills and craft to create a holistic
wealth for ourselves and others.
• Why do you want to do what you do?
• How is it important to you?
• What will you get out of it?
• And when you get that— fully and completely and in just the way you want it, what will that give
you that's even more important and significant?

A compelling motive motivates. It moves us. And when we feel so moved by higher meanings, we activate
our highest neuro-semantic states. Then we have a big why or reason in our Intention matrix. That will
empower us to keep going, to honor our goals, to dedicate ourselves to our actions, to hold integrity with our
values, and to commit ourselves to the pathway that we have chosen. Then, over time, as we give ourselves
to our field of action, we become more authentic, reliable, and self-disciplined. We grow to trust ourselves,
to listen to our own inner voice, to tap into our creative intuitions, etc.

In this process, we add value upon value in our business by the products and services that we create. This
creates wealth. To add value, we operate from the wealth building states that enable us to be at our best.

The Wealth of a Great Big Passion

I began by speaking about financial wealth, but for just a moment consider the significance of absorption in
a passion that you really care about in terms of internal wealth (rich in mind, emotion, motivation, etc.).
Would that not make you rich in one way that no amount of money could buy?

You bet. This is the power of meta-stating ourselves, our lives, and our work with passion, with pleasure,
and with highly compelling outcomes. Herein lies one of the most powerful patterns—a process that can
totally revolutionize a life. The Well-Formed Outcome Pattern provides a simple step-by-step process for

©2005 L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. -22- Mastering Your Wealth Matrix

upgrading goals so that they become well-formed—and robust.

This also highlights the Neuro-Semantic use of meta-states as processes for aligning our attentions with our
intentions and for establishing outcomes of outcomes until we set the highest frames of all—frames that create
a life orientation and direction. Such intentionality gives us a sense of purpose and mission as it activates our
highest skills and creativity. Then we make things happen. The fact is, people become rich in every field
because they see needs and problems and then set out to add the value of satisfying those needs. They create
solutions. Whenever there's a problem or need, there's money to be made. Money is made when we learn
to see and seize opportunities for giving.

When Stanley and Danko explored the question about enjoyment of working in their research, they asked the
question, who enjoys working?
"The PAWs [Prodigious Accumulators of Wealth] love working, while a large proportion of UAWs
[Under Accumulators of Wealth] work because they need to support their conspicuous consumption
habit. Money should never change one's values... Making money is only a report card. It's a way
to tell how you're doing." (p. 110)

Wealth Building As a Strategy

Expand your thinking about wealth building so that it induces mental wealth, emotional wealth, wealth of
relationships, health, creativity, etc. Expand it so that you look upon every experience, every day, every
encounter as a way to add value to your life and the lives of others. With this wealth perspective as your
frame of reference, it will simply be a matter of turning that concept into a belief, into a decision, into a state,
and into an action for this day. We use the Mind-to-Muscle pattern to achieve this in order to translate the
great ideas and principles down the levels of mind so that it gets into our very neurology and then out into
the world. When that happens, a whole new world opens up. How's that for a great way to begin the rest
of your life?

©2005 L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. -23- Mastering Your Wealth Matrix

So What's the Problem?
WHY do many people suffer financial stress and scarcity in a
world where there are plenty of opportunities?

WHAT stops you from becoming financially independent

with all of the opportunities around?

Why is the world filled with talented, intelligent, and gifted poor people?
How can we be smarter about handling our finances and building wealth so we stop working for money and
get money to work for us?

If we live in a world of plenteous opportunities and knowledge about wealth, then why do so few attain
states of plenty, abundance, and wealth?

If it's not the lack of opportunity, then what explains the lack, the tack of financial freedom and
independence, the stress over finances, the everyday struggle to make ends meet?

Research about First-Generation Rich Millionaires:

"After 20 years of studying millionaires, we have concluded that the character of the business owner
is more important in predicting his level of wealth than the classification of his business." {The
Millionaire Next Door, p. 228)

Could it be that we are not internally and personally organized our in mind-and-emotions
for wealth creation, building, and maintaining?
Do you lack the proper frames of mind that self-organize your life for wealth?
Do you lack the executive frames of beliefs, values, identity, decisions, intentions, etc. that
empower and commission you to become wealthy?
Are you confused and conflicted about "wealth " itself?
Do you have a "wealth" definition that's ecological and enriching?
Is your Matrix of frames organized so that you can play the game that allow you to become
financially independent?

Lots of smart people make some big mistakes about money. They either sell their souls for it, let money
define who they are and "the good life," or they have a mistaken map about it, a map that doesn't guide them
as they navigate work, career, speaking, etc. there. Without having an accurate and workable map for
creating wealth, we will join the ranks of the talented, intelligent, and gifted poor people of the world.

Avoid that by setting some well-formed outcomes about wealth and the stages to financial independence, use
the meta-stating tools of Neuro-semantics to put ourselves in the kind of states that allow us to create wealth
from within, take the Red Pill and enter the Matrix of your mind to design that Matrix for Wealth.
Mastering Your Wealth Matrix Means—
• Developing the mental-and-emotional frames for abundance, prosperity, creativity, and wealth. It
means shifting from working for money to letting money and material affluence work for us.

Building enriching states and meta-states for building wealth from the inside-out so that we have
ready access to the enriching kind of states that support and enhance your ability to handle the key
factors involved in building wealth.

Dancing with our dragons of impulsive spending, budgeting, saving, taking risks, investing etc. so
that we don't stop ourselves by various kinds of self-sabotage.

Building wealth through creating and adding value that makes a difference to others and not getting
caught up in various "Get Rich Quick" schemes.

Letting financial wealth emerge as an inside-out process when we have the right principles, attitudes,
and actions.

Recognizing that above and beyond motivation, there is the structure and principles of wealth and
that merely getting motivated is not enough. Motivation has its place. But you can be motivated and
still uninformed and unskilled in the necessary skill set of practices to make it happen. That's why
a "Rah! Rah! I affirm myself as a Millionaire! " Rally will not do the trick. We also have to know
what "wealth" is, what creates it, and develop the practical financial skills to make it real.

Developing the mindfulness for effective planning and deciding as we create our unique pathway into
a rich future for ourselves and others.

©2005 L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. -25- Mastering Your Wealth Matrix


Creating Rich and Wealthy Meanings

"All wealth begins in the mind" (Napoleon Hill)

"Every time he took the thought to bed with him,

he got up with it in the morning, and he took it with him everywhere he went." ( p. 96)

"The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes,
Benjamin Disraeli

The Wealth Principle:

We have to know what it is to experience wealth fully in all of its dimensions. We have to
create a holistic and compelling definition of "wealth" before we can take the necessary and
effective actions that make it real in our lives. Do you know what wealth is?

What is "wealth" anyway?

Fill in these sentence stems: "I know I will be wealthy when "

"True wealth for me is..."

"The wealth that I want and will pursue is 99



©2005 L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. -26- Mastering Your Wealth Matrix

The Neuro-semantics of Wealth

Net Worth > Wealth

How much money, income, savings, investments, equity do you want or need in order to be or to feel
Stanley & Danko (1996) provide this formula for determining if you are wealthy:
"Multiply your age times your realized pretax annual household incomes from all sources except
inheritances. Divide by ten. This, less any inherited wealth, is what your net worth should be." (p.


This leads to two styles:

1) PAW: Prodigious Accumulator of Wealth
PAWs are builders of wealth; they are the best at building net worth... They typically have
a minimum of 4 times the wealthy accumulated by UAWs.

2) UAW: Under Accumulator of Wealth

UAWs typically live above their means; they emphasize consumption. They tend to de-
emphasize many of the key factors that underlie wealth building. (p. 15)

Income > Wealth

How much do you need to make or to accumulate before you can think of yourself as "wealthy" or
"financially independent?" Wealth depends upon what you accumulate by how much you save, not
what you spend, or even upon your income. Becoming wealthy may not involve making more

Greater Income to Outcome ratio > Wealth

Edward Gibbon:(1814): "I am rich indeed, since my income is superior to my expenses, and my
expense is equal to my wishes." (Memories),

Accumulation rather than income > Wealth

"Most people have it all wrong about wealth in America. Wealth is not the same as income. If you
make a good income each year and spend it all, you are not getting wealthier. You are just living
high. Wealth is what you accumulate, not what you spend." (p. 1)

Choice > Wealth

I am wealthy when I reach the point where my decision to go to work is not determined by financial
needs. Machtig and Behrends: "You are wealthy if you can take off from work to investigate a
project that is important to you for non-financial reasons." (p. 9).
Harry Dent: "Wealth is about giving yourself the freedom to choose the lifestyle that you want and
to champion causes that you believe in." (p. 22).
Time and Lifestyle > Wealth
Kiyosaki: "Wealth is a person's ability to survive so many number of days forward. If I stopped
working today, how long could I survive ... and maintain my lifestyle? (p. 73). Measure wealth in
time rather than in dollars. How many days can you live at this standard of living? (2000, p. 34).

©2005 L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. -27- Mastering Your Wealth Matrix

Effort-Result ratio > Wealth
George David, M.D.: "Wealth is when small efforts produce large results; poverty is when large
efforts produce small results."
Rich in Mind in seeing opportunities > Wealth
Robert Alan: "Wealth is not money. Money is just the appearance of wealth. The form, but not the
substance. Wealth is thoughts, not things. You can be wealthy without having lots of money. And
you can be rich and not be wealthy. Now that may be a bit confusing, but it's true. Wealth is a state
of mine--an attitude."
Well-Being and Abundance > Wealth
"Wealth" from "weal" refers to being in a "sound, healthy or prosperous state, well-being." Wealth
refers to "abundance of supplies, possessions, and resources."
Enjoying Work > Wealth
"There are more people (employees) today working at jobs that they don't like. I'll tell you honestly
that the successful man is a guy who works at a job, who likes his work, who can't wait to get up in
the morning to get down to the office, and that's my criteria. And I've always been that way. I can't
wait to get up and get down to the office and get my job under way." (A millionaire in the Stanley
& Danko study, p. 240)

Character, Inner States > Wealth

'Tell your children that there are a lot of things more valuable than money: good health, longevity,
happiness, a loving family, self-reliance, friends, reputation, respect, integrity, honesty,
achievements. Money is icing on the cake of life. You don't ever have to cheat or steal, don't have
to break the law or cheat on your taxes." (Stanley & Danko, 1996, p. 195)
Trump: "My father's faith gave me unshakable confidence. It wasn't money that my father gave me;
it was knowledge. It's much more important to be smart than right (xx)." Trump

Captalizing on what I have > Wealth

Maximizing my talents and enjoyment > Wealth
Bartering for what I value > Wealth
Time, knowledge, experience > Wealth

Summary: Do you now have a rich definition of wealth?

Does it include wealth of mind, ideas, emotion, lifestyle, relationship, heart, creativity, health,
energy, motivation, passion, and so on?
Would you like to include that in your definition of wealth?
What will make it even richer?
Recognizing the Unreality of Money
What we call money is not externally real. Money does not exist "out there." Paper and coins exist,
but "money" is not real out there. Money is our a way of thinking and feeling about exchange of
value and energy. Money is a meta-term, a meaning that involves our semantics and emotions—this
leads us to explore the Neuro-semantics of money.

At the primary state: "money" is a medium of exchange that offers a way to measure and track the
life energy we invest in activities.
"Money is something we choose to trade our life energy for." (Dominguez, p. 54)

At meta-levels, "money" refers to anything we value and invest our life energies into things which
align with what we care about. Am I experiencing fulfillment, satisfaction and value in proportion
to the life energy that I invest?
Money is a shared cultural reality. It involves our ideas and beliefs about exchange, how we
have framed exchange and the emotions we attach. If money is not real, this exposes the
myth that "there's only so much to go around." We can invent more money, more value,
more wealth.
What frames-of-reference do you have around money?
The higher level meanings we have link to money
Power, Status, Love, Control, Freedom, etc.

What does money mean to

you? "For most people, money is never just money, a tool to accomplish some of
life's goals. It is love, power, happiness, security, control, dependency,
What do you believe about independence, freedom and more. Money is so loaded a symbol that to unload
it? it—and I believe that it must be unloaded to live in a fully rational and
What thoughts and feelings balanced relationship to money—reaches deep into the human psyche.
come to you about money, Usually, when the button of money is pressed, deeper issues emerge that have
long been neglected." (January/February, Psychology Today, 1999, "Men,
about s a v i n g , about Women, & Money," by Olivia Mellan)
spending, etc.?

Status Security/ Safety Being a Somebody

Achievement Power Independent
Opportunity Fulfillment Choices
Exchange Self-Esteem Selfish
Greedy Ease Danger
Jealousy by others Happiness Wholeness
Prestige Personal Worth

We can handle or relate to money by hoarding or spending. What's your style? Do you hoard,
spend, collect things? Are you best at earning, spending, saving, or investing? What emotions drive
your response style?

We can over-load the meaning of money inappropriately so that money works on us like a drug.
"Money" becomes psycho-active drug when our mood, happiness, peace of mind, etc. is dependent
upon it. "When I have money, I'm happy; when I don't, I'm worrisome, unhappy, miserable, a
nobody, etc." To develop a healthy and appropriate wealth creation plan, we ay have to first de-
pleasure money, things, and the expressions of wealth so that they are not so dominated by it.
Desperately needing money typically prevents us from effectively handling money and financial
wealth. Spending as consumption uses up resources and squanders them. In spending, we can
consume or we can invest.

Kiyosaki (1997): "When you work for money, money controls your emotions. Rich dad thought
it foolish to spend your life working for money and to pretend that money was not important. He
believed that life was more important than money, but money was important for supporting life."

Knowing the Limits of Money — What money can't buy!

Look at your list of all the things you want from money. Can money buy these things?
The truth is that money cannot buy happiness, peace of mind, security, satisfaction,
appreciation, health, etc. Money cannot even solve poverty.
Do you know what Ted Turner said when Barbara Walters asked him, "How does it feel to be so

Limiting our need for money. When will I have enough? When will I say, "Enough!"?
There is something addictive about success, achievement, power, and money which suggests
that we need to beware lest we build the frame, "Just a little more." This is the definition of
"greed." This state keeps us greedy and never able to relax and enjoy the abundance.
How do we keep our ambitions and at the same time relax and enjoy life in the process?
How can we feel satisfaction and yet stay ambitious about our goals?
"How much money is enough money?"

"Just one dollar more." John D. Rockefeller.

If emotions are states of mind and ideas govern our
personality and what we can and cannot achieve, then
Wealth enlarges the appetite for riches rather than "You, and every other person, ought to be interested in
satisfy it. The majority of success-driven people knowing how to acquire that state of mind which will
believe and operate from the perspective that attract riches." (Napoleon Hill, p. 27).
"Enough is never enough." They always want
10% more, 2 5 % more, 100% more, etc. If the
drive to acquire more is not calmed with acquisition, what can calm it? We can only resolve this when our
focus emphasizes being more than it does on getting.

Psycho-Money Recognizing "Value" in Dollars (Pounds, Yens, Euros, etc.)

Democratizing Dollars so all Dollars are again Equal
An investment is something that increases in value The Investment/Asset Principle
over time. If the thing we invest in loses value, it's Distinguish between investments and liabilities
not a true investment but a liability. Calling a so that you can invest in "true assets," namely,
purchase an "investment" doesn't make it so. When things that increase with value.
you buy things that cost to maintain and that decrease
in value, you have a liability on your hands (i.e., cars,
boats, toys, computers, etc.). Everything you buy that costs you increases your "cost of living." Examine
what it costs you to maintain something in terms of the additional expenses, the responsibilities you accept,
the mental-emotional involvement.

What are your true values, assets, and investments? Mind your true business by first distinguishing your
profession and your true investments. What is your business? What are you doing that's creating assets?
Make by maximum use of your assets by investing in things which go up in value.

Is a banker's business banking? It's not unless he owns the bank!

"Financial independence is anything that frees you from a dependence on money to handle your life" It
means having all aspects of your financial life in alignment with your values. (Dominguez)
The Strange World of Mental Accounting
How we represent, reckon, and appraise "money" determines how
"A dollar here, a dollar there; pretty
we respond to it. soon we're talking about real
If the meanings that we give money, the mental categories money."
and accounts in which we stash away our thoughts about
money set the frames for how we relate to money and
how money relates to us—then our mental accounting
plays a highly significant role.

In an excellent research book which isn't easy reading, Gary Belsky and Thomas Bilovich address
this facet of the psychology of mental accounting of money. They make the point that in our mental
money accounting. "All money is not the same." Their first chapter is entitled, "Not all Dollars are
Created Equal." As I read, I began sorting out the different "accounts" that they mentioned and
created the following chart.

Do you treat some "money" as play money, fun money, gift money, etc. and then blow it in ways that
you would not dare to do with "savings?" What mental categories do you use in thinking and
relating to money. Are your mental categories usefulness, effective, and empowering?
Do they it serve you well?
Do they undermine your ability to save?
Do they enhance your skills in wealth accumulation to build up enough capital to invest and
get money to work for you?

If you have a category of, "college money for the kids " and a personal policy to "never touch it,"
then that might serve as a very useful classification trick to get you to save. To examine your own
mental money accounting, step back and notice how you talk about money an notice the different
kinds of money that you have in your mental world.

Belsky and Gilovich write:

"Another way mental accounting can cause trouble is the resultant tendency to treat dollars
differently depending on the size of the particular mental account in which they are stashed, the size
of the transaction within which they are spent, or simply the amount of money in question." (p. 37)

Imagine this scenario:

You go to buy a lamp that costs $100. While in the store, you discover that you can get the very
same lamp 5 blocks away for $75. You can save $25. Would you do it?
Suppose also that you go to buy dining room set that's going for $1775, but only five blocks away
you can get it for $1750. Do you go there to save $25?

If you'll drive five blocks to save $25 for the first, but not the second, then the culprit at work in this
is your mental accounting. You are treating the dollars differently due to how you think about the
size of your purchase. So, when is $25 not $25?

Our mental accounting frequently causes us to relax our normal cost-consciousness when we make
small purchases. The costs somehow get lost among larger expenses. For example, research has
found that the bigger chunk of "found money" we have (bonus, tax refund, gift, etc.) makes it more
sacred, serious, and harder to spend. Yet this can actually lower our "spending rate." Our spending
rate refers to the percentage of an incremental dollar that we spend rather than save. So if we receive
a $100 tax refund, and spend $80 of it, then our spending rate is .80.
What difference does this make? Here's an example of how mental accounting can seduce us into over-
Studies showed that those who receive a $400 bonus use it to justify all manner of purchases, and in
the end they spent 4 to 5 times that amount ($1,600). Each time the couples reason that they had just
receive the big bonus. So they spend it and spend it and spend it. The accounting that it wasn't
"savings," it wasn't "living expenses," it was "extra," or "fun money," etc. So while they went on
a shopping spree, it didn't seem like a shopping spree emotionally. Because each smaller decision
to splurge was kept in a different mental account.

They say that credit cards are one of the scariest exhibits in the museum of mental accounting. Credit
card dollars are cheapened because there is seemingly no sense of loss at the moment of purchase,
at least not on a visceral level. Conversely, if you have $100 cash in your pocket and pay $50 for
something, you experience the purchase as cutting your pocket money in half. But if you "charge"
it, you don't experience the same loss of buying power that emptying your wallet does. The money
we charge on plastic is actually more valuable if don't pay it off.

"Dollars assigned to some mental accounts are devalued, which leads us to spend more easily and
more foolishly, particularly when dealing with small amounts of money. And when account for other
monies as so sacred or special, then we become too conservative with it." (p. 42)
Belsky, Gary; Gilovich, Thomas. (1999). Why smart people make big money mistakes— and
how to correct them. NY: Simon and Schuster.

What is "Work?"
If we primarily make our money and create our wealth via our work, what meaning frames do you
have about "work?"
When we work we are engaged and involved in doing something, it takes time, effort, trouble,
thought, energy. We engage in producing something or providing service for something and create
add value to something. When we work for someone else, we are paid for both what we do and what
we do not do. Blotnick:
"Basically, when you work, you are being paid not to do things. Most important
characteristic shared by those who did not succeed was that they accepted that restriction
unthinkingly." (p. 92)

Psycho-Money —> The meaning of money as an exchange for work, a measure of energy, time, effort, and
"Making money is only a report card. It's a way to tell how you're doing." (Stanley and Danko, p.
The Principles into Practice:
Principles are general understandings (concepts, ideas, and summary statements) that identify the
basic factors, "secrets," "rules," steps and stages that govern a field. These are the great ideas and
the basic principles for how to play t h e great game of wealth creation. Principles articulate a general
map that allows us to navigate a particular dimension of life. Books about finances, wealth, and
economic success are generally full of such principles. If you're going to play the Game, you ought
to know the Rules of the Game.

Put an asterick (*) by the principles that you already have installed as your frame of mind and a
minus sign (-) by those that you want to have as your governing principles.

Wealth Building Principles

Principles about Self — For Inside-Out Wealth:
The Right State: Like about everything else in
life, if you want to succeed in a particular field, Decisiveness: We build wealth through our ability
you have to access and operate out of the right to weigh alternatives and make an informed
state. decision and stay with it Wealth is built through
making decisions, becoming decisive, and making
Self-Discipline: We build wealth through hard decisions to stay with our decisions.
work and self-discipline, through owning our
powers and responses and developing them. It Efficiency: Because wealth is efficiency, we create
takes ownership, responsibility, and accountability wealth as we learn to be more efficient in our use
to create wealth. of our energy, time, and efforts.

Inside-Out Wealth: Wealth is build from the Courage: It takes courage to create wealth;
inside out. First create wealth inside, and then creating wealth involves taking risks, smart risks
design a plan for letting it out into the world via that do not threaten our financial welfare, but
your talents, strengths, passions, and skills. those that make possible the new opportunities.

State of Mind: Wealth is a state of mind and is Fun: We build wealth by staying light and playful
developed through the wealth of a rich creative rather than serious. If you get serious you first get
mind that cares and can translate great ideas into stupid, then experience the poverty of spirit.
everyday reality.
Vitality: It takes energy and effort to create value
Creativity: Wealth is created via developing our and to build wealth and so staying healthy and fit
creative abilities. Wealth arises as we create new is essential and part of internal physical
valuable solutions to problems. wealth—the sense of physical vitality.

Frugality: We build wealth with by using the Principles about the Structure and the Process of
delight of frugality in the early stages as we raise Building Wealth:
our joy-to-stuff ratio and squeeze all the juice out Modeling: We build wealth by modeling good
of the things we already have. examples of wealth creation.

Integrity: Wealth is built as we develop our Gifts: Wealth is value so we create wealth by
character, integrity, and learn to use the power of valuing, creating value, and adding value. Wealth
in any culture is that we say is valuable, so wealth Persistence: Wealth is built over time through
creation is adding value as we play to our talents patience and persistence.
and strengths.
Resilience: Wealth is built through effectively
Meta-Detailing: We build wealth by detailing out handling disappointments, frustrations, set-backs,
the specifics of our business from a meta-position. things not going right, and bouncing back to our
Synthesizing global and specific enables us to plan and passion.
know where we are and take care of the killer
Principles about the Talent and Work by which
Money: Wealth is not money. Money is a sign or we Create Wealth:
a scoreboard of wealth. So we build wealth by de- Planning: Wealth us built by developing a plan
loading wealth and what it takes to create it from for how to manage finances, focus attention on
status, person, identity, etc. This gives us the skills, interests, passions, and talents in adding
freedom to become truly wealthy. value.

Communication: We build wealth as we work with Entrepreneurship: Wealth is built by adopting the
and through people which necessitates clear and attitudes and mind-set of an entrepreneur who
compelling communication for understanding, assumes complete responsibility for his or her own
rapport, and negotiations. Wealth is rich financial independence.
collaborative partnerships.
Focus: We build wealth through concentration
Selling and Negotiating: Wealth is created by and then diversification especially in the first
selling ourselves, our ideas, our products, and our stages of wealth building.
Principles about Money and Finances by which
Collaboration: We build wealth through we can be Wise about Building Wealth:
cooperating with others, networking, finding Debts: Wealth is built by getting rid of debts and
mentors, being mentors, etc. Wealth is built by only accept those that are true investments.
effectively working with and through others.
True Assets: Distinguish between investments and
Networking: We do better in any domain of effort liabilities so that you can invest in "true assets,"
within which we seek to achieve excellence when namely, things that increase with value.
we have others who are like-minded and
supportive. The social support that emerges when Financial Intelligence: Wealth is built by
men and women of like mind, get together for developing the financial intelligence to understand
networking, brainstorming, encouragement, how to handle money and use it as an effective
accountability, etc. provides yet another frame that tool
supports us.
Taxes: We take greater control over our cashflow
Initiative: To create wealth we have to take the and savings when we use our financial intelligence
initiative in discovering trends, markets, making to reduce our taxes in every way we can.
plans, and taking actions. There's no wealth
building without some risk. Mental Accounting: "A dollar here, a dollar there;
pretty soon we're talking about real money."
Seeing Opportunities: Wealth is built by seeing There is a Neuro-semantics of mental accounting:
and seizing opportunities to solve problems and How we represent, reckon, and appraise "money"
add value. determines how we respond to it.
Net Worth: Wealth is about net worth, not
income. It's about how much we save, not how
high we live.

