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You are the Head Prefect of your school.

The indiscipline cases in your

school are on the rise. Therefore, you have carried out a survey on the
types of indiscipline cases and the causes. Based on your findings,
write a report to the Principal regarding the issue. In your report,
describe the types of the indiscipline cases and the causes. Provide
suggestions to overcome the problems.

To : The Principal of SMK Temerloh Jaya

From : The Head Prefect of SMK Temerloh Jaya
Title : Types of Indiscipline Cases and The Causes

As the Head Prefect of SMK Temerloh Jaya, recently, I did an

observation on the behaviours and manners of the students in this
school. Therefore, it is my duty and responsibility to make a report on
the concerning indiscipline cases that are on the rise at such an
alarming rate.
For your information, there is a great number of indiscipline cases
happening in this school. One of them is the act of bullying. This case
usually involved both upper form and lower form students. Though
sometimes there is no physical harm intended, bullying can also be
done verbally which can lead the victims to feel anxious and petrified to
go to school or worse, outside in general. Moreover, stealing stationery
items has also been a ‘trend’ among students. They usually end up
stealing dear calculators or even sneaked in classrooms during recess to
steal money from school bags. Plus, there are numerous students who
enjoy playing truant. The reason for this is mainly to avoid getting
scolded by teachers for not finishing their tasks or homework in time. I
hope students will not imitate this awful behaviour. Remember to eat
humble pie if you did not finish your homework. Also, there is a few
students who bring handphones to school. Based on the sudden spot
check we had done before, students tend to give very similar excuses to
cover themselves which is mostly to call their parents. We believe such
excuse cannot be comprehended and is a total nonsensical statement.
There are myriad causes or reasons as to why these indiscipline
cases occurred in the first place. First and foremost, it is undoubtedly
that the rules and regulations are poorly reinforced in our school. As a
result, students tend to take the golden opportunity to let teachers’
and prefects’ advices to fall on deaf ears. On top of that, being in a
group of friends, it is extremely normal for students to be influenced by
their beloved peers. This helps them to be bravely rebellious and make
a hassle everywhere they go. Thus, as an impact, they are lacking
interest to study properly so, they are unable to achieve higher results
in their academics. Furthermore, there is also a minority amount of
students who suffer from family problems. Under these unavoidable
circumstances, they had to break the school rules and regulations. For
instance, they need to play truant to take care of their younger siblings
et cetera.
I would like to provide heterogeneous suggestions on how to
overcome the problems regarding disciplinary issues in this school. First
of all, the students who seem to cyclically cause troubles should be
closely monitored by teachers. By doing so, the students will be more
cautious of their actions. Also, the school authority should work hand in
hand to provide counselling sessions and motivational talks. Students
who joined these programmes will then have an optimistic mind and try
to improve themselves to become a better person in the future.
Furthermore, heavier punishment should be imposed to those who
were involved in indiscipline cases. For instance, smoking tobacco,
sexual harassments, and so on. Last but not least, parents should lend a
hand by making sure their children are properly educated at home.
They should always remind their children to make good deeds at all
time. As the famous saying goes, prevention is better than cure.
I hope that the school authority will take immediate actions to
make sure the indiscipline cases can be drastically reduced so that our
students will grow to become morally good people.

Reported by,

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