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Dear Doctor,

With the urge to go beyond the limits of convention and explore newer frontiers, Dr Reddy's Foundation
for Health Education (DRFHE) has identified a critical area that was hitherto neglected and is delighted
to introduce a program titled "Inner Circle" aimed at the young doctors.

For being a doctor, it is essential to have acumen and high intelligence quotient. However, there is no fixed
correlation between IQ scores and successful medical practice. Researches show that cognitive intelligence
alone is not sufficient for success in most fields, including medicine.

The key for success lies in competency and soft skills. A doctor's profession, by its nature, puts him in direct
contact with people. Doctors have to interact with patients, superiors, peers and even employees. The art
the inner circle

of building relationships require a lot more than just technical knowledge. This is where the Inner Circle
would play a vital role. It aims to help young doctors develop the skills needed for a successful career.

The Inner Circle is conducted as a one day interactive workshop organized four times a year for 20-30
final year students. Upon completion of the program, the participants would be awarded certificates from

You can take the help of Inner Circle for enhancing personal and interpersonal effectiveness skills to
support a successful practice for your students. The Inner Circle, also covers topics on how to make good
presentations, conquer stage fright, be an effective public speaker etc. For registration into this program,
please ask your final year students to fill up the enrolment form.

Warm Regards,

Dr. Reddy's Foundation for Health Education

You can write to us at: This program is supported by an
unrestricted educational grant from

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