Passive Income: Financial independence is

created through sources of passive income. It's
created through having passive income that
exceeds our expenses.

Money: Money is important. It is important for

creating the freedom to spend our time and energy
on what we care about rather than worrying about
paying bills. Money is un-important in the areas
in which it cannot work—creating security, love,
happiness, creativity, etc.
Put your Creed into your Deed (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
"We know too much and are convinced of too little" (T.S.Elliot)

1) Identify a Principle (concept, understanding) you want incorporated into your muscles.
What concept or principle do you want to put into your neurology and commission to run your
Describe your conceptual understanding.
What do you know or understand or believe about this that you want to set as a frame in your mind?
State it in a clear, succinct, and compelling way as you finish the statement, "I understand.." or
"Intellectually, I know..."

2) Describe the Principle as a Belief.

Do you believe this? Would you like to believe it?
If you really, really believed that, would that make a big difference in your life?
State the concept by saying it as a belief, "I believe..."
Now state it as if you really did believe it Notice what you're feeling as you say that again.

3) Reformat the Belief as a Decision.

Are you doing to do it? Would you like to live by that belief? [Yes.] You would? [Yes.] Really?
Will you act on this and make it your program for acting?
Then state it as a decision as you finish this statement, "From this day forward, I will.."
Or, "I want.. I choose... it is time to..."

4) Rephrase the Belief and Decision as an emotional State or Experience.

State the belief decision again noticing what you would feel if you fully believed it.
What would you feel if you were fully believing this empowering belief and decision and living
Be with those emotions... let them grow and extend.
Put your feelings into words: "I feel... I experience... because I will... because I believe..."

5) Turn the Emotions Into Actions to Express the belief and decision.
"The one thing that I will do today as an expression of these feelings, to make this belief decision
real is..."
And what one thing will you do tomorrow? And the day after that?

6) Step into the Action and Let the higher levels of your mind Spiral.
As you fully imagine carrying out that one thing you will do today... seeing, hearing and feeling it
you are doing this because you believe what? Because you've decided what? Because you feel
what? And you will do what other thing? Because you understand what? Because you feel what?
Because you've decided what? Because you believe what? And what other thing will you do?
The Neuro-Semantic Difference


The Mind-to-Muscle pattern is a feed forward meta-stating pattern that turns highly informative, insightful,
and valued principles into neurological patterns so they become our default choices for responding. When
we do this, w e —

Close the Knowing-Doing Gap

We can know much more than we do. It's an occupational hazard of being human. We can fill our heads with
lots of knowledge, understanding, and great ideas ... without training our neurology about how to translate
into action patterns, without coaching our body how to feel an idea. When this happens, we know more than
we do. We live more "in our minds" than in our bodies. This weakens our implementation skills and powers
and that, in turn, can lead to many more undesirable effects:
• Believing that we need more knowledge. "If I only read one more book, one more article, attend one
more training, then I'll get it."
• Taking counsel of fears and feelings of discomfort. "I know what to do but I just don't feel it yet."
• Distrusting our actions. "I'm not sure that I can do it even though I know that I should do it."
• Procrastinating and giving in to excuses that lead to procrastination. "It's just not time. I'll get
around to it."
• Giving in to the seduction of perfectionism. "What if I mess up? What if I don't do it perfectly. I
need to read some more because I can do it good enough yet."

From Principle to Practice

Translating great ideas into neurology utilizes our neuro-semantic powers. To master our wealth matrices
so they become robust, first identify the principles, then translate them into empowering beliefs, activating
decisions, motivating states, and actions of implementation.

In the Wealth Creation game, if our actions are guided by principles, make sure you have some great ones.
Focusing first on the principles of wealth building gives us a pretty good idea of a solid, workable map that
incorporates such factors as how to handle the domain of money, finances, bills, etc. in a wise and productive
way. We install the principles so that they become our mind-sets of attitudes, beliefs, values, and states.
First comes theory, then implementation.
First comes map, then navigation.

Research and modeling has provided us the kind of thinking and the contents of the thinking that
characterizes self-made first-generation rich millionaires. Yet if we don't know how to turn such thinking into
neurological states that govern our motor programs, what difference will it make? It is the translation of great
thoughts (semantics) into felt reality (neurology) that creates our neuro-semantic reality.

Knowledge only becomes power inside us when it activates us in responding effectively to the world.
Otherwise, knowing more may only increase our frustrations and sense of dis-empowerment. This is where
the models and patterns of Neuro-semantics make all the difference in the world.
We can take a great idea and translate it down through the levels of "mind" to activate more and more
neurology and coach our very bodies, muscles, and physiology about how to feel an idea... and to let
it be our way of being in the world. This allows us to layer our thoughts and emotions to set and
install great wealth building principles.
Would you like that? In meta-stating you use the levels of your mind to layer in the kind of empowering
believing, valuing, understanding, etc. so that you set the specific frame of mind in all its rich textures so that
the knowledge gets installed in muscle memory. This is how we master our Matrices of frames.

It's one thing to "know" the principles. It's one thing to "believe" that you can do it. It's one thing to value
it, desire it, expect it, define yourself in terms of it— but it is an entirely different and higher thing to actually
set the frames that make it happen.

Mind-to-Muscle is not a new or even a strange process. We do it all the time anyway. We do it when we
learn to type on a keyboard. The original learning may take a considerable amount of time and trouble in
order to get the muscle patterns and coordination deeply imprinted into one's muscles. Yet by practicing and
training, the learnings become incorporated into the very fabric of the muscles themselves. We then lose
conscious awareness of the learnings as we let the muscles run the program. At that point, we have translated
principle into muscle.

The same holds true for expertise, excellence, and mastery in all other fields, from sports, mathematics,
teaching, to surgery, selling, and public relations. We begin with a principle concept, understanding,
awareness, belief, etc., and then we translate it into muscle. I have found this especially true in our modeling
projects regarding resilience, leadership, wealth building, selling excellence, learning, etc. This pattern
creates transformation by moving up and down the various levels of mind so that we map from our
understandings about something from the lowest descriptive levels to the highest conceptual levels and back
down again.

What is Neuro-semantics?

It is the Performance of Meaning


If we want a wealth orientation, to

set out to create wealth we need to
know the essence of "wealth," how
it works, and what we can do.
When you know the heart of
"wealth," you can go into a very
special state of mind-and-emotion.
Do you know what that is?

Wealth is relative to whatever we value, find valuable, or think adds or

gives value. That's why in every culture there are different standards and
criteria for "wealth." This means that the heart of wealth is creating or
adding value—to ourselves, to our minds-and-emotions, to our skills and
abilities, to our relationships, to others, etc. Anything that adds or creates
value generates wealth.
• That's why wealth is not money, nor even about money.
• Wealth is about finding and creating those things that add to the
quality of life.
• A synonym for wealth is value. As a nominalization (a verb turned
into noun) "value" hides the process of valuing, creating value and
so hides the essence of wealth as creating ideas, products, services,
relationships, etc. which we and others consider significant and

What are our personal states of wealth?

They will be the states that add value to our lives: gratitude,
appreciation, esteeming, contentment, and ability to find and create
a sense of pleasure. When we take an inventory of all the things we
appreciate, we increase our sense of wealth. Inner Wealth
describes an affluence of the soul that has the ability to enjoy life
everyday. We can now distinguish

What is our personal process for creating wealth?

It lies in your inmost passions, the ones you value, the ones
that you find absorbing and thrilling. When we are
absorbed, we are passionately committed to and absorbed
in some task that we absolutely love.
Blotnick (1980): The characteristics of those who became rich:
Passionate: about the area that they became absorbed in.
Persistent: They picked a field or activity and stuck with it, through
good times and bad.
Patient: It sometimes seemed that those who ultimately were
successful were willing to wait forever, if necessary, for the
rewards of the labors to come to them.

"In the strength of thine own desires is a magic "Always pretend that you're working for
yourself. You'll do a wonderful job in that
power. Guide this power with thy knowledge of
case. If you are finding that you don't love
the five laws of gold and thou shalt share the your job or that you're not doing a good job,
treasures of Babylon." (p. 71) demand a meeting with your boss
immediately. If the situation doesn't
The Carnegie secret: "All achievement, all earned riches, improve, fire yourself (and your boss) and go
have their beginning in an idea" that we become totally do something else." Donald Trump (81)
passionate about. The first step is desire which is the
starting point of all achievement. Cultivate a white hot
desire so that it becomes a keen, pulsating force.
"Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of
mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways that
means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence
which does not recognize failure, will bring riches." (Napoleon
Hill:, p. 35). "Work yourself into a white heat of desire for money
and actually believe you will possess it." (p. 37)

Stanley (2000):
"If you love what you are doing, your productivity will be high and
your specific form of creative genius will emerge." (61). "If you
want to be successful, select a vocation you love. It's amazing how
well people do in life when their vocation is one that stimulates
dedication and positive emotions." (65).

"A missing ingredient, a key one which operates so quietly it had
previously been overlooked, had to be present if someone was ever
to become rich: they had to find their work absorbing. Involving.
Enthralling" (p. 6). "As it turns out, your work is more likely to
make you wealthy than any bet or investment that you ever make.
... The crucial role played by work you enjoy is only one of the
startling conclusions which emerged. There were others." (p. 5).
Almost all of those who eventually became millionaires hardly
noticed, "Basically, it crept up on them." (p. 37).

Absorption prevents us from thinking of our work as a job, it frames it as

a mission, hobby, plaything, etc. Being absorbed in a flow state means
intense concentration in our focus. This genius state creates an
unconsciousness about other things. So 82% in the Bloknick study
attributed their success to luck!

"A child's desire to be hypnotically engrossed doesn't end with
childhood. Being absorbed is deeper and more important than like
and dislike, love and hate. It is the only magic our everyday lives
have left." (p. 202)
"Those who were better at becoming absorbed by their work
looked forward to being caught up in it and also found it inherently
rewarding (p. 212)

True Wealth is inside-Out Wealth:

" T h e vast majority of people make things much
From my career of studying wealthy people and
worse for themselves by trying to go from Stage an interview with sixty millionaires I learned that
2 to Stage 1, from first finding financial ... "You cannot enjoy life if you are addicted to
independence to subsequently locating an consumption and the use of credit." The
absorbing interest. (p. 90). They want Stage 1 Millionaire Mind, p. 1
and Stage 2 simultaneously. But no one can
hand your Stage 1 Satisfaction. You have to
find that yourself. Profound involvement in an area always springs
from sources deep within a person (p. 91).

"The task is easier than people imagine. All it takes is everything

they have to give: all their talent, energy, focus, commitment and
all their love." (Sinetar, p. 7)

Charles M. Schwab:
"The man who does not work for the love of work, but only for the
money is not likely to make money, nor to find much fun in life."

86% of self-made millionaires love their work. (Stanley, p. 62)

Getting a great big why propels our neurological energies. If our idea
becomes a burning desire in us, all we need to do is let it grow up into a
magnificent obsession that we keep reality testing, ecology checking, and
developing. It will then be current and appropriate. It will then become a
self-organization process that will ready us to create and receive the
"Every man is what he is because of the dominating thoughts which
he permits to occupy his mind. Thoughts which a man deliberately
places in his own mind and encourages with sympathy, and with
which he mixes any one or more of the emotions, constitute the
motivating forces which direct and control every moment, act, and
deed." (Hill, 1960, p. 53)
Do you have a big enough why?
Do you know your magnificent obsession?
Do you know how to create it?
Why do you want to succeed in creating wealth?
What value attractors have you set, or could you set, "Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when
to allow you to move toward true wealth and balanced sought after directly. It always comes as a by-
in your life? product of providing a useful service."
Henry Ford
Booker T. Washington (1901) wrote most insightfully about the heart of
wealth creation more than a hundred years ago:
"When a girl learns to cook, to wash dishes, to sew, to write a
book, or a boy learns to groom horses, or to grow sweet potatoes,
or to produce butter, or to build a house, or to be able to practice
medicine, as well or better than someone else, they will be
rewarded regardless of race or color. In the long run, the world is
going to have the best, and any difference in race, religion, or
previous history will not long keep the world from its wants.

"I think that the whole future of my race hinges on the question of
whether or not it can make itself of such indispensable value that
the people in the town and the state where we reside will feel that
our presence is necessary to the happiness and well-being of the

No man who continues to add something to the material,

intellectual, and moral well-being of the place in which he lives is
long left without proper reward. This is a great human law which
cannot be permanently nullified." {Up From Slavery, New York:
Doubleday, Page and Co. p. 149).

Valuing the importance of financial independence:

Stanley & Danko (1996):
The self-made millionaire believed that financial independence is
more important than displaying high social status.

Wealth is in valuing, even valuing the ordinary.

Blotnick: "Why do so many people overlook economic
opportunities? One reason has to do with social status?" (193). We
discount blue-collar businesses like owning a junkyard, pawn shop,
car wash business, fast food franchise,
"The intense need for social status blinds people to many
significant economic opportunities. Snobs do not make
great entrepreneurs. (194).
"Faith makes thoughts real, it's the chemist of the mind."
How? By repeating affirmation.
It translates thoughts into physical equivalent and creates a state of expecting.
Those who succeed develop a passion for changing their minds,
from a failure consciousness to a success consciousness."
Napoleon Hill (p. 28, 50)

"I can never stand still. I must explore add experiment. I am never satisfied with my work. I resent
the limitations of my own imagination." ... "Money—or rather the lack of it to carry out my
ideas—may worry me, but it does not excite me. Ideas excite me."... "The Dreamer focuses on the
'big picture' with the attitude that anything is possible." (Dilts about the Disney genius)
Disney Animation: The Illusion of Life, by F. Thomas and O. Johnson (1981, p. 25, 168, 185)

The Power of Beliefs:

Once we set our beliefs, we seldom question them. We take them for granted as they then define our "sense
of reality"—what's real, what's possible, what we can do, what we deserve, what to focus on, what things
mean, what causes things, etc. Beliefs operate as self-fulfilling prophecies. "As we believe—so we are.
Beliefs organize us psycho-logically, they create our psycho-logical fate.
• What fate "logically" have to occur now in your life because of some of your beliefs?
• Do they serve you well?
• Would you like to change them?
• How much would you like to transform them?

To fully recognize the power of a belief, simply recognize that they essentially operate as a command to your
nervous system. Given that, what commands have you given to your nervous system, brain, neurology, etc.?
This describes in part the Mind-Muscle connection that we have to work with in states and meta-states.
"It doesn't matter if its true or not — it only matters that you have the belief, that you will do it with
every fiber of your muscles and your soul." (Bandler, 1985, p. 80)

Anti-Wealth Building Beliefs:

Do you have any beliefs about wealth, about becoming wealth, about saving, spending, budgeting, etc. that
hold you back? What?
I can't learn all of this! It's too overwhelming.
I don't know if I deserve to be wealthy.
What about all the starving people in the world?
What if I become a selfish snot when I get rich?

Empowering Beliefs:
How different the mind-set of those who think in ways that support true wealth and wealth building:
I can identify my talents and passions and then do whatever I set my mind to do.
I know why I want to earn a fortune.
I believe in the power of confidently taking insightful action to make my goals real.
"Money is a resource that should not be squandered." (Stanley & Danko)
"I believe in building wealth by developing clear and specific goals."
"I enjoy working and turning the work into play."
"I'm willing to work hard for what I believe in."
"I love what I d o — it's such a privilege to do this; I can't believe I'm getting paid to do this!"
"I'm in control of my own destiny."
"Every problem has dozens of good solutions."
"There are always solutions."
"It never hints to ask."
"Nearly everything is negotiable."
"Risk isn't working for yourself, risk is working for someone else."
"I can and will solve problems; solving problems is fun."
"The only way to become a CEO is to own the company."
"There are no limits on the amount of income I can make."
"I get stronger and wiser every day by facing risk and adversity."
"No matter what comes along, I can figure out a solution; there's always a solution."
"I am willing to pay my dues. I don't expect to start at the top."
"If I don't risk anything, I will never gain anything. Risking is the way to greatness."
"Becoming more and more resourceful is a learnable skill."
"More is not necessarily better— higher quality, more alignment with values & visions is better."
"Commitment is the key to excellence.
"The more I extend myself to others, the more people I'll influence for good."
I want to succeed and I deserve to succeed.
I will play at the work as my strategy for success."
Life is more important than money; but money is important for supporting life.
I can and will walk away from every negotiation that isn't a Win/Win deal.
I can find many new ways to add value to what I do.

Empowering Beliefs:
• What parts of your attitude do you need to beef up with some vigorously enhancing beliefs?
• What beliefs have you seen, heard, or discovered in those who have succeeded at wealth
building that would support you in your efforts?

Make a list of empowering beliefs that will beef up your attitude about work, saving, budgeting, investing, studying
Transforming Thoughts into Beliefs

Once you have discovered some limiting beliefs that you want to get out of your head and neurology so that
they no longer operate as your programming, you can use this Meta-State pattern for Changing Limiting
Beliefs. It will give you a clear, quick, and effective way to deframe the old unenhancing beliefs and to install
the empowering beliefs that support your commitment to success.

What enhancing and empowering beliefs would you really like to have running in your mind-and-emotions?
Which belief stands in your way from wealth building?
How does this belief sabotage you or undermine your effectiveness?
Have you had enough of it? Or do you need more pain?
What empowering belief would you like to have in its place?

1) Get "NO." Access a good strong "No!"

Think of something that every fiber in your body can say "No!" to in a way that is fully congruent.
Say that "No!" again and again until you notice and snapshot it on the inside.
Anchor your "No!" with your hand gestures. Feel it. Hear your voice of "No!"
Would you push a little child in front of a speeding bus just for the hell of it?
Would you eat a bowl of dirty filthy worms when you have delicious food available?

2) Meta "No!" the Limiting Belief.

Feeling all of this powerful "No!", even "Hell No!" feel this fully as you think about that stupid, useless,
limiting belief... now.
And you can keep on saying No! to that limiting belief until you begin to feel that it no longer has any power
to run your programs, that it has no more room in your presence, in your mind...
And how many more times and with what voice, tone, gesturing, do you need to totally disconfirm that old
belief so that you know —deep inside yourself—that it will no longer run your programs?

3) Access a Strong and Robust "Yes!"

Think about something that every fiber of your being says "Yes!" to without any question or doubt.
Is there anything like that?
Notice your "Yes!" Notice the neurology and feeling of your "Yes!" Notice the voice of "Yes!" Gesture the
"Yes!" with your hands and body.
Amplify this "Yes!"

4) Meta "Yes!" the Enhancing belief

And feeling that "Yes!" even more fully, utter it repeatedly to the Empowering Belief that you want.
Do you want this? "Yes!" Really?
How many more times do you need to say "Yes!" right now in order to feel that you have fully welcomed it
into your presence?

7) YES the "Yes!" repeatedly and put into the person's future.
This is only an exercise and so you can't keep this!
You really want this?
Would this improve your life?
Would it be valuable to you?

Getting the Highest and Richest Intentions

"Vision without systems thinking ends up painting lovely pictures of the future with no deep
understanding of the forces that must be mastered to move from here to there."
Peter Senge {The Fifth Discipline, p. 12)

"The secret of success is constancy of purpose."

Benjamin Disraeli

"Life will pay any price you ask of it.

So, what do you ask of life? How big are your goals?"
Tony Robbins

Intentionality frames our passions

with focus, concentration and
The Intentionality Principle
enriches us on the inside with a
magnificent obsession that we can We build wealth through our ability to weigh alternatives and
solidify. The essence of wealth as make an informed decision and stay with it. Wealth is built
valuing begins by valuing our own through vison, well-formed outcomes, empowering decisions,
interests, skills, dreams, etc. and becoming decisive, and the ability to stay with our decisions.
learning to be true to such... to find a
way. Taking an intentional stance
enables us to operate from
abundance, cooperation, and integrity.

Wealth begins with a desire which leads to a Vision for creating wealth
that enables us to become financially independent. It begins with desire.
We want more fullness and richness in our lives, more money that gives
us more freedom, choice, and opportunities. We don't want poverty,
limitations, creditors, worry, etc. The journey starts here and it is this
primary state that we will refine, sharpen, and frame for wealth in every
dimension of human experience.

• Are you ready to dream? Do you know how to dream? Do you Have
permission to dream?
• What is your dream and vision about creating financial independence?
• Have you turned your dream into a well-formed outcome?
What do you want?
Describe your desire.

What are you moving toward?

What do you want to become more motivated toward, more committed
toward, and more ferociously passionate about?
When you get that, what will you obtain from that? What do you want
that represents "wealth" to you?

What are you moving away from?

What do you want no more?
From what do you move away from?
What will you no longer tolerate?
If you keep letting this item arise in your life—what will happen?
How will you feel about that?
How much aversion and disgust does this create for you?
How will it affect you emotionally, personally, interpersonally,
spiritually, etc.
Why must you refuse to allow this anymore?

Why is this important to you?

What are the positive values of the vision?
How will you feel when you have that fully and completely and just the
way you want it?

How will that enrich your life?

How will it enrich personally, interpersonally, spiritually, etc.?

How compelling do you feel this?

Is it stated positively?
Is it something within your control that you can do from your power
Is it stated specifically in actionable steps, in see-hear-feel behaviors?
Will you know when you will achieve this dream?
Is it ecological, balanced, congruent, and fitting with your values?

Planning: Intending Your Intention

"Creating wealth is simple. Yet most people never build it because
they have holes in their financial foundations. These can be found
in the form of internal values and belief conflicts, as well as poor
plans that virtually guarantee financial failure." (Anthony Robbins,
p. 456)

"I believe that anyone who has a plan, self-discipline, investment

knowledge, and a bit of patience can be wealthy." (Brett Machtig,
p. 2)
Ken Barlett's Questions
for your Wealth Business Plan:

1) Do you have a plan?

2) Do you know how to make a plan?
3) Do you know how to stick to your plan?
4) Do you know how to keep refining your plan?
5) Are you willing to make and follow a plan?
6) Are you willing to do anything it takes and to do it well?
7) Do you know how to inspire yourself so that you will follow your plan?

In planning, we map to create a roadmap about how to turn our dreams,

goals, and outcomes into reality. Once we have created a written plan, we
can use it as a reference document, consult with it weekly, refresh it from
time to time, and update it monthly. Map out your meanings about wealth,
principles, beliefs that will support you, how to reality test your plans, and
setting up milestones.

Why Plan a Wealth Pathway?

If we want to navigate to the pathway of wealth we need a map or blueprint.
We need a plan that details how we will get there. What knowledge of the
field of finances enables us to build an accurate, useful, practical, and
workable map? There's an almost magical quality in planning. Set your
first goal in wealth building to make a plan for how you will create and
accumulate wealth.
• By planning, we establish a direction for our hopes and dreams.
• Planning empowers our decision making and prioritizing as it puts
some real teeth into our dreams.
• Planning clarifies the big picture, gives precision to our unifying
theme, organizes our thinking, and directionalizes our emotions.
• Planning crystallizes desire and puts it into action.

For which aspects of wealth building do you need a robust map?

• Developing talents and skills by which we make money.
• Rendering useful and valuable services.
• Budgeting
• Saving
• Getting out of debt
• Investing.
• Business development.
• Marketing and selling.
Mind-to-Muscle Planning
Wealth is created by developing a plan and following that plan.
If I fail to plan, I plan to fail. Planning makes my dreams more
I will begin to create my wealth building plan today. I will keep
refining it until it is an inspiring document that forecasts my future.

Focused, centered, secure in your own set of values and visions.
Clear about what you value, what you love, what you care about.
I will begin writing down the principles, rules, beliefs, steps, etc.
for my plan.

Why make an Empowering Decision?
We have to go meta to make an empowering decision. We move up the
levels of our mind to the part of our mind that makes decisions and that
creates new pathways for ourselves. Enhancing decisions arise from our
clarity of value, choice, and criteria. In the process of deciding, we engage
in the two dimensions of thought known as attention and intention.
We intend a goal, outcome, passion.
We attend to it until we realize it in our lives.

The way to gain mastery over procrastination is through decision.

"Analysis of several hundred people who had accumulated fortunes
well beyond the million-dollar mark disclosed the fact that every
one of them had the habit of reaching decisions promptly, and of
changing these decisions slowly, if, and when they were changed.
People who fail to accumulate money, without exception, have the
habit of reaching decisions, if at all, very slowly, and of changing
these decisions quickly and often." (Hill, p. 139)

Decisiveness creates a sense of mission. It allows us to think, feel,

and act purposefully.
From committed decisions come a vitality of mind-and-emotion to
see opportunities. It takes strength of heart to see the difficult and
to face it head-on. When you make a hard decision, you will be
able to say Yes and No to choices, and to follow through.

Focused Attention:
"When we are bored, frustrated, constrained, or dulled by what we
do all day, we don't take advantage of the opportunities [life]
offers. Moreover we don't even see opportunities. The kind of
relationship to work that's manifested in drifting attention, clock
watching, and wishing to be elsewhere also robs of energy and
satisfaction." (Sinetar, p. 17)

"The students who get the most out of their formal education are
those who fully realize the specific value of what they are studying.
They are the ones who have the least difficulty earning their
degrees and who get the most out of their programs." (Stanley,
"If you are without goals, college may be a nightmare. The earlier
in life you determine what you really want to do, really want to
become, the easier and more purposeful your training will be."

