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Exp Brain Res (1988) 73:167-180

9 Springer-Verlag 1988

Dissociation of the lateral and medial cerebellum

in movement timing and movement execution

R.B. Ivry1'2, S.W. Keele 1, and H.C. Diener 3

1 Departmentof Psychology,Universityof Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, USA
2 CognitiveNeuropsychologyLaboratory,Suite460, NeurologicalSciencesCenter, GoodSamaritanHospital,Portland, OR 97210, USA
3 Departmentof Neurology,Universityof Ttibingen, D-7400 Ttibingen,FRG

Summary. In a previous study (Ivry and Keele, in Key words: Cerebellum - Movement control - Tim-
press), cerebellar patients were found to be impaired ing - Movement execution
on both a motor and a perceptual task which required
accurate timing. This report presents case study
analyses of seven patients with focal lesions in the
cerebellum. The lesions were predominantly in the Introduction
lateral, hemispheric regions for four of the patients.
For the remaining three patients, the lesions were In a preceding paper (Ivry and Keele, in press), we
centered near the medial zone of the cerebellum. The examined the performance of different neurological
clinical evaluation of the patients also was in agree- patient groups on a motor timing task and a percep-
ment with the different lesion loci: lateral lesions tual timing task. The results strongly indicated that
primarily impaired fine motor Coordination, espe- the integrity of the cerebellum was critical for accu-
cially apparent in movements with the distal rate timing control. Only the cerebellar patients were
extremities and medial lesions primarily disturbed impaired on both the motor and perceptual tasks.
balance and gait. All of the patients were found to These patients were more variable on a rhythmic
have increased variability in performing rhythmic tapping task and were less accurate than the other
tapping when tapping with an effector (finger or foot) groups in making perceptual judgments of time
ipsilateral to the lesion in comparison to their per- intervals bounded by acoustic signals. We interpret
formance with a contralateral effector. Separable these results as demonstrating that one role of the
estimates of a central timekeeper component and an cerebellum is to operate as a task-independent timing
implementation component were derived from the module. When a task requires some sort of explicit
total variability scores following a model developed timing computation, the cerebellum is recruited for
by Wing and Kristofferson (1973). This analysis this operation.
indicated that the poor performance of patients with Previous research and theory had suggested that
lateral lesions can be attributed to a deficit in the timing control may be one function of the cerebel-
central timing process. In contrast, patients with lum. Classical clinical neurology has interpreted
medial lesions are able to accurately determine when dysmetria and dysdiadochokinesia, cardinal signs of
to make a response, but are unable to implement the cerebellar dysfunction, as being the result of a
response at the desired time. A similar dissociation breakdown in the patient's ability to time the onset
between the lateral and medial regions has been and offset of antagonist pairs of muscles (Holmes
observed on a time perception task in patients with 1939; Dichgans and Diener 1984). For example, the
cerebellar atrophy. It is concluded that the lateral hypermetric movement overshoots the target
regions of the cerebellum are critical for the accurate because the muscular activity is not properly termi-
functioning of an internal timing system. nated (Eccles 1977; Hallett et al. 1975; Vilis and
Hore 1980). Animal models have further demon-
strated that lesions in the cerebellar nuclei can
disrupt the temporal relations between antagonist
Offprint requests to: R.B. Ivry, Cognitive Neuropsychology muscles (Conrad and Brooks 1974; Vilis and Hore
Laboratory(address see above) 1980).

