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Alfred Bernhard Nobel 21 October 1833 – 10 December 1896) was a Swedish chemist, engineer, inventor, businessman, and philanthropist.

Known for inventing dynamite, Nobel also owned Bofors, which he had redirected from its previous role as primarily an iron and steel producer to a major
manufacturer of cannon and other armaments. Nobel held 355 different patents, dynamite being the most famous. After reading a premature
obituary which condemned him for profiting from the sales of arms, he bequeathed his fortune to institute the Nobel Prizes.[1][2] The synthetic
element nobelium was named after him.

The categories of the Nobel prizes are: Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Economy, peace and literature

The last ten Nobel peace prizes were awarded to:

200 Muhammad Yunus "for advancing economic and social opportunities for the poor,
6 esh especially women, through their pioneering microcredit work"[100]

Grameen Bank

Intergovernmental Panel on  United

Climate Change Nations

"for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about

man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the
 United measures that are needed to counteract such change"[101]
Al Gore

200 "for his efforts on several continents and over more than three
Martti Ahtisaari  Finland
8 decades, to resolve international conflicts"[102]

200  United "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy

Barack Obama
9 States and cooperation between peoples."[103]

201 "for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in
Liu Xiaobo[G]  China
0 China"[104]
201  Liberia "for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and
1 for women's rights to full participation in peace-building work"[105]

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

Leymah Gbowee
Tawakkul Karman  Yemen

201  Europea "for over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and
European Union
2 n Union reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe."[106]

Organisation for the

Prohibition of Chemical International "for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons."[107]

Kailash Satyarthi  India

201 "for their struggle against the suppression of children and young
4 people and for the right of all children to education"[108]

Malala Yousafzai  Pakistan

201 Tunisian National Dialogue "for its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy
5 Quartet  Tunisia in Tunisia in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011"[109]

"for his resolute efforts to bring the country's more than 50-year-long
201  Colombi
Juan Manuel Santos civil war to an end, a war that has cost the lives of at least 220,000
6 a Colombians and displaced close to six million people"[

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