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Brain and Cognition 55 (2004) 1–10


Development of orbitofrontal function: Current themes

and future directionsq
Keith Happaney,a,* Philip David Zelazo,a,b and Donald T. Stussa,c,d
Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada
Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada
Departments of Medicine (Neurology) and Rehabilitation Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada
The Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Toronto, Ont., Canada M6A 2E1
Accepted 8 January 2004
Available online 5 March 2004


In recent years, an exciting thrust in the developmental research literature has been the focus on ‘‘executive’’ functions (EF).
However, the emphasis has been on the more purely cognitive aspects of EF operative in abstract reasoning and problem solving—
aspects associated mainly with dorsolateral frontal regions. Although the literature on adult neuropsychology has seen an emerging
and growing interest in the study of processes more related to orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), including emotion and personality,
research on the development of EF has lagged behind. This special issue of Brain and Cognition is intended to redress this imbalance
by bringing together researchers who are studying the nature and development of orbitofrontal function from a wide variety of
Ó 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction butions to EF, developmental research has lagged be-

In recent years, a great deal of research has been This special issue of Brain and Cognition is intended to
conducted on the development of executive function redress this imbalance by bringing together researchers
(EF)—the processes required for the conscious control who are studying the nature and development of or-
of thought and action. However, the emphasis has been bitofrontal function from a wide variety of perspectives.
on the more cognitive aspects of EF operative in ab- Our hope is that the contributions to this issue will help
stract reasoning and problem solving—aspects associ- us to gain a better understanding of the important role
ated mainly with dorsolateral frontal regions—rather that emotion plays in the typical and atypical develop-
than the affective, motivational aspects associated more ment of motivated, goal-directed behavior.
with orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and related medial
regions. DL-PFC and OFC are parts of an interactive
functional system, and they typically work together— 2. Orbitofrontal cortex: Structure and function
even in a single situation. Although the literature on
adult neuropsychology has seen an emerging and Prefrontal cortex (PFC) is the part of cerebral cortex
growing interest in the study of OFC and its contri- anterior to premotor cortex and the supplementary
motor area (and, according to some authors, excluding
the anterior cingulate gyrus; Fuster, 1989; Stuss &
The Editors are very grateful for Dana LiebermannÕs help with Benson, 1986). In human beings, it comprises between a
the preparation of this Special Issue. quarter and a third of the entire cortex (Fuster, 1989),
Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Psychol-
ogy, Lehman College, City University of New York, 250 Bedford Park
and it is functionally and anatomically heterogeneous.
Blvd. West, Bronx, NY 10468, USA.. However, for many purposes, it may suffice to subdivide
E-mail address: (K. Happaney). it into three broad regions: (1) DL-PFC, (2) medial PFC

0278-2626/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 K. Happaney et al. / Brain and Cognition 55 (2004) 1–10

(perhaps including the functionally related anterior 3. Affective decision-making and OFC
cingulate), and (3) OFC, corresponding to the most in-
ferior and ventral parts of PFC (behind the eyes, or Interest in OFC and its functions has been boosted
orbits). Both medial PFC and OFC are part of a substantially by observations of affective (i.e., moti-
frontostriatal circuit that has strong connections to the vated) decision-making deficits in patients with damage
amygdala and other parts of the limbic system. Conse- to OFC and related (or overlapping) areas, such as VM-
quently, these regions are anatomically well suited for PFC. Affective decision-making deficits found in VM-
the integration of affective and non-affective informa- PFC patients bear considerable similarity to those noted
tion, and for the regulation of appetitive/motivated re- in the classic 19th-century case of Phineas Gage (Har-
sponses. Functionally, these regions are often low, 1848; see Damasio, Grabowski, Frank, Galaburda,
considered together, as when researchers focus on effects & Damasio, 1994). As is well-known, Gage was a re-
of damage to ventromedial PFC (VM-PFC). sponsible and affable fellow before an iron tamping rod
Although research on orbitofrontal function in was blown through the ventromedial regions of his PFC
human patients has only recently begun in earnest, in a work-related accident. After the accident, however,
work with non-human animals has a long history. he became irresponsible and impulsive, despite pre-
Much of this work has relied on two conceptually served general cognitive and motor skills. Contempo-
related measures, object reversal learning and extinc- rary VM-PFC patients, such as EVR, resemble Gage in
tion. In object reversal learning, animals learn a sim- manifesting a behavioral profile that has been referred
ple discrimination between two objects (choice of one to as ‘‘acquired sociopathy’’ (e.g., Saver & Damasio,
object is rewarded but choice of the other is not). 1991). Although not necessarily violent, these patients
After this discrimination is learned to a criterion, the are often grossly insensitive to the consequences of their
discrimination is reversed (the previously unrewarded behavior—both for themselves and for others. For ex-
object is rewarded and vice versa). On these tasks, ample, they may make disastrous financial decisions,
OFC-lesioned animals fail to switch their responses, and have difficulty maintaining personal relationships
and instead perseverate on the initial discrimination (e.g., Dimitrov, Phipps, Zahn, & Grafman, 1999; Rolls
(e.g., Butter, 1969; Dias, Robbins, & Roberts, 1996; et al., 1994).
