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Published by Samantha Cox
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Presentation on theme: "Clippers

and Clampers-3"— Presentation

1 Clippers and Clampers-3

Thought of the Day
To be conscious that
you are ignorant
is a great step to
-- Benjamin Disraeli.
बुधवार, 21 नव बर 2018
Clippers and Clampers-3

2 Clippers and Clampers - 3

D.C. Kulshreshtha
बुधवार, 21 नव बर 2018
Clippers and Clampers-3

3 Clippers and Clampers-3

An Exercise
The ac supply in your home has one live wire
(red coloured) and the other neutral wire (black
The voltage of the live wire with respect to
neutral wire swings between the lower and
upper voltage-levels, 50 times in a second.
What are these two levels ?
Ans V and V.
Can you suggest some simple scheme to make
the ac voltage (of live wire) swing between +511
V and -111 V ? ( Hint : You can use a battery and
a transformer.)
बुधवार, 21 नव बर 2018
Clippers and Clampers-3

4 Clippers and Clampers-3

The circuit
Now, draw the output voltage waveshape.
बुधवार, 21 नव बर 2018
Clippers and Clampers-3
5 Clampers (Electronic Circuits)
Also called DC Restorers.
It clamps (or holds, or ties) either the positive or
the negative peak of a signal to a de nite level.
The circuit has a capacitor, a diode, and a
In addition, it may have a dc supply to introduce
additional shift.
Time constant τ = RC is made much larger than
T (time period) of the signal.
The capacitor does not discharge when diode is
not conducting.
बुधवार, 21 नव बर 2018
Clippers and Clampers-3

6 Clippers and Clampers-3

Positive Clamper
(a) The input.
(b) The circuit.
On rst negative cycle, the diode turns ON. The
capacitor starts charging. At negative peak, the
circuit is as shown in (c). The capacitor charges
to Vm.
बुधवार, 21 नव बर 2018
Clippers and Clampers-3

7 Clippers and Clampers-3

Slightly beyond negative peak, the diode turns
OFF. Capacitor does not discharge much
because of high RC. At positive peak, the circuit
is as shown in (d). The net output is shown in
बुधवार, 21 नव बर 2018
Clippers and Clampers-3

8 Clippers and Clampers-3

(e) The output.
The charged capacitor acts like a battery of Vm.
This is the dc voltage that is added to the signal,
as seen in (e). The output sits on 0 V level. The
output is shifted in positive direction.
बुधवार, 21 नव बर 2018
Clippers and Clampers-3

9 Clippers and Clampers-3

Negative Clamper
(a) The circuit.
(b) The output.
The diode is turned around. The capacitor
voltage reverses, and the circuit becomes
negative clamper. It is clamped to zero-volt
level, but always remaining below 0 V.
Memory Aid : The diode points in the direction
of shift.
बुधवार, 21 नव बर 2018
Clippers and Clampers-3

10 Clippers and Clampers-3

Note :
The total swing of the output is the same as
that of the input.
A clamper can also have an added dc voltage. It
is then called biased clamper.
Start the analysis of the circuit for that part of
input, for which diode is ON.
Assume that the capacitor charges to voltage
level decided by the circuit.
Assume that when diode is OFF, the capacitor
does not discharge.
बुधवार, 21 नव बर 2018
Clippers and Clampers-3

11 Clippers and Clampers-3

Example 1
Determine the output for the input of 1 kHz
(b) The circuit.
(a) The input.
Is it a positive or negative clamper ?
Ans. : Biased positive clamper.
बुधवार, 21 नव बर 2018
Clippers and Clampers-3

12 Clippers and Clampers-3

Solution :
The time constant of the circuit,
The time period of the input signal,
Thus, the capacitor holds the charge when the
diode is OFF.
We begin analysis with the period from T/2 to T;
the diode is ON.
The circuit is as shown in (a)
बुधवार, 21 नव बर 2018
Clippers and Clampers-3

13 Clippers and Clampers-3

The output is across R, but it is also across 3-V
Hence, vo = 3 V, during this period.
Applying KVL, VC -3 = 0; VC = 18 V.
For the period from T to 3T/2, the circuit is as
shown in (b).
बुधवार, 21 नव बर 2018
Clippers and Clampers-3

14 Clippers and Clampers-3

Applying KVL, vo = = 23 V.
Thus, the output is as shown in (c).
Note that the output swing is also 20 V.
बुधवार, 21 नव बर 2018
Clippers and Clampers-3

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