A Commitment to Wealth Building Excellence:

Have you made a decisive commitment to your own "wealth" and
wealth building plan?
What decisions do you need to make in order to make your wealth
building plan succeed?
What commitments?
What hard choices?

Make a list of some Empowering Decisions... Begin each with the semantic
prompter, "I will from this day forward..."
be better than the rest ...
do whatever it takes to excel at this endeavor...
assume total responsibility for my financial future.
contribute something of value and importance every day in my
take initiative and allow no excuses to reduce my effectiveness.
operate from the Aim Frame rather than the Blame Frame.
follow through every day on practical aspects of my wealth
building plan.
accept the willingness to take risks.
control my spending.
develop and maintain a healthy balance in my life.
always inquire, "Is this the best way to do this?
always explore, "How can I improve the quality of my work?"
spend wisely and frugally.
invest intelligently.
Refuse to undermine my decisions and decisiveness by
perfectionism, criticism, judgment, procrastination, doubt,
tentativeness, etc.

a y - . - *
1) Identify a work-related activity that you perform as part of your plan for creating wealth.
[You can choose something very positive or very negative, just as long as it is important.]
What are some of the tasks that you engage in as part of your wealth building process?
What do you need to do in order to succeed?
Good, let's use that activity as a reference point to explore your higher intentions.

2) How is that activity important to you?

I take it that that activity is significant, right? How is it significant? How is it valuable?
In what way?
What else is important about that?
How many other answers can you identify about this activity?

3) Move up the meta-levels.. one at a time.

So this activity is important to you because of these things. And how is this important to you?
What's important by having this?
What important about that outcome?
And what's even more important than that?
And when you get that fully and completely and in just the way you want it, what's even more
[Continue this until you flush out and detect all of the higher values.]

4) Step into the higher value states of importance so that you feel them fully.
That' must be important to you? [Yes.] So just welcome in the good feelings that these meanings
and significances invite, and just be with those higher level feelings for a bit.
Do you like that? [Yes.]
Let those feelings grow and intensify as you recognize that this is your highest Intentional Stance,
this is what you are all about... isn't it? Enjoy this awareness.

5) Bring the higher states/frames of mind down and out.

Having these higher feelings in mind... fully... imagine this intentional stance getting into your eyes,
into your body, into your way of being in the world and imagine moving out into life tomorrow with
them... and as you do ... and as you engage in that work-related activity that's part of your wealth
building plan, notice how the higher frames transforms it... And take all of this into tomorrow and
into all of your tomorrows...

6) Commission your executive mind to take ownership of this.

There's a part of your mind that makes decisions, that chooses the pathway that you want to go, will
that highest executive part of your mind take full responsibility to "be of this mind" about this
activity and to remind you to see the world this way?

7) Invite other resources.

Would you like to bring any other resource to this intentional stance?
Would playfulness enrich it? Persistent? Passion? Etc.
Meta-Stating A Wealth Creation Attractor

A self-organizing attractor is an idea that we find so compelling that it attracts all of our thinking, emoting,
and responding. It's an idea that pulls on us and comes to operate as our frame of mind—our perceptual lens.
As such it self-organizes all of our life forces so that they do service to the idea. A self-organizing attractor
on this level is obviously a very high level value, a magnificent obsession, and a compelling desire.

How does an Attractor work?

It configures the images (representations) inside of a frame so that it attracts a certain way of seeing,
hearing, feeling, languaging, or responding.
It structures the foregrounding and backgrounding of our perceptions (or meta-programs).
It organizes our computations which we use as we construct our models of the world, our mental
mapping of our belief frames.
It governs, informs, and modulates experiences as a kind of meta-filter, a self-fulfilling prophecy
making real and actual what we conceived and gave birth to mentally and conceptually.
It operates by feedback loops.



"Abundance" comes from the higher intention of your energies, and not only from the immediate focus of
your visualization.

What are you attracting into your life?

What frames about self, money, others, works, time, etc. are attracting things into your life?

The Art of Empowering Wealth Creation

Valuing Your Talents and Skills:

"They chose the right occupation." The Resourcefulness Principle:
(Stanley & Danko, 1996): Find your Inside-out Wealth begins from the "wealth " that we
talents and make them your passions by develop within our mind-body-emotion system of our
patiently and passionately developing power zone as we build up our mental-and-emotional
them. Learn a trade that enables you to resources. Our power is our "ability to act effectively and
create a value for which you will then be efficiently." The richer our response-power, the richer
valued. our choices and ability to create wealth for which we will
then be rewarded.
"As most millionaires report, stress is a
direct result of devoting a lot of effort to The Talent Principle:
a task that's not in line with one's We build wealth and add value best when we play to the
abilities. It's more difficult, more strength of our talents. We best build financial wealth by
demanding mentally and physically, to discovering our talents, then developing knowledge and
work in a vocation that's unsuitable to skills with them and applying them to a market.
your aptitude." (Stanley, 2000, p. 220).
"The key is to find the job
that's well suited to your
talents, and then it's easier to fall in love with it. But you should
also find one that has the potential to make you rich. If you
account for these factors, you'll be amazed at how well disciplined
you become. Time and work hours pass quickly when you're
having fun." (213)

Goodness of fit between our skills, interests, passions and our daily tasks
and means of livelihood. Sinetar (1987) speaks about this as "the beauty of
right livelihood."
"As people honor the actions they value most—by doing them they
become more authentic, more reliable, more self-disciplined. They
grow to trust themselves more; they learn to listen to their own
inner voice as a steady, truthful and strengthening guide for what
to do next and even how to do it." (5).
Find a business you can love, a
career that allows you to make S W O T Analysis
full use of your abilities and
aptitudes. (Stanley, 2000, p. Strengths: Advantages
188). If you select the wrong What are your talents and natural dispositions?
vocation, you are more likely What are your core competencies and proven skills?
to grow to dislike it which is a What can you or do you uniquely offer?
big mistake. What expertise have you developed over the years?
What are your passions and interests? What do you love
Talent Search... doing?
1) Do a S.W.O.T. analysis. What supporting skills will you need?
Use the following questions to
explore your talents with a Weaknesses: Dis-advantages
small group of supporting What are your weaknesses?
people. Where are you deficit of critical talents or skills?
What do you need to do to manage these weaknesses?
2) Separate out a passionate How can you and will you handle them so they do not
talent along with your core and undermine your strengths?
supportive skills. What hurts, pains, humiliations, and even traumas have you
experienced and found a solution to or could find a solution?
3) Brainstorm a dozen ways to
make money from the talent. Opportunities:
What opportunities do you see before you?
What circumstances could you use as an opportunity?
What problems or needs to you have a passion to address?

What factors might impact negatively on you and your
What changes or stresses threaten or upset you?
What threats could unleash potentials that are yet untapped
within you?

What activities could you fall in love with or become absorbed in?
"Some of the activities your work now forces you to overlook may
be the very ones you'd find most absorbing. And inasmuch as no
one else is paying you to do them, you will have to pay yourself for
doing them." (p. 93)

What happens if you think about your work as "an expression of

your love?" It's true that if you do what you love; the money will
follow (Sinetar). Yet that statement by itself is incomplete. We
need to add to it, Do what you love which is market-able and adds
value to others (a value that others want or need and will pay for),
and the money will follow.
Taking Control: The Wealth of Self-Mastery
For business success and wealth "control is essential" (Robert Allen). Take
full responsibility for our money and for investing it wisely. This means
keeping it under your scrutiny and control. This translates to taking a
proactive stance and continually monitor your investments. Self-discipline
and self-initiation enables us to get ourselves to do what we know we want
to and need to do. Disciplined people are not easily sidetracked.
- How well do you discipline yourself to do the things that you need to do?
- How much self-initiation do you have?
- How well do you plan, budget, save, enrich your business knowledge?
• Take ownership of your financial destiny by refusing to blame or
whine. "It's in my hands." Be proactive rather than reactive or on
the defensive. Refuse to be pushed around by problems or
• Stanley & Danko (1996): The parents of the self-made first-
generation millionaires did not provide "economic outpatient
care." They did not bail them out, but coached them to learn
independence, self-reliance, financial intelligence, etc. "Their
adult children are economically self-sufficient."

Clawson (1926): Rather than depend on luck, use the real luck of proactive
responses to opportunities. Give up myth of getting rich without effort.
This is not the way for consistent winners. When opportunity stands before
you, it offers a change that may lead to wealth. Do not delay or
"Good luck waits to come to that man who accepts opportunity."
Good luck flees before procrastination. Give up the needless
delaying when you know that something is a good choice. Every
man must master his own spirit of procrastination when it whispers
in your ear. To attract good luck, take advantage of opportunities.
"Merchants must learn their trade." (p. 81).

Stanley and Danko:

"Most people want to be physically fit. And the
majority know what is required to achieve this. Yet
"If you can't master the power of self-
despite that knowledge, most people never become
discipline, it is best not to try to get
well conditioned physically. Why not? Because they
don't have the discipline to just do it. They don't Kiyosaki (p. 164)
budget their time to just do it. It is like becoming
wealthy in America." (40).

"Discipline" is learning how to take control. We need discipline

because even the very best financial plans will be totally ineffective
if we don't follow through. It is a lot easier to earn a lot and much
harder to accumulate wealth. (Stanley and Danko, p. 131) It takes
discipline to become affluent, it takes the discipline to budget, save,
and control expenditures.
COURAGE: The Personal Power of Courage:
Courage bridges the interface between our visions and plans to the outside
world thereby making real our ability to add value and make a difference.
Knowing a field and developing business is not enough. We have to act.
We have to take bold and courageous action on our knowledge and close
the knowing-doing gap. This takes courage. It takes the wealth of being
action-oriented, managing risk, and staying focused.

Courage (guts, chutzpah, balls, audacity, daring) is the mental or moral

strength to resist opposition, danger, or hardship. Courage is the power and
willingness to take risks, to live easily with insecurity, to make mistakes.
It's a frame of mind of firmness. Courage is mental or moral strength to
venture, persevere, and without danger, fear, or difficulty. Courage is
taking positive moral actions.

Acts of Courage in Wealth Creation

1) Take a Proactive Stance:
Wealth seekers are always on the offense rather than the defense.
Start small. Stop waiting for the big deal and just get into the game
now with some small deals. Investing money has a way of
increasing intelligence quickly. Refuse to give in to the retarding
influence of fear and hesitation.

2) Inventing it as you go. Embracing uncertainty and ambiguity.

"One of the hallmarks of discipline is one's ability to become
economically successful without being given a road map.
Millionaires make their own road maps, and no one tells them what
time to wake up and go to work." (Stanley, 2000).

Watch Trends: Look for large level trends in your particular

markets, distinguish short-term and long-term trends. "The only
way to innovate: experiment in a chaotic process until a
breakthrough occurs." (Dent, 1998, p. 62). Keep searching for and
experimenting with how to create and/or add value.

Changing economic times just means that wealth is being

transferred. Keep confident in your skills, and abilities in good
times and bad times.

3) Being Willing to Initiate.

What happens when you experience inertia? Are you willing to
push through it? Blotnick:
"We often have to push ourselves a bit, to get started,
before the enjoyment takes over and carries us the rest of
the way. Both people who succeeded and those who failed
often required an initial boost to get going. The two
groups differed significantly in their willingness to give
themselves that needed first push. (p. 101).
Those who eventually became millionaires displayed an ability to
get themselves moving, in spite of an initial reluctance to do so.
They accepted a thought-and-image-gathering phase and used it to
get themselves into it. Those who failed said, "If I don't feel like
doing it, it must be because I don't want to." The strength of heart
to do the difficult. Response-ableness: to make "hard" decisions.
To say yes and no to choices, "I am willing to pay my dues."

4) Taking Risks
"You're fooling yourself to think that you can
become financially independent without taking
some investment risk." (Stanley, 2000, p. 140)

"Courage can be developed, but it cannot be

nurtured in an environment that eliminates all
risks, difficulties and dangers." (Stanley, 171).
Some actions conjure up fear... recognize it and
overcome the fear through acceptance,
understanding, and courage.

"The single most important quality you need in

order to change the course of your life is courage.
A great deal of courage." (Orman, p. 1) "It takes
courage to make the decisions today that may
make us rich tomorrow."

"They are of the mind-set that it is risky not to be self-employed.

Being self-employed means that you are in control of your own
destiny. Profits that are made are yours." (Stanley, p. 18)

"Time and time again, the millionaires bolster their courage with
thoughts like these: What if I lost everything, every dollar? I
would still have what 's most important, my husband/wife and my
children. They would never abandon me." (173)

There is no such thing as financial security (Allen, p. 268). Instead

secure yourself in your knowledge, experience, abilities. "There is
no security on this earth, there is only opportunity." (Douglas

Acts of Courage:
To have more and to be more To look within
To make room for more money To value money
To face the unknown To refuse failure
To open your heart and hands To be rich
To create your financial destiny To keep bouncing back
Kiyosaki: Why aren't more people investors? Risk. People are
afraid of losing. It is a game of skill: people who turn their money
over to someone else to invest, investing is a game they do not
want to learn. Risk can be virtually eliminated—if you know the
game. Managing risk takes skills and a mind-set that you are
responsible for yourself. (p. 40).

Self-made millionaires see opportunities that others just ignored and are
willing to take financial risk after thoughtful reflection. They willingly sell
their ideas. All of this takes courage.
"Why do those who are likely to become part of the next generation
of millionaires take risk today? In their minds, economic risk taking
is a requirement for becoming financially independent." (200, p.

"So the true meaning of 'entrepreneurial material' is that in spite of

fear, there is the courage to 'go it alone,' to learn. Successful
entrepreneurs deal with and overcome their fears." (141).

"With increasing risk, you need increasing levels of courage, and

there is no courage without fear, economic or otherwise." (168)
' T h e risk of failure is always present, but millionaires learn how to
deal with economic risk and ultimately keep control of their fears."

"There is a clear and very significant correlation between

willingness to take financial risk and net worth." (145)

6) Developing Risk Management:

How do we develop an openness to making mistakes and taking risks?
How do we learn to take smart risks?

1) Shift focus to managing risk.

Shift from trying to avoid risk to effectively managing risk

2) Learn the game and become skilled in playing it.

Intelligently gather information about markets, trends, industry,
skills, etc. Critical knowledge reduces the sense of risk.

3) Start now.
Start small and take some action now. Action reduces fear and the
sense of risk. Don't wait to save and invest, start now and continue
regularly. "It's a matter of time in the market, not the timing of the

4) Focus on what you can do now.

In investing, concentrate effort during the first stage and shift to
diversifying both money and talent in the later stages. At first, buy
and hold.

5) Take charge of your meanings.

What meanings do you give to create the fear and risk in the first
place? As you commit yourself to facing your fears, explore them,
detect their frames, and begin reframing them. What fears hold
you back? Is it the fear of losing, the fear of looking foolish, the
fear of making a mistake, the fear of attempting something that has
no guarantees?

6) Choose to become self-directed.

Refuse the negative evaluations of others. Refuse to take counsel
of fears.
7) Build a security system.
Create a safety net by having funds available that protect you from
getting into trouble. How much do you need? Why?

8) Develop the strength of true "security."

The only security is within—in using our mind, strategies,
flexibility, learning, friendships, etc. Trust in your mind and wits,
your relationship skills and your ability to create wealth with your

9) Know your risk level.

"How much money can you stand to lose? That's how much risk
you should assume. If you can't afford to lose it, play it safe.
Never fall in love with your investments. Do that and you're in big
trouble. To be a visionary and to be a billionaire, you have to chase
impossibilities. Few ever get rich easily." (Trump, p. 63)

Holding a Risky Conversation:

1) What is the risk?
2) How is it a risk?
3) What are you risking? (i.e., money, reputation, looking foolish, time) Kiyosaki(1997): The rich don't
4) To what extent are you risking this? work for money; money works
5) What is the probabilities of the risk? for them. Don't play it safe, play
6) What resources do you have and need to handle the risk? it smart."

How did they become millionaires? They saw an

economic opportunity that others just ignored and
had the willingness to take financial risk. "There is a
strong correlation between one's willingness to take
financial risk and one's level of wealth." The
Millionaire Mind, p. 12
When we meta-state a primary state with numerous resources, we can laminate that state and initiate a new
gestalt to emerge. In this way, we can create richer and more complex states for building wealth.
A "gestalt" refers to some configuration of mind-body-emotion state
Three kinds of
that comes together or emerges from many interactive parts in a system.
Then, "the whole is greater than the sum of the parts." In a gestalt state
1) Primary states
we have one or more levels of meta-states outframing a primary state
2) Meta-states
so that something new arises.
3) Gestalt states
1) Identify the state or experience.
What state do you want to design?
What are the component elements needed to make up this gestalt state?
What stops you from wealth building? What state do you need to deal with?
What elements do you need in order to create or customize this state of mind/body for yourself?
(Calm, empowered, centered, focused, connected, wonder, grateful, appreciation, excited,
passion, mischievousness, humor, playfulness, e t c )

2) Identify the referent experience.

What is the primary state you need to deal with?
Where would you want this higher resource state? Notice this; we will use it as our reference point.

3) Playfully experiment with it

Play around with various ingredients, elements, and structures (syntax, order, sequence) until the
"mix "of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, work to create the gestalt state. Be playful and experimental as
you do this.
a) Have you ever fully felt X (the first resource)? Be there again ... fully ... [Access and amplify,
then apply to the referent. Use small and simple examples until you access the state, then keep
layering it with more of the resources.]
Now as you feel that, notice how it transforms your experience of that referent.
Is that enough? Do you need something else or something more?
b) Have you ever fully felt Y (the second resource)? Be there in that... fully... and as you feel X,
you can feel Y also about that primary state reference...
c) Keep repeating until the gestalt emerges.
d) What else do you need so that this higher state will emerge?
e) Has the state emerged yet?

4) Hold, anchor, and apply the gestalt state into the future.
Imagine moving through life in the weeks and months to come with this higher state of mind...
Imagine operating from this frame at work, at home, in your relationships, etc. Notice how it
changes things.

5) Elicit an empowering decision and Meta-Yes it.

Do you like this?
Does this enhance your life? Empower you as a person?
Would you like to have this as your program for how to operate in this area of life?
Is the executive part of your mind willing to take full responsibly to elicit this when you need it?
Examples of Gestalt States for Wealth Building
In the process of meta-stating, we work methodically with consciousness and with self-reflexive
consciousness to utilize the spiraling and looping of mind as we react to our reactions, and feed back into our
awareness new awarenesses that give us more choice, grace, elegance, and resourcefulness. When we do
this time and again within the entire neuro-semantic system, a new emergent properties result. We call these
higher emergent states gestalt states. Recognizing this now allows us to embed meta-levels of states (or
contexts) to actually design engineer new emergent frames of mind. Notice the elements that are combined
to create the wealth gestalt in the following quotes.

"If it doesn't take money to make money, and schools do not teach you how to become financially
free, then what does it take? It takes a dream, a lot of determination, a willingness to learn quickly,
and the ability to use your God-given assets properly and to know which section of the Cashflow
Quadrant to generate your income from." (Kiyosaki)

"Money is more likely to follow the person with determination, talent, and the high self-esteem that
allows him to be a healthy chooser, so that his risk-taking, judgment skills, and sense of timing are
sound. Money is also more likely to follow the person who has tapped into the vitality hidden in the
things he loves." (Martha Sinetar: Do What You Love and the Money will Follow, p. 137)

"Faith is the head chemist of the mind. When faith is blended with thought, the subconscious mind
instantly picks up the vibration, translate it into its spiritual equivalent." (p. 49) Keep repeating your
faith until it becomes your habit of mind.
A"Every man is what he is because of the dominating thoughts which he permits to occupy his mind.
Thoughts which a man deliberately places in his own mind and encourages with sympathy, and with
which he mixes any one or more of the emotions, constitute the motivating forces which direct and
control his every moment, act, and deed!" (Napoleon Hill, p. 53)

"[Our success] was built by hard work and enthusiasm, integrity of purpose, a devotion to our
medium, confidence in its future, and, above all, by a steady day-by-day growth in which we all
simply studied our trade and learned." (Walt Disney, 1941, Growing Pains)

"Our studio had become more like a school than a business. We were growing as craftsmen, through
study, self-criticism, and experiment.... Each year we could handle a wider range of story material,
attempt things we would not have dreamed of tackling the year before. I claim that this is not genius
or even remarkable. It is the way men build a sound business of any kind— sweat, intelligence, and
love of the job." (The Art of Walt Disney, by C. Finch. 1973, p. 171).
"Those who want to become wealthy have to learn to manage their fears
and especially their fear of risk.
We have to move beyond playing it safe to playing it smart"
Robert Kiyosaki

To design engineer the gestalt meta-state of "courage," what are the components that you need in a given
context? We have many ways by which we can build the courage gestalt. It all depends on the specific state-
on-state arrangement we put together:
Playful Risk-Taking Danger
Joyous excitement of fear (or in spite of fear)
Boldness to take risks in reaching objective
Overwhelming sense of one's desired outcome or value
Not-caring for what others say or think while moving forward
Rejecting concern about embarrassment as irrelevant

1) Identify the referent experience in which you want "Courage" to emerge.

What wealth building activity, situation, context, etc. would you want or need "courage?"
Where do you need courage? When? In what context?
What is fearful? What is intimidating? What triggers hesitation?

2) Matrix detection: Flush out current frames and meta-states.

What's fearful, threatening, dangerous, etc. about this situation?
What do you think-and-feel about your fear?
How well does the fear serve you?
Does your thoughts-and-feelings about the fear serve you?
Have you had enough of this old fear dominating your life?

3) Meta-state the resources to elicit the gestalt

Experiment with boldness, passion, compelling outcome, excitement, curiosity, playfulness, etc
Access and bring one resource state at a time so that it can bear upon the PS of fear.
Has courage now emerged for you?
What else do you need?

4) Confirm and consolidate?

With all of this in mind , how does this (fire anchor for the gestalt state) affect this (the referent
experience)? How does it transform the situation for you?
Do you like this?
Are you fully aligned with this? Any objections?
Will you keep this? How?
"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go."
William Feather

"Every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit."

W. Clement Stone

Persistence enriches us with the power to

persevere, hang-in, and bounce back from set- The Persistence Principle:
backs. Thing will happen, challenges will We build wealth through persistence, through
arise, there will be set-backs... but with keeping with our passion and plan for years as
resilience and persistence we will not be we develop mastering and excellence.
defeated. To persist at a task, job, or work we
need to let it become absorbing, and to find
value in it, to manage our own states. The
millionaires stayed with their vision and persisted in learning, growing, and
becoming more skilled and competent. Tenacity depends on intensity and
purity of vision. Then we can stick to our vision and passion. They are not
weak of heart, but strong, resilient, and dedicated.

Napoleon Hill modeled the secret of wealth accumulation at the request of

Dale Carnegie.
"A twenty-year research of hundreds of well-known men, many of whom
admitted that they had accumulated their vast fortunes through the aid of
the Carnegie secret. (pp. 16-17).

"I had the happy privilege of analyzing both Mr. Edison and Mr. Ford, year
by year, over a long period of years and therefore, the opportunity to study
them at close range, so I speak from actual knowledge when I say that I
found no quality save persistence, in either of them, that even remotely
suggested the major source of their stupendous achievements." (p. 164)
He concluded: "...persistence, concentration of effort, and definiteness of
purpose were the major sources of their achievements." (p. 164)

Thomas Stanley and William Danko {1996): researched the wealth in

America and came up with some Surprising Secrets.
"How do you become wealthy? Here, too, most people have it wrong. It
is seldom luck or inheritance or advanced degrees or even intelligence
that enables people to amass fortunes. Wealth is more often the result of
a lifestyle of hard work, perseverance, planning, and most of all, self-
discipline." (pp. 1-2)

Who becomes wealthy?

Usually the wealthy individual is a businessman who has lived in
the same town for all of his adult life. This person owns a small
factory, a chain of stores, or a service company. He has married
once and remains married. He lives next door to people with a
fraction of his wealth. He is a compulsive saver and investor. He
has made his money on his own. Eighty percent of America's
millionaires are first-generation rich." (p. 3).

Persistence is the sustained effort in pursuing your aims and desires in the
face of opposition or difficulty.
"Those who have cultivated the habit of persistence seem to enjoy
insurance against failure. No matter how many times they are
defeated, they finally arrive up toward the top of the ladder."
(Napoleon Hill, p. 154) "The foundation stones of financial
Persistence is a state of mind based upon definiteness of purpose, success are integrity (being honest with
desire, self-reliance, definite plans, accurate knowledge, all people), discipline (applying self-
cooperation, and habit. That's why it can be cultivated. control), social skills (getting along with
"Most millionaires never allowed poor grades to destroy their people), a supportive spouse, and hard
goal to succeed. ... Tenacity is part of the millionaire's work (more than most people)." The
character. Most learn early to fight and compete for important Millionaire Mind, p. 11
goals" (Stanley, 106).
"Patience and compound interest are two absolutely essential
keys to wealth. Successful investors understand that wealth accumulation
takes time, so they don't look for short-term bonanzas." (Machtig, p. 65)

The Resilience Principle:
Resilience is a toughness and firmness of mind for
staying focused. Financial freedom might be free, but Wealth is built through effectively handling
it is not cheap. It has a price. The big secret is this: It disappointments, frustrations, set-backs, things
takes neither money to be financially free nor a good not going right, and bouncing back to our plan
formal education, nor does it to be risky. Freedom's and passion.
price is measured in dreams, desire, and the ability to
overcome disappointments that occur to all of us along
the way. (Kiyoaski: p. 46).

