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Methods and Modern Approaches in Teaching

Jackielou G. Gonzalo

Midterm Exam Questions:

Describe your best practices in teaching using the following methods: (Give example on how you
apply in your teaching/learning these methods)

1. Inductive

2. Reflective

3. Constructivism

4. Problem-based learning

5. Project-based learning


1. In Inductive method in teaching it sort of discovery learning that focuses on the student. For
example, an instructor might use or show a few examples of a grammar point in English and
then ask students what they notice. In many cases, the grammar point might be introduced by
simply engaging the students in a directed conversation to slowly introduce it. The teacher
guides the students to noticing the grammar pattern, and finally explicitly exposes them to it.Say
for instance, I as an English teacher I used this in my class – First thing, I write on the board a
few examples of simple present and simple past sentences. Then asks my learners what
differences they’ve notice in the sentences. The learners discuss the differences and even try
converting some simple sentences from present to past on their own. Finally, I explains the rule
for converting sentences from past to present and for me that is the best practice I made on my
class using this inductive method in teaching.

2. Reflective Method in teaching means looking at what you do in the classroom, thinking about
why you do it, and thinking about if it works - a process of self-observation and self-evaluation.
By collecting, analyzing, and evaluating the feedback of our learners or somebody around us this
may lead us to change and improve our self to better especially in our teaching styles. I as a
teacher I do have Teacher Diary in this way I thought that it is the easiest way to begin a process
of reflection since it is purely personal. After each lesson I write in a notebook about what
happened. I may also describe my own reactions and feelings and those I observed on the part
of the students. I likely to begin to pose questions about what I have observed. Aside from that I
used student feedback technique I also ask my students what they think about what goes on in
the classroom. Their opinions and perceptions can add a different and valuable perspective. This
can be done with simple questionnaires or learning diaries for example. More likely, I used
reading journal for my dear learners to write after we’ve read a stories, novels, or an article for
them to also reflect and connect it in their daily lives.

3. Contructivism learning theory says that all knowledge is constructed from a base of prior
knowledge. Children are not a blank slate/TABULARASA and knowledge cannot be imparted
without the child making sense of it according to his or her current conceptions. Therefore,
children learn best when they are allowed to construct a personal understanding based on
experiencing things. The best example in my class is research proposal, students research a topic
and can present their findings to the class. In thing teaching method I as a teacher serves as a
facilitator in discussion. Thus, the focus should be on guiding students by asking questions that
will lead them to develop their own conclusions on our discussion. Group Activities is also the
best practice using this method. I allow groupings in my class especially equally distributed of
members because in this method they learn not only from themselves but also learning from
one another. They learn if they do it say for example, In our lesson about how to make a flash
fiction instead of explaining it I show example and I grouped them into four and they have
brainstorming what they’ve notice and after that they asked questions and I gave them time to
create on their own.

4. Problem-based learning focuses on students learning in a hands-on way instead of memorizing

facts. It also urges children to use high-level thinking skills, which require them to analyze,
create, defend, or evaluate. I usually make or find a reading material that are related or
something my learners are interested of for them to participate actively in my class and to also
give their thoughts about. As I remember in my class in 21 st Century Literature, we studied there
those contributions and many things about countries who colonized us. And as their activity
they will interview people or their grandma’s/granpa’s about those contributions that their
ancestors know on their time. I know through this activity they can solve problem by
interviewing someone who’s there in that situation and can apply their skills in critiical thinking
in evaluating the answers of their ancestors.

5. Project-based learning is an instructional approach designed to give students the opportunity to

develop knowledge and skills through engaging projects set around challenges and problems
they may face in the real world. In my class at the end of the semester since I handled Senior
High School learners they must produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying
multi- media and ICT skills so I gave them a project that I know through the years it will help
them in their future. I allow them to design a presentation whether it is a tableu, vlog, and
narration and they will transfer it to a flash drive and then we have scheduled time for us to
watch it and give credits to my learners for the project they’ve created.I actually surprised and
amazed because these 21st century learners are really great in doing such things.

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