Iversen & Mishkin, 1970; Jones & Mishkin, 1972). In an attempt to create a laboratory analogue of the
More recent research has demonstrated that human ‘‘real-life’’ decision-making deficits of VM-PFC pa-
patients with acquired OFC damage also reveal defi- tients, Bechara, Damasio, Damasio, and Anderson
cits in reversal learning, including perseverative re- (1994) designed the Iowa Gambling Task. In this task,
sponding to the previously rewarded stimulus (Rolls, participants are presented with four decks of cards that,
Hornak, Wade, & McGrath, 1994). when turned, reveal a combination of rewards and losses
Response extinction tasks are similar to reversal (measured in play money). Two decks are advantageous
learning tasks in that they also involve a change in the in the long run: they consistently provide low rewards
reinforcement contingencies after a response has been on every trial but ultimately have an even lower average
learned to criterion. In this case, a response is rein- cost. The other two decks are disadvantageous: the re-
forced, and then reinforcement is withheld. In such sit- wards on every trial are higher than in the advantageous
uations, OFC-ablated non-human primates (e.g., Butter, decks, but the average costs are higher than the average
Mishkin, & Rosvold, 1963) as well as human patients rewards (so that there is a net cost over trials). Partici-
with OFC damage (Rolls et al., 1994) display resistance pants are given an initial sum and told to make as much
to extinction, continuing to respond to the non-rein- money as possible. Bechara et al. (1994) found that both
forced stimulus. Findings of this sort have led to sug- patients and healthy controls typically preferred the
gestions that OFC is primarily involved in the disadvantageous cards at the outset. Over trials, how-
reappraisal of the affective or motivational significance ever, control subjects were increasingly likely to select
of stimuli (e.g., Rolls, 1999, 2004). On this view, while from the advantageous decks, whereas patients were
the amygdala is primarily involved in the initial learning not. In addition Bechara, Tranel, Damasio, and
of response-reward contingencies (e.g., Killcross, Rob- Damasio (1996), Bechara, Damasio, Tranel, and
bins, & Everitt, 1997; LeDoux, 1998), reappraisal of Damasio (1997) found that, over trials, controls but not
these relations is the province of OFC. Importantly, VM-PFC patients began to display anticipatory skin
deficits in reversal learning and extinction have been conductance responses (SCRs) that were higher prior to
shown in OFC patients who also revealed deficits in disadvantageous choices than prior to advantageous
social functioning (Rolls et al., 1994). This finding un- choices.
derscores the fact that reappraisal is likely to play an Damasio (1994) suggested that these anticipatory
important role in social contexts, where one is required SCRs normally serve as ‘‘somatic markers’’ that predict
to adapt to rapidly changing contexts (signalled, e.g., by rewards and punishments and in so doing bias decision-
facial expressions). making away from disadvantageous choices toward
K. Happaney et al. / Brain and Cognition 55 (2004) 1–10 3

more advantageous ones. He also suggested that VM- frontal EEG power (and frontal/parietal EEG coher-
PFC is essential for the creation and use of these ence) and infantsÕ ability to tolerate longer delays on this
markers. One might also note, however, that, as with task (Bell & Fox, 1992). Moreover, prefrontal lesions in
reversal learning and extinction, success on the Iowa monkeys have been shown to impair performance on a
Gambling Task requires reappraisal of the motivational similar task (Diamond & Goldman-Rakic, 1989).
