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Synopsis​: Mid-Covid, CHARLIE who has dementia, a resident of a nursing home, prepares herself for a date,
or so she thinks.

At rise: ​Charlie sits nervously, looking around.

Is it time yet? ​Is it time yet? ​They won’t tell me. ​Why? ​(​Looks nervously around, touching neck)​ I remember,
yesterday…, was it yesterday? (​Put hand on head)​ (​A beat) O
​ f course! It was last Sunday, I’m sure of it, yes,
I’m sure. Last Sunday, at breakfast… or lunch, or brunch, who cares (​nervously laughs)​ Tom winked at me.
Me! (​happily claps)​ I have that man in my sight ever since I moved here, mmmm! That man must use some
pretty good teeth whitening kit as I can use those as a mirror. ​If I’m lucky!​ So we set up a date. I may not
remember my own name sometimes, but something about Tom just stuck with me, he reminded me of
someone… (​A beat) ​No matter. We made a date. And it’s (​close eyes, recalling)​, it’s…., (​signs, defeated)​ I
don’t remember. I ​don’t ​remember. I must’ve written it down somewhere. I’m sure I’d written it down!
(​Growing frustration) ​I ​KNOW ​I’ve written it down! I’m not ​stupid!​ (​Breaths hard) ​Calm down, Charlie, calm
down. Remember that song “Deja Vu”: “an island by the sea, rainbow colored people”. Yes, calm, Charlie,
you are better than this, you can beat it.

(​Breaths easier, smiles) ​Now where are the nurses? It’s 8 o’clock already and no one has called us for
breakfast. I remember being hungry (laughs)! Maybe nurse Troy can help me find my…. my… er… (​touches
neck) ​book? … Yes, book, which book?... (​A beat, face lax, eyes blank)​ (​Shakes out of it)​ Oh, yes! I haven’t
seen Tom since last Friday! He winked at me! I remember something now… sterilize … Troy told us they’re
going to sterilize the apartments… because… some virus, some kinda flu …? (​Touches head)​ Troy looked
worried, and he had this face mask on, he tried to hide behind his smiles usually, but those eyes can not fool
me. I’m Charlie, ex-military … ex … police? My friends called me “sarge”, that must mean that I am, was, an
​ hat was I going on about? Troy? Tom?
officer of something. (​Signs) W

(​A beat)
(​Sits up straight) I​ saw Tom! That’s right. I saw Tom last night! Troy was wheeling Tom away. Where... ?
Towards the back where they keep the ​real ​old folks. I almost missed them because Troy, he was telling me
to stay back, in ​that t​ one, something about a cough and the virus? And Tom, he wouldn’t talk to me, he hid
his face somehow... no, he was wearing a mask. Yes, yes! I must find Troy and talk to him about Tom. I have
my eyes on that one, he has such a great personality and he can paint! He said to me, “you take such good
care of those plants in the dining room. I will paint them and give the paintings to you so you will always have
them”. He’s a sweet man. And we have a date. ​Oh, yes! The date! ​And it’s (​checks the calendar on the wall)​,
oh, my sweet island by the sea, it’s today! I have to prepare! (​Looks around excitedly)​ Where is Troy? I need
to tell him that Tom and I are having a date. He’d be so happy for us. I HAVE to tell him before I forget, and
it’s all Deja Vu all over again. Now, should I dress ​hot​ or ​cold​?

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