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The Odyssey

Vivian Sky

The Ancient Greece was known to be exceptional regarding fine arts and innovations. In fact,
their contribution to various fields, including government, literature, architecture, arts,
philosophy, mathematics, engineering, medicine, and drama, was so impactful it has influenced
every following generations and its influence still persists. One very prominent example would
be its architectural influence. The Greeks were evidently expressive in their forms of
architecture, and many Western style architectural structures have Greek origins. These would
include present-day Neoclassical Architecture dominant in Europe and America; Federal Style,
Greek Revival, and Beaux-Arts. Moreover, another example would be their literary impact. The
Greeks were exceptionally passionate about their works of literature. A lot of common forms of
writing can be traced back to Ancient Greece, such as epics, mythology, and didactic poetry.
The Odyssey demonstrates an interesting addition to mythology. In said ancient times, the
Greeks believed in multiple gods, each serving a common purpose. This inspired many Greeks to
compose eventful stories of the gods. In these stories, the gods acted like normal humans. They
had families and could be good or evil. Their primary difference was the fact that they possessed
supernatural powers. As such, the gods disagreed on how they felt about Odysseus. Some
believed he possessed the qualities of a hero due to his undeniable courage and skill. However, a
minority of gods weren't fond of him. Poseidon deemed him arrogant and selfless, as an
The Odyssey is one of the most unique pieces of literature known to mankind. Likewise, it is
considered a valuable piece of literature due to the cultural and historical insights associated with
it. It offers us a vivid understanding of the culture practiced in Ancient Greece. Another factor of
importance is its extraordinary impact. In fact, it was impactful enough to inspire tons of writers
for thousands of years. Overall, its out of the ordinary storytelling and imaginative creative
elements proves its remarkable significance.

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