significance of stimuli. Although the disadvantageous Much of the recent research relevant to understand-
choices initially appear profitable, participants must ing the development of prefrontal cortical function has
eventually learn to avoid them. In this regard, the task is been conducted under the rubric of EF. It should be
similar to the delayed reward (or delay of gratification) noted that although EF is clearly linked to prefrontal
paradigm, in which animals must choose between a cortex, and the terms are often used interchangeably, EF
small immediate reward and a larger delayed reward. is not synonymous with prefrontal cortical function:
Recent research by Mobini, Chiang, Ho, Bradshaw, and whereas some patients with prefrontal damage do not
Szabadi (2002) has shown that OFC-lesioned rats are show impairments in EF (e.g., Shallice & Burgess, 1991),
more likely than controls to opt for the small immediate some patients with damage outside of prefrontal cortex
reward. do (e.g., Anderson, Damasio, Jones, & Tranel, 1991). In
While the Iowa Gambling Task is perhaps the most any event, however, most research on the development
widely used measure of affective decision-making, a of EF has focussed on the more cognitive aspects of EF;
number of other measures have recently been designed, relatively little is known about the development of af-
including measures of guessing with feedback (e.g., El- fective, motivational contributions to EF. Nonetheless,
liott, Frith, & Dolan, 1997; Rogers et al., 1999a) and some studies have assessed age-related changes using
risky decision-making (Rogers et al., 1999b). As sug- tasks associated with OFC damage in adult patients and
gested by Clark, Cools, and Robbins (2004), RogersÕ non-human animals. For example, some studies have
decision-making tasks (also called the Cambridge demonstrated age-related decreases in resistance to ex-
Gamble Task; see Clark et al., 2004) may provide a tinction during the preschool years, suggestive of the
more selective index of orbitofrontal function than the development of OFC function (e.g., Gladstone, 1969;
Iowa Gambling Task (for comparisons among mea- Lester, 1966; but see Happaney & Zelazo, 2004, for an
sures, see Manes et al., 2002; Monterosso, Ehrman, alternative interpretation and findings). Moreover,
Napier, OÕBrien, & Childress, 2001). Overman, Bachevalier, Schuhmann, and Ryan (1996)
demonstrated age-related improvements in performance
on object reversal in infants and young children. In
4. Development of OFC: Structure and function addition, these authors found that prior to 30 months of
age, boys performed better than girls (see also Overman,
Prefrontal cortex exhibits considerable growth during 2004), although a ceiling effect may have obscured sex
childhood and into adolescence, as indicated by age- differences beyond 30 months. The presence of a sex
related changes in myelination (Pfefferbaum et al., 1994; difference in object reversal is particularly intriguing in
Yakovlev & Lecours, 1967), interhemispheric connec- light of earlier work using this task that suggests both
tivity (Thompson et al., 2000), synaptic density (Hut- that object reversal learning develops more slowly in
tenlocher, 1979, 1990), and metabolic and electrical female monkeys than in male monkeys, and also that
activity (e.g., Luciana & Nelson, 1998; Rubia et al., this sex difference is under the control of gonadal hor-
2000; Travis, 1998), among other measures. Within mones (Clark & Goldman-Rakic, 1989; Goldman,
prefrontal cortex, there is some suggestion that OFC Crawford, Stokes, Galkin, & Rosvold, 1974).