While those studies suggest that the cerebellum is in terms of their target innervation sites at all levels
involved in timing control, the studies have only of the central nervous system. Starting with the most
indirectly addressed the problem. Alternative expla- descending fibers, only the fastigial and interpositus
nations which do not involve a timing mechanism nuclei send projections directly to the spinal cord
could be involed to account for these results. For (Wilson et al. 1978; Asanuma et al. 1983c). At the
instance, the onsets and offsets of the E M G bursts next higher level, a contrast can be seen between the
might be regulated by feedback from the periphery fastigial projections to the brainstem and the inter-
(Terzuolo et al. 1973) and cerebellar lesions could positus and dentate efferent pathways. The former
disrupt this closed loop process. Moreover, previous include extensive terminations in the vestibular
research had only considered the cerebellar role in nuclei, reticular formation, and the pontine nuclei
motor timing. We have found (Keele et al. 1985b) (Asanuma et al. 1983c) whereas the latter nuclei
significant correlations between healthy subjects' primarily project to the ventrolateral regions of the
ability to accurately produce isochronous intervals thalamus, the red nucleus, and the inferior olive
and make perceptual judgments concerning the regu- (Kemp and Powell 1971; Pansky and Allen 1980;
larity of similar intervals. This finding led us to Asanuma et al. 1983a-c). Moreover, the dentate and
consider the hypothesize that the same timing system interpositus terminations in the red nucleus, inferior
is used in both motor and perceptual tasks. We olive, and ventrolateral thalamus are in non-overlap-
believe our patient study (Ivry and Keele, in press) ping regions (Flumerfelt et al. 1973; Asanuma et al.
provides the most direct evidence for the hypothesis 1983a-c; Yammamoto et al. 1983). At the highest
that the cerebellum is part of an internal timing level, Sasaki (1984) has summarized electrophy-
system used in motor control. In addition, the finding siological evidence for cat and monkey showing
of a purely perceptual deficit in cerebellar patients marked differences in the cerebellocortical connec-
was novel and demonstrated the general purpose tions. According to Sasaki (1984), the medial and
nature of the cerebellar timing system. intermediate zones of the cerebellum are reciprocally
In the present paper, we will report a detailed connected with motor cortex (areas 4M and 4I,
examination of the tapping performance of eight respectively). The reciprocal connections between
patients with focal cerebellar lesions. Whereas the the lateral cerebellum and cortex are much more
group data presented in Ivry and Keele (in press) extensive spanning prefrontal and premotor areas as
pointed out the importance of the cerebellum in well as motor cortex (area 4L). Schell and Strick
timing, we will argue that the case studies demon- (1984) have also argued that there are parallel
strate a dissociation between the respective contribu- pathways from the cerebellar nuclei to the cerebral
tions of the lateral and medial aspects of the cerebel- cortex.
lum. The lateral regions of the cerebellum are Single cell recordings have provided another line
required for accurate timing whereas the medial of evidence supportive of the functional distinction
regions are primarily involved in the implementation between the lateral and medial nuclei of the cerebel-
and execution of motor responses. lum. For example, Thach (1970, "1975, 1978) has
The hypothesis that different functions are associ- examined discharge latencies in dentate and inter-
ated with the lateral and medial regions of the positus neurons under volitional and reactive move-
cerebellum is not novel. The most frequent division ment conditions. When producing self-initiated
of cerebellar function has been to associate the movements, Thach observed that dentate latencies
lateral regions with movement planning and pro- preceded EMG changes (Thach 1970) and tended to
gramming whereas the intermediate and medial lead responses in motor cortex (Thach 1975). In
regions are associated with the movement execution contrast, the latencies of interpositus neurons were
(e.g. Allen and Tsukahara 1974; Eccles 1977; see generally shorter than dentate latencies following the
Brooks and Thach 1981 for a review). We will briefly pertubation of a monkey's hand from a held position
review the evidence for this distinction drawing from (Thach 1978). Similarly, Bava et al. (1983) reported
anatomical, physiological, and clinical research. The that fastigial neurons were only recruited after move-
cerebellum is typically segmented into three regions: ment onset. Taken together, these latency results
the lateral, intermediate, and vermal regions which match what would be expected if the lateral regions
primarily project to the fastigial, interpositus (glu- of the cerebellum contributed to movement planning
bose/emboliform complex in humans), and dentate and the more medial zones were involved in move-
nuclei, respectively. The efferent projections from ment execution, regulation, and correction (see also
the nuclei remains segregated as they exit the cere- Schwartz et al. 1987).
bellum via the peduncles (Pansky and Allen 1980; These anatomical and neurophysiological differ-
Asanuma et al. 1983c) and show marked differences ences between the lateral and medial regions of the