Learn how to handle frustration or frustration will kill your dreams.

Frustration can change a positive attitude into a negative one. One of the
worse things that a negative attitude does is wipe out our self-discipline and
persistence. When discipline goes, so do the results we desire. (Robbins).

Frustration for success:

The key to success is massive frustration, just look at any "Someday I hope to enjoy enough of what
great success! People get paid very well to handle the world calls success so that someone
will ask me, 'What's the secret of it?' I
frustration. The more frustration you can handle, the
shall say simply this: *I get up when I fall
more you can be paid. Aim to learn how to handle down."'
frustration effectively. Success if buried on the other Paul Harvey
side of frustration.

Transform rejection:
The fear of "No" stops most people from taking action. Learn how
to strip it of all of its neuro-linguistic power. Refuse to turn
failures into "Big Events!" How many "Nos" can you take? You
give it power through how you represent and frame it to yourself.
Anchor yourself to "No" so that it actually turns you on. There are
no real successes without rejection.

Are you aligned in all of your higher levels of thinking and emoting for wealth?
Do you have any parts organized to sabotage your propulsion for wealth?

1) Identify a primary state sensory-based experience wherein you want more alignment
Think of a behavior that you would like to do with more personal alignment, Congruency, and
integrity. What wealth building activity do you engage in that you deem very important that
sometimes lacks the full range of Congruency, power, and focus that you would like to have? Make
a list of excellences in wealth building that you'd like to add to your skills.
Describe this behavior, activity, experience in sensory-based terms. Describe from a video-
camera perspective. (Behavior)
Where do you do this? (Environment) Where not? When? When not?

2) Identify the primary state mental-emotional skills and abilities which enable you to do this. (Capability)
• How do you use your thinking-and-feeling to pull this off?
• What strategy do you deploy in doing this?
• How do you know how to do this?

3) Identify the meta-levels of beliefs and values that support and empower this. (Beliefs/ Values)
Why do you engage in this?
What beliefs guide this behavior?
What importance does this hold for you?

4) Identify the meta-state of identity which emerges from this for you. (Identity)
. Who are you that you engage in this behavior?
. What does engaging in this behavior say about your identity?
. Who does this make you?

5) Identify the meta-state of purpose and destiny that then arises. (Vision, Mission, Spirit)
• How does this fit into your overall sense of destiny and purpose?
• When you step into this, fully and completely, what do you experience?

6) Identify the decision that supports this.

Have you decided to do this? You will?
This is your intention? How have you formatted this decision?

7) Describe these meta-levels of meaning with a metaphor or story.

• What metaphor or story encapsulates this Meta-State?
• Let it emerge... notice also other things that might emerge: sounds, colors, shapes, music,
light, etc.
8) Integrate fully by bring the higher levels to bear on the lower levels.
As you even more fully step into this awareness and experience it completely, snapshot it and honor
it and let it enrich all of your levels... and now imagine bringing this back down the levels, letting
it collapse into the lower levels to thereby enrich them. How do you now experience the behavior,
environment, etc. when you bring this higher level with you? And you can bring each of these levels,
in turn, to bear upon your everyday states, can you not?

Efficiency involves allocating our time, energy, and money

efficiently, in ways conducive to building wealth. The Efficiency Principle:
"Efficiency is one of the most important components of We create wealth through learning to be
wealth accumulation. People who become wealthy efficient in energy, time, effort, etc.
allocate their time, energy, and money in ways consistent
with enhancing their net worth." (Stanley & Danko,
"A person with self-discipline possesses an internal compass, a control and navigational system."

Efficiency is wealth.
When we are efficient with our time, energy, focus, mind, emotions, etc. we have more of these powers and
get more from them. To become more efficient, look for "waste" in your life—
Where do you waste time, energy, effort, etc.?
What can you delegate out to others?
How can you design a more efficient system for your use of time and energy so that you don't have
to re-do projects?
How committed are you to efficiency and to eliminating waste?

1) Identify the context.

What do you need to do more efficiently?
Where? In what area of your life?
How are you not efficient in this now?

2) Elicit efficiency.
Have you ever been efficient? Do you know what that's like?
Have you ever experienced an activities or series of actions in which for you there was no waste of
time, effort, or thought?
What is it like for you when you recall that fully?
How do you feel? Where?
Were you focused, direct, straightforward, moving through activities with ease, in flow?
What enabled you to have this experience? What resources made it possible?

3) Interferences.
Are there any interferences for you to become efficient in this activity?
Does anything stop you?
Do you have full permission?
Are there any semantic blocks around such words as "work," "orders," "discipline," etc.?

4) Intention.
Why would you want to be efficient here?
What's in it for you?
What do you get that's of importance?
Do you have a big enough why to do what it takes?
Will you?

5) Meta-State yourself for efficiency.

Let's now feel this (fire anchor for efficiency) while you think of your context... and notice how it
transforms things... What is that like for you?

6) Confirm and solidify.

Do you like this?
Can you come up with some supportive frames?
Will you?
Are you aligned with this?

Creating Rich Mind-Body States

If you learn how to manage your states and your behaviors,
you can change anything.
Robbins (1986, p. 321)
"Your emotional state ultimately determines your financial state. "
Orman(p. 11)

A state is made up of ingredients of mind and of body. A

powerful mind-body (or neuro-linguistic) state has some
powerful supporting ideas, beliefs, values, representations
along with some empowering physiology. By nature,
states are holistic, circular, cybernetic, determinative, and

Access a rich wealth building state via your:

• Mind:. thinking, representing, imagination,
memory, etc.
• Body: physiology, kinesthetics, neurology.

The two royal accessing processes to state of memory and imagination:

• Memory: Think of a time when...
• Imagination: What would it be like if...

Wealth Profile:
The following states provide a great track record for being those that produce wealth. What are the states of
mind for you that attract riches? The research on wealth building identifies character as one of the most
important factors.
• What states do you need to earn, save, and invest money wisely?
. What are your top ten wealth creation states?

Accessing your Best Wealth Creation States

It's one thing to know that states attract wealth, it's another thing to know how to access, build, and maintain
such states. We need states that express a sense of abundance from which to take action to create wealth.
Make a list of the top ten states that will enable you to discover and create the kind of wealth that you want.
Put a Plus Sign (+) by the following states if you feel that you already have them in sufficient intensity and
power. Put a minus sign (-) by those that you need to develop. "If I were absolutely in my best state for
building-financial independence, I would be in a state."
After you list some states for wealth building which you want to access and operate from as a way to live
more effectively in this domain, then identify the ideas and physiology that you need to create and/or access
those states.
What ideas can you entertain that will put you into that state?
How do you internally represent that idea so that it evokes that state?
What physical movements, gestures, postures, etc. correspond to that state?

©2005 L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. -72- Mastering Your Wealth Matrix

1) Identify the desired state and it's mind-body components.
What state do you want? Describe it a little bit.
As you're talking about that state, are you beginning to
enter into that state?

2) Evoke it fully.
"Think of a time when you fully experienced this state..." Think of a time when you clearly had it in a powerful way.

What thoughts really evoke this state?

What do you need to do to really crank up this state?
How much do you now have the feeling of this state? Be
with that feeling... let it grow... now let it double...
What would increase the experience of this state even

If you're having any difficulty eliciting the state, ask:

"What would it be like if you did fully experience this
state? "

3) Anchor the state when it is highly amplified.

Set a physical touch on arm, forearm, or shoulder as the person reaches the peak of the state (a 8 or
above on a 0 to 10 scale). Or anchor it visually through a gesture, auditorially by a particular tone.

4) Practice stepping in and out. Break state and repeatedly re-access.

In just a moment I want you to step out of that powerful state, but before you do, take a snapshot of
it in all sensory systems (what you see, hear, feel, etc.). Now let's practice stepping in and out of that
state so that you can quickly "fly into that state" at any time you choose.

5) Apply the resourceful state to a time or place in everyday life.

Where could you really use this state in your everyday life as you engage in various wealth building
Think of that time and feel this (fire the anchor).
Suppose you had this feeling or way of thinking as your attitude, fully and completely, in just the
way that you would want it —would you like that?
Would that attitude transform things as you think about that activity?
How would it transform things... just notice inside... and enjoy.

How to Access and Manage the Right State

Resolve: One of my very best assets is my state. So I will make my states dynamic, dramatic,
powerful, playful, etc. When I do that, then it will be easy to sell myself on it! Inner wealth certainly
involves being the world's best expert on how to get the best performance out of myself! And this is
the biggest challenge that faces most of us—managing our attitudes, moods, attitudes, states.
Highly Desired States — Top Wealth Creation States
Sabotaging Dragon States

Some states powerfully work against wealth accumulation. If you step into these states, they will make your
mind-and-emotions toxic. They will contaminate and poison your Game. They will become Dragons to your
personal success. The person who happens to make a lot of money from these states will still be a loser in
the Game and will suffer the emotional pain of being neurotic, unhappy, bitter, paranoid, etc.
• Are you committed to get everything in the way out of the way of your success?
• Are you ready to deal with your conflicts, inhibitions, fears, toxic ideas, wrong states and
intentions, misunderstandings, cognitive distortions, etc.?
• Are you ready to clear the path by dealing with any and all fears?
• Are you ready to learn how to refuse to give in to anything that would stop you?

Greed: Always wanting more and never feeling satisfied, forever dissatisfied, there is no sufficiency,
so one can never can say, "Enough." If you never know when to stop, then it will be hard to say No,
to take off, to enjoy. You'll be constantly distracted with new projects. Unfinished projects will sap
you of vitality.
"Impatiently ambitious people unwittingly sell themselves on the pitch that if they act the
wealthy part, that will help them to get there. It will not." (Blotnick, p. 59).

Overly Ambitious with blind ambition: Trying too hard to become rich, too needy for money.
An unsanity is defining oneself in terms of money, wealth, job, and career. Doing this
overloads money with too many meanings (i.e., identity, comfort, safety, status, etc.).

Fear — Tearfulness
Fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of losing: Such fears are constricting, debilitating, and
nerve-wracking. When terrified of losing, we can see opportunities. Fear and ignorance
keeps us trapped as slaves to money.

Anger / Hostility
Angry at injustices and then against imagined injustices.
Angry at those who have used, misused, and abused us.

Impatience: in a hurry to get rich, ready to jump on "Get Rich Schemes" and mentality. Thought in
shorter time frames than those who became wealthy.

Peevish. Easily annoyed. Overly and exclusively focused on the grandeur & disdained the petty
details that made for success. "If only I were rich, I wouldn't have to put up with this."

Revenge: a desire to "show" someone, or get back at someone.

Name-Dropping Socializing/ Needing to Impress: Caring too much about the impressions they
made, what others thought of them, etc. Blotnick: Those who lost interest in their field, kept at it,
pretending on the surface. They cared too much what others thought of them.
"A growing loss of interest in a field acts as a detour only if you continue clinging to a rigid
and outdated picture of what success in that field is supposed to look like." (98)
Socializing differs radically from winning the respect and admiration of people. Trying to
impress people leads to visualizing grand and flashy success and leads to always being in a
hurry. Wanting the appearance of greatness can undermine our ability to truly become great.
Consumption Oriented.
Confusing the categories of consumption and investment. Calling something "an
investment" does not make it so. An investment means that you buy something that will
increase in value. We falsely use the term if we say, "I'm investing in my style of living."
"Investing in this car means I'm saving 40%."

Highly Competitive.
Blotnick: "The more intensely competitive someone was, the less likely they were to become
wealthy." (P. 150)
Emotion of poverty, embarrassment, inadequacy

Entitlement Feelings
Assuming that "the world" owes us or that our parents owe us or that somebody owes us.

Feeling Intimidated
Not good enough without money

Negativity in mind-emotion
Critical: seeing only problems, frustrations, head-aches, a chicken-little mentality

Get bored and dissatisfied; sell too soon, buy too quickly.
An unwillingness to take action, to work on things, always avoiding tasks.
Given to excuse making, over-devoted to ease and leisure.
"Dreams are not born of indifference, laziness, or lack of ambition" (Hill, 1960, p. 39)

Lack of control in spending. Emotionally drive to spend.

Emotional intelligence has to do with how we handle our emotions, especially fears. Those not emotionally
prepared to take a risk will not succeed. They are terrified of losing money, afraid of doing things different
from the crowd. Fear of losing becomes so strong that they ultimately lose their initiate, momentum, and
passion. Their emotions run the thinking rather than their thinking guide their emotions.
What dragons may interfere with creating wealth?
• The Fear Dragon: "The main reason so many people struggle financially is not because they lack a
good education, or are not hard working. It's because they're afraid of losing. If the fear of losing
stops them, they've already lost." (Kiyosaki, 2000, p. 152)
• The Needing to do it "right" Dragon, the "It needs to be Perfect" dragon.
• The Negativity Dragon:
"The reason that so few people are financially independent
Dancing with Dragons
today is that they place many negative roadblocks in their
1) Name the dragon
heads. Becoming wealth is, in fact, a mind game. And 2) Embrace (kiss) the dragon
millionaires often talk to themselves about the benefits of 3) Analyze the dragon
becoming financially independent. They constantly tell 4) Starve or interrupt the dragon
themselves that it is very difficult to achieve that without taking 5) Frame or meta-state the
some risks. Before you can become a millionaire, you must dragon
learn to think like one. You must learn how to motivate
yourself constantly to counter fear with courage." (Stanley,
2000, p. 135)
• The Self-Sabotage Dragon:
We cannot succeed until we take care of some internal "dragons." As long as we have internal
conflicts that tear us up, sabotage our best efforts, turn our energies against ourselves, or that prevent
us from becoming congruent and aligned, we can't move on. We all know this experientially. We
already well know that every program of internal conflict inside us puts the brakes on our efforts or
undermine those efforts. You can have a great plan, a great idea or product, but if you have dragons
that interfere with your states, beliefs, skills, etc., they will sabotage your actual performance.

Dragon Detection:
• Are there dragons in your way of making wealth happen?
• What are the roadblocks that stop you from creating the kind of wealth that you want?
• What dragons have you already found?
• What incongruence have you discovered?
• What are they? Name your dragons.

Dancing with the Dragons

A " d r a g o n " is either a negative emotion that's become too strong or overwhelming, or a negative
thought or feeling that's been turned against oneself, or a toxic idea, frame, or belief. The "Dragons"
metaphor refers to for non-enhancing, non-productive, problematic, un-useful, and toxic states. Not
all states serve us well. Some can make life a living hell. Some feel like "dragon" states; some turn
us into dragons! Effective state-management skills enable us to shrink down the dragons, tame them
(put their energies to positive uses), or to slay them.


What stops you? What gets in the way? What sabotage your success?
"Ah, the anger dragon
"The ol' self-pity dragon."
"The I really feel grouchy and really need a nap dragon

What mind-body state do you not have a good relationship to? For what reason?
Do you experience any of the following states as morbid, toxic, non-enhancing, etc.?
Stress, tense, uptight Anger, sarcastic, rage, peevish
Fearful, apprehensive Timid, dreadful
Pessimistic, negative Worrisome
Self-contempt, rejection Sullen, hateful
Bitter, resentful Over-serious
Guilting Self-contempting/ Self-shaming
Self-pitying/ Victimization Revenging/ Reactivity
Cynical pessimism Revengeful, greedy
Guilt about anger Upsetness about worry
Consumption oriented Competitive
Addicted to Approval Depressive: Quick to Give Up
Self-Obsessed Living in the Past

Negative thoughts-feelings Turned Against Ourselves:

What have you tabooed or forbidden in your life?
What states, feelings, experiences, etc. do you become intolerant about?
What states do you not allow yourself to experience?
What wishes do you refuse into awareness?
What impulses do you condemn as not acceptable?
What do you fear about X (any negative emotion)?
(Disgust, hate, fear anger, embarrassment, shame, built, religious feelings, awe, optimism,
hope, love, sexuality, revenge, to be grand and glorious, to hurt someone, etc.)
What do you believe (know, hope) about yourself?
How do you feel about (think, perceive) your negative states?
What negative judgments do you make about yourself? about the future?

Use any of the following sentence stems to flush out dragons. Do that by generating 5 to 12 statements. Just
begin writing. Do not censor whatever comes to mind. Let whatever thoughts come and intrude... just to find
out what comes up for you in regard to the following experiences.

When disappointments occur, I can expect myself to think-and-feel...

When someone rejects me, I can expect myself to think

When someone criticizes me...

When I recognize a character flaw in myself...

When I feel angry...

When I feel afraid...

When I feel obsessed by money, greedy, desperate

When I feel worried about bills...

When I feel weak or vulnerable...

When I recognize I've made a mistake.

When I feel disappointed in myself...

When I work (or, make calls, relate to Authority Figures, venture forth on something new).

If I became wealthy...
To become wealthy, I would have to....

To save money on a regular basis would mean...

When I think about


• Meta-State with Acceptance:
1) Access that state of simple, matter-of-fact acceptance... Feel it...
2) Apply acceptance to your "dragon..." and notice what happens when you do.
Welcome the dragon in knowing that it is just an emotion, just an experience, just a facet of life or of being human...

• Meta-State with Permission: Do you have permission to experience this emotion, thought, awareness,
experience, etc.?
Go inside and give yourself permission in a calm and resourceful voice.
"I give myself permission to experience this emotion (anger, fear, etc.)... because it is just an
emotion... and I am so much more than my emotions..."

"I give myself permission to experience this activity, event, etc. because it is just an event and it
doesn't define me anymore than I let it..."
How does that settle?
Do you need to give yourself more permission?
How many more times do you need to give yourself permission before it will begin to settle more?
Who took permission away from you?
Does the taboo really enhance your life? Or does it simply turn your energies against yourself?


Ask lots of indexing questions to bring specificity to the dragon. Dragons are made out of words and sentences
that encode our negative thoughts and feelings turned against us. Such language feeds the dragon. By asking
lots of indexing questions about the dragon, we challenge it and gather high quality information about it. Ask:
when, where, what, how, with whom, etc.

Learn to over-hear yourself or another to catch the dragon-language. As you then ask questions, it will pull
the dragon apart. Your questions will de-construct the meanings that sabotaged us. As you hear the dragon
food, look for over-generalized ideas, deletions, cognitive distortions, limited beliefs, etc.
What do you call this dragon?
How does it operate as a dragon to you?
When did you learn to think-feel this way?
Who taught you to experience X in this way?
Does this enhance your life or empower you as a person?
Does it always work this way? Every time? For everybody?
How do you know to call it by this term or phrase?
What specifically "causes" this?
How do you have to feel or think when this happens?
What are you presupposing in order for this to work in this way?


Dragons have to be fed if they are to live. So kick away the food tray and watch the Dragon begin to quickly
shrivel up. What fuels your dragon's metabolism? The very components that make up a mind-body state:
internal representations, beliefs, ideas, ill-formed language, symbolizing, and physiology. Eliminate the old
self-talk and the Dragon evaporates.
• What specifically would help you starve your dragon?
• Are you willing to stubbornly refuse to allow the old ways of thinking, talking, imagining,
remembering, etc.?
• What referents will you have to say "Hell No!" to?

Interrupt the Dragon: Pattern interrupts can spoil Dragons so that they no longer function in the way that they
have. Stand on your head. Stick out your tongue. Take several very deep breaths .
• What would interrupt your dragon?
• What behaviors, thoughts, imaginations, etc. would make your dragon flee?

Dragon linguistics about money, wealth, finances, etc.?

"I can't afford this!"
"If I don't make this deal, it will kill me."
"I'm not worth that much."
"There's only so much money."
Suze Orman(1999):
"The connection between our words and our wealth is a subtle one, and one that hasn't been explored
very much... If the overriding goal is to create more, then your thoughts and words must be in
alignment—toward the truth, toward the goal, toward the means to the goal. When you talk about
money, you have to be very careful of what you say, because just as your destiny begins with your
thoughts, your words bring you closer to that destiny."
"If you can learn to listen very carefully to the words you use in relation to your money, you will
uncover truly important clues as to why you aren't as rich as you would like to be or as rich as you
could be." (p. 29)
Listen for the linguistics of:
Poverty and Wealth
Wishing and Willing
Abundance and Scarcity
Ownership, Responsibility and being a Victim
Passivity and Proactivity


Frame your dragon with various resourceful states by meta-stating it. Begin with the menu list of: acceptance,
appreciation, calmness, quality controlling, not-me, not-forever, not-about everything, positive intention and value,
originally useful, etc.
As you access and apply clarity, relaxation, or whatever, feel it fully and notice how it transforms things.

Cast a Princely Spell:

Once you have slain or tamed the Dragon, use your power of self-reflexive consciousness to become even
more resourceful as you build up some positive meta-states that leaves you fully integrated, centered,
congruent, empowered, etc. With self-reflexiveness build, create, and install empowering meta-states such as
self-esteeming, resilience, proactivity, forgiveness, un-insult-ability, inner serenity, magnanimity, etc.
While some excuses are legitimate and useful, there are others that are illegitimate, stupid, and useless which only
wastes our time and sabotages our goals. This pattern is designed to go after and transform silly, wimpy, stupid and
unuseful excuses.

1) Identify an important goal

What do you want? What do you hope to accomplish or achieve that would be a piece of excellence?
What's important to you as an outcome that you know is well-formed and ecological?
What is something that would really improve the quality of your life and yet... just as soon as you do, you find
that numerous excuses come to mind which stops you from acting on your desired outcome?
What would you like to do about X (work, career, health, fitness, relationships, etc.)?

2) Access an excuse
As you take a moment to imagine going ahead and doing something toward that goal and notice what happens,
what's your excuse?
How do you excuse yourself from it? Is it an internal voice or a feeling?
As you access the excuse state, feel the excuse and notice where you feel it in your body.
What does it feel like. In your body? How do you know to call it an excuse?

3) Quality control the excuse

Is it just an excuse? Do you want this excuse?
Do you need it? Does it serve your life at all?
Does it enhance you or empower you? Is there any part of the excuse that you want to preserve?
Is there any positive purpose or value to keep with you?

4) Preserve the values of the excuse

• Go inside and preserve any part of the excuse that might prove useful to you in some way at some time. Suck
out of the excuse any element (a value, belief, understanding) that could be useful. Suck it all out so that the
rest of the excuse remains as an empty shall, devoid of any usefulness at all.
• Notice the value of the reason—an understanding, belief, or state that you want to keep with you.. Note it and
store it as something you can have apart from this particular stupid excuse.
• Is it now just an excuse? Just an empty shell of an excuse? [Yes]
• If not, repeat until you just have an empty shell of an excuse left.

5) Reject the empty shell of the old worn out excuse

• Access a strong "NO!" state, a "Hell, No!" state. Amplify that state of "rejection, refusal, or disgust" that
comes out as a "No " fully until you feel it very strongly. Anchor it spatially in a spot and feel it in your hands
and in your feet. Let it radiate throughout your body.
• When you have it accessed very strongly, imagine the empty excuse immediately in front of you and step into
that excuse with the NO!" state and stomp on the excuse with the power of your "hell, No!" Stomp it to the
6) Test
Now imagine the desired activity that's ecological and notice what happens as you think about moving toward
it... What do you feel? What comes to mind? Do you have any excuse lurking that you might use to excuse
yourself from life, love, and commitment?

7) Access your executive decision state

Will you do this? Will you allow it to become an attractor in your mind so that as you think of this activity,
how you will do it will simply become a matter of discovery and of building the resources so that you can..
and will, will you not? Go to the part of your mind that makes decisions and commission it to go ahead and
decide to engage in your desired activity.
Playfully Rich — Richly Playful
Making the whole process of wealth building fun, enjoyable, and rewarding
transforms it from "work" into life-style and mission. As we return to the
essence of wealth ... valuing and the state of appreciating, enjoying, and
delighting, we now outframe all of the wealth building states with lots of
joy. This makes the process fun and rewarding in and of itself.
Donald Trump:
"Don't take vacations. What's the point? If you're not
enjoying your work, you're in the wrong job. We do it
because it's fun. Work hard, play hard, and live to the hilt.
Be under-estimated. It's more impressive if people
discover your accomplishments without you telling them.
Impress people through results. Billionaires love their
jobs. You have to love what you're doing, because then it
won't seem like work to you and you will bring the
necessary energy to profit from it. That passion alone will
take care of ninety percent of any problems with any job."
(2004, p. 81).

Appreciate work until you turn it into fun.

Work will become the best friend you've ever known if you use it for
fattening your purse. If you take the attitude that "only slaves work," you'll
not get far. Nor will you get ahead by shirking.
So "work for him as hard as thou canst. If he does not appreciate
all thou do, never mind. Work well-done, does good to the man
who does it. It makes him a better man." (Clawson, p 124).
Forget balance and reorient yourself to transform your work and
effort into a form of enjoyment for you.

Turn your work into play. If you dichotomize life into "work" and
"play" you will be looking for how to get out of work, how to work
minimally. That will undermine a quality orientation. Do the
opposite. Give it your best. Turn it into fun.