develops earlier than DL-PFC (e.g., Orzhekhovskaya, Researchers have also used delayed reward para-
1981). The functional implications of these structural digms in studies with young children. Early studies on
changes are only starting to be understood. delay of gratification generally failed to find age differ-
Although historically it was believed that prefrontal ences within the preschool range (e.g., Schwarz, Schr-
cortex was not functional at all until about 4–7 years of ager, & Lyons, 1983), but did find differences within the
age (Luria, 1973, p. 87), or even until 12–15 years of age school age years (see Mischel, Shoda, & Rodriguez,
(Golden, 1981, p. 292), it is now clear that this is in- 1989, for review). However, more recent research has
correct. Indeed, current evidence indicates that although examined delay of gratification in younger children us-
important changes continue to occur into adulthood, ing a modified choice task (Thompson, Barresi, &
prefrontal function first emerges early in development, Moore, 1997). Thompson et al. (1997) found that when
probably around the end of the first year of life. For given the option to choose between a small reward now
instance, during the second half of their first year, in- or a larger reward later (prudence) and between a re-
fants become better able to inhibit responding to an ward for self now or a reward for self and other later
initial location on the Piagetian A-not-B search task (altruism), 4- to 5-year-old children demonstrated sig-
(Piaget, 1954). Correlations have been found between nificantly more prudence and altruism than 3-year-old
4 K. Happaney et al. / Brain and Cognition 55 (2004) 1–10

children, and for the 3-year-olds, there was a correlation a single situation. Although the literature on adult
between prudence and altruism when age was partialled neuropsychology has seen an emerging and growing
out. In addition to replicating these results, Moore, interest in the study of OFC, research on the develop-
Barresi, and Thompson (1998) found that prudence and ment of OFC related EF has lagged behind. Most re-
altruism were related to performance on measures of search on EF in children has focused on the relatively
theory of mind. cognitive aspects of EF associated more with DL-PFC
Theory of mind (i.e., making inferences about mental than with OFC. Nonetheless, a number of researchers
states when explaining and predicting behavior; As- have investigated age-related changes using tasks asso-
tington, 1993; Premack & Woodruff, 1978) has also been ciated with OFC damage in adult patients and non-
linked to OFC in healthy adults and patients (e.g., human animals. For example, researchers have studied
Stone, Baron-Cohen, & Knight, 1998; Stuss, Gallup, & the development of performance on object reversal, ex-
Alexander, 2001), and it can be understood as a kind of tinction, delay of gratification, theory of mind, and
affective decision-making. Defined broadly, theory of variants of the Iowa Gambling Task. Results of this
mind appears to emerge in infancy—possibly towards research suggest that like EF in general, the develop-
the end of the first year of life, and develops during ment of emotional processes associated with OFC de-
childhood, with important change occurring between velops across a wide range of ages. This research is
about 3 and 5 years. Episodic memory, which has also beginning to fill the gap in our understanding of how
been tied to PFC (see Levine, 2004), develops along a orbitofrontal function interacts with other functions of
similar trajectory. Borrowing from TulvingÕs (1985) prefrontal cortex to contribute to the development of
suggestion that autonoetic (self-knowing) consciousness conscious, self-regulated, goal-directed activity.
is a defining aspect of episodic memory, Perner and
Ruffman (1995) argued that amnesia for early life events
(infantile amnesia) derives from young childrenÕs lack of 5. About this issue
self-awareness (see Stuss & Anderson, 2004, for a dis-
cussion of the role of self-awareness in EF). That is, This issue is comprised of articles by researchers in
children below about 4 years of age cannot consciously the areas of behavioral neuroscience, neurodevelop-
re-experience events because they do not yet have the ment, cognitive and emotional development, neuropsy-
ability to reflect on their own mental states as such. In chology, and cognitive neuro-rehabilitation. These
this way, self-awareness, theory of mind, and episodic articles are considered together in an effort to stimulate
memory are intimately connected; they comprise a interdisciplinary dialogue on the important but still
constellation of functions for which OFC is likely to be understudied topic of the development of OFC function.
important. Some of the questions addressed in this issue are: (1)
Finally, changes in affective decision-making have What does OFC do? (2) How can we best assess or-
also been found in preschool-age children using ana- bitofrontal function? (3) How does OFC interact with
logues of the Iowa Gambling Task. Kerr and Zelazo other brain regions to contribute to EF? (4) How do
(2004) found that 3-year-olds resembled OFC patients OFC and its related functions develop under normal
insofar as they tended to make disadvantageous choices circumstances? and (5) Can developmental disabilities
on a simplified version of the task. In contrast, 4-year- be understood in terms of atypical OFC development?
