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NAP-Grading Plan

The grading plan used by PreK teachers at my school is the use of letters N – A – P.
N – N stands for Needs Development.
 This letter is given to students struggling with certain skills.
A – A stands for Approaching.
 This letter is given to students who are still developing certain skills or concepts.
P – P stands for Proficient.
 This letter is given to students who demonstrate skills and concepts that
are at above “grade level standards”.
ELAR: By the end of the school year, PreK students should be able to:
 Name 20 uppercase and 20 lowercase letters – Names 20 uppercase and 20 lowercase
 Produce 20 letter sounds – Produces 20 letter sounds.
 Respond to Read Alouds – Asks questions about story details and events.
 Make inferences and predictions – Discusses what might happen with different characters
in the story.
 Segment sentences - Segments words in a sentence using objects.
 Write to communicate – Communicates through word, phrase or sentence
 Write own name – Writes own name.
Math: By the end of the school year, PreK students should be able to:
 Count to 30 – Counts in order up to 30.
 Count 10 objects – Touches each object while counting in order up to 10.
 Recognize the numbers 0-9 – Recognizes numbers up to 9.
 Add or subtract up to 5 objects – Shares a verbal word problem for subtracting.
 Name, create and manipulate common shapes – Breaks apart shapes to make objects and
other shapes (cut a house picture to make a triangle and square).
 Sort and organize objects – Sorts, organizes and compares data on a graph.
 Create pattern – Draws repeating patterns.
Science: By the end of the school year, PreK students should be able to:
 Describe properties of objects – Describes and compares the effects of magnets (attracted
to some things but not to others).
 Describe motion and sources of energy – Predicts and states conclusions after moving a
variety of objects on different surfaces.
 Describe changes in the earth and sky – Discuss the night sky, the day sky and the
relationship between shadow and a light source.
 Describe organisms and environments – Discusses how humans and animals depend on
plants and other organisms.
Social Studies: By the end of the school year, PreK students should be able to:
 Identify differences in people and families – Understands that people speak different
 Understand needs, roles and responsibilities of people – Demonstrates understanding of
what it means to be a consumer.
 Identifies the state and national flag and recites the Pledge of Allegiance – Makes a graph
of the different places the children have said or heard the pledge.

Using this criteria, formal and informal assessments, observations, and students’ work, teacher
will be able to assign a P, A, or N, to each student for every subject.
This grading plan is based on the different sections included in the PreK Report Card. Grading
criteria for Art, Social Emotional Learning, and Technology used would have to be developed.

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