Joy: We become more productive when work is a joy to us. Yet only a
minority absolutely love their work. One secret of the successful
is that they feel compelled in their passion, they give themselves to
it long enough to become highly competent and they never thought
of it as "work," but as play. Enjoyment in our work is a real source
of wealth.
Lighten up and develop a game attitude:
Kiyosaki: Life really is a game of monopoly for people on the right
side of the quadrant. Sure, there is winning and losing, but that is
part of the game. Winning and losing is a part of life. To be
successful on the right side of the quadrant is to be a person who
loves the Game. (154). "It's only a game." (Kioysaki).

Orman (1999): If you are not overly attached to what you want,
you will attain it.

Clawson: Do not overstrain or try to save too much. Life is good

and rich with things worthwhile and things to enjoy. Don't miss it.

Dressing for Success

"Dress for the j o b you want, not the job you have. If you look like
crap, you're not going anywhere." Trump
The Vitality Test

Develop the skills for taking pleasure, satisfaction,

and delight in doing a good job. Contributing,
handling customers, etc. source of satisfaction
when well done.

Stanley (2000):
"Keeping in excellent physical condition can be an important tool
in dealing with detractors because it helps to one's competitive
spirit. Many millionaires, especially decamillionaires, are
extremely competitive—and even welcome criticism." (51).

Exercise regularly.
"Fatigue brings out the worst in people who are confronted with
job-related stress and financial risk." (171).
Develop the vitality that comes from having a healthy and fit body by
watching your eating, exercising, stretching, relaxing to develop a relaxed
and clear mind. It will increase your sense of personal aliveness. What one
thought would keep you focused on sound physical health?

The Wealth Shaping Game

We can shape our behaviors, attitudes, emotions, skills, responses, etc. As
we can shape the responses in others and in animals, so we can shape the
responses that will empower us to succeed in life.

Reinforcement Shaping: Make a list of ten or fifteen activities (behaviors)

that cost nothing or very little yet which you highly value and have a lot of
fun doing that gives you a sense of vitality, energy, renewed power, love,
courage, orderliness, health, etc. Don't limit your list to just pure
pleasures- think in terms of rejuvenation and the renewing of your visions.

When you do this, you have essentially created a list of activities that you
find personally and uniquely rewarding. This puts your hands the tools for
adding massive pleasure to your life. Consciously and intentionally reward
yourself with these highly valued rewarding activities every time you take
another step in the direction that you want to go. The design is to reward
yourself with value-rich activities that give you a sense of pleasure and fun.
You will be able to distinguish between mere indulgences from true
If the flow state and experience offers a powerful transformation so that it empowers us to put a jet propulsion
to our wealth creation, then how do we transform our work so that we experience it as a state of flow

1) Decide that you want and will transform your work experience.
Do you want to transform your work experience so that it becomes a great source of enjoyment?
Are you willing to make it an experience of flow so that you can get lost in it?
Would that enrich your life? Transform your attitude?

2) Decide to refuse to tolerate discounting, dis-valuing, and despising your work

Do you even discount your job or despise your work?
Does it ever seem like a burden? Below your dignity?
Where do you have a negative attitude about your work right now?
Are you willing to absolutely refuse to tolerate a negative attitude about work?
Are you clear that a disgruntled attitude will only do you harm in the long run and undermine your
success by creating stress, dis-empowerment, passivity, victim thinking, etc.?
How much damage have you created by indulging in disgruntled thinking and feeling?

3) Set the new frames for an entirely new game.

What new attitudes can reframe your work?
What new frames of mind would you prefer?
What new frames an you create that will empower an entirely new work attitude?
What will you need to think and feel to become a genius at work?
To create a passionate involvement, what can you love about your work?

4) Fully design the new Inner Game for a flow experience at work
What will be the passionate engagement?
What proactive stance will you take?
What one thing can you do today that will move you more fully into this direction?
What will be your specific goals, both Short-term and long-term objectives to achieve?
Are they specific enough and operationalized in empirical, see-hear-feel terms so you can readily
recognize success and failure at reaching the goals?
Do you have real-time feedback processes allowing you to obtain ongoing information about how
close you're reaching your outcomes?
Do you have sufficient and optimal challenges but not overwhelming ones?
Will "flow" arise given the balance of challenge and competency that you've set up?
Do you need more challenge to stretch you or more skill development to increase competency?
Is it in right proportion for focusing your attention and engagement to the task at hand?
Are your skills well suited to the challenges?
Will your actions and awareness merge to create a "one-pointedness of mind?"
Does it give you a sense of personal control in the task?
Will you experience time, self, and the world fading away as you become engrossed in the
To what extent do you experience the activity as autotelic even now?
To what extent is the experience worth doing for its own sake (autotelic)?

Wealth in Who You Are

The ability to think well of ourselves and our abilities even without money."

Inside- Out Wealth focuses first
within and then without as we
building rich and abundant states
of mind-emotion so that we don't
need money to become rich or a
somebody but as an expression of
the value we create.

This begins by capitalizing on ourselves- our minds-emotions, talents,

skills, and circumstances. We find our passion. (What is your passion?)
We can make the most money by finding our passion and becoming
internally rich about it as we play to our strengths. How can we create
multiple streams of income from the same passion? Being wealth comes
before doing wealth and having wealth. Wealth is first an internal creation,
a mind that creates values and solves problems.

Have you developed a self-evaluation and self-esteeming that allows you

to stay that resourceful during the times of uncertainty? This is the
foundation for decisiveness, the ability to quickly make up your mind when
facing an opportunity.

Holistic wealth involves three dimensions: being, doing, and having.

• The wealth of Being begins as an internal experience as we
experience a wealth of thoughts, ideas, and emotions that inspire us
about new and creative ways to enrich our own experience and the
experiences of others.
• This manifests in external products of wealth: the actual models,
plans, inventions, procedures, creations, etc. which allow people to
experience more value in various facets of life (the wealth of
• Internal and personal wealth continues as we then use a wealth of
our energy, speech, skills, abilities, e t c to actually create more
abundance in the world (the wealth of Doing).

Be—> Do —> Have

Robert Kiyosaki says that it is who you have to be that counts, your
attitude. A person who has a loser mentality will always lose.
Strengthen your thoughts so that you can take the action that will
enable you to become financially free.

"People first, then money, then things." Orman (1999)

A Robust Self Matrix
What is it like? Among the resources needed to succeed in becoming financially
independent are the following mental-and-emotional states:

Personal Stability:
We are true wealthy when we are not dependent on money for feeling good about
ourselves, important, significant, valuable, rich, etc. How well can you maintain
these critical states without needing to "have" money? To that extent you are
already "rich."

Self Efficacy:
Assert your voice, vision, and values, to stand up and apart, to be
courageous, to think well of yourself: your skills, value, significance apart
from money and things. A secure sense of self. "No matter what
happens, I will figure out how to cope, I will figure out a solution."

How can you convince the best people to work for you if they see self-
doubt in your eyes? How can you sell anything? If you believe you can
succeed, the probabilities are greatly enhanced that you will reach and
even exceed your goals. (167)
"Without the conditioning to be stable, it's an uphill climb to become an
economic success. Conversely, the unstable tend to be unfocused and
temperamental, and they have difficulty getting along with people,
including their spouses and their children. They also tend to lack the
determination and resolve to deal with recurring economic threats, risks,
fears, and worries." (Stanley, p. 172).

"Until we accept ourselves, it is unlikely that our vocational uniqueness
will reveal itself through us, since vocation is nothing more than a way to
live productively and uniquely." (Sinetar, 35). The inner strength to be
unique and true to yourself: Your values and visions.

Flexibility: It takes a proper mind-set or attitude to be prepared for the economic

changes we are facing today. Success comes from being flexible enough to
respond appropriately to whatever change comes. We develop wealth via the
flexibility to stay current, observant, and able to take advantage of changes.

Always Learning
Donald Trump (2004):
"Money may not grow from trees, but it does grow from talent, hard
work, and brains." (47). My financial IQ is constantly improving as I
watch over my many businesses and my staff. Good investors are good
students. (49)
Wealth lies in the ability to learn, learn effectively, and accelerate the learning so
that it is faster than the competition. This will become even more true as business
moves increasingly more into the information age.

Self Investment
Wealth is created by investing in our ongoing development and learning, in
developing our mind as your source of wealth.
"Your most single powerful asset—your mind. An untrained mind
creates poverty." (Kiyosaki, p. 104). Opportunities are not seen with the
eyes; they are seen with the mind.

"People who didn't become rich tended to think in Stage 2 ways— first
I'll make my money, then I'll read, write, do musicals, travel, etc. They
didn't think about investing in themselves" (Blotnick, p. 94)

"To put it bluntly, if you only have $100,000 or less to invest, there is no
place you can reasonably invest it... except in yourself." (p. 95). "What
characterized those who eventually became rich was their willingness to
spend time and money pursuing on their own any aspect of their work
they found fascinating." (p. 244)

Continuous Learning:
Tap into the power of incremental learning—continuous improvement. For the
pro, school is never out. We are forever learning new answers, new questions, new
possibilities. Plan for life-long learning. Get a steady diet of exposing yourself to
new information every day. This feeds your ability to see opportunities.
"How can I use this knowledge given my chosen vocation?" (203). The
learning mode that enables us to become a collector of Wisdom. "What
concepts in this course can I leverage in helping make my operation more
"I don't know anyone in business who is successful and doesn't read a
lot..." (Stephen Arterburn, 1995, p. 38).

Self Vitality and Creativity:

While we can make lots of money without personality health, it will not allow us
to experience a fullness, authenticity, joy, and pleasure if we do not cultivate our
inner vitality. Unhealthy attitudes, beliefs, values, etc. undermine the translation
of financial wealth to experiencing a rich life.
"We now know that the source of wealth is something
specifically human: knowledge. If we apply knowledge to
tasks we already know how to do, we call it 'productivity.'
If we apply knowledge to tasks that are new and different,
we call it 'innovation.' Only knowledge allows us to
achieve these goals." (Managing for Future, Peter F.
Drucker, p. 24, 1992):
Distinguish Schooling and Education:
Jim Rohn: "With formal education you can earn a living, with self
education, you can earn a fortune." Wealth is built as we invest in our
minds and our creativity. We don't let school or formal schooling get in
the way of our education, drawing out what's within.

Stanley (2000): Millionaires are "proficient at controlling their thought processes.

They think and correspondingly act in ways that precipitate success.... A wise man
will be the master of his mind; a fool will be its slave." (165)
"The reason that so few people are financially independent today is that
they place many negative roadblocks in their heads. Becoming wealthy
is, in fact, a mind game. Millionaires often talk to themselves about the
benefits of becoming financially independent. They constantly tell
themselves that it is very difficult to achieve that without taking some
risks. Before you can become a millionaire, you must learn to think like
one. You must learn how to motivate yourself constantly to counter fear
with courage." (135).

Self-Creativity The Creativity Principle:

We need creativity to refuse to accept the restrictions of
We build wealth by developing our creative
your "work," namely, of being paid to not to other things.
As we become creative we can pay ourselves to follow our abilities... thereby enabling us to create new
passions and find new ways to create value. values and solutions.

Thinking Out of the Box:

Millionaires condition their minds to offset fears
through mental toughness. They develop an
attitude of love for their products and services. "What do most
millionaires tell me they learned?... they learned to think differently from
the crowd." (Stanley, 2000, p. 22)

"Questioning the norm, the status quo, and authority are hallmarks of the
thinking of self-made millionaires and those destined to become affluent."

"It's unfortunate that most non-millionaires accept the negative

evaluations given them by authority figures.... the millionaires had the
insight, courage, and audacity to challenge the assessments made by
teachers, professors, amateur critics, and the Educational Testing
Service." (101).

Flexibility is part of creativity: experimenting, exploring new things.

Blotnick: "In allowing themselves to try a variety of different approaches
to their field, they finally hit upon the one which worked best for them.
They weren't necessarily more ambitious, smarter, or more talented.
They gave themselves the opportunity to locate what for them was the
right angle of attach..." (p. 92).
The Frugality Principle:
We build with by using the delight of frugality, especially in the early stages.

Frugality, alias, Self-Enjoyment

"If you have ten dresses but still feel you have nothing to wear, you are
probably a spendthrift. But if you have ten dresses and have enjoyed
wearing all of them for years, you are frugal. Waste lies not in the
number of possessions, but in the failure to enjoy them."

"To be frugal means to have a high joy-to-stuff ratio. If you get one unit
of joy for each material possession, that's frugal. But if you need ten
possessions to even begin registering on the joy meter, you're missing
the point of being alive. The Spanish word, approvechar, means to use
something wisely—be it old zippers from worn-out clothing, or a sunny
day at the beach. It's getting full value from life, enjoying all the good
that each moment, and each thing has to offer. It's a succulent world, full
of sunlight and flavor." (Dominguez, p. 167).

How to be Frugal:
1) Not seduced by things and consumption:
Stanley & Danko (1996): We discovered seven common denominators
among those who successfully build wealth. First, they live well below
their means. Chapter 1: Frugal Frugal, Frugal

2) "Whatever your income, always live below your means." (p. 161).
"To be frugal is to practice moderation, restraint, prudence, thrift, and
financial equilibrium, but it certainly isn't being miserly or stingy. The
rich get richer by acting poorer. The poor get poorer by acting richer."
(Machig & Behrend)
"Being frugal is the cornerstone of wealth-building." We have to resist
being seduced by a high-consumption lifestyle (p. 23). "Three words that
profile the affluent: frugal, frugal, frugal." (p. 28)

"Millionaires are frugal when frugality translates into real increases in the
economic productivity of a household. Webster defines frugal as
"characterized by or reflecting economy in the expenditure of resources."
The key word here is resources." (283)

If you are buying cheap, you're probably not being frugal. Frugal is not
cheap or miserly, it is getting high value for money and enjoying it fully.
The self-made millionaires are frugal about time expenditures, they
distinguish between "first-cost" and life-cycle-cost. They think in life-
cycle distinctions. Stanley (2000)
"Most millionaires look to the future. They are very likely to compute the
lifetime costs and benefits of various activities that have some potential
in saving money. This type of behavior is a high correlation for
accumulating wealth, and it's just one such element in the millionaires*
overall frugal game plan." (278).

5) Exercise the self-discipline to check numbers.

Donald Trump cashed a check for 50 cents. It happened when Spy
magazine ran an article about "Who is the Cheapest Millionaire." They
sent out checks for 50 cents to see who would cash them. Trump did.
His response? "They may call it cheap; I call it watching the bottom line.
Every dollar counts in business, and for that matter, every dime. Penny-
pinching? You bet, I'm all for it. I always try to read my bills to make
sure I'm not being over-charged." (59). "My parents hammered frugality
into me at an early age, and it's the most important money-management
skill a person can use. Call it penny-pinching if you want to; I call it
financial smarts." (61).

Learn how to give back to the world—to create value, to act from the position of
abundance, to become that kind of a person, to expand your sense of appreciation.
Giving back teaches you more fully what money can do and what it cannot do.

Use the 10/10/10/70 rule (Robbins).

Live on 70 percent of what you have, save 10% to build up capital to
invest, reduce all debts with another 10%, and give away another 10% of
your income. Make money work for you by learning to earn, save, and
to give.

Always give more than you expect to receive (Robbins).

The secret of living is giving. Give first. If you're just accumulating
money for you, to lord it over your kingdom, you are not really a success,
don't really have power, nor true wealth. Think of success as a process,
a way of life, and a strategy for living. Then use your power in a
responsible and loving way. Re-invest money regularly as an expression
of your mission to make the world a better place and to make yourself the
master of money, not its slave.
The Integrity Principle:
Wealth is built as we develop our character, integrity, and learn to use the power of Congruency.

Integrity is saying what we will do and doing what we say. Integrity
means a strong and steadfast adherence to our principles, a strong sense
of ourselves and our value, undivided in our passions. This generates the
gestalt of a larger sense of wholeness and soundness in mind and body.
The Benefits of Integrity:
• A peace of mind and sense, "I'm doing my best,"
• "I can rest in my actions as sufficient, that I don't have to worry about the
past catching up and finding me out!"
• When we align ourselves with our highest beliefs and values we develop
the personal power of Congruency.

How to develop Integrity: Stop trying to balance them.

1) Be mindful of what you say. Instead make your work more
We need to elicit and clarify how our own understandings about our pleasurable. For millionaires,
values and beliefs play a significant role in engineering sales excellence work and pleasure are one and
to build in ourselves confidence, power, and presence. the same. I'm always looking
for ideas and inspiration that I
2) Do what you say you will do. can adopt. Create an integrated
"Your sense of self and congruence are more important than all the lifestyle. Integration rather than
presentation skills you could learn, useful as these are. Congruence and balance.
a sense of self are products of knowing your values and your purpose..."
(O'Connor and Prior, p. 107)

3) Make yourself accountable to someone.

"If you do not have a good relationship with yourself and your work, no
amount of skill training will compensate. ... Congruence is that state of
alignment when you believe in what you are doing and your body and
mind are working towards your goal." (p. 127)

4) Look for feedback.

Keep an eye on your actions in order to develop a consistency of your
actions with your words.

How do millionaires think that differ from non-millionaires? Stanley (2000) found
that they think and examine themselves in terms of their self-integrity. They said
that they focus on such things as being honest with all people (integrity), applying
self-control (discipline), getting along with people (social skills), having a
supportive spouse, and working harder than most people (p. 11). These are all
facets of what we call character.
"What kind of businesses do millionaires own? All kinds. You can't
predict if someone is a millionaire by the type of business. After 20 years
of studying millionaires, we have concluded that the character of the
business owner is more important in predicting his level of wealth than
the classification of his business." (p. 228)

Imagine the you for whom building wealth in the ways important to you is no problem... see, hear, and feel
that resourceful you fully and completely. Where would you like to use this creative image? With whom?

1) Identify some trigger or cue that sets off some old response that you don't like and which does not serve to enhance
With whom?
What Trigger

2) Create and edit the masterful you for whom no problem or challenge in building wealth would be a problem.
Describe this folly and completely.
Imagine it in vividly so that it feels compelling.
Design the compelling image of the masterful you as someone who knows and can handle the everyday tasks
involved in building wealth.
Juice it up so that it becomes more and more compelling and attractive.

3) Clear the screen of your mind—

And beginning with the old cue image that evokes the old unenhancing response
In the middle of the picture, shrink down the picture of the you who is a wealth creating pro until you see
it as a tiny dot in the middle of the other picture.

Now let the cue picture fade out and move back and as it does, let the masterful you picture quickly and
immediately swish in to fill the screen of your mind. Do this in the time it takes you to say, Swish!

4) Swish to this new self image repeatedly

Repeat this process 5 times
Make sure that you clear your internal "screen" after each swish. Go only from the problem to the Resourceful
Image. This will directionalize your brain.

5) Test this by thinking about the old trigger

What happens?
Do you naturally and automatically swish to the resourceful and masterful you Image?
The heart and core of wealth is a rich mind and heart full of ideas that can solve problems. Wealth is not money, money
at best is only the external sign of wealth. To develop your engine of wealth, we first become wealthy within.

1) Access a sense of "value" and valuing.

What do you value? What do you appreciate as valuable and precious?
Is there anything really, really important to you? What?
What evokes a strong sense of the value of something?
As you think of that and experience the feelings of valuing... what's that like?
What else allows you to experience valuing?
As you recall these, keep amplifying this state until it is a 9 on a scale of 0 to 10.

2) Apply this state of valuing to "self"

As you feel this state about yourself, and apply to self, what does it feel like when the gestalt of self-value, self-
worth, self-esteem emerges. "I'm important!" "I count!" "I deserve to have the good things of life."

3) Apply to your powers of response.

Notice what happens when you apply this to your thoughts-feelings and speech and behavior. What gestalts
emerge when you do this?
Let it emerge as an appreciation of your talents and skills, "I can contribute! I have much to contribute."
Notice your sense of creativity, that you have a rich mind-heart system, that there's much abundance.

4) Use this valuing state for your work and the whole of life.
Scan your world of work with valuing in mind and notice how that transforms things.
Install the words, "How can I add value here? If this was my business, what could I do that might make it more
valuable to the customers, to my fellow employees, to my boss, etc.?
What problems can I find and how can I bring my internal richness of mind-and-emotion to find solutions?

5) Add sufficient supporting frames.

What belief would support this?
What intention, decision, understanding, etc. would support this?
[Add in belief frames about abundance, creativity, opportunity.]

6) Future pace and quality control

As you imagine taking this into the days and weeks to come, are all parts of your mind-body system aligned
with this? Do you like this? Are you ready to do this? Are you really to allow this to increasingly become
your program in the future?

7) Commission with your executive frame of mind.

Will the executive part of your mind take responsibility to make this yours?

Creating Rich Relationships

When Napoleon Hill modeled the secret of wealth

accumulation and discovered what he called the
Carnegie secret, he said that he found no quality save
persistence in those who had accumulated vast fortunes.
"... persistence, concentration of effort, and definiteness
of purpose, were the major sources of their
achievements." (p. 164).

But he did notice the power of a master mind group for reshaping one's character.
He sought to imitate the nine men whose lives and life-works had been most
impressive to him.
"These nine men were Emerson, Paine, Edison, Darwin, Lincoln,
Burbank, Napoleon, Ford, and Carnegie. Every night, over a long period
of yeas, I held an imaginary council meeting with this group whom I
called my "Invisible Counselors.'" (p. 215)
"I studied the records of their lives with painstaking care," he said and
identified with them until they became "apparently real" to him.

This describes the power of having mentors (real or imagined) as well as working
with and through colleagues and merging our mind with the minds of others to
coordinate effort and knowledge, in a spirit of harmony. Do this to multiply your
brain power. Carnegie "attributed his entire fortune to the power he accumulated
through this 'Master Mind.'" (p. 170).

We build wealth with and through others. This makes
communicating and relating, which are actually the same thing,
so critical. To the extent that creating value involves letting
people know about what we have and can offer, we have to
work with and through people. This means communicating
and relating. This means making accurate judgments about
people, reading them, gaining rapport, creating win/win
arrangements, collaborating, working together, etc.

Communication skills: Leveling, asking, negotiating, selling, influencing. These

skills begin with the ability to just ask for what we want in a forthright way and the
form the foundation for the ability to negotiate from a Win/Win orientation.
Elicit the kind of states in others that enables them to hear and positively
Basic rapport skills that create connections and receptivity

Asking to create a Win/Win Negotiation.
1) What do you want?
Why do I want that? What will it give me? Negotiation Principles:
How do I think I want this? What other ways could I receive this? Everything is negotiable and the
2) What is the best state I need to be in to start the communications? best negotiations are always
Menu list: Caring, pleasant, relaxed, harming, empathetic, listening, win/win. My power to negotiate is
excited, etc. my ability to add value.

3) What does the other person or persons want?

Inquiring to discover by asking outcome centered questions, listen
with a third-ear for the other's wants, values, dis-values, meanings,
emotions, thinking patterns, etc.

4) Engaging in an appreciative dialogue to co-create a workable arrangement.

Is there a fittingness between us?
Can we co-create a win/win relationship?
What will it take?
What will we each obtain from this?
What else could we create?
What questions have we not asked that might create even something more
5) What value can I give?

The Cooperation Principle:

We build wealth through cooperating with others, networking, finding mentors, being mentors, etc.

Those who succeeded in becoming wealthy: They became increasingly non-

competitive in attitude over time. The longer they stayed with their passion,
became less competitive with those with whom they worked. They became more
cooperative and adopted a win/win attitude (Blotnick).

Support Group: When we operate from a win/win attitude, it's easy to be

supportive of others: able to celebrate in their success, experience empathy (take
second position to another). Resist the temptation to think in terms of scarcity.
That leads to competition, greed, grabbing, putting others down to feel higher, etc.
Mentors: Get a mentor and then become a mentor to give out of your own
abundance and richness.
We do better in any domain of effort within which we seek to achieve excellence
when we have others who are like-minded and supportive. The social support that
emerges when men and women of like mind, get together for networking,
brainstorming, encouragement, accountability, etc. provides yet another frame that
supports us.

Objectives in Networking:
1) Encouragement for the tough challenges.
2) Accountability,
Who can I appoint to hold me responsible?
Who will I give permission to ask me accountability questions so that I
can stay on target?
What are your goals?
Have you completed your Wealth Building Plan?
Have you updated it this month?
What have you done today to act on your plan?
What other ideas do you have for putting this idea into action?

3) Brainstorming: for increasing your brain power. There's synergy when mind
acts upon mind in a context of acceptance, playfulness, exploration, curiosity, etc.

To Whom Have You Made Yourself Financially Accountable??
Are you willing to find and create a support group to keep yourself on track with
your wealth creation plan? Do you have someone who you know is on your side
regarding your plan to become financially independent?
How are you doing this week?
How did you do this week on keeping to your budget?
How well did you control your spending?
Did you practice frugality this week? How?
What will you be doing next week to increase your best states for creating
Did you save 10% this last week?
How did you work on becoming richer inside?
What action plans are you working on?

Creating Plenty of Time

"Thinking to get at once all the gold the goose could give,
he killed it, and opened it only to find— nothing."

