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Tourism Law 2nd Quarter 2020 Class

TOPIC: Outline the legal changes brought about by the CoVID19 virus. How, and under what regulations, is the tourism
and hospitality industry going to survive the CoVID19 Pandemic?

Form a group of no more than 5 (registered on Manaba) or do this task on your own.

MODEL: You will use the performance/strategy journal tool that is part of Outcome Mapping. Outcome mapping is a
project progress measurement system that was designed by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). 

The discussion pattern in the full model is facilitated around the following eight major practices and the key actions that
can be associated with each of them: 1. prospecting for new ideas, opportunities and resources; 2. seeking feedback from
key informants; 3. obtaining the support of higher–level decision bodies; 4. assessing and redesigning products, services,
systems and procedures; 5. checking up on implementing partners; 6. sharing the best wisdom with the world
(dissemination of lessons); 7. experimenting to remain innovative; and 8. engaging in organizational reflection.

You will concentrate on steps 1,2, 4, 7 and 8 using a dairy (time)-based reporting method. Reporting should be done at the
end of each week in the following format:

Report from Group X (or person)

The location being analyzed:

Week The legal situation of tourism Stakeholders New Ideas, Is your area actively
ending and hospitality in the location comments and opportunities and assessing and
you have chosen organizational resources being redesigning tourism
reflection? discussed? Examples. legal structures for
the new ‘normal’?
29 Outline the legal situation for - - -
June travelers in your chosen area –
what was done to enforce
response to the virus spread?
6 July - What was the response - -
from industry – travel
agents and airlines,
implementation or
delays, no refunds vs
vouchers for the
13 - - Medical checks, social -
July distancing, financial
support, etc. Please try
to find examples of
regulations that back
up these approaches
20July - - - What is the likely
outcome as shown by
the types of laws
being introduced –
border controls
tightened, etc. For
how long this will go
Sample Answers

Week Situation of tourism and (2) Stakeholders (1) New Ideas, (4) Is your area
ending hospitality in the location comments and (8) opportunities and actively assessing
EXAMPLE organizational resources being and redesigning
reflection? discussed? Examples. tourism (7) for the
new ‘normal’? 
29 June Kyoto is seeing drastic
damage to its tourism and
hospitality sector.  JTB has
recorded a 93% drop in
tourists.  As a result
Kyoto is seeing local 
shops and restaurants, and
even amusement parks being
shut down.  The regulations
that enforce this shutdown

And were put in place by the

governments/or were
6 July To avoid the risk from
the virus spreading,
facilities have to close
or adjust closing
hours which has
resulted in a decline of
income. Response to the
100% followed?
13 July Don’t want to go back
to overcrowding but
how to
business owners and
tourists at the same
time. What have been
the changes in the
financial and other
systems governing
business activity, etc?
20 July Redesign hotels for
other customers.
Authorize changes of
service systems like
take-outs, staggered
opening hours , etc. 
Low interest loans,

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