olds tended to make advantageous choices. Further, Arguably, these questions are best considered together.
consistent with other research revealing sex differences For example, in order to understand the role of atypical
on tasks related to OFC (see Overman, 2004), Kerr and OFC development in various pathologies, it is important
Zelazo demonstrated near significant superior perfor- to establish the nature of typical development of this
mance in 3-year-old boys relative to 3-year-old girls. region at various levels of analysis: neuroanatomical,
Using a more complex version of the task, Garon and neurophysiological, cognitive, and behavioral. At the
Moore (2004) found that 6-year-oldsÕ chose more ad- same time, the study of atypical development and the
vantageously than younger children (3- and 4-year- consequences of brain damage provide important in-
olds). Finally, using the standard Iowa Gambling Task, formation about typical development and healthy
Blair, Colledge, and Mitchell (2001) found that age was function. Ultimately, answers to these questions will
inversely related to disadvantageous decisions in 9- to shed light on the development of orbitofrontal function,
17-year-olds, suggesting that performance on this task which clearly lies at the interface between cognition and
develops across a wide age range. emotion.
This issue is divided into three sections. The articles in
4.1. Summary Section 1 concern the basic functions of OFC, although
implications for development are discussed. The articles
DL-PFC and OFC are parts of an interactive func- in Section 2 take a decidedly developmental approach
tional system, and they typically work together—even in and examine the development of OFC as indicated by
K. Happaney et al. / Brain and Cognition 55 (2004) 1–10 5

lesion studies and neuroimaging. The articles in Section OFC appears to have particularly non-remediable ef-
3 use behavioral indices of affective aspects of EF to fects. Further, Kolb et al. discuss the differential effects
assess age-related changes in OFC function. Whereas of drugs of abuse on DL-PFC and OFC, respectively,
some of the articles in this section focus on typical de- and their findings are in keeping with similar decision-
velopment, others discuss the extent to which various making deficits found between OFC patients and long-
psychiatric disorders with childhood onset (e.g., obses- term drug abusers (e.g., see Rogers et al., 1999a).
sive compulsive disorder, conduct disorder, and autism) Finally, in contrast to approaches using non-human
can be understood in terms of atypical development of animals and human frontal lobe patients, Segalowitz
OFC. and Davies (2004) discuss the utility of assessing the
development of differentiable aspects of EF subserved
5.1. Section 1: OFC function by OFC, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and DL-PFC
by recording event-related potentials in typically devel-
In the first article, Rolls (2004) reviews research on oping children from 7 to 17 years of age.
OFC functions in human and non-human animals, and
suggests that a critical function of OFC is the reap- 5.3. Section 3: Typical and atypical development of
praisal of stimulus–reward relations. In the following affective and motivational contributions to EF
article, Bechara reviews findings from studies using the
Iowa Gambling Task, as well as other decision-making In the first article in this section, Overman (2004)
tasks, and makes a case for the utility of the somatic reviews findings concerning age-related improvements in
marker theory for understanding the role of OFC (and reversal learning in infants and toddlers that mirror
VM-PFC more generally) in ‘‘real-life’’ decision-mak- developmental changes in non-human primates. Of
ing. Next, Clark et al. (2004) discuss the conceptual, specific emphasis are sex effects favoring boys on re-
anatomical, and neurophysiological (neurotransmitter) versal learning, and men on tests of decision-making.
commonalities between decision-making and reversal Kerr and Zelazo (2004) follow this discussion in a report
learning (two of the most widely studied indices of OFC of their findings using a child appropriate version of the
function). LevineÕs (2004) article then goes on to discuss Iowa Gambling Task. Performance on this task shows
the role of OFC and other frontal regions in episodic improvements between 3 and 4 years of age, with some
autobiographical memories, using evidence from pa- suggestion that, as in reversal learning, boys do better.