"Being rich isn't a passive state. Ultimately, time is more valuable than money, because if
you run out of money, you can start over agin. But when you run out of time, there's no
starting over.... Billionaires never wish away the minutes; life's just too good to wish it
away. Be present in time, fully engaged." (Donald Trump)

The Stages of creating wealth:

The best attitude for solid, quality, and lasting The Stage Principle:
building wealth is to think in terms of building wealth Wealth is best built in stages; it is not built in a
in a decade. Doing this leads us to recognizing the moment or overnight.
natural steps and stages in wealth building and to ask
the strategic question: "Where am I in the ten-year
wealth building process?"

Srully Blotnick, Ph.D., Getting rich your own way (1980), engaged in a study that
followed 1,500 people in 1960 who wanted to get rich. In spite of losing a third
of the people over the years, 83 of the remaining 1,057 became millionaires. He
and his associates then interviewed more than 200 multi-millionaires to discover
the secrets of becoming wealthy. He wrote his conclusion in these words:
"We are not going to make matters worse by telling you we've found a
secret formula that will make you rich overnight There is no such thing,
though we know plenty of people who've gone broke looking for it.
What we are about to describe might be labeled a 'get rich slow'
technique. But it works. And nothing else does." (p. 15)

His research and longitudinal studies led him to sort out two key stages in wealth
• Stage I: Profoundly Absorbed Stage: The stage where you make your
investment in yourself.
• Stage II: Investment Stage: The stage where you begin taking the money
and capita] and investing it.

Robert Allan sets forth a four-stage process of getting started, creating capital,
investing capital, and then protecting capital. This basic format suggests the meta-
strategy of thinking long-term.
"You won't achieve your financial goals if you don't behave like a long-
term investor." (Clements, 1998, p. 152)

Dent (1998) recommends using buy and hold strategies to stay invested in
fundamental bull markets. Build wealth by systematically investing in long-term
trends (p. 284). To risk in highly predictable markets is not being in the market,
but being out. Machig and Behrends (1997) say that patience and compound
interest are two key factors that are essential to building wealth, two factors that
involve time and a longer-term perspective.

The wrong game to play is the "Get Rich Quick" game. Refuse it. We see this in
the lives of lottery winners. The great majority are not able to keep the money and
are often personally devastated by their own internal unpreparedness to handle the
responsibilities that money brings them.

The Stages of Wealth Building

There are different games plans for different stages. You want to build wealth and
free yourself from working for money, do you not? Then make a plan to use as
a map to navigate you to financial independence. Along the line you have
developed and will continue to develop the necessary financial Intelligence,
financial integrity, and follow-through to make it happen, will you not? Do that by
accessing your own top ten wealth creation states to support this process. Among
those is the state of patience.

Patience? Yes. Wealth building involves steps and stages and occurs over time.
Think of it as "Wealth in a Decade," to create a wealth building orientation that's
a life style. This brings about another shift, from focusing on the end product to
enjoying the process. Making this shifts refocuses us on knowing and learning
how to enjoy this day and every activity and feeling and being richer in our
thinking, emoting, being, and doing. Paradoxically, this makes our contributions
more valuable.

Stage I: Getting Out of Debt Stage

The first thing to do, get rid of all debt. Treat indebtedness (i.e., school loans,
loans on liabilities like car, boat, etc., credit cards, etc.) as your sworn enemy to
financial stability and independence. Go into battle against it to defeat it.
Eliminate all debt and only use debt, like that on a home which truly benefits your
long term investment. Spend less than you make; or, make more than you spend.

Credit card debts are some of the worst kind of debts, especially if you are carrying
balances over month to month, and especially if we are carrying debt on life style
items. That is the Game that the financially strapped play. Stop it immediately.
The principle is that debt prevents us from becoming financially independent.
How do we defeat debt in our lives? Use all of the self-discipline, habits of
frugality (squeezing all the joy out of the stuff that you do have), commitment to
our long term goals, etc.

The preparation here enables us to begin to think like a millionaire as we learn to

resist being defeated in the game by impulsive spending, inability to resist
immediate gratification, making long term plans, developing the willingness to
save and build capital, etc.
How do we get Out of Debt?
1) Make the commitment.
The first step toward building wealth is to make a commitment to get rid
of all debt. Typically, our debt makes others rich. If debt is consuming
your time, energy, and creativity, you need first of all to aim to first
reduce and then eliminate that debt.

2) Become aware of your debt. The Debt Principle:

How much debt do you have? Do you even know how To build wealth, get rid of our debts and only
much debt you have? Track what you have coming in accept those that are true investments.
(income) and going out (expenses) so you clan set a
budget to keep expenses down.

3) Discover the Money Game of Who is indebted to whom?

The more people you are indebted to and that you have to pay, the poorer
you are. That's how the Game works. The principle about debt is that if
you take on debt and risk, you should be paid for it (Kiyosaki). This is
good debt; "bad" debt is what deletes all your resources.

4) Refuse all impulsive spending:

Refuse to impulsively and unthinking spend.

5) Look for bargains.

Decide to look for bargains, to spend intelligently, to use coupons, etc.
Refuse to let snobbery dig a grave of debt for you. Refuse to be seduced
by promises of "Low Payments." Pay off all credit cards, refuse to live
"on credit."

The Multiple Streams of Income Principle

Step II: Creating Your Inner Game of Wealth We begin to build wealth through establishing a
In the beginning stages, we need to evaluate, study, and prepare source of income that we can then use to save
our wealth creating states, develop our skills, acquire and build capital.
knowledge about finances, wealth, work, economy, etc. Here
we learn the Game, how to play it, the rules of the game.

Stage III: Engaging the Translation from the Inner to the Outer Game
This stage may last for 5 or 10, even 15. Think of it as wealth in a decade. This
enable us to access the wealth building states of patience, persistence, commitment,
and long-term planning. If we don't do this, then our game plan can easily be
sabotaged and defeated by impatience and "get rich quick" thinking.

In this stage we concentrate our forces and energies (skills, talents, focus) on one
thing. We focus on the expert skills crucially for winning the game. We don't
diversify but concentrate on becoming an expert, investing ourselves fully,
increasing the value of what we do, etc. We find our passion and fall in love with
it. We live, breathe, and nurture it.
Part of my ten-year wealth building plan is to buy one investment property every
year for ten years. To support this, I have a plan for staying-power, I have
developed a fund sufficient for the monthly payments of each property for 3
months. To develop that, I used the game plan of frugality as a life-style principle.
It helped me with the disciplined saving so that I could then feel totally confident.

Here we follow the wealth creation principles that we've committed ourselves to.
Invest only and always in "assets" (things that put money in your pockets) and not
in "liabilities" (things that demand that you pull money out of your pockets).

Stage IV: Getting to the Right side of the Cashflow Quadrants

The day that money begins working for us is the day we move from employee
and/or self-employed to owning a business or investing. Throughout the first
stages, we work for money. Now in this stage, money begins working for us.

Our passive income, our multiple sources of income, our reduction of debt,
frugality, investments, accumulated interest, etc., has all worked to put us in the
place where we have become financially independent. This is not a description of
how much money we have, it's a description of the fact that we don't have to go
to work to live. We are independent of depending on working for our basic life-
style. Your money is now working for us giving us the lifestyle we want and the
freedom to explore, contribute, and be according to our personal values and

It began with the initial stage where we developed a plan, put your plan into action,
and took the effective actions, day after day, week after week, year after year.
Over the years of the inner game stage, we developed the mechanisms that has now
gotten our wealth building off the ground. With that, our money has begun to
experience an accelerated growth. During years 5 to 15 we automatize the
processes so that the money works for us.

In this stage we need continual vigilance, increase in our business sense about the
economy, finances, markets, trends, taxes, etc. Becoming business smart is an
essential part of long term wealth building. We build systems and businesses that
have a life of their own, that contribute to the world, that enrich people, and that
bring in money while we are not at work, even when we are on holiday.

Stage V: Financial Independence

By this stage we have made it. We have become wealthy. Now we shift to a
different mode, to the maintenance of the wealth. Having becoming financially
independent, perhaps even abundantiy wealthy, the time will come to jettison all
of our debts, consolidate our financial resources, diversity our savings and
investments, and shift to thinking in terms of safety and protection. This will
enable us to let the money protect us in the remaining years.

In this stage we plan how to use our money to leave the kind of legacy that will
support the values and visions that we have lived for. We can do great damage to
our children, grandchildren, friends, and relatives if we do not manage the transfer
of our wealth to them. Intelligence in handling this stage is called for just as it was
called for at the beginning.

Patience with the time-element and the processes enables us to move here. Such
patience is the willingness to wait until the fruits of our labors come. We give the
processes that we set up time to grow to fruition. The sustaining power for this
stages is a calm and relaxed mind under stress and the power to calm ourselves.

As a summary of Stage I and II in Blotnick's Strategy for Building Wealth:

• Stage One: Those who ultimately became rich were profoundly absorbed
by a particular activity. Thanks to the fact that they were so caught up in
it, they accidentally persisted in doing it, and hence eventually excelled at
• Stage Two: They became investors, because the activity they excelled at
produced more income than they could invest in themselves.

"What characterized developing millionaires is that they unintentionally proceeded

from Stage One to Stage Two. What characterized people who failed was that they
intentionally tried— repeatedly—to go from Stage Two to Stage One. Few ever
made it out of Stage Two. Are you surprised that they were—and still are so
frustrated, anxious, and annoyed?" (Blotnick, p. 51)
How you choose to allocate time to something is an important message about what matters to you. Integrity arises when
what you say matters to you and the time you devote to the activities that manifest your dreams are congruent. How
do we create time for the changes that we want?

1) Identify an important goal (Meaning)

What's important to you that you want to do and know it's important, but don't' seem to get around to doing?
What change do you want to make?
What goal do you want to create time for in your life, even one which may be hard or challenging?

2) Index the Change (Intention about Time)

How much time would you ideally like to devote to this goal?
How often? Daily or weekly? Minimally? Maximally?
How long of a time? How short? Are you doing it now? To what extent?
How much time do you actually devote to it? What are the numbers?
How much time would you typically allocate to it?

3) Identify your Intentions. (Intention)

Why do you want to make this change? What will this give you?
How important is it?
Do you have a big enough "Why" to do it?

4) Access Resources. (Power)

Do you know how to do this? Do you have a strategy? The skills?
What are the 3 most critical resources you need to be able to pull this off?
What is the 1 or 2 other resources that may not be critical but would flavor the quality of your experience in
a new and unique way?
What frames would you have to have in order to experience the integrity to do this?
Have you made a commitment?

5) Access Self Frames. (Self)

Who do you need to be to make this happen? What shifts in your self-definition do you need to make?
What resources for your self-definition, self-esteem, identity, and so on?

6) Access Intentionality and Time.

Do you really want this? How much do you?
Do you want this enough to devote the minimum time?
Can anything now stop you?

7) Confirm and Solidify.

What is it like when you put this into your immediate future?
Are you aligned with this? Do you like this?
Will you do this? Will your executive mind take charge to make this happen?

Bringing Abundance to the World

"If you expect your money to take care of you, you must take care of your money.
(Orman, 1999)

There are as many CEOs living paycheck to paycheck as there are secretaries.
Machtig and Behrends, (p. 35)

The World Matrix: What worlds or domains will you be navigating as you create
wealth? Among them will be:
1) The Financial World.
2) The Business World.
3) The specific World wherein you create and add value.


How does the world of finances, saving, budgeting,
investing, business, creating wealth, marketing, creating
alliances, etc. work? To navigate this territory, we need
well-formed maps about such.

Capitalizing on our finances through budgeting, saving,

frugality, planning, increasing sources of income, etc
enables us to build capital. You can not build wealth if
you are spending impulsively, up to your neck in debt,
and unable to master your finances. Financial self-control is an essential step in
order to build a system where money can work for you instead of you working for

Economics 101:
How does wealth arise? What produces it?
In a capitalist market driven economy, we must produce products and services of
value that individuals and groups want and pay for. To make money work for us,
we have to save up some capital and then begin to intelligently use that capital to
build ongoing resources that allows the money to work for us.

Your ability to create wealth has much less to do with how much you make, with
your income, than with how much you save. Salary is probably the poorest
indicator of financial success. So refuse to be seduced by salary. The question is:
How much dp you save? 10% of each paycheck?

"Everyone wants to earn a million dollars. Each of us for different

reasons—but we all need money to achieve our goals and dreams. How
do you get the money? By living and executing the three principles of
wealth building:
1) You earn money by building a strong self-belief system.
2) You earn money by being better than the rest.
3) You earn money by having answers that others don't (p. 240).

"Why do so few people rise to the top? Because they are unable to
synergize superior personal skills with the flexibility to adapt to the ever-
changing facets of their job in conjunction with company and family."
(Jeffery Gitomer, 1998,231)

Taking responsibility: Is it your boss's job to make you rich? Or does he just
provide the paycheck for your work? Isn't it your job to make yourself financially
viable, independent, and rich? This takes self-discipline, awareness of income and
expenses, willingness to budget, to not over-commit onself to expenses and to wait
until we have the money.
Machtig and Behrends: There are as many CEOs living paycheck to
paycheck as there are secretaries. (p. 35). If you are carrying credit card
debt: Start today by cutting up your credit cards. Develop good money
habits for a solid foundation of money and investment savvy.

"All the planning in the world isn't worth squat if you don't save. You
won't have anything if you don't save. Refuse all of your excuses. The
grim reality is, many folks never become serious savers. They squander
money and time on purchases they don't ever remember." (Clements,
1998, p. 17).

First, track everything you spend to discover your

spending habits so that you can take control of them. For
most people, this is usually an eye-opener. Save at least
10% of your pre-tax income.

2) Pay yourself first

If building wealth is a matter of how much we save and invest, not how
much you earn, if we do this, we will become relatively rich. Yet few do
this. Few exercise the discipline to do it. Pay yourself first: write a check
to your own Investment Plan.

3) Only let assets buy luxuries.

4) Create a rainy day fund for liquid funds.

This will give you a sense of security and peace of mind. You can always
find an excuse for not starting your Savings/ Investment program. Just do
it. Do it systematically: regularly on the first of every month.

5) Track your expenses.

To be able to spend less than you make, you have to know how much you
spend and on what. Many of us amble through life with absolutely no
idea where the money goes, and never think of tracking our spending
habits for a few months to see how we spend." (p. 33). We can't control
what we don't know or monitor. Do you have your spending under your control? If not, then make that your first priority!

Until you control your spending, you will probably fall victim to thinking
that you need to get more and more.
Track every dollar you spend: discover your patterns of consuming and

"Most people who build wealth in America are hard working, thrifty, and
not at all glamorous. Wealth is rarely gained through the lottery, with a
home run, or in quiz show fashion. But these are the rare jackpots that the
press sensationalizes. Many Americans, especially those in the under
accumulator of wealth category, don't know how to deal with increases
in their realized income. They spend them! Their need for immediate
gratification is great." (Stanley and Danko, p. 29)

It takes money to build financial
wealth and that means having
and/or creating some source of
income. We have to start
somewhere and the best place to
start is where you are. Do
something. Get a job. Find
something you can do that adds
value and that has market value.

Where you are in terms of the

Cashflow Quadrants? There are
four quadrants from which we can
receive income.

Generally it is most desirable to

operate on the right side of the
Quadrants, in the Business and
Investor sides. If we want to build
wealth aggressively, the sooner we
move to the place where we stop
working for others, the better. If
you want to build wealth while
maintaining your job, and while
keep the so-called "security" of that
income, then aim to build other
sources of income outside your work hours

To move from the Employee and Self-Employed side takes financial intelligence,
a plan, courage, and the willingness to invest yourself to do so. Kioysaki teaches
this through his books and his board game, Cash Flow. This introduces us to the
Financial Independence Game that depends upon developing passive sources of
income that exceed our expenses. There are two ways to do that:
1) Develop and increase our sources of passive income and
2) Reduce our expenses.

Increasing our Income— How do we do that?

There are many ways to increase our income. Use the following to begin
stimulating your thinking about this. Access a state of playful creativity for
brainstorming ideas. Chase all judgment away when you do this.
1) Write down on a piece of paper ten of your favorite activities.
2) Pick the top three of these that you would like to be paid for.
3) Make a list of ten ways to provide some service or to create some

Are you willing to do what it takes to make money from the things you love to do?
1) Find a way to give it away for awhile. Volunteer your services to get experience.
2) Do it as a hobby.
3) Turn it into a side business out of your home.

Increasing your income if you work for someone else:

1) Assume for the next week that you own the business,
that it is yours, and walk around considering all the
things you would do to improve things.
2) Offer your ideas to your boss, supervisor, or The Multiple Sources of Income Principle
manager. We build wealth through establishing a source
3) Ask permission do whatever needs to be done. Take of income from which we can save and build
on smaller tasks. capital and from which also we can expand to
4) Spend one week looking at things from the multiple sources of income.
perspective of efficiency: how could I make things more
efficient? Start with your own tasks.
5) Release all anger, bitterness, resentment, and offer
the very best attitude and spirit in your work for one month.
6) When you are at work, work all the time you are there.
7) Come in and give 10 extra minutes.

Increasing your income when self-employed:

1) Recognize and appreciate that you are self-employed. Chase away and refuse
any negative attitudes about that. Write down at least 10 values and blessings for
being self-employed.
2) Take complete ownership of your business and skills.
3) Create a frame of mind to search for more ways to add value to your customers.
4) Learn how to sell yourself more effectively.
Financial Intelligence
• How well developed is your financial intelligence?
• What do you need to know or learn about finances?

Clason (1926): Become wise in "the ways of gold." Prove that The Financial Intelligence Principle:
you are capable of handling it. Put away 1/10 of your earnings. Wealth is built as we develop our financial
Find a profitable employment. Invest it cautiously, get smart intelligence (F.Q.)
about your business, avoid tricksters and schemers. (p. 63)
Seek wisdom before money. Fanciful propositions that Why?
thrill like adventure tales will come and tempt you to Because "A fool; and his money is soon parted,"
endow your treasure with magic powers. Know the risks
that lurk behind every plan.
"Because I learned these five laws in my youth and
abided by them, I have become a wealthy merchant. Not by some strange
magic did I accumulate my wealth." (p. 67). Instead of seeking out some
strange magic — learn the structure of the magic of wealth building, i.e.,
the laws and principles that truly govern it.
"They are not secrets but truths which every man must first learn and then
follow who wishes to step out of the multitude..." (p. 70)
The rich learn financial literacy. The real wealth is intelligence— intelligence solves problems and produces money.

Ebony asked prominent black achievers to speak in the series, "If I were Young
Again." Paul R. Williams, famous architect said:
"Whatever one does as a profession or livelihood, he should endeavor to
read the current magazines pertaining to his work. One must keep pace
with progress and what the other fellow is thinking and doing. In order
to do this he must read-read-read!!! He should strive to become a
specialist and not just another architect, engineer, or salesman." {Ebony,
18:10, August, 1963, p. 56)

The Financial Intelligence of Wealth Creation:

Accumulated Interest:
Do you know about the value and importance of accumulated interest?
$1 a day saved will grow to over $215,000 over 43 years at 10% interest
which then provides $1400 a month income at retirement. $5 moves that
up to more than $1,000,000.

Rate of Return:
Money must multiply at wealth-producing rates of return. Think then in
terms of high rates of return.

Specialized Knowledge
"Successful men in all callings never stop acquiring specialized
knowledge related to their major purpose, business, or profession. Those
who are not successful usually make the mistake of believing that the
knowledge-acquiring period ends when one finishes school." (Napoleon
Hill, p. 79).

Business Ownership:
"Ownership of a business is the base upon which most people become
independently wealthy." (Stanley, 2000, 107). "Most millionaires who
take risk do many things to increase the odds of winning... they own and
invest in their own businesses, the find the right niche, they do a lot of
homework before investing, they love their career or business. (160-162)

Find a Niche:
Millionaires are "nichers"—they specialize and so have little competition.

Prudent Investing:
Money is of a prolific, generating nature. Money can beget money, and

offspring can beget more." (Benjamin Franklin). Balance risk and

safety according to your personality and circumstances. Know your own
risk tolerance. Risk at levels where you can stay relaxed and mentally
calm. Take the emotions out of investing systematically, find an
objective financially advisor. Align your real estate with growth trends.
Never sell in corrections.

Taxes and penalties can eat up our income and capital. To
avoid this we need to develop F.Q. about taxes and tax
opportunities. Aim to minimize your realized (taxable) income
and maximize your unrealized income (wealth or capital appreciation without a
cash flow). Use your financial knowledge to understand how to take advantage
of tax benefits.

Keep expectations well-adjusted to tax reality (Allen).. Don't count your dollars
until they have passed through the strainer of taxes and inflation. Recognize the
role of both taxes and inflation in your wealth building plans and take effective
actions to legally reduce taxes.
Donald Trump (2004) "Here's something else about God that any
billionaire knows: He's in the details, and you need to be there, too." (p.
xiv) You have to be insane about the details or the whole enterprise will
fail. (p. 33)."

Business Intelligence manifests our growing financial and business intelligence and
extends our capitalizing. We have to "watch the store." This means become
business smart about the field, laws, taxes, contracts, selling, marketing,
cooperating, negotiating, building a support team, and meta-detailing the everyday

Knowledge is only potential power. Knowledge only becomes power when it is

organized into definite plans of action, and then implemented. An educated man
is one who has so developed the faculties of his mind that he may acquire anything
he wants.

Those who succeeded in becoming wealthy were willing to handle both the nobler
and pettier aspects: They did the "dirty work," the trivial details and minor
tasks—they didn't think anything connected with their work as "beneath" them.
"It will distress many to realize it, but work is 95 percent details. Far
from being appalled by that fact, those who became millionaires either
delighted in the details or (more often) never noticed them at all. Since
the pettier aspects constitute so large a portion of each day's work, in
dismissing them with a sneer you may find your life has become empty."
(Blotnick, p.85)

Meta-Detailing: Handling details from a higher or meta-perceptive.

Meta-Detailing enables us to balance the nobler and pettier aspects of work so we
don't discount anything as "beneath" us. Without this skill: easy to become
scornful of small details. Blotnick:
"Those who found the minor details of their work a major annoyance did
not persist, and became wealthy significantly less often." (p. 61)

The single greatest obstacle people had in finding work that they enjoyed—their
own snobbery. They would not do work "below them." The loss of status (in their
minds) was too important for them. (241). "What will people say?" Their snooty
stance based upon a question which frightened them. Snobbery accumulates little
by little and then takes away our freedom of choice.
In this game we take great ideas and detail the specifics to create our action plan of what to do to actualize great
About Hill, Empire Builder of the Northwest (1996), "His genius lay precisely in his ability to master details
while fashioning broad vision and strategy."
"Good fund managers have to be able to immerse themselves in minutiae one moment, zoom out, and look at
the big picture from thirty thousand feet, then dive back into the details again." (Fortune Mag. Dec. 29,1997,
B. O'Reilly).

This Game gives us the ability to combine and synthesize both inductive and deductive thinking, perceiving the whole
and the specific details. We can think in global ways and specifically. We can zoom in on a picture and zoom out.
We can foreground a sound or sensation and background others. We can chunk up to handle larger units of information
and to get a larger perspective as well as chunking down to very small and even tiny bits. We can use the precision
language model (the Meta-Model) and pull apart a linguistic model of the world. We can also use hypnotic language
to construct new enhancing realities. Putting these facets together, we facilitate a new synthesis and distinction.
Synergistically a new gestalt emerges, meta-detailing.

The Heart and Essence of Genius lies in the Meta-Details

• What can a person with expertise in a particular field do that the regular person typically does not do?
• What distinguishes a genius from the lay person?

A genius sorts for, pays attention to, and recognizes details from a meta-position. Whether trained or natural, the genius
recognizes and operates from some meta-pattern or principle which empowers him or her to see, hear, and sense the
richness of details. We call this Meta-Detailing.
Meta-detailing refers to the gestalt of small chunking from the perspective of the large chunk. It involves
seeing, hearing, discerning and differentiating crucial details using meta-level frames.

The Power of Meta-Detailing

Meta-Detailing gives us the ability to see the big picture and to zoom down to take care of the necessary details. In this
way, we do not get caught up in or lost in the details. We operate from a higher sense of where we stand with things,
what we are doing, why we are doing them, what we seek to achieve. This keeps our work with details clean. Otherwise
we might forget where we are and what we're doing. Otherwise we might go off on tangents and side-alleys and get
lost. Otherwise, we would not be able to discern a trivial detail from a critical one.

In this way, meta-detailing enables us to stay focused, directed, insightful, and persistent. It enriches our abilities to
make decisions. Having a higher sense of how various details play into the larger picture enables us to operate from
an almost intuitive "knowing" about what is truly important and what is not.

Meta-Detailing saves us from living in the clouds with great plans and tremendous visions, but without the practical
knowledge involved in how to take care of the details. Visionaries suffer from this one. They can develop "a bad
relationship" to details. The person who says, "I'm a global person; I don't do details." will also be a person who
probably will not develop expertise and excellence in their field.

