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Welcome Dear One, 

Are you done with fear and overwhelm? Done with sacrificing yourself to
serve others, as a Mom, business owner or in a relationship? What an
exciting decision to step into this beautiful divine power of yours: loving
and accepting yourself!

Please know that the Love I am referring to is Divine Love; it is experienced

and given to yourself without expectations of guilt or manipulation. This
Divine Love as Love given as a natural outpouring of the essential nature of
the Self who cares about herself as well as others without the need for a
reason. Divine Love as the natural response to witnessing the essence of
another person, animal, plant, or anything else in creation. Self Love as
Divine Love is God/ Goddess Essence flowing through you and all that

So here my gift to you, the 40 ways to love and accept yourself so that this
God/ Goddess Essence flows through you easily and effortlessly in every
moment.  That's my wish for you.
01 Connect to your Soul - feel the Radiance and
Oneness your Soul emanates and feel the

02 Every night ask your Guardian Angels to watch

over you wrap your physical body in a protective
blanket all night while you sleep.

03 Ask to travel in your dreams to the higher

vibrational planes to be healed and uplifted.

04 Record the affirmations that most resonate with

you and listen to your own voice stating those
affirmations every morning.

05 Write love notes to your future self and hide

them in your house so you can find them later.
06 Be purposeful in your actions. The more
purposeful actions you take, the more life force
will draw you forward, filling you with energy
and provide longevity in support of your divine

07 Create win-win situations.  The more you have

everyone win in a transaction, the more
elevated you feel because you took care of your
own well-being while others win as well.

08 Make a meal plan for the week that really

nourishes you and balances yummy food with
the healthy meals you need.  Make a decision
that what you put on the meal plan is good for
you no matter what it is. Even if it is for
example chocolate cookies, make the decision
that it's good for you.

09 Blessing your food before you eat it will

increase its vibration and give you a higher
vibrational nutrition.

10 Look at yourself in the mirror. Look directly in

your pupils and tell yourself “I love you”.
Increase this gradually to multiple times a day.

11 Don't commensurate with others in their

complaints. Instead stay in your vibration and
your space and practice allowing yourself to
feel good even in the eye of others’ problems
and complaints.
12 Treat yourself with that nice face cream or
other body treatment often. Celebrate your
body this way, it's the Temple of your Soul.

13 Laugh often and loud; it elevates you into a

higher vibration.  You can even close yourself in
a room or your car and laugh out loud for 1
minute. It might sound funny yet see how you
feel afterwards.  Laughter nourishes your Heart,
Mind and Soul.

14 Create music playlists for different moods.

Maybe one ‘calm’, the other one ‘energetic’ and
one ‘uplifting’ so depending on what kind of
energy you need, you can support yourself by
listening to the right playlist for that moment.

15 Make time to sit in the Sun.  Sun elevates your

being and brings joy and lightness to yourself
which simulates the feeling of being loved.
16 Whenever you are in a place of loving yourself
do two things: 

1) imagine a lever like a light dimmer and pull it

all the way up to feel even more love in

2) see what picture resonates with that feeling

and make that picture as specific as possible. 
Find that kind of picture and print it or draw it
yourself and hang it up so every time you see
the picture you're reminded of that feeling.

17 Buy yourself flowers regularly. Fresh flowers in

itself have a high vibration and therefore
elevate the place they are in.

18 Find an activity to express yourself creatively.

It's so important to balance our feminine
through creativity and open up to the high
vibrational energy and wisdom that flows
through us when we are creating.

19 Write down what you truly desire in your heart

and remind yourself often.

20 When you want to say something that does not

lift you up, bite your lip instead.

21 Make space for friendships that fill you up. The

Angels call it playtime: no purpose, no outcome,
just pure joy of the moment.

22 Walk in nature and be truly grateful for what

you see in nature around you: the trees
standing in their place, the sun rising everyday,
the birds trusting that they find food, the moon
being in the sky.
23 Connect to One Shining Star in the sky on a
Starlit Night, and connecting to that star
become aware that your soul sent you down
here, is watching you from afar, and know that
‘all is good’.

24 Do something satisfying and meaningful for

yourself that is completely outside of any of
your relationships, i.e. go by yourself to an art
exhibition, for a walk or create some art yourself
(PS: it might increase the harmony in your
relationships, too)

25 One of our biggest soul's desires is to share.

Find out what you can share, sometimes it
might be just a post on social media or smile as
you pass by someone on the street. Sharing fills
the soul. The less you think about yourself and
the more you focus on being of service, that is
where you’ll find clarity, passion, confidence
and your key to success.