tients with frontal lobe damage of various etiologies. Garon and Moore (2004) also discuss findings con-
Within his discussion of these findings, Levine suggests a cerning a slightly more complex version of the Iowa
model for the development of episodic memory. As ep- Gambling Task. Garon and Moore also find evidence of
isodic memory has been linked (both conceptually and age-related increases in performance on this task; how-
ontogenetically) to self-concept and social cognition, ever these changes appear later than those observed
this discussion is of particular relevance to any discus- using Kerr and ZelazoÕs simpler task. Finally, Happaney
sion of OFC function. and Zelazo (2004) discuss the potential utility of ex-
tinction tasks in assessing the development of affective
5.2. Section 2: Developmental approaches to OFC and motivational contributions to EF. These authors
found that between 3 and 6 years of age, there is an
In the first article in this section, Stuss and Anderson increase in responding during the extinction phase,
(2004) suggest that early versus later maturation of OFC which could be explained by an alternative conceptual-
and related frontal structures may be understood in ization of what constitutes adaptive responding on this
terms of self-awareness. Namely, they suggest that early task. This study emphasizes that there may be important
frontal lobe damage leads to global deficits whereas later differences between participant groups in how the ob-
damage leads to more selective impairments in self- jectives of such simple tasks are conceptualized.
awareness and theory of mind. Next, Eslinger, Flaherty- The remaining articles in this section concern the
Craig, and Benton (2004) review cases of early PFC relation between atypical OFC development and mal-
damage, suggestive of the fact that OFC injury leads to adaptive child behaviors as well as developmental psy-
particularly intractable deficits in social and emotional chopathology. In the first article, Seguin (2004) discusses
functioning. Kolb, Pellis, and Robinson (2004) then the utility of considering OFC in an effort to understand
discuss findings that early lesions to DL-PFC (medial different forms of antisocial behavior in both children
PFC in rodents) in rats leads to the greatest cognitive and adults. Next, Blair (2004) suggests that the role of
deficits whereas damage to OFC is not affected by age of OFC in antisocial behavior (particularly aggression)
lesioning. These authors find that the general cognitive may be limited to reactive aggression (i.e., aggression
effects of OFC lesions in rats are minimal, but that social deriving from frustration or fear), but argues that in-
behaviors are drastically affected at all ages. Thus, in strumental aggression (as may be associated with psy-
keeping with Eslinger et al.Õs suggestions, damage to chopathy) is likely to derive from atypicality in
6 K. Happaney et al. / Brain and Cognition 55 (2004) 1–10

amygdala function. Blair also proposes that socializa- Evidence of sex differences favoring males also ex-
tion moderates the effect of atypical amygdala function tends into adulthood, with men outperforming women
on the expressions of instrumentally aggressive behav- on the Iowa Gambling Task (Reavis & Overman, 2001;
ior. but see Overman, 2004, for qualifications) and pre-
The next two articles have particular implications for liminary evidence that adolescent boys outperform ad-
autism and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), re- olescent girls (Overman, 2004). Further, Overman
spectively. Sabbagh (2004) addresses OFC and autism, (2004) has found that males and females may perform
both of which have been linked to theory of mind. In his the Iowa Gambling Task in a different manner, with
article, Sabbagh reviews research using ERP, and then females avoiding decks with losses regardless of net
argues that whereas OFC is particularly important for value, and with males more effectively considering the
deciphering othersÕ mental states (particularly emo- long-term, net outcome of decisions. As will be dis-
tions), lateral PFC is important for reasoning about cussed in the next section, we suggest that males and
these states. These findings are in keeping with several females might take different approaches to the task in
studies showing a relation between more cognitive as- part because females pay greater attention to local detail
pects of EF and theory of mind in both typically de- whereas males approach the task in a more holistic
veloping children (e.g., Frye, Zelazo, & Palfai, 1995) and fashion.
individuals with autism (e.g., Ozonoff, Pennington, & Although sex differences have been demonstrated in
Rogers, 1991). some studies, many other studies have simply failed to
Finally, Evans, Lewis, and Iobst (2004) discuss the consider the effect of sex on performance. Indeed, as
role of OFC in typical age-related changes in repetitive Overman (2004) suggests, it may be worthwhile to re-
and ritualistic behavior. These behaviors are character- analyze data from studies that have employed behav-
istic of OCD, and Evans et al. discuss ways in which ioral indices of OFC function.
understanding the involvement of OFC in OCD may
help us to understand typical developmental changes in 6.2. Regional specificity and laterality effects
such behaviors, and vice versa.