Meta-Detailing Supports Patience and Persistence

In the domain of wealth creation, Blotnick (1980) noticed how a poor relationship to details undermines a person's
ability to succeed. Such an attitude typically arises from some other attitudes and states (impatience, greediness, dislike
of work, etc.) that further undermine success.
"His intense desire to be a wealthy executive made him scornful of small details of any sort. 'Why should I
have to deal with this sort of crap?' he asked exasperatedly. Unfortunately, petty details are an essential and
abundant part of every aspect of business.
"Their existence therefore isn't the real issue. Your response to them is. You can make a mountain out of any
molehill, if you want to. And what we discovered is that someone is likely to do precisely that if they don't
happen to like their job. In fact, the more they disliked it, the more resentful they are likely to be about its petty
details. To put it more positively: people who enjoy their work usually didn't notice the many details
connected with each task they had to attend to." (p. 60)

By way of contrast, he spoke about some of the meta-frames of values, beliefs, understandings, ideas, decisions, etc.
that would enable and enrich the details.
"It gave Rita enormous satisfaction to do her job well. In a business in which even minor errors may look
major to customers, Rita enjoyed seeing quality work produced. 'We don't always do it flawlessly,' she said,
but she was indeed prepared to try." (Blotnick, p. 61)

His found that those who found the minor details of their work a major annoyance simply did not persist, and so they
became wealthy significantly less often.
"Neither focusing solely on the details nor ignoring them altogether is wise. Something in between is obviously
called for. And strangely enough, the people who accidentally located that Golden Mean were those who
profoundly enjoyed doing their work. Their absorption in it also allowed time to pass far more quickly than
it did for others." (p. 68)
1) Identify 3 to 5 principles that govern success, excellence, expertise, or genius in your business.
What do the experts in your field know that give them their competitive edge or expertise?
What principles, concepts, understandings enrich and enhance their performances?
What frames of mind are involved in these or are presupposed in these?
What higher frames make up the rules in their game?

2) Fully express-one of these principles.

Write it out in full until you have a clear expression of it.
Be precise to make it with such crystal clarity that it immediately makes sense to someone unfamiliar with your field.

Rewrite it until you can describe the principle with both clarity and succinctness.
Rewrite again until the clear and succinct statement feels compelling to you.

3) Step into the state that the principle evokes.

As you read and feel the principle that you've clarified, made succinct and compelling, see, hear and feel it.
Experience it fully in the context of your work. Identify one specific behavior that corresponds to this
principle—that enables you to express the principle through that behavior. The behavior would fit and be
congruent with the principle.
Repeat until you see-hear-feel 5 to 10 details that give flesh-and-blood to the principle.

4) Step into the details fully and as you experience them, go meta to the principle.
From within your vivid imagery of the detailing, shift upward to the governing principle that drives and
organizes this detail. Open your eyes and ears to experience your world from the meta-level of the detailing.
Repeat several times.

5) Enrich with resources and future pace.

What resources do you need to make these details more important, memorable, and compelling?
What resources would enrich you so that you are the kind of person who takes care of these details?
• What's involved in business, in creating a business, running a business, and maintaining an efficiency
• What's a business plan?
• What's a business model?

It's a myth, pure and simple, that if we have something of
great value, the world will somehow hear about it and beat a
path to our door. It doesn't work that way.

We have to sell
We have to find or create a market for what we
offer of value. Not only is this a prerequisite for
building wealth, all of us already are involved in selling anyway. As an employee, we sell ourselves to an
employer to hire us, give us raises and promotions and to believe in our value. The question is not whether
we sell, but our skill level, mindfulness, and focus on improving ourselves in this area. As an employee, you
have a customer. We all do. We have customers that need to be persuaded, sold, influenced, and treated with
top-notch customer service.

1) What do you sell?

And what else?
2) To whom do you sell?
Who are all of your customers and clients?
3) What market are you selling within?
What other markets could you expand to?
4) What is your unique selling point (proposition)?
Why should they buy from you?
What do you have to offer? And what else?
5) How skillful are you in marketing, selling, and influencing?
How much fun do you have in doing so?
How much more fun, charming, playful, and resourceful could you make it?
Are you willing to improve your skills and attitude in this area?
What do you need in order to do that?
6) What are you products and services?
What are the key features that you have to offer?
What are the benefits and meta-benefits of those features?

"Diversification" is the investment strategy for "not losing."
It is not an investment strategy for winning. Successful
investors to not diversify. They focus their efforts. (43). We
believe that a policy of portfolio concentration may well
decrease risk if it raises both the intensity with which an
investor thinks about a business and the comfort level he must
feel with its economic characteristics before buying into it.

Don't diversify. Concentrate all of your eggs in the right basket during the first stage of wealth building
An entrepreneur solves problems for people at a profit. An entrepreneur
is proactive, responsible, and has a focused belief in self and some
passion with a commitment to make it happen. An entrepreneur looks
for possibilities for his or her talents and skills and is willing to take a
risk. An entrepreneur is not emotionally dependent on money, but trusts
in his or her mind and wits. The entrepreneur believes in creativity,
possibilities, that loves a challenge, loves to play/work hard, and thinks
long term. Even the brightest people will never see an opportunity
staring them in the face—if they're not structured for it. (Stanley, 222).

Seeing and Seizing opportunities as an entrepreneur.

Inside-out wealth involves seeing solutions to problems and seizing market opportunities for adding value.
From there we develop the higher levels of our mind for seeing beyond and behind what's in our eyes to
possibilities and opportunities. That then allows us to build the gestalt state of seizing opportunities that are
just right for us.

To become a true capitalistic living in a capitalistic society surrounded by opportunities, we have to take advantage of
the economic system we live in. This means taking our money and using it as capital and that necessitates seeing what
doesn't yet exist. (Robins, 1986).
"'Seeing opportunities that others do not see' was also rated as being more important by more millionaires than
'having a high IQ/superior intellect.'" (Stanley,. 2000,62). The sixth sense of seeing opportunities that others
do not see. Even if you see great opportunities, it takes courage to capitalize on them. You have to sell your
ideas to others. (163).

Stanley & Danko (1996): "They are proficient in targeting market opportunities."

For more about Entrepreneur, see the modeling article

on about the inside attitude
of an entrepreneur.
Optimism is an attitude of excellence that enables us to stay motivated, determined, open, creative, persevering and
resilient especially in the face of difficulties and hard times. When we bring optimism to our wealth building, we are
empowered to see things with a sense of delight, joy, pleasantness, motivation, warmth, etc. It just makes things go a
lot better than to approach things with any other attitude.

Personal in source (positing the problem with the self) — "That Then There"
Permanence in time (unchangeable, insoluble, insurmountable);
Pervasive in space (effecting everything and undermining every facet of life)
This creates the gestalt of "pessimism"—seeing ourselves as inadequate and deficient, as lacking the
means, ability and motivation to make a difference.
Optimism frames hurtful events in a way so that we develop an optimistic explanatory style:
External in source. — "This here now"
Temporary in time, about this particular person, situation in this moment;
Specific in space

1) Identify a reference situation calling for Optimism.

When or where in the process of taking action to create wealth do you most need optimism?
What situation might tempt you to become pessimistic? (Trigger situation)

2) Imagine that referent and then meta-state yourself with the anti-Ps of pessimism.
Access the state of "Not-Me!"... "Me and not-Me" in the context of the trigger.
Bring "Not everywhere... not forever" to your PS. "This event, this day."

Possibility: It's possible to achieve or accomplish something.

Desirability: It's desirable to aim for, work toward, and invest time, energy, money, etc. into making
a difference.
Abundant Resources: There abundant resources available to us; we can even bring abundant
resources that don't now exist into existence.
Self-Worth and Awe: My worth and value is a given.
Significance and Value: It's worth doing, valuable, and we have the esteem, value, significance that
makes us worthy and deserving to do it.

4) Continue until the Gestalt of Optimism emerges.

Does this yet generate the perspective, frame of mind, or state of optimism?

5) Put into your future.

Imagine moving through life with this attitude in the weeks and months to come
We do not see "opportunities" with our eyes. "Opportunity" is not a sensory based experience that can be literally seen,
heard, or felt. We see and hear and feel "opportunities" with our mind, with our higher levels of mind. In wealth
building, we need to be able to look at the events of everyday life that we might otherwise view as boring, problematic,
stressful, stupid, etc., and format our thinking so that we see "opportunities" for fun, profit, development, adventure,
To do this we have to meta-state ourselves with various ideas, feelings, understandings, etc. so that a new
gestalt state emerges from the process. Begin by hallucinating (or thinking about) "possibilities," "a great
future," etc.

1) Identify a reference situation for seeing opportunities (trigger situation).

When or where in the process of creating wealth do you most need the ability to see opportunities?
What situation might tempt you to become blind to such?

2) Imagine that referent and then meta-state yourself with the foundational elements of seeing opportunities.
Access the state of Optimism.
Is this frame of mind sufficient to enable you to see opportunities?

3) Playfully experiment with bringing some other resourceful states of mind/emotion/body to the trigger.
What ideas, thoughts, beliefs, values, understandings, feelings, etc. do you need to build the mental matrix
where you can "See Opportunities" all around you?
Gestalt #1: Seeing Opportunities:
Possibility thinking/ Potential Curiously wonder
Excited about problems Experimentation
Problem Solving Skills Knowledge Seeker
Adventure/ Fun Detective Skills
Playfulness. What would it be like if I did this or that?

4) Continue until the Gestalt of "Seeing Opportunities" emerges.

Does this yet generate the perspective, frame of mind, or state?

5) Repeat the same process to create the next level gestalt, "Seizing Opportunities."
Gestalt #2: Seizing Opportunities
Sense of Timing Priorities
Risk Taking Decision Making: evaluating / weighing
Fittingness Boldness
Vision Going for it! Just do it.
Values— Criteria
Testing and experimenting: small test steps reality testing.

6) Solidify through a Meta-Yes, and put into your future.

Do you like this? Do you want to keep this?
Imagine moving through life with this attitude in the weeks and months to come.
A fun and informative little book about wealth building is George S. Clason's (1926) The Richest Man in Babylon.
Situated in ancient Babylon, the story describes the first modeling project on wealth and wealth building. It does so as
an ancient modeler explored the question about how can one become wealthy. How?
"Lo, money is plentiful for those who understand the simple rules of its acquisition."

This led to "the Seven Cures for a Lean Purse." Why should so few men (and women) be able to acquire all of the gold?
"Because they don't know how." (p. 23). So there is a strategy. There is a domain of knowledge that some have tapped
into and that others have not. To become wealthy then a person has to understand certain principles or laws about how
economics work. When the King of Babylon found the richest man in Babylon" he asked about his secrets,

"How becamest thou so wealthy?"

"By taking advantage of opportunities available to all citizens of four good city."
"You hadst nothing to start with?"
"Only a great desire for wealth."
"Tell me, Arkad, is there any secret to acquiring wealth? Can it be taught?" Arkad said yes it can. That's when the
King invited him to teach it from the Temple of Learning and give the first course in Wealth Building. Arkad began the
"Listen attentively to the knowledge... learn these lessons thoroughly, that ye may also plant in your own purse
the seed of wealth. First must each of you start wisely to build a fortune of his own." ( 25)

1) Start thy purse to fattening.

Let an empty purse make you feel desperate and fed up. This will increase your desire to become wealthy which, of
course, is the beginning place. Without desire, all the knowledge in the world will be fairly useless. The following,
by the way, also shows the importance of having a propulsion system made up of both toward and away from desires.
"The first storehouse of my treasure was a well-worn purse. I loathed its useless emptiness (away from). I
desired that it be round and full, clinking with the sound of gold (toward!). Therefore, I sought every remedy
for a lean purse. I found seven." (p. 25)
Use your source of income as a stream of gold from which to build your wealth. For every ten coins you place
in your purse, take out for use but nine. Thy purse will start to fatten at once and its increasing weight will feel
good in thy hand and bring satisfaction to thy soul. "It's a law of the Gods that unto him who keepeth and
spendeth not a certain part of all his earnings shall gold come more easily. Likewise, him whose purse is
empty does gold avoid." (p. 28)
In building up a desire, one needs to fan the fire of that desire so that it is strong, determined, persistent, responsible,
etc. In terms of the language of Babylon, it is "the soul to succeed." The richest man in Babylon said that we must
refuse to be a slave to money, to debt, and to credit And he repeatedly asked the being in the right state question: Do
you have "the soul of a freeman or a slave?"
"If thou contentedly let the years slip by and make no effort to repay, then thou hast but the contemptible soul
of a slave. No man is otherwise who cannot respect himself and no man can respect himself who does not
repay honest debts."
"But what can I do who am a slave in Syria?"
"Stay a slave in Syria, thou weakling."
"I am not a weakling," I denied hotly.
"Then prove it."
"Thy debts are thy enemies. They ran thee out of Babylon. You left them alone and they grew too strong for
thee. Hadst fought them as a man, thou couldst have conquered them and been one honored... But thou had
not the soul to fight them and behold thy pride has gone down until thou art a slave in Syria.... Hast thou the
soul of a free man or the soul of a slave?"
"The soul of a free man," I insisted.
"Now is thy chance to prove it..." (pp. 97-98)
This empowering question created a shift in perspective—a new frame or meta-state. It created enough of a shift to put
a person in a new and better place.
"A strange thing happened. All the world seemed to be of a different color as though I had been looking at
it through a colored stone which had suddenly been removed. At last I saw the true values in life. Die in the
desert! Not I! With a new vision, I saw the things that I must do. ... Go back ... treat my debts as my
enemies..." (p. 100)
Within me surged the soul of a free man going back to conquer his enemies and reward his friends. I thrilled
with the great resolve.
"The soul of a free man looks at life as a series of problems to be solved, and solves them, while the soul of
a slave whines, 'What can I do who am but a slave."' (p. 101)
This underscores the principle that where there is a strong and powerful determination, we will find or create or invent
a way to make it happen. Do you have that empowering belief will ingrained in your mind and body? It shows the
importance of desire as the beginning place. Respect y o u r desire... fan the spark of that desire until it is white hot, then
refine it with the other features so that it provides you a strong and reliable engine for your journey.

2) Control thy expenditures

After desire comes the skill and art of handling money and working with money as a financial fact of life. To that end
the richest man in Babylon recommend the principle of living on less than you earn and saving 10% of everything you
earn. He said that we should repeat these words until they stand out like letters of fire across the sky:
"A part of all I earn is mine to keep." "Impress yourself with the idea." (p. 19).
If you will do that, then you will soon realize what a rich feeling it is to own a treasure upon which you alone have
claim. This begins the building up of capital. But a question. How do I save 1 coin of every 10? Answer: We have to
say No to framing everything as "necessary expenses. This suggests various other Top Ten Wealth Building States that
support and enable us to pull off the details that make it happen.
"That what each of us calls our 'necessary expenses' will always grow to equal our incomes unless we protest
to the contrary." (p. 29)
We have to say "NO!" to many of the desires that extend beyond our ability to gratify them. Budget thy necessary
expenses, he said and touch not the one-tenth that is "fattening thy purse." Let this be your great desire that's being
fulfilled. Refuse to rebel against the slavery of the budget—its your way to true freedom. A budget helps your purse
to fatten. It defends you against thy casual wishes that causes thy purse to leak.
He who spends more than he earns is sowing the winds of needless self-indulgence from which he is sure to
reap the whirlwinds of trouble and humiliation." (p. 94)
Develop a plan to get out of debt, then patiently follow it.

3) Make thy gold multiply

With the desire that leads to self-discipline that leads to the beginning of building capital and getting out of debt, then
we can get money to work for us. This is based on the gold that we retain from our earnings now gives us a start. Now
we can ask, How can we put our gold to work for us? The richest man in Babylon said:
"Opportunity is a haughty goddess who wastes no time with those who are unprepared."
Ah, opportunity. We have to seduce her to come our way and we do that by preparing ourselves to be ready to respond
to her. To that end, we set not only our desire, but also our will for wealth. And it is will power as the unflinching
purpose to carry a task you set for yourself to fulfillment that then carries us through.

In this we have to recognize how money can make money. The richest man in Babylon said that a man's wealth is not
in the coins he carries in his purse; but rather it is the income he builds— the gold stream that continually flows from
his purse and keeps it bulging. This suggests investment knowledge, the ability to use our brains, to learn markets, more
about our field, to invest in our abilities to solve problems, to invest our capital, and to invent multiple streams of

4) Guard thy treasures from loss

Babylon's richest man also had some words about how thing can go wrong and what to do about it. He said that we
should our purse with firmness, lest it be lost.
Use Security of your investments as thy first principal. Study carefully to avoid being misled by romantic
desires to make wealth rapidly. Be not too confident of thine own wisdom in entrusting thy treasures to the
possible pitfalls of investments.
Wealth brings responsibility. When we desire to help others, we have to do so in a way that our helping does not bring
our friend's burdens onto ourselves and make them ours. Humans in the throes of great emotions are not safe risks for
the gold lender (p. 78).
"Forget not that gold slippeth away in unexpected ways from those unskilled in guarding it." (p. 84)
Here is financial wisdom and intelligence: Do not be swayed by the fantastic plans of impractical men. Better a little
caution than a great regret. Wanting to "get rich quick" only puts us in states that make us more susceptible to the
gimmicks and schemes of the unscrupulous.

5) Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment

While real estate, even home ownership is not always the best investment, more often than not, it is. And for the richest
man in Babylon, it seemed to be a very good choice.
"I recommend that every man own the roof that sheltereth him and his." It will make your heart glad, you will
have valuable property.
Some investments provide a rich source of financial, emotional, personal, social, and other forms of wealth and so
provide a sense of richness to us in many ways.

6) Insure a future income

Another facet of financial intelligence is insurance. As we learn to make our treasure work for us, so that it is our slave
rather than we being a slave to it, we insure our capital.
Make its children and its children's children work for you. Make preparation for the days to come. Have
sufficient insurance.

7) Increase the ability to earn

Make your desires strong and definite. General desires are but weak longings. Develop wisdom: the more of wisdom
we know, the more we may earn. Learn more of your craft. Pay your debts with all the promptness in your power.
Cultivate thy own powers— study and become wiser, more skillful.
"There is abundance for all." (p. 41)
"Ill fortune pursues every man who thinks more of borrowing than of repaying." (p. 93)
Paradoxes within the Wealth Creation Game

different: Your focus will be different

Your sense of time and timing
Your understanding of what wealth really is
Your trust in luck versus taking personal responsibility
Your experience and understanding of using frugality
Your expectations of the process being easy or difficulty
The focus of your investments


Focusing on money prevents it; focusing on your passions Invites money.
To play the Wealth Game, find and develop your passion, the money will follow. As you get money out of
your eyes, replace it with your loves. The more serious you are about money, the less effective you'll be in
playing the Wealth Game. The more playful your relationship to money, the more likely you'll win the game.

The way to wealth is through absorption in your passion. It lies in the pathway of finding and following your
passion, structuring your life around that passion, educating yourself in it, and planning for it. Shape your
work, associations, environment so that you can become more absorbed in it.

The way not to wealth is by focusing exclusively on money. A money-mindset prevents everything else from
falling into place. So shift from making money your goal, defocus on it. Focus on doing what you enjoy and
love and the money will follow. The paradox is that wealth is not really about money!

Harding Lawrence, CEO Chairman and CEO of Braniff

"Don't set compensation as a goal. Find work you like, and the compensation will follow. ... If
money is a large part of your thinking, you won't do really good work, and that's what matters most.
... To me... this was the field I loved. It wasn't a vocation. It was an avocation. I couldn't wait to get
to work in the morning." (Blotnick, p. 52)
Too much interest in money interferes substantially with efforts to become wealthy. It induces the wrong
states (e.g. impatience, greed, snobbery, putting on airs, etc.). Set your wealth goals on doing something
significant that adds value to others. Focus on something that's suited to your talents and interests, something
you can easily invest all of your heart and soul into.

Enjoyment in the work itself leads to the right states (e.g. commitment, engrossing and deep satisfaction,
creativity, exploration). This leads to developing skill and expertise. It reduces stress, the irritation with details,
the undignified parts. It leads to greater involvement and therefore more focus. It changes the quality of the
work, from "hard" work to absorbed work, from "job" to "mission."

"The Millionaire's Lie" (Blotnick). Millionaires say, "It's all hard work, no fun." Yet this exists only as a
defusing mechanism that arises from being fearful of what others will say and think that those who make a lot
are getting away with something.
The more you want to be Rich, the more impatient you'll become and that will lessen your likelihood
of becoming rich. The more patience you access— the more likely you'll get there.


The Game of Wealth is not about Money; making money is simply about making money. The Wealth Game is
about internal Abundance,
Wealth is first the wealth in the mind, the wealth of ideas that we care about It's a mind-heart wealth that
involves seeing and creating a solution to a problem or hurt. Ideas that contribute, that enrich, that add value
are the ideas that create wealth. What value can I add? How can I contribute? How is this valuable? In what
way? To whom? Howe can I use this to enhance my life? The life of others?
The Game of Wealth Creation is really about becoming rich in all of the things that really count—mind,
creativity, body, health, spirit, attitude, relationships, etc. When you have that, the finances will typically
follow. The rule of the game then is to aim first and foremost to become rich in mind and heart. Money is just
about finances. It is not about happiness, fulfillment, self-esteem, personal achievement, etc. There is only
a 2% difference in the happiness scale between the wealthy and all other financial classes (Dent, 1998, p. 22).
In the Game of Wealth, we use money as just a way to keep score of financial success that gives us financial
independence. Over-valuing money invites seriousness and idolatry!
Dent (Roaring 2000s)
Surveys of happiness—wealth only affects the sense of well-being by a factor of 2%. Happiness is
more about relationships, friends, family, community, a balanced life. It's what you do with your life
that counts. Wealth can be a tool for achieving the freedom to maximize your experience. (p. 22)
Susan Orman says, "People first, money second, things last." (First Law of Money, p. 50)
Reduce the meaning load on "money."
Refuse to let it mean too much. De-pleasure it so that it just "a means of exchange" and "a tool" for
greater opportunities. Then it will not have you, you will have it. This will reduce its "demon hold"
on you; its insatiable appetite for more; its arrogance that uses money as making your superior to
others! Refuse to allow money to become a dragon to you. "Ah, without it, I would feel insecure and
inadequate. Without it, who would I be?"


You will have better luck and more luck if you don't depend on Luck.
The more you trust Luck, the big deal, the quick buck, the more you lessen your chances for winning at the
Wealth Game. The more responsibility you assume for your destiny, the more you increase your chances for
winning. Forget luck and swish to thinking about response-power, ownership, intelligent risk taking,
proactively taking initiative, making your actions more efficient.

The highest and purest kind of luck arises from taking complete ownership over what we think, do, act, relate,
etc. Doing so improves our chances for building wealth through saving, earning, investing, etc. Conversely,
every excuse we make and every circumstance or person we blame, the more we corrode our "luck" and ability
to win the game. It takes lots of courage to become wealthy; it also takes a game-like attitude toward it all.
This improves our success chances.

Robert Allan recommends that we replace "luck" thinking with probability thinking.
"I don't doubt there is such a thing as luck, But most of us give luck far too much credit I don't think
much about luck anymore, I pretend that it doesn't exit. I would rather look upon luck, as a low or
a high probability of success." (p. 27)


We pave the pathway to Abundance on the Street of Frugality.
Wealth is not about money or the signs of affluence. It is seductive to think we can "spend our way to wealth"
or abundance. But it doesn't work. Research shows this without a question. Trying to "keep up" with the
pace-setters, trying to "look the part," trying to drive the newest model of car, wear the most "in" clothes,
surround yourself with all the status symbols of the "Rich and Famous" paradoxically, is the fastest way to debt
and poverty.
Check out The Millionaire next Door and The Millionaire Mind if you don't believe this one. More people
who look wealthy on the outside are up to their necks in debt than the majority of the self-made millionaires
who "live next door," shop at Sears, and drive a 3-year old car. Don't fall for the toxic thought that "looking,
acting, and living a lifestyle of wealth somehow attracts it." That's a superstition that will not serve you well.
It will lead you to a "paycheck to paycheck living" style! It leads to a pretend lifestyle of consumption, focus
on externals, seeking approval from others, etc.

The spending in the Game of Wealth that works is spending your talents, passion, care, spending to develop
yourself, spending your attitude of appreciation so that you can use frugality to squeeze all the joy out of the
stuff you have, etc.


There's an easiest way to win the Wealth Game. It's the tough path of self-mastery, personal independence, and
mastery of a passion.
Who easy or hard is it to become financially independent? Like mastery in any game, if you are always
looking for the "easy and simple" way, the "get rich quick" schemes, then you will undermine your personal
mastery of the game. You will stop yourself from developing the best wealth building states (i.e., discipline,
mastery, learning, patience, etc.).

The game is easy when you focus on truly mastering your passion, and becoming highly skilled as an expert
at what you do, and when you have loads of fun along the way. The way to enjoy any game is to have fun
playing. Then it becomes a "flow" experience. Develop the strength to not sell out on your Vision.


The best investment p a y o f f in the Wealth Game is to invest in yourself— to invest in your skills, learning, and
ongoing development.
In the 1980s Blotnick said that if you only have $50,000 to invest, then by all means invest in yourself, in your
education, and in your skills.

