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English 10 Unit 4 Project

Instructions: Look at the family tree. Think about 3 family members from your family and describe two memories you remember about each of them used

1. My grandmother always used to cook cookies or cakes for me. We’d eat cookies
after lunch.

2. My grandfather used to play soccer, he was a soccer goalkeeper. My family and

I would went to see him play soccer every Saturday.

3. Julio is my favorite cousin, we used to play soccer with another kids in our
neighborhood. We’d play almost every day with them.

Points: /10

Instructions: Complete these sentences with your ideas. Then, in the line below type if that was true for you or not. Look at the example:

Parents don’t let kids go out at night.

My parents didn’t let me go out at night.

1. Mothers usually ask children. My mother usually ask me to do my homework before dinner.

2. Kids get their grandparents. My grandmother loves to cook. I always get her to cook for me.
3. Parents make their kids. My parents make me clean the house every day.

4. Teachers help children. My teacher help me solve my homework when i don't understand.

Points: /5
Instructions: Look at the picture. Type what you think the problem in the picture is about. Then, type 3 pieces of advice you can give to these people
using conversation strategies.

Instructions: Look at the picture. Type what you think the picture/problem is about. After sharing the problem/situation type 3 pieces of advice.

It seems like they are fighting because he doesn't want to help her do their chores.

1. If you ask me, it's a good idea to do your own chores or divide them.
2. I don't think that fight is good for relationship. They have to talk about their
differences and to solve them.
3. I think It's better that she make him a list of the day's chores.

Points: /10

Points: /10

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