There is growing evidence for anatomical and func-
tional differentiation within OFC. For instance, as dis-
6. Common themes cussed by Rolls (2004), lesions to the inferior convexity
produce deficits on object reversal whereas damage to
Throughout this issue, a number of themes recur. caudal OFC produces resistance to extinction (see also
Among these are sex differences in OFC growth and Rosenkilde, 1979). Blair (2004) also differentiates be-
function, and functional specialization within OFC, in- tween systems that mediate sensitivity to violations of
cluding the lateralization of OFC functions. expectation (as in extinction and response reversal tasks)
and those that mediate social response reversal (as in
6.1. Sexual dimorphism in orbitofrontal development and responding to expectations of social norms).
function As discussed in Evans et al. (2004), medial OFC ap-
pears to be involved in the initial evaluation of the af-
As reviewed extensively by Overman (2004), evidence fective or motivational significance of stimuli due to its
is accumulating that OFC matures earlier in males than more direct connections to limbic and related structures.
females, potentially as a result of pre-, peri-, and post- Lateral OFC, by contrast, is connected to higher cortical
natal testosterone levels. OFC volume in humans is areas, such as DL-PFC, and has been tied to the reap-
greater in males than females (Goldstein et al., 2001), praisal of the emotional significance of stimuli, emotion
and there is greater dendritic arborization in OFC in regulation, and response suppression and selection, as
female rats (Kolb et al., 2004). In humans, this sex dif- assessed in Go-NoGo tasks. Evidence is also mounting
ference is evidenced by the superior performance of in- that damage to right (or bilateral) OFC has a greater
fants and toddlers on tests of object reversal (Overman effect on social conduct, decision-making, emotional
et al., 1996). No sex differences in object reversal have processing, and other purported OFC functions than
been found in children beyond 3 years of age, likely due does damage to left OFC (e.g., Manes et al., 2002; Rolls
to ceiling effects by that age (see Overman, 2004). et al., 1994; Stuss, 1991; Stuss & Alexander, 1999; Stuss
However, employing a child appropriate version of the et al., 2001; Tranel, Bechara, & Denburg, 2002). As
Iowa Gambling Task, Kerr and Zelazo (2004) found discussed by Bechara (2004; see also Tranel et al., 2002),
near significant male superiority among 3-year-olds. patients with right VM-PFC damage reveal marked
While Garon and Moore (2004) failed to find sex dif- impairments in everyday functioning as well as on the
ferences in an alternative childrenÕs version of the Iowa Iowa Gambling Task, and these effects are similar to
Gambling Task, their task was more complex than the those revealed in bilateral VM-PFC patients. By con-
one used by Kerr and Zelazo (2004). trast, patients with left VM-PFC damage are relatively
K. Happaney et al. / Brain and Cognition 55 (2004) 1–10 7

unimpaired, suggesting that the reliable impairments requirements may still be fewer than would be necessary
demonstrated by bilateral OFC patients may derive for more algorithmically based or rational decision-
primarily from right VM-PFC. making. Importantly, the working memory demands of
There are several possible reasons why right OFC is the Iowa Gambling Task may underlie the fact that
so important for these functions. Bechara (2004) sug- while it serves as a sensitive index of OFC damage, it
gests that right–left hemispheric asymmetries in OFC may not be a specific index of such damage (see Clark
(VM-PFC) function may derive from the differential et al., 2004).
involvement of the right and left hemispheres in avoid- We suggest an even further reason to expect right
ance (negative affect) and approach (positive affect), hemispheric dominance in OFC function, which draws
respectively (see also Davidson & Irwin, 1999; David- on research and theory suggestive of the right hemi-
son, Jackson, & Kalin, 2000). That is, adaptive decision- sphereÕs role in anomaly detection (Ramachandran &
making on the Iowa Gambling Task requires avoidance Blakeslee, 1998; Smith, Tays, Dixon, & Bulman-Flem-
of seemingly positive responses (a function for which ing, 2002). As described by Smith et al. (2002), anomaly
right VM-PFC may be particularly well suited). The detection involves analyzing information for features
right hemisphere has also been implicated in the map- that are inconsistent with memory for that information.