The best way to really invest in the Game of Wealth Creation, is to focus on where true wealth comes from.
It comes from intelligence and creativity. It comes from men and women with a passion to contribute value
to something. They see a problem, a hurt, a need, and they set out to provide for it. True wealth arises in the
mind of a person with vision, compassion, passion, and commitment. It arises from seeing and seizing
opportunities. It consists of an attitude of focus on investing oneself, solving problems, determined persistence
to keep at it, resilience to bounce back from any and every set back, human warmth and love.
Play the game by investing in continual self-education, in developing your imagination, creativity, problem
solving skills, flexibility, expanding your sense of options, etc. It's been said that "An untrained mind cannot
but help to create poverty." Conversely, a trained mind cannot but help see and seize opportunities for
Invest in your emotional intelligence also. Emotional intelligence is what allows us to effectively handle our
positive and negative emotions so that we don't suffer in the poverty of self-pity, resignation, depression,
anger-turned-into resentment, fear, etc. Invest in the emotional intelligence of state and meta-state
management The self-made millionaires of Stanley's study sorted for differences and were comfortable with
thinking differently. That allowed them to see new things.
The wealth creation trainings focus on getting the principles that build wealth into our neurology and muscle memory.
Why is this so critical? It's important because the game doesn't become real until we take what we know
"intellectually" in our inner game and make it practical in our outer game. Then we can proceed in an informed and
structured way.
• What wealth building principles really appealed to you?
• Which ones have you made part of the way that you move through the world?
• Which ones have become part of your thinking, perceiving, and feeling?
• Which ones do you yet need to make part and parcel of your millionaire mind?

It is no big secret that wealth building is a matter of mind. Yet there's something that most people don't know.
Dynamic wealth creation has to become a part of our meta-mind. When it becomes part of our thinking, believing,
valuing, deciding, etc., then it can become a vital part of our everyday states and translate from mind into muscles to
become part of how we move through the world.

What are some of the Wealth Creation Games that you've learned? Frugality, focus, purpose, passion, compassion,
meta-detailing, adding value, etc. This is what informs the mind of millionaires and multi-millionaires. We over-
simplify when we say "Think and Grow Rich," as Napoleon Hill did. While that provides an overall direction, it fails
to provide specifics about how to do that kind of thinking. With Neuro-semantics we now know how-to do that kind
of "rich" thinking. Here are some of the Matrix Games to play.

The "Let me find a passion and give myself to it for a decade" Game.
Most millionaires and those who become financially independent so happen to love, they absolutely love what
they're doing. Do you? Sure you could quit your job if you don't. But how about taking control of your mind
and creating some reasons for loving what you do? Sure, the easy thing is to follow the path of least resistance
and feel negative, grumping, and ungrateful about your current job. Any fool that do that. Most fools do. Rise
about that. Use the power of your brain to discover what you can value, appreciate, enjoy, and learn from your
current job.

If that's where you're at, use what you have there to rise above the circumstances. This doesn't demand that
you stay with that particular job forever, just that you become the master of your own mind. That will serve
you very, very well as you move into other jobs and situations. Pity the person who can't live above the
circumstances of his or her job. Talk about a slave!

Practice controlling your own mind as you go on a search for value, possibilities, learning opportunities, etc.
By the way, this will give you first hand practice in developing the higher level skills and state of "seeing
opportunities." After all, what entrepreneurs actually "see" are the very things that blind other people and
evoke negative feelings about frustrations, stresses, struggles, etc.

The "Let me Squeeze as much juice and joy out of the Stuff that I already have" Game.
Frugality is one of the central keys to wealth building when we first begin. Frugality as "high joy-to-stuff
ratio." How are you doing with that? Have you been learning in increasing your joy-to-stuff ratio? The more
you do this, the more you win a victory over yourself, your attitudes, your dependency on consumerism to
make you feel good, your gullibility factor, etc. It also makes life much more of a party.

Hit your closets. Look at the clothes, toys, and "stuff" that you have that you haven't been squeezing much
joy out of. The stuff has been sitting around gathering dust, not being appreciated, not being used, not being
enjoyed. When you buy, purchase, consume and fail to feel the joy from using and experiencing the stuff, you
dull your senses. Having received no joy jolt from it, you have to go and consume more. And so the vicious
cycle begins. Is that what you want? Are you going to tolerate that? I hope not. I hope you say, "Hell no!"
I hope you will meta-no! that way of operating and shift to a much richer and fuller style. I hope you will
meta-Yes the pathway of frugality and learn how to squeeze the charmin and all of the other stuff of life. It
will make you feel richer. And that will train your neurology to enjoy and appreciate.

Building wealth, like excellence in any field involves a certain frame of mind. The Millionaire Mind speaks about the
mindset and principles that govern consciousness. Yet that work, as with almost every book on wealth building, does
not provide any step-by-step processes for actually and practically taking on that mind and translating it into muscle.
That's the special strength of Neuro-semantics. Those who succeed in every field in terms of mastery and excellence
not only know great and wonderful principles and concepts, they feel and act on those principles. They translate them
down from the higher levels of mind to the lower levels that make them felt experiences. They transfer them into
muscle memory so that the learnings go with us... every day and become how we move, breath, feel, act, speak, etc.
This creates the power of personal Congruency and allows us to access our personal financial genius.

Now you know how to tap into the special domain of Neuro-semantics.
As a semantic class of life, we give meaning to money, work, discipline, saving, being frugal, and a thousand
other concepts and principles involved in becoming financially independent. Some of these "meanings" create
the very frames that prevent us from succeeding. That is why some people become so "Semantically reactive"
to the idea of wealth building and sabotage themselves from succeeding.

You now know how to restructure your higher frames of mind, your personal Matrix of frames so that the
higher meta-level states will serve to empower you in fulfilling your goals and dreams. May you now go forth
and prosper as you create wealth all around you and touch the lives of many.

A communication model about human processing for running your own brain.
We run our own brain by using the languages of the mind, the languages that we use to create our
cinemas that we play out on the theater of our mind.
These are the sights (visual), sounds (auditory) and sensations (kinesthetics), smells
(olfactory) and tastes (gustatory) senses. We make sense of things with our internal senses.
We internally process information and represent such in our MovieMind.
This induces us into mind-body-emotion states, neuro-linguistic states.
The quality of our life is the quality of our states.
NLP was developed by a linguistic and computer student about human excellence or genius to
provide step-by-step processes (patterns) for running our own brain,
NLP is about human excellence.
Linguistics: The meta-representation of language.
Neurology: our nervous system and physiology.
We have two royal roads to state: mind and body; thinking and acting.
State assessing and inducing:
Memory: Remembering a state ("Recall a time when...")
Imagination: Creating a state ("What would it look, sound, and feel like if...")

Definition: A state about another state as in joyful about learning, playful about being serious, curious
about anger, calm about fear. The thoughts-and-feelings about other thoughts-and-feelings as mind
reflects back onto itself and its products.
Primary states are primary emotions like fear, anger, joy, relaxed, tense, pleasure, pain, etc. and
involve thoughts directed outward to the things "out there."
Meta-states are higher level structures like fear of fear, anger at fear, shame about being embarrassed,
esteem of self, etc. In these states, our self-reflexivity relates (not to the world), but to ourselves, to
our thoughts, feelings, or to some abstract conceptual state.
Gestalt states are emergent properties from layering or laminating mind repeatedly with other states.
It gives rise to a new neuro-semantic system, an emergent state that's "more than the sum of the parts"
such as courage, self-efficacy, resilience, and seeing opportunities.

Frames: As a model Meta-States describes our higher frames-of-references. We set these up and use
them to create stable structures (i.e., beliefs, values, understandings, etc.). We develop these frames
which we can keep with us.
Reflexivity: We ever just think. As soon as we think or feel—we then experience thoughts and
feelings about that first thought, then other thoughts-and-feelings about that thought, and so on. Our
self-reflective consciousness works as an "infinite regress" to recursively iterate.
Layering: In meta-states we layer states onto states to create higher levels of awareness. In layering
thinking-and-feeling, we put one state in a higher or meta (above, beyond) position to the second.
This creates a "logical type" or "logical level."
Psycho-Logics: A special kind of internal logic arises from layering of states. When we transcend
from one state (say, anger or joy) to another state (say, calmness or respect) we set the second state
as a frame over the first and include it inside it. This gives us "calm anger," respectful joy, joyful
learning, etc. It makes the first state a member of the class of the second.
Non-Linear: It's not logical in a linear or external way, yet it is psycho-logical. Internally when we
put a state like anger or fear inside another state (calmness, respect, gentleness, courage, etc.), we
change the internal logic of our nervous system and person. This is what we mean when we talk
about "logical levels." When we put one state in a "logical" relationship to another state so that one
is at a higher level then the higher one is about the other. This about-relationship establishes the

Matrix of Meaning: We live in an internal World of frames within frames within frame built around ideas,
events, emotions, hopes, dreads, fears, passions, and so on. This matrix of frames of meaning and reference
create our "sense" of reality and the structure of our subjective experience.
Mastering our Matrix: Waking up to our Matrix enables us to detect the matrix and then to master that Matrix.

The Matrix Model: We have several kinds of matrices: process matrices that create the structures, content
matrices around key concepts and semantic realities, and the grounding matrix of state. This comprises the
7 Matrices of our mind-body-emotion system.
dad/ Poor dad. What the rich teach their kids about Doubleday Dell Publishing Group.
money—that the poor and middle class do not!
Paradise Valley, AZ: TechPress, Inc. Stanley, Thomas J.; Danko, William D. (1996). The
millionaire next door: The surprising secrets of
Kiyosaki, Robert T.; Lechter, Sharon L. (2000). Rich America's wealthy. Atlanta, GA: Longstreet Press.
dad's cashflow quadrant: Rich dad's guide to financial
freedom. NY; Warner Books. Stossel, John. Greed. March 11, 1999.

Korzybski, Alfred. (1933/ 1994) Science and sanity: Thurow, Lester C. Building Wealth. New York:
An introduction to non-Aristotelian systems and HarperCollins Publisher.
general semantics, (5th. ed.). Lakeville, CN:
International Non-Aristotelian Library Publishing Co. Trump, Donald J.; Mclver, Meredith. (2004). Trump:
Think like a billionaire. New York: Random House.
Lesonsky, Rieva; Stodder, Galye. (1998). Young
millionaires: Inspiring stores to ignite your
entrepreneurial dreams. Irvine, CA: Entrepreneur
Media Inc.

Locke, Edwin A. (2000). The prime movers: Traits of

the great wealth creators. NY: AMACOM: American
Management Association.

Massnick, Forler (1997). The customer is CEO: How

to measure what your customers want— and make sure
they get it. NY: AMACOM: American Management

McBride, Tracy. (1997). Frugal luxuries: Single

pleasures to enhance your life and comfort your soul.
New York: Bantam Books.

McKnight, Steve. (2003). O to 130 Properties in 3.5

Years. Milton Qld. Australia: Wrightbooks.

O'Connor, Joseph; Prior, Robin. (1995). Successful

Selling With NLP: The Way Forward in the New
Bazaar, London: Thorsons.

Orman, Suze. (1999. The courage to be rich: Creating

a life of material and spiritual abundance. NY:
Penguin Books.

Rather, Dan (1999). Striking it rich. TV News

Magazine: 48 Hours. NBC. Thursday, April 1,1999.

Robbins, Anthony. (1986). Unlimited power: The new

science of personal achievement. NY: Simon and

Senge, Peter M. (1990). The fifth discipline: The art &

practice of the learning organization. NY: Doubleday

Sinetar, Marsha. (1987). Do what you love, the money

will follow. NY: Dell Publishing; Division of Bantam
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Neuro-Semantics® International
P.O. Box 8
Clifton, Colorado 81520 USA
(970) 523-7877

L. Michael Hall-is a visionary leader in the field of Neuro-Semantics and today works as an entrepreneur,
researcher/modeler, and international trainer. His doctorate is in the Cognitive-Behavioral sciences from Union Institute
University. He worked as a psychotherapist in Colorado when he found NLP in 1986. He then studied with Richard
Bandler and wrote several books for him. When studying and modeling resilience, he developed the Meta-States model
(1994). Soon he began traveling nationally and then internationally, co-created the field of Neuro-Semantics with Dr.
Bob Bodenhamer. The International Society of Neuro-Semantics (1SNS) was established in 1996. As a prolific writer,
Michael has written more than 30 books, many best sellers in the field of NLP. Michael first applied NLP to coaching
in 1991, but didn't create the beginnings of Neuro-Semantic Coaching until 2001 when together with Michelle Duval
co-created Meta-Coaching trainings. In 2003, the Meta-Coach Foundation was create.
1) Meta-States: Self-Reflexiveness in Human States of Consciousness (1995)
2) Dragon Slaying: Dragons to Princes (1996)
3) The Spirit of NLP: The Process, Meaning & Criteria for Mastering NLP (1996)
4) Languaging: The Linguistics of Psychotherapy (1996)
5) Becoming More Ferocious as a Presenter (1996)
6) Patterns For "Renewing the Mind" (w. Dr. Bodenhamer) (1997)
7) Time-Lining: Advance Time-Line Processes (w. Dr. Bodenhamer) (1997)
8) NLP: Going Meta — Advance Modeling Using Meta-Levels (1997/2001)
9) Figuring Out People: Design Engineering With Meta-Programs (w. Dr. Bodenhamer) (1997)
10) A Sourcebook of Magic (w. B. Belnap) (1997)

11) Mind-Lines: Lines For Changing Minds (w. Dr. Bodenharmer) (1997)
12) The Secrets of Magic: Communication Excellence for the 21 . Century (1998)
13))) Meta-State Magic. From the Meta-State Journal, (1997-1999)
14) Sub-Modalities Going Meta (Hall and Bodenhamer, 1999,2004)
15) Instant Relaxation (1999, Lederer & Hall)
16) The Structure of Personality: Modeling "Personality Using NLP and Neuro-Semantics (Hall, Bodenhamer,
Bolstad, Harmblett, 2001)
17) The Secrets of Personal Mastery (Fall, 2000)
18 Frame Games: Persuasion Elegance (2000)
19) Games Slim People Play (2001)
20) Games for Mastering Fear (2001, with Bodenhamer)

21) Games Business Experts Play (2001)

22) The Matrix Model (2002/ 2003)
23) User's Manual of the Brain: Master Practitioner Course, Volume II (2002)
24) MovieMind (2002)
25) The Bateson Report (2002)
26) Make it So! (2002)
27) Sourcebook of Magic, Volume II, Neuro-Semantic Patterns (2003)
28) Games Great Lovers Play (2003)
29) Propulsion Systems (2003)
30) Coaching Conversation (2004 with Duval)
31) Coaching Change, Meta-Coaching, Volume I (2005, with Duval)
Meta-NLP Practitioner: An intensive 7-day training in the Essential NLP Skills. This training introduces
NLP as a model for discovering the structure of human functioning with a focus on how to run your own brain
and to manage your own states. Learn the basic rapport-building, listening, and influence skills of NLP, as well
as how to access and manage states through anchoring, reframing, and using dozens of NLP patterns. Discover
how to use language both for precision and hypnotic influence. Required reading, User's Manual for the Brain
and The Sourcebook of Magic.

Meta-Masters NLP Practitioner: An intensive 13-Day Training in mastering all three of the meta-domains of
NLP: Language (Meta-Model), Perception (Meta-Programs) and States and Levels (Meta-States). This training
focuses on the pathway to mastery and how to develop the very spirit of NLP—curiosity, accelerated learning,
flexibility, confidence, passion, playfulness, etc.

Basic Meta-State Trainings

Accessing Personal Genius (The 3 day Basic). Introduction to Meta-States as an advanced NLP model (3
days). This training introduces and teaches the Meta-States Model and is ideal for NLP Practitioners. It
presupposes knowledge of the NLP Model and builds the training around accessing the kinds of states that will
access and support "personal genius."

Basic Meta-States in two other Simplified forms:

1) Secrets of Personal Mastery: Awakening Your Inner Executive. This training presents the power of
Meta-States without directly teaching the model as such. The focus instead shifts to Personal Mastery and the
Executive Powers of the participants. Formatted so that it can take the form of 1,2 or 3 days, this training
presents a simpler form of Meta-States, especially good for those without NLP background or those who are
more focused on Meta-States Applications than the model.

2) Frame Games: Persuasion Elegance. The first truly User Friendly version of Meta-States. Frame Games
provides practice and use of Meta-States in terms of frame detecting, setting, and changing. As a model of
frames, Frame Games focuses on the power of persuasion via frames and so presents how to influence or
persuade yourself and others using the Levels of Thought or Mind that lies at the heart of Meta-States.
Designed as a 3 day program, the first two days presents the model of Frame Games and lots of exercises. Day
three is for becoming a true Frame Game Master and working with frames conversationally and covertly.

Meta-States Gateway Trainings

1) Wealth Building Excellence (Meta-Wealth). The focus of this training is on learning how to think like a
millionaire, to develop the mind and meta-mind of someone who is structured and programmed to create wealth
economically, personally, mentally, emotionally, relationally, etc. As a Meta-States Application Training,
Wealth Building Excellence began as a modeling project and seeks to facilitate the replication of that excellence
in participants.

2) Selling & Persuasion Excellence (Meta-Seiling). Another Meta-States Application Training, modeled after
experts in the fields of selling and persuasion and designed to replicate in participants. An excellent follow-up
training to Wealth Building since most people who build wealth have to sell their ideas and dreams to others.
This trainings goes way beyond mere Persuasion Engineering as it uses the Strategic Selling model of Heiman
also known as Relational Selling, Facilitation Selling, etc.

3) Mind-Lines: Lines for Changing Minds. Based upon the book by Drs. Hall and Bodenhamer (1997), now
in its third edition, Mind-Line Training is a training about Conversational Reframing and Persuasion. The
Mind-Lines model began as a rigorous update of the old NLP "Sleight of Mouth" Patterns and has grown to
become the persuasion language of the Meta-State moves. This advanced training is highly and mainly a
linguistic model, excellent as a follow-up training for Wealth Building and Selling Excellence. Generally a two
day format, although sometimes 3 and 4 days.
4) Accelerated Learning Using NLP & Meta-States (Meta-Learning). A Meta-State Application training
based upon the NLP model for "running your own brain" and the Neuro-Semantic (Meta-States) model of
managing your higher executive states of consciousness. Modeled after leading experts in the fields of
education, cognitive psychologies, this training provides extensive insight into the Learning States and how to
access your personal learning genius. It provides specific strategies for various learning tasks as well as
processes for research and writing.

5) Defusing Hotheads: A Meta-States and NLP Application training for handling hot, stressed-out, and
irrational people in Fight/Flight states. Designed to "talk someone down from a hot angry state," this training
provides training in state management, first for the skilled negotiator or manager, and then for eliciting another
into a more resourceful state. Based upon the book by Dr. Hall, Defusing Strategies (1987), this training has
been presented to managers and supervisors for greater skill in conflict management, and to police departments
for coping with domestic violence.

6) Instant Relaxation. Another practical NLP and Meta-States Application Training designed to facilitate the
advanced ability to quickly "fly into a calm." Based in part upon the book by Lederer and Hall (Instant
Relaxation, 1999), this training does not teach NLP or Meta-States, but coaches the relaxation skills for greater
"presence of mind," control over mind and neurology, and empowerment in handling stressful situations.
eexcellent training in conjunction with Defusing Hotheads.

7) Games for Mastering Fear. To play the Game of Fear, a person has to run his or her brain in a certain way
using special frames. The same is true for mastering fear—the power of transformation lies in knowing how to
identify the right frames and set them at the higher levels of our mind. This training uses the very best of NLP
and Neuro-Semantic patterns to provide true mastery over any kind of fear that might sabotage or limit living
up to our Visions and Values. Based upon the book by this tide by Hall and Bodenhamer.

8) Games For Mastering Stuttering (Blocking). There's a structure to the meta-state experience called
"stuttering," it is blocking our non-fluency and layering it with a painful kind of self-consciousness. There's
also a structure to mastering that experience and moving toward a less semantically over-loading. This training
is based on NLP and Neuro-Semantic patterns and structured according to the 7 Mind Matrix model.

9) Games Business Experts Play. Succeeding in business necessitates develop a certain expertise and
business wisdom about oneself, others, skills, markets, finances, managing, etc. Those who do it best, the
experts, have a strategy and a certain set of frames of mind that allow them to play those Games. Based upon
the book by this title, this training invites you to set the kind of frames of mind and meaning that will bring out
your business expertise.

10) Games Slim and Fit People Play. How do they do it? How do some people relate to eating and
exercising in such a way that it is "no problem" to them? What are the frames and games that slim and fit
people play so that food does not dominate their lives and so that they have plenty of energy and vitality?
That's the focus of this training, based on the book by the same title. The training offers specific guidance
about how to stop psycho-eating and to develop a much better relationship to both food and movement

11) Resilience for Managing Change.

12) Living Genius: Advanced Meta-States Patterns for Sustaining Mastery.

Advanced Neuro-Semantic Trainings

Advanced Modeling Using Meta-Levels: Advanced use of Meta-States by focusing on the domain of
modeling excellence. This training typically occurs as the last 4 days of the 7 day Meta-States Certification.
Based upon the modeling experiences of Dr. Hall and his book, NLP: Going Meta—Advanced Modeling Using
Meta-Levels, this training looks at the formatting and structuring of the meta-levels in Resilience, Un-
Insultability, and Seeing Opportunities. The training touches on modeling of Wealth Building, Fitness, Women
in Leadership, Persuasion, etc.

Advanced Flexibility Training, An advanced Neuro-Semantics training that explores the riches and treasures
©2005 L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. -134- Mastering Your Wealth Matrix
in Alfred Korzybski's work, Science and Sanity. Originally presented in London (1998, 1999) as 'The
Merging of the Models: NLP and General Semantics," this training now focuses almost exclusively on
developing Advanced Flexibility using tools, patterns, and models in General Semantics. Recommend for the
advanced student of NLP and Meta-States.

Neuro-Semantics and NLP Trainers Training. An advanced training for those who have been certified in
Meta-States and Neuro-Semantics (the seven day program). This application training focuses the power and
magic of Meta-States on the training experience itself—both public and individual training. It focuses first on
the trainer, to access one's own Top Training States and then on how to meta-states or set the frames when
working with others in coaching or facilitating greater resourcefulness.

Neuro-Semantics Coaching Certification Training: Meta-Coaching. This is an advanced 7 day Training

for those with Meta-NLP training (or Coaching Essentials) and APG for Coaching Genius). Meta-Coaching is
based on five meta-models: the NLP Communication Model, the Meta-States Reflexivity model, the Matrix
model, the Axes of Change model, and the Self-Actualization model. Credentials for Meta-Coaching
Certification begins with ACMC (Associated Certified Meta-Coach) and moves to Professional (PCMC) and
Master (MCMC) as well as Internal (ICMC). See the website for detailed information or the Meta-Coach
Pathway brochure,

The Matrix of a Wealth Genius

These pages provide the foundation for creating your own Personalized Wealth Building Plan. To do that we
have used the Matrix Model as a business plan. Use it to identify the key variables that will enrich you and
give you a way to make it real in everyday actions. Fill in these pages and keep refining them until you create
a workable plan for your future. When they are full, transfer them to a file on your computer so that you can
create a workable blueprint that you can keep refining year by year.

What have you learned or are you learning about the Matrix of a Wealth Genius? How much of a solidly
robust Matrix of frames do you have now? What's your plans for renewing and transforming your Matrix
this week, this month to become more elegant, exquisite, and focused as a Wealth Genius?
The World Matrix
1) The Meanings I am giving to selling from this day forward are:

2) The Intentions I have or am setting about why I sell and give myself to elegant selling are;

3) The States for become a selling genius for me are:

The Meaning Matrix

1) The meaning-making processes that I am committed to renewing and enhancing are:

2) The guidelines and principles that I am today commissioning as my guiding principles and frames which
come from my understanding that wealth is created by..."

3) The intentions I'm committed to in become a more resourceful meaning-maker are:

4) The states that I will access and use in generating better meanings are:
The Power Matrix
1) The Meanings that will enhance my actual wealth creation skills, strategies, and processes are

2) The Intentions I am setting for developing my capacities of creating wealth are:

3) The States that I will access and anchor for expanding my skills in creating wealth are:

The Intention Matrix

1) The Meanings that I am creating about wealth, money, financial independence, etc. which inspire my
passions the most are:

2) The highest Intentions in the back of my mind about becoming more intentional are:

3) The States that best support me in this are:

The States Matrix

1) The Meanings that I now attribute and give to my wealth creation states are
2) The Intentions that I now set for being in the best states and developing robust state management are:

3) The best States for accessing my best states and doing so persistently are

The Self Matrix

1) The Meanings that best enhance my identity as a wealth creation, wealth person, etc. are

2) The Intentions that support me in this process are:

3) The States that I'm committed to accessing and use for this are

The Others Matrix

1) The Meanings that best enhance my relationship with clients and customers are:

2) The Intentions that support me in creating wealth, engaging in business, etc. with grace and elegance are:
3) The States that I'm committed to accessing and use for this are

The Time Matrix

1) The Meanings that best enhance my sense and use of time in the process of creating wealth are:

2) The Intentions that support me in living in and through time are:

3) The States that I'm committed to accessing and use so that I make the best and most
enjoyable use of time are:
Summary of my Empowering Decisions:
The empowering decisions that will assist me in this plan include —
The one thing I can do today to begin my wealth building process is —

Learn this material really well.
Study this workbook thoroughly;
Begin to fill out my Wealth Building Plan.
S u m m a r y of my Steps and Stages
The specific steps I will do in my wealth creation plan are the following:

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