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<title>2D/3D Javascript Chess</title>
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function pressVwBtn(nBtnId) {
if (nVwPressed) { document.getElementById("viewBtn" + nVwPressed).className =
""; }
document.getElementById("viewBtn" + nBtnId).className = "pressedBtn";
nVwPressed = nBtnId;

// Firefox only
function onPGNLoaded(frEvnt) {
var sFBody =;
chess.readPGN(sFBody, document.chessCtrl3.plyerClr2[1].checked);

// Firefox only
function loadPGNFile() {
var oFile = document.getElementById("PGNFileData").files[0];
if (oFile) {
var oFReader = new FileReader();
oFReader.onload = onPGNLoaded;

function initChess() {
|| 1000);
document.chessCtrl1.plyDepthCtrl.value = "0";
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<body onload="initChess();">
<h1>HTML5 Chess Game Example</h1>

<p>Only for 3D view: use the "+" and "-" keys to zoom; use the numpad to play with
<form name="chessCtrl1" onsubmit="return(false);">
<p style="text-align:center;">[&nbsp;<input id="useAIAsk" name="useAI"
type="checkbox" onclick="chess.useAI(this.checked);" checked /> <label
for="useAIAsk">Against machine</label> | Promotion to: <select
option>Knight</option></select> | <input type="button" name="strtBtn" value="New
game" onclick="chess.organize(this.form.plyerClr1[1].checked);" /> (Human: <input
type="radio" name="plyerClr1" id="white1" checked /> <label
for="white1">white</label> <input type="radio" name="plyerClr1" id="black1" />
<label for="black1">black</label>) | Machine meditation level (press return to
save): <input type="text" name="plyDepthCtrl" value="0" size="2"
onkeypress=";if(event.keyCode===13&&chess.setPlyDepth(this.value)){alert('Ply depth
setted.' + (Number(this.value) > 2 ? '\nAttention! The game could be very slow.' :
' Good game :)'));}" />&nbsp;]</p>

<div id="chessToolBar"><div id="setViewBtns"><span id="viewBtn2"

onclick="chess.setView(2);pressVwBtn(2);" onmousedown="return(false);">3D
view</span><span id="viewBtn1" onclick="chess.setView(1);pressVwBtn(1);"
onmousedown="return(false);">2D view</span><span id="viewBtn3"
<img class="tbBtn" src="icons/skip-backward.png" title=""
onclick="chess.backToStart();" />
<img class="tbBtn" src="icons/backward.png" title="" onclick="chess.navigate(-10,
true);" />
<img class="tbBtn" src="icons/reverse-play.png" title="" onclick="chess.navigate(-
1, true);" />
<img class="tbBtn" src="icons/stop.png" title="" onclick="chess.stopMotion();" />
<img class="tbBtn" src="icons/play.png" title="" onclick="chess.navigate(1, true);"
<img class="tbBtn" src="icons/forward.png" title="" onclick="chess.navigate(10,
true);" />
<img class="tbBtn" src="icons/skip-forward.png" title=""
onclick="chess.returnToEnd();" />
<img class="tbBtn" src="icons/go-previous.png" title="" onclick="chess.navigate(-
<img class="tbBtn" src="icons/go-next.png" title="" onclick="chess.navigate(1);" />
<img class="tbBtn" src="icons/help-hint.png" title="" onclick=";" />

<div id="chessDesk"></div>

<form name="chessCtrl2" onsubmit="return(false);">

<p style="text-align:center;">[&nbsp;View side: <select
name="selSide"><option>White</option><option>Black</option><option selected>Human
side</option></select> | <input id="useKeybAsk" name="KeybCtrl" type="checkbox"
onclick="chess.useKeyboard(this.checked);" checked /> <label
for="useKeybAsk">Enable keyboard</label> | Motion frame rate: <input type="text"
name="frameRateCtrl" value="1000" size="5" onchange="var nMs=new
Number(this.value);if(!isNaN(nMs)&&nMs>0){chess.setFrameRate(nMs);}" />
<hr />
<h3 style="text-align:center;">Portable Game Notation reader</h3>
<form name="chessCtrl3" onsubmit="return(false);">
<table id="pgnTable">
<tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align:center;">Human is: <input type="radio"
name="plyerClr2" id="white2" checked /> <label for="white2">white</label> <input
type="radio" name="plyerClr2" id="black2" /> <label for="black2">black</label></td>
<td>Select a PGN file (Firefox only):</td>
<td><input type="file" id="PGNFileData" /> <a href="#" onclick="loadPGNFile();
<td>or paste your PGN file's body here:</td>
<td><textarea rows="10" cols="50" id="PGNBodyArea"></textarea> <a href="#"
trl3.plyerClr2[1].checked);return(false);">Load</a><br />
(you can try with <a href="sample.pgn">this</a> example PGN file)</td>
<hr />
<p style="text-align:center;">[&nbsp;<a href=""
title="Go to Home Page" target="_blank">Home</a> | <a
href="" title="Go to Forums"
target="_blank">Forums</a> | <a
" title="Send a comment" target="_blank">Send a comment</a>&nbsp;]</p>
<div><iframe src="
on=like&amp;font=arial&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=21" scrolling="no"
frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:700px; height:21px;"
<hr />
<h3 style="text-align:center;">Running code within the "chess" object.</h3>
<p style="text-align:center;">Please uncomment the function
chess.runInside(<em>sCode</em>) to execute your code.<br />
<textarea rows="10" cols="55" id="debugArea"
* Javascript Console.
* Press Ctrl+Shift+Space to run code
* within the "chess" object.
var sRappr = "";
for (nBoardX = 0; nBoardX &lt; 12; nBoardX++) {
var nBoardY = 0;
for (nBoardY = 0; nBoardY &lt; 10; nBoardY++) { sRappr += (etc.aBoard[nBoardX
* 10 + nBoardY]) + ", "; }
sRappr = sRappr.substr(0, sRappr.length - 2) + "\n";
alert("This is the numeric rappresentation of the chessboard:\n\n" + sRappr);

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