ping of bodily states and the comprehension of somatic The OFCÕs role in reinterpreting stimuli in light of
information (Cohen, Rosen, & Goldstein, 1976; Da- changing affective significance (as in the Iowa Gambling
vidson & Schwartz, 1976), and this too may help to Task, object reversal tasks, and extinction tasks) may
explain the relative importance of right OFC to every- then be understood in terms of anomaly detection, in
day decision-making (Bechara, 2004; Damasio, 1994). that, in these tasks, one must amend initial stimulus–
Another possibility is that whereas the right hemi- reward associations on the basis of exposure to associ-
sphere is more involved in processing information ations at odds with prior experience (i.e., anomalous
globally, the left hemisphere is more involved in pro- ones). Indeed, skills such as detecting faux pas (i.e.,
cessing information analytically (see Tucker, 1981, for a statements and conduct falling outside of social expec-
review). If everyday decision-making (as assessed by the tations) have been linked to OFC (Stone et al., 1998),
Iowa Gambling Task) is based on hunches abstracted lending further credence to the link between OFC
from feedback on individual trials, then this may explain (particularly right OFC) and socially valid indices of
why the right hemisphere is so important for this type of anomaly detection.
decision-making. Other functions tied to OFC may also As alluded to earlier, superior male performance on
depend on global processing of information, such as tasks tapping OFC function is also consistent with a
self-reflective awareness, for instance (see Kihlstrom & right hemispheric account, in that males also show
Klein, 1994; Stuss & Anderson, 2004). Relatedly, autism greater right hemispheric dominance (Diamond, Dow-
and related disorders may lend speculative support for ling, & Johnson, 1981; deLacoste, Horvath, & Wood-
relations between global processing deficits and social ward, 1991) and perform better on tasks tied to the right
and emotional functioning. The link between the syn- hemisphere (e.g., abstract mathematics and spatial vi-
thetic and global processing style of the right hemisphere sualization; see Kimura, 1999). Thus, it is possible that
and the type of information processing required for OFC function may mirror other right hemispheric
social cognition deserves particular attention (see Ellis & functions for which male superiority has been observed.
Gunter, 1999). Indeed, the ability to synthesize indi- Taken together, then, right OFC may be in a particu-
vidual pieces of information into a more holistic picture larly good position, both structurally and functionally,
has been theorized to underlie many symptoms of au- to support the functions OFC develops to fulfill.
tism and AspergerÕs syndrome (Frith & Happe, 1994).
The right hemisphere has also been linked to implicit
information processing, as opposed to the more explicit 7. Conclusions
and more conscious processing tied to the left hemi-
sphere (Vakil, Galek, Soroker, Ring, & Gross, 1991; Aspects of executive function, such as affective deci-
Vakil, Soroker, & Borenstein, 1998). As suggested by sion-making and social understanding, undergo marked
Damasio (1994), considering all relevant factors in- changes during childhood, and it is important to un-
volved in many personal and immediately social deci- derstand the neural mechanisms underlying these
sions would be too costly in terms of cognitive resources changes. Recent interest in OFC and its functions has
(see also Bechara, Damasio, Tranel, & Anderson, 1998). forged a reconsideration of the relations between affect
Thus, again, the right hemisphere may be particularly and cognition (e.g., Damasio, 1994), and these consid-
adept at the processes involved in everyday decisions. erations need to be reflected in our understanding of
While recent evidence suggests that the Iowa Gambling cognitive, emotional, and social development. It is
Task may be more resource demanding than once hoped that such considerations will allow a mapping of
thought (Hinson, Jameson, & Whitney, 2002), these advances gained from findings concerning adult cognition
8 K. Happaney et al. / Brain and Cognition 55 (2004) 1–10

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