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Learning activity 1

Evidence: Describing my kitchen

Apprentice: Daniela Gonzalez Leyton

Write a description of your kitchen and the food you find in your cabinets and fridge. If it is possible, include a photo
or a drawing of your kitchen to illustrate the description.

Photo Description

My kitchen is very big. There is a big refrigerator and there are

many appliances like a toaster oven, a blender, a sandwich
maker, a grill, a blender, a food processor, a juice extractor.

In the cabinets there are many food and kitchen utensils in

total there are eight cabinets.

In the first cabinet there are all kinds of seasonings like salt,
pepper, color, dried parsley, cumin, oregano and dried chili.

In the second cabinet there is some wheat flour, cornstarch,

soya milk and jars of protein.
In the third cabinet there are glasses and aisles.

In the fourth cabinet there are all kinds of grains, pasta, tuna,
sardines and canned goods.

In the fifth cabinet you can find cereals, granolas and cookies

In the sixth cabinet there are panelas, rice and disposable

plates and cutlery.

In the seventh cabinet, there are deep plates and flatware

And in the last cabinet there are pots, pans and various
kitchen utensils.
My fridge is divided in two, the freezer and the refrigerator. In
the freezer there is chicken breast, beef and pork fillet and
some seafood, plus there is frozen fruit for juice and there are
also jars of ice cream.
In the refrigerator there are fruits like papaya, pineapple,
grapes, strawberry, apple, tangerine, kiwi and mango, there
are also yogurt pots, bags of milk, cheese, sausages, cream,
tomato sauce, pink sauce, soy sauce.

There are also vegetables such as garlic, onion, tomato,

zucchini, celery, chard and spinach. There are some treats
like donuts, muffins and chocolates.

In my kitchen there aren’t any sodas or potato packages.

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