c e r e b e l l u m are m i r r o r e d in clinical findings. T h e Each trial began with a series of 50 ms tones (65 dBA)
presented at regular intervals of 550 ms. This pace was sufficiently
most g e n e r a l d i s t i n c t i o n m a d e by n e u r o l o g i s t s slower than the maximal tapping rate of all of the subjects, thus
regarding c e r e b e l l a r disorders is that m e d i a l lesions ensuring that no subject had a problem keeping up with the pace.
are associated with d i s t u r b a n c e s of gait a n d stance A subject was instructed to begin tapping along with the tones
whereas lateral lesions p r o d u c e deficits in fine m o t o r once he or she had internally established the desired pace. After
the subject's first response, 12 more tones were presented during
c o o r d i n a t i o n m a n i f e s t e d in l i m b ataxia, i n t e n t i o n a l
which time the subject attempted to synchronize his or her
tremor, dysmetria, and dysdiadochokinesia (Holmes responses. The subject was instructed to continue tapping at the
1939; Ito 1984; D i c h g a n s a n d D i e n e r 1984). It seems same rate when the tones ended. After 31 self-paced taps had
r e a s o n a b l e to s u p p o s e that the deficits in h a n d a n d occurred, the computer signalled the end of the trial. Feedback
finger m o v e m e n t s c a n b e the result of p l a n n i n g was then provided to the subject indicating the mean interval
produced with and without the tones and the standard deviation of
deficits. T h e stance a n d gait deficits a p p e a r to b e
the inter-response-intervals (IRI).
m o r e posturally r e l a t e d a n d thus p r i m a r i l y associated A block of trials was concluded once the subject had produced
with an i m p l e m e n t a t i o n or f e e d b a c k system. T h e either six "error-free" trials of 12 paced and 31 self-paced
c o r r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n site of lesion a n d this responses each or six "unsuccessful" trials. A trial was considered
d o c h o t o m y , h o w e v e r , is n o t perfect. It is u n l i k e l y unsuccessful if any IRI was less than or greater than 50% of the
base duration (less than 275 ms or greater than 825 ms). The data
that the clinical d i f f e r e n t i a t i o n b e t w e e n fine m o t o r from the unsuccessful trials were excluded from subsequent
c o o r d i n a t i o n a n d p o s t u r e c o r r e s p o n d s perfectly with analysis. This is a criterion which we have adopted in our previous
the f u n c t i o n a l distinction b e t w e e n p l a n n i n g a n d research since such deviant values could be due to either tremor or
implementation. insufficient force to register a response.
Each subject alternated between blocks of tapping with the
T o s u m m a r i z e , c o n v e r g i n g e v i d e n c e points to the
impaired and unimpaired index fingers. We have found that
role of the lateral r e g i o n s of the c e r e b e l l u m in normal subjects are equally proficient at this task with either hand,
m o v e m e n t p l a n n i n g w h e r e a s the c o n t r i b u t i o n of the regardless of hand dominance (Keely et al. 1985a). Thus, we are
m e d i a l regions a p p e a r to b e e v i d e n t d u r i n g m o v e - confident that any differences which emerge with the patients can
m e n t execution. B o t h regions m i g h t b e e x p e c t e d to be attributed to their neurological deficits. The first finger tested
was randomly selected. Each testing session began with at least
be r e q u i r e d for successful p e r f o r m a n c e in a r h y t h m i c two practice trials, one with each finger. Some of the subjects were