26 Awareness is one of the biggest teachings. It is

said that before you can change anything in
your life you have to become aware of what's
happening. So practice becoming aware.
Awareness is the first step to change.
Awareness is the first step to acceptance.
Awareness is the first step to being awake in
this life, to being fully present and conscious.
Awareness is the first step to knowing what you
need and what you don't need. Become aware!

27 Replace each negative word you say (out loud

or in your mind) with a positive word. You can
just restate it. When you do that you feel better
and attract more positivity, since that is what
you think about.
28 Think about what you are grateful for and
celebrate, and be excited to have even more to
be grateful for. When you feel good about your
life, you get into a higher vibration by being

29 Give yourself permission to be you with all your

flaws and mistakes. Love yourself for it. If you
were to be perfect it would not be you. Like the
saying ‘Be you! Everyone else is taken’. Being in
that, brings peace and calm, because if you're
good there's nothing to rush to. You can be in
this moment. How wonderful is that!

30 Create playtime with the child in you, your

inner child: no outcome, just be with yourself
and enjoy the moment, giving yourself some
time to be a child is really wholesome and
healing. If you haven't done that for a while do
it soon!
31 Talk to yourself as if you were your best friend. If
you would talk to a friend rudely, they would
not want to hang out with you anymore.
Practice being aware of your words; watch your
words and see how your words create your
surroundings. There is a saying: Imagine that
every word you say would be a bubble next to
you. You created a bubble with your words.
What bubbles would you like to have next to

32 Every night before going to sleep give all the

heaviness to the universe or a higher power. 
Just visualize handing it over; what's heavy for
you from the day emotionally and mentally.
Your body and mind can then better
rejuvenate and use all of your sleeping time to
be refreshed for a new day.

33 The Golden Rule needs to be mentioned here:

‘do unto others as you would have them do
unto you’.  This awareness of your words and
actions, this kindness brings kindness back to
you, because you are filling your thoughts,
words and deeds with kindness.

34 There is the story of a friend of mine. She went

away for a month to a seminar and when she
arrived she told her teacher “I need to separate
from my husband when I get home”. And her
teacher said ‘what about I give you a practice
for 30 days, give it a chance for 30 days’ and she
said “okay, what do I need to do for the 30
days?”. And he said “for 30 days, love your
husband unconditionally”. So she went back to
her home and you know what happened/
Whatever he said, whatever he did, she just
loved him unconditionally. And you know how
long it took for him to shift, for him to become
as loving? Three days, not 30, just three days. So
the big learning is: how many people do you
really need for a good relationship? One ... just
35 See the light of God in the other person's
essence. Acknowledge that he or she is one
with you in Holiness. The more you see the
light, the more you see the light penetrating
everywhere, all subjects and objects in the
universe and the lighter, more joyful and loving
your life becomes.

36 Connect to a tree in nature. Connect to the

unconditional love of that tree and feel how it is
not asking to stand somewhere else or have red
instead of white flowers. It has its place and is
totally satisfied.  Connect to that contentment
as you connect to that tree.

37 Look at the rim of a tree right where it ends and

the sky begins. Look without blinking as long as
you can.  Do this at least once a day. You will
start seeing the aura of white light around the
tree. As you do that more and more often, it
will open up your heart chakra to the light in
the world.  As you do that feel how connecting
to the aura of a tree lifts your spirit and
connects you to the higher vibration in this
38 If you are not around a tree do the same with a
candle. Look at the candlelight without blinking
as long as you can.  This is called Trataka and it
opens your heart to the light and higher
vibration in this world.

39 The purpose of meditation is really to practice

this state of being all day. So set the intention
that you can take the peace and calm you
reached in meditation with you all day, the goal
is 24/7.

40 And Finally, the teaching that you probably

know, and I am here to remind you: ‘Ask, and it
is given.’ Ask every day for a miracle, for a
quantum leap - in your business, your family,
your abundance, your capacity to love and be
love. And trust ... it is given, because you are a
child of God.

Here they are: 40 ways to love and accept yourself. Accepting

your own choices and accepting others choices are one of the
attributes of an Enlightened soul. You are on your way to
sharing your light, I am looking forward to taking this journey
with you.

Love, Nicola

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