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Sábado 04-06-2020









GROUP, in pairs)

1. Nitrogen gas is used in the food industry to preserve food.

2. Carbon steel has greater hardness and strength.
3. The characteristic odor of rotten eggs is generated by the bacterial breakdown
of sulfur-containing proteins.
4. Chlorine is commonly used to kill bacteria in swimming pools and to purify water
for human consumption.
5. Arsenic is the most widely used poison, because it doesn’t have organoleptic
6. NASA astronauts drink water purified by ionized silver; silver ions destroy
bacterias and filters.
7. Paints containing lead additives pose a public health risk, especially to children
who may ingest or inhale lead through house dust or contaminated particles.
8. Iron is the fourth most abundant element in the earth's crust, however, in nature
it is not found in it is pure state and it is not used in the pure state either, but it
combines with other metals or minerals that form alloys.
9. Copper is the best conductor of electrical energy at room temperature.
10. Lithium is an agent highly used in the synthesis of organic compounds, used for
the coordination of ligands through the lithium intermediate.

11. Selenium is a micronutrient for all known life forms found in bread, cereals, fish,
meat, lentils, potato peel, and eggs.
12. Titanium is the metal element with the highest hardness and density ratio. It is a
strong metal with a low density and high ductility, metallic white in color.
13. Nickel is used in the manufacture of stainless steel, in alloys, rechargeable
batteries, catalysis, coin minting, metal coatings and among other foundries.
14. Sodium is a chemical element with the symbol Na with atomic number 11. It is a
soft, silver-colored alkali metal, very abundant in nature, found in sea salt and
the mineral halite.
15. Gallium is a soft, greyish metal in a liquid state and shiny silver when solidifying,
a low temperature weak material that melts at temperatures close to ambient.
16. Phosphorus is a chemical element with an atomic number 15 and a symbol P. It
is a nonmetal that is found in nature combined in inorganic phosphates and in
living organisms, but never in a ground state.
17. Copper is the third most consumed metal in the world today, after iron and
aluminum, since its applications in the electrical, electronic and steel industries
are very numerous.
18. Tin is obtained from the mineral cassiterite where it appears as oxide. Said
mineral is ground and enriched in tin dioxide by flotation, then it is roasted and
heated with coke in a reverberatory furnace whereby the metal is obtained.
19. Barium metal has few practical applications, although it is sometimes used to
coat electrical conductors in electronic devices and in automobile ignition
20. Cesium metal is used in photoelectric cells, spectrographic instruments,
scintillation counters, radio bulbs, military infrared signal lamps, and various
optical and detection devices.

21. Sulphur is a chemical element frequently found in volcanoes.

22. The Dead Sea has the highest concentration of bromine in the world.
23. Bismuth is a cheap metal and this is used in the pharmaceutical industry. These
are most commonly used in the eradication of Helicobacter pylori, the causative
agent for diseases like gastritis, peptic ulcer and even gastric cancer.
24. The 5o cent coins are copper, zinc and nickel alloys.
25. The Buenaventura mining company extracts minerals such as silver, lead and
26. The Iodine test is used in the laboratory to identify presence of starch.
27. Uranium is a highly radioactive and dangerous element that can cause cancer
in people.
28. The earth's core the component with the highest percentage that is iron.Iron like
gigantic ball of solid metal in core let all of Earth is magnetic.
29. Platinum is used as a catalyst in different chemical reactions.
30. Helium is the second lightest chemical element and it is found in greater
abundance in the sun.

31. Gold is considered one of the best electrically conductive elements.

32. Liquid nitrogen is used as a coolant, to preserve biological samples, freeze
food, and other uses.
33. Uranium is a highly reactive radioactive material, it can be found naturally in the
environment in very small amounts in rocks, soil, air and water.
34. Mercury is the only metal found in liquid form at room temperature.
35. Tungsten is the heaviest known element used by living things.
36. Magnesium is necessary for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body.
Helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, supports a healthy immune
37. Phosphorus is a mineral that constitutes 1% of a person's total body weight. It is
the second most abundant mineral in the body.
38. Lead in the blood even at low levels can be dangerous to babies and children.
39. Phosphorus is a chemical element that is used as fertilizer in agriculture.
40. Aluminum is the most abundant metallic element on Earth and on the Moon, but
it is never found in free form in nature.

41. Chlorine is one of the most used elements for disinfection purposes.
42. Hydrogen is obtained in the laboratory by reactions of acids with metals such as
zinc and industrially by electrolysis of water.
43. Calcium is a silver white chemical element and belongs to the group of alkaline
earth metals
44. Calcium is used as a reducing agent to extract metals such as uranium,
zirconium and thorium.
45. Potassium has a very low melting point, burns with a violet flame and it has a
silver color on surfaces exposed to air, in which contact it oxidizes rapidly.
46. Magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid producing heat and hydrogen, which
is released into the environment in the form of bubbles.
47. Iodine is obtained from iodides, present in seawater and algae or in the form of
iodates, from nitrates in saltpeter.
48. Metallic zinc in acidic solutions reacts by releasing hydrogen to form zinc ions.
49. Silver is a very ductile and malleable metal, somewhat harder than gold, and
has a metallic white luster susceptible to polishing.
50. Gold doesn't react with most chemicals, but it is sensitive and soluble in
cyanide, mercury, aqua regia, chlorine and lye.




1. She used to buy muriatic acid, but now it is not possible because it is a
controlled product.
2. Before we used to do the practices in the laboratory.
3. I used to study at the library until before the pandemic.
4. Alchemists used to seek the philosopher's stone to transform any metal into
5. Pipes used to be made of lead, today they are made of steel.
6. Before penicillin was discovered, people used to die of infectious diseases.
7. Factories used to be far from cities until the demand for housing increased.
8. My friends used to be late for thermodynamic class.
9. In the mass transfer exam we used to use the triangular diagram.
10. Teachers used to prepare reagents for practice before entering the laboratory.
11. I used to take magnesium when I was tired.
12. They used to buy the laboratory materials on Av. Tacna.
13. My chemistry used to let us draw the periodic table in class.
14. Chemical engineering used to be called process engineering.
15. I used to check out books from library to read at home.
16. Fluorescent tubes are very dangerous because they contain mercury. These
used to be installed in offices or other places but currently it is recommended to
use led tubes.
17. She used to test the milk in the lab to see how much calcium it contained.
18. Some equipment in poor condition didn't use to used in the practice of unitary
19. Polymers used to be polluting synthetic materials but new research found that
they may be biodegradable.
20. Industrial plants didn’t use to have their own water treatment plant, but now this
is very important because it helps improve the management of your wastewater
and also that they doesn’t cause pollution to the environment.

21. Zinc alloys used to have utility for centuries; however, due to its low melting
point and chemical reactivity, metal tends to evaporate, so the true nature of
metal was not understood by the ancients.
22. Silver used to do artistic works in goldsmithing.
23. In the past, radium used to be applied to luminescent paints for watches and
other instruments.
24. Cesium didn't use to be very abundant in the earth's crust.
25. Lithium is an alkali metal and it used to be less reactive than sodium.
26. Barium didn't use to have a boiling point less than 1,640 ° C.
27. Boron used to make glass. Now due to its great hardness it is used, in the form
of carbide, to manufacture abrasives.
28. Carbon used to be an energy source for its cleaner combustion.
29. Metal beryllium didn't use to found in the manufacture of beryllium-copper
alloys. Now developed in moderating and reflective materials for nuclear
30. Potassium metal used to apply in photoelectric cells.

31. Copper is often used to make electrical cables.

32. Helium and neon are used to make barcodes for products in the supermarket.
33. Medications containing calcium are used to strengthen the bone system.
34. Mercury is an element that is often used to make thermometers.
35. Pure tungsten is often used to make of filaments for electric lamps, resistors for
electric furnaces.
36. Magnesium alloys have high tensile strength and are often widely used to build
light metals.
37. Iodine in the form of potassium iodide is also used to prevent thyroid damage
after a radioactive accident.
38. Tin for its chemical properties is used to coat metals to protect them from
39. Arsenic is often widely used to make semiconductor components.
40. Medical oxygen is a gas mixture that has an oxygen percentage equal to or
greater than 93% and it is used to treat patients in the intensive care unit.

41. The extraction of aluminum used to be from the rocks that contained it
42. We used to use chlorine in organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry as an
oxidizing agent, because chlorine frequently imparts desired properties to an
organic compound, due to its electronegativity.
43. In the oil industry they used to use nitrogen to increase the pressure in the
wells and force the oil out.
44. Berzelius and Pontin used to prepare calcium amalgam by electrolysis of lime
into mercury.
45. In the past, miners used to use coal to extract gold from the filtration solution
46. In Rome, amalgam could be used to make golden objects, putting a layer of
amalgam on them, putting them in the oven so that the mercury disappears and
reveals a lustrous layer of the purest gold.
47. In sea beds and lakes there used to be large deposits of potassium minerals
(carnallite, langbeinite, polyhalite and silvin) in which the extraction of the metal
and its salts was economically viable.
48. In France, neon tube lighting used to be used for street lighting. Currently, due
to their striking color, Neon tubes are mainly used in advertisements.
49. The Romans used to build aqueducts and pipes for water from lea
50. The German company Metallgesellschaft AG used to produce lithium by
electrolysis of molten lithium chloride and potassium chloride.

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