t a p p i n g task, b u t for different reasons. T h e task tested in a single session whereas others were tested over a number
requires explicit t i m i n g c o n t r o l , at least as p a r t of the of sessions separated from one week to 18 months. The number of
abstract m o t o r p r o g r a m . T h e t i m i n g m e c h a n i s m will blocks and sessions varied and are given individually with each
p r e s u m a b l y d e t e r m i n e w h e n a r e s p o n s e should
occur. This f u n c t i o n is clearly w i t h i n the d o m a i n of Data analysis. Only the tapping data from the self-paced portion of
the p l a n n i n g system. I n line with the p r e c e d i n g the trials is included in the analyses. Our basic measure of
review, we h y p o t h e s i z e that the t i m i n g f u n c t i o n s performance consistency is the standard deviation of the 30 inter-
previously associated with the c e r e b e l l u m (Ivry a n d response-intervals produced on each trial. The raw data (IRis)
were first fitted to a trend line and the deviation from this trend
Keele, in press) arise f r o m activity in the lateral line was calculated. This procedure eliminates any variability that
regions. Focal lesions of the lateral regions w o u l d may arise from a constant drift in the timing process. In practice,
thus b e e x p e c t e d to i m p a i r the o p e r a t i o n of the however, the effect of the transformation is minimal. The six
timing m e c h a n i s m . H o w e v e r , accurate t i m i n g does standard deviation scores from a block of trials were averaged to
n o t e n s u r e that the r e s p o n s e is p r o p e r l y executed. yield a single mean overall standard deviation score for each trial
T h e c o m m a n d s of the c o n t r o l system m u s t be faith- More detailed analyses of the tapping data are based on a
fully i m p l e m e n t e d . Since the m e d i a l regions of the theoretical model of the timing of repetitive movements developed
c e r e b e l l u m b e c o m e p r o m i n e n t at this stage of m o t o r by Wing and Kristofferson (1973; also Wing 1980). This model
control, it is h y p o t h e s i z e d that lesions of this tissue assumes that there are two processes which are involved in
periodic behavior: a timekeeper system that determines when a
m a y indirectly d i s r u p t r h y t h m i c t a p p i n g . I n this response should be emitted and an implementation system that
situation, the t i m i n g m e c h a n i s m m a y c o n t i n u e to executes that command. The Wing and Kristofferson model
o p e r a t e p r o p e r l y , b u t the i m p l e m e n t a t i o n system is postulates that the variability of the IRis will arise from the sum of
impaired. variability from these two processes. Each process is assumed to
behave as an independent random variable with normal variance.
Furthermore, the two processes are assumed to operate indepen-
dently of each other. Taken together, these assumptions mandate
Method that the system operate in an open-loop (i.e. feedback-free) mode.
Figure la depicts these processes in a hypothetical series of
Procedure. The subject was seated with the arm used for tapping responses in which the variability of the timekeeper is zero. Each
resting on a table, palm down. The index finger of either the IRi is the sum of a timekeeper interval plus the difference in motor
impaired or unimpaired hand was placed on a microswitch delays associated with the initiation and termination of that
mounted on a wooden block. Pressing the microswitch provided a response. Formally, the duration of interval j can be written as
pulse to a computer which recorded all responses to the nearest
millisecond. Ij = Ca+MDj-MDj_i (1)

Centra[ C C C C C timekeeper is adjusted following changes in the base duration,

whereas the motor delay is assumed to be constant.
The model has also received support in neuropsychological
Peripherat testing. We (Ivry and Keele 1985; Dry and Keele, in press; Keele
response and Dry 1987) have proposed that patients with peripheral nerve
damage provide a critical test for the model since they should only
demonstrate an increase in the motor delay estimate. Indeed, this
appears to be the case for all four patients tested to date who had
incurred a variety of peripheral lesions. Furthermore, we have
tested two patients who have clinically presented total sensory loss
but intact motor function at the distal extremities. These function-
ally deafferented patients performed well within the normal range
signat on the tapping task, providing support for the open-look assump-
tion of the model (Dry and Keele, in press).
Peri pherat
response I*D
b Results
Fig. la, b. Hypothetical series of inter-response-intervals resulting
from the two-process model of Wing and Kristofferson (1973). a It is difficult to d e f i n i t i v e l y classify c e r e b e l l a r p a t i e n t s
Series of intervals in which the only variability is introduced on the as e i t h e r l a t e r a l o r m e d i a l p a t i e n t s . L e s i o n s a r e
fourth response resulting from added implementation (motor usually n o t well c i r c u m s c r i b e d a n d t h e d a m a g e fol-
delay) time. h Series of intervals in which the only variability is
introduced by the long clock time on the third interval lowing s t r o k e o r t u m o r excision is g e n e r a l l y m u c h
m o r e e x t e n s i v e t h a n t h a t p r o d u c e d in t h e l a b o r a t o r y .
A n y l a t e r a l / m e d i a l d i s t i n c t i o n s c a n at b e s t b e v i e w e d
as a p p r o x i m a t i o n s . T h e r e f o r e , w e h a v e b a s e d o u r
where I, C, and MD symbolize the interval, clock, and motor classification s c h e m e o n clinical e v a l u a t i o n s as well as
implementation (delay) durations, respectively. Since the two C T scans a n d surgical r e p o r t s . T h e clinical focus was
sources of variance are independent, it follows that o n w h e t h e r t h e p a t i e n t p r e s e n t e d signs i n d i c a t i v e o f
oat = oac +2oawro (2) m e d i a l d a m a g e such as p o s t u r a l d i s t u r b a n c e s o r
oaI is directly obtained from the subject's data. It is the variance of w h e t h e r t h e p a t i e n t s e x h i b i t e d s y m p t o m s such as
the inter-response-intervals. The Wing and Kristofferson (1973) dysmetria, dysadiochokinesia, or intentional tremor
model decomposes this total variability into separable estimates of w h e n m a k i n g v o l u n t a r y m o v e m e n t s with t h e u p p e r
the timekeeper and the implementation variability from the
covariance function of the series of responses. Briefly, a randomly e x t r e m i t i e s . I n a d d i t i o n , t h e d e n t a t e n u c l e u s is m u c h
large motor delay will produce both a long preceding response and l a r g e r in h u m a n s t h a n e i t h e r o f t h e o t h e r n u c l e i a n d ,
a short following response. As depicted in Fig. la, Intervals 3 and c o r r e s p o n d i n g l y , is a s s u m e d to r e c e i v e t h e b u l k o f
4 negatively covary due to the increased implementation time the p r o j e c t i o n s f r o m t h e c e r e b e l l a r c o r t e x (e.g.
(longer diagonal line) on the fourth key press. The magnitude of L e i n e r et al. 1986). This l e d us to bias o u r classifica-
that variance serves to estimate motor delay variance. Note that,
although this may appear to be a corrective process, it is actually tions t o w a r d s assigning p a t i e n t s to t h e l a t e r a l g r o u p
the result of the independence between the timekeeper and for t h e largest lesions. A l t h o u g h s o m e p a t i e n t s a r e
implementation system. Figure lb, which depicts an analogous clearly a n d c o n s i s t e n t l y classified b y all c r i t e r i a , a few
series of taps in which OaMDequals zero, shows that there is no a r e m o r e p r o b l e m a t i c a n d t h e y will b e n o t e d .
similar dependency between successive intervals as a function of
A l l o f t h e n e u r o r a d i o l o g i c a l c o m m e n t a r y was
imprecision in the timekeeper. Thus, an estimate of OaMD is
obtained from the lag one autocovariance, or more specifically: verified i n d e p e n d e n t l y b y a r a d i o l o g i s t a n d a n e u r o -
O2MD = -autocov(1) (3) logist. O n e o f t h e s e p h y s i c i a n s was u n a w a r e of t h e
p u r p o s e o f t h e s t u d y a n d t h e o t h e r was n o t i n f o r m e d
oac can now be obtained by making the appropriate substitutions
in Eq. 2. Note that the estimates of the two independent processes o f t h e clinical a n d e x p e r i m e n t a l p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e
are not obtained independently. The estimate for clock variance is s u b j e c t s until a f t e r j u d g i n g t h e C T scans. D u e to t h e
obtained by subtraction of motor variance from total variance. fact t h a t s o m e p a t i e n t s w e r e t e s t e d i n G e r m a n y a n d
This two-process model of periodic movement has received o t h e r s in t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , it was n o t p o s s i b l e to
support from a number of different paradigms. First, of critical h a v e all o f t h e p a t i e n t s u n d e r g o i d e n t i c a l clinical
importance, is the finding that the model accounts well for the
general autocovariance functions produced by normal subjects. e v a l u a t i o n s . F o u r o f t h e p a t i e n t s (cases 1-3, 5) w e r e
The correlation between successive intervals is almost always e v a l u a t e d b y n e u r o l o g i s t s w h o w e r e n a i v e as to t h e
negative (Wing and Kristofferson 1973). Moreover, as predicted n a t u r e o f t h e study. F o r t h e o t h e r p a t i e n t s (cases
by the model (see Wing and Kristofferson 1973), the covariance at 4, 6 - 7 ) , t h e clinical r e p o r t s a r e b a s e d o n t w o sources.
lags greater than 1 is generally minimal and inconsistent. Second,
Wing (1980) reported that only the estimate of the timekeeper F i r s t , t h e i r h o s p i t a l r e c o r d s p r o v i d e d a s o u r c e of
variability was related to the duration of the base interval. This is unbiased information. Second, one of the authors
predicted from the model since only the frequency of the ( R B I ) c o n d u c t e d a b r i e f clinical e v a l u a t i o n p r i o r to

Case I. YOU, a 25 year old female had suffered an infarction of

the left cerebellar hemisphere. She was originally tested on four
different occasions over a one-week period approximately one
month after the accident. Follow-up testing was performed during
a single session eighteen months later. At the time of the initial
sessions, YOU demonstrated the general pattern of cerebellar
signs on the left side: severe intentional tremor and dysmetria on
finger pointing as well as ataxia. Finger-to-nose testing was poor
and the patient was unable to perform rapid alternating move-
ments with the left hand (dysadiochokinesia). Her upper left limb
appeared to be more impaired than the left leg. Nonetheless, her
gait was unstable and characterized by a wide stance to compen-
sate for balance problems. Oculomotor function was also affected.
She did not show any pyramidal or cerebellar signs on the right
Clock YOU had shown a modest degree of improvement in terms of
60" clinical evaluation during the eighteen month recovery period.
Oculomotor function was-still disturbed and YOU presented

Standard 40- moderately severe intentional tremor and dysmetria when using
Deviation the left arm and hand. Greater improvement could be observed in
(ms.) 30-
~,, terms of left leg performance, stance, and gait.
The patient's CT scans taken at the time of initial testing are
shown in the top half of Fig. 2. A large lesion can be seen along the
0 I I I I I l I I I I I

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
left-most border of the cerebellum. The lesion is much more
Trial Block apparent in the slices showing the superior views of the cerebel-
70 lum. The lesion is centered in the hemispheric regions of the left
Motor Delay cerebellum rather than in the vicinity of the deep cerebellar nuclei.
50 This patient can be unhesitantly assigned to the lateral group.
Standard 40 Although vascular accidents involving the cerebellum frequently
(ms .) 30 .__._ are accompanied by concomitant infarction of the brainstem, no
20 o _ o evidence of brain stem involvement can be seen in the figure.
10 YOU participated in a total of 11 blocks of tapping with each
0 I I I I I I I I I | I hand, seven shortly after the stroke and four a year and a half
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
later. Eack block in the follow-up session was composed of only
Tdal Block
five trials. She was unable to produce six error-free trials during
Fig. 2. CT scans and tapping estimates for Case 1, YOU. In the three of the blocks with the left hand and thus the total number of
three CT slices shown in the top of the figure, the lesion can be error-free trials for the left hand is 59 in comparison to 62 for the
seen in the lateral region of the left cerebellar hemisphere. Blocks right hand. Most of the errors were due to excessive intentional
8-11 were completed eighteen months after Blocks 1-7. In Fig. 2 tremor which caused her to miss the microswitch.
through 8, separate clock and motor delay estimates derived from The mean overall standard deviation for YOU was 61 ms for
the Wing and Kristofferson (1973) model are presented in the the left hand and 35 ms with the right. The bottom half of Fig. 2
middle and bottom parts of the figure, respectively. Filled circles displays the clock and motor delay estimates derived from the
are for performance with the impaired effector and the open Wing and Kristofferson model for each block of trials. A few
circles are for the unimpaired effector. Unless noted, impaired points stand out in this figure. First, the stability of the estimates
effector is the index finger ipsilateral to the lesion and unimpaired for the unimpaired right hand over sessions spanning eighteen
effector is the contralateral index finger. Each data point is the months is impressive. The mean of the first seven blocks is almost
mean of six tapping trials identical to that obtained in the last four blocks. In contrast, the
left hand estimates show considerable improvement, presumably
mirroring the patient's recovery process. Second, YOU demon-
strated increased implementation variability with the left hand
during the first seven blocks. However, during the last four blocks,
initial testing. Unfortunately, for cases 4 and 7 some the motor delay estimates were identical for each hand. This
specific tests, especially for locomotion (e.g. tandem suggests that the increased implementation variability shortly after
the stroke may reflect diffuse impairment of distant systems of the
walking) and balance (e.g. sway) were not conducted cerebellum, systems which recover with time. Indeed, as noted
until follow-up sessions at which time the author was above, this type of lesion is frequently accompanied by infarction
no longer naive regarding the patient's tapping of the brain stem and any deficit in this region would be expected
performance. to produce increased variability in the motor delay estimate, only.
Third, and of central interest, the clock estimate when tapping
T - t e s t s w e r e e m p l o y e d f o r all s t a t i s t i c a l c o m p a r i -
with the left hand is considerably higher than that obtained for the
sons. For each subject, a pair of t-tests for correlated right hand (t(10) = 5.36, p < 0.001). Over the first seven blocks,
samples: one on the clock estimates for each hand the left hand clock estimate is 170% higher than the right hand
and a second for the motor delay estimates. Since the estimate. Furthermore, this clock deficit, although reduced, is still
present eighteen months post-trauma.
comparison was always between an a priori desig-
nated impaired and unimpaired effector, one-tailed Case 2. CON, a 19 year old male, had undergone surgery one year
criterion levels were used. prior to testing for removal of an astrocytoma of the left cerebellar

appear to have existed for a long time. Furthermore, the anterior

pole of the temporal lobe is not generally associated with motor
function and cysts of this region generally remain asymptomatic.
For the first session, CON produced five blocks of tapping
with each hand. A second session was conducted one month later
at which time four more blocks were completed. These latter
blocks were composed of five trials. This created a data set of 50
tapping trials with each hand.
As was expected from the clinical report, CON had more
difficulty on this task when tapping with the left hand. The overall
IRI standard deviations were 37 ms and 25 ms for the left and right
hands, respectively. As shown in Fig. 3, applying the Wing and
Kristofferson model to the data indicates that the increased
variability can be entirely attributed to the timekeeper process
Clock (t(8) = 5.19, p < 0.001). The motor delay estimates are approxi-
mately equal while the clock estimate is always higher for the left
40 hand. Note that the motor delay estimates were consistently lower
Standard 30, during the second session. We have consistently observed that
Deviation while mean values may fluctuate across sessions, the general
(ms.) 2o, differences between hands remains constant.
10, The results, unfortunately, cannot be so simply interpreted
because the subject demonstrated a consistent negative correlation
O' i i z i i t i i t
1 2 3 4 5 6 "7 8 9 between non-adj acent intervals. The basic Wing and Kristofferson
T d a l Block (1973) model predicts that there should be no reliable correlation
5 0 84 between any intervals other than adjacent pairs. This finding
Motor Delay indicates that at least one of the basic assumptions of the Wing and
Kristofferson model was violated.
Standard 30, Wing (1977) has considered the effects on the covariance
Deviation function of certain violations of the assumptions underlying the
(ms.) 20. basic model. Inspection of the data from individual trials indicated
10. that none of the alternative models proposed in Wing (1977) could
account for CON's performance. The data revealed that CON was
0 9 ; i i ! i i @ ~ 0 - - i generally quite regular in tapping. In fact many left-handed trials
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
were indistinguishable from right-handed performance. However,
Thai B l o c k
on certain trials, CON produced exceptionally long intervals on
Fig. 3. CT scans and tapping estimates for Case 2, CON. The one or two occasions out of a series of 30 intervals.
postoperative scans show a large tumor situated in the lateral Additional analysis suggests that these long intervals should
region of the left cerebellar hemisphere. Blocks 6-9 were com- be attributed to a deficit in the timekeeper rather than the
implementation system. If the long intervals were due to the
pleted eighteen months after Blocks 1-5
implementation system, then each long interval should be followed
(or preceded) by a short interval since the clock is assumed to be
ignorant of the added delay. This was not the case. The long
intervals were neither followed nor preceded by shorter than
hemisphere. Before surgery, the patient had been mildly ataxic on average intervals. Detailed data on this point, extracted from the
the left side. However, immediately after surgery, CON showed individual trials are shown in Ivry (1986). There it is also shown
pronounced cerebellar symptoms. These included an inability to that the negative covariance at higher lags can be attributed to the
stand, very severe ataxia and hypotonia of the left hand, and some fact that the deviant intervals were not randomly distributed, but
mild sensory deficits on the left side. Recovery was rapid, rather, were always long.
especially on measures of posture control and locomotion. By six It seems plausible to account for the performance of CON
weeks, CON could walk unassisted and had regained all sensory when tapping with the left hand by assuming that the cerebellar
functions. At the time of the first test session, reflexes tested timing system is impaired. The patient shows little residual effect
normal at all four extremities. The only persistent cerebellar signs of having undergone left cerebellectomy, indicating that new
involved the left hand, which was moderately affected in testing pathways have been established to compensate for lost function. It
for dysdiadochokinesia and dysmetria, and oculomotor function. would not be surprising, however, if these new pathways were still
CON had a moderate amount of difficulty in finger-to-nose somewhat, unstable. Thus when a timing command is needed,
testing, showing some intentional tremor. activation of the appropriate pathway may occasionally be
CT scans taken 2 months after surgery are shown in Fig. 3. As delayed. This post-hoc model would account for the aberrant
can be seen in the figure, nearly the entire left cerebellar pulses always being long.
hemisphere was removed. The deep cerebellar nuclei were spared.
The lesion does not appear to extend into the vermis, although a
small medial hypodense region is visible. It is unclear whether this Case 3. The third lateral patient, BRO, was presented in an earlier
represents artifact or unexcised tumor. A potential drawback in technical report (Keele et al. 1985a). In 1979, this woman
interpreting this patient's results is that the CT also revealed large underwent a craniotomy to remove a hemangioblastoma limited
arachnoidal cysts in both temporal regions, especially on the right soley to the left cerebellar hemisphere. Due to swelling, subse-
side. The patient has been included in a number of previous quent surgery was required for placement of a ventricular shunt.
cerebellar studies since he has never shown any neurological Testing was conducted five years post surgery at which time BRO
symptoms associated with temporal lobe lesions and the cysts was 44 years old. At this time, the patient was still unable to

Deviation 20
~ o--~-.~o ~ ~ Standard 30-
10 (ms.) 20-
o I I I I I

1 2 3 4 5 6
0 I I I I I I ~ I I
Trial Block
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
40 Trial Block
Motor Delay
30 Motor Delay
Standard 40,
Deviation 20 " ~ 8 o _6='"-~
(ms.) Standard 30,
10 (ms.) 20, a o~Ox 0 ~ 0





5 6
I 10, .- /o-- "'Ns--
Trial Block 0 0 0 ........ I I I I I I I

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fig. 4. CT scans and tapping estimates for Case 3, BRO. The Trial Block
preoperative scans show a large lesion extending from