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Oficina de Bilingüismo
Fundación Universitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco

Weeks 4-6

Teacher: Hugo Vargas.

Stage 1: Introduction / Warm-up.

Stage 2: Topic presentation
Stage 3: Practice. INTERACT App
Stage 4: Project.

 We will cover each aspect of the guide each week on our meeting on

WEEK 4: An Inspirational figure

• Talk about an important person from your past

• Used to, the past simple, would, and was always for past habits
6. Work with a partner. Choose the best sentence in column B to follow each
sentence in column A discuss the reasons for your decisions

Column A column B

He was a manager He was always talking about work

He worked really hard He used to work in a department store
He was really boring He’d arrive at the office early every day

7. Work with a partner. Complete the sentences with your ideas

She went to university in America. She used to study hard for classes
She studied really hard. She'd read books
She was quite exciting. She was always very happy and kind
9. Work on your own

Think about an important person from your past you no longer see.
Use the table to make a note of what you remember about them

Facts Characteristic behaviour
My first manager, when I used to work Would buy coffee and tea for everyone
in a supermarket in the meetings

Name: Alonso

My first math teacher was very happy, he liked to do his dynamic classes with lots
of games and he also left many assignments. He liked to drink coffee in the
morning before starting his classes, if we didn't, he didn't have the energy to start
classes. He liked to share his snack with his students at recess and take care of
them in the park.
He had to get used to having more than thirty students in the classroom and
leaving group activities since the number of students increased in the institution
because it was very good and everyone wanted to study in it.

WEEK 5: Facing your fears

• Discuss fears

• Present perfect simple and past simple with time expressions

1. (ever/ just/ this year) It’s the most frightening thing I’ve ever done
It’s the most frightening thing I’ve ever done

2. (Before/ last month/ yet) I haven’t tried it

I haven’t tried it last month

3. (Always/last year/ never) I was scared of the dark as child

I was scared of the dark as a child last year

4. (Just/ today/ on Tuesday) I’ve Heard some terrible news

I’ve Heard some terrible news just
7. Work on your own
Choose three of the sentences below and complete them to make them true for

1. I've always been afraid of all animals

2. Watching scary movies is the most frightening thing I've ever done

3. I haven’t been frightened of play volleyball since I was little

4. I was always scared of being bitten by a dog as a child

5. The biggest fear I have is losing my parents

6. Something gave me a scare me at work ago two months ago when I saw a
WEEKS 4-6Project
write about an important person from your past you no longer see. What you remember
about him/her? (120 words)

My grandfather was called Carlos Rivero Díaz, he was a social teacher, he really
liked roosters and motorcycles.

He had the patio of the house full of roosters, every afternoon he liked to go out on
his motorcycle to Turbaco to see more roosters. When I returned from the street,
he would bring me many sweets and help me with social tasks. As the years
passed, he became ill and had to get used to being at home.

My grandfather liked to play and talk a lot with his grandchildren, he also scolded
us every time we did bad things and we did not obey him. But still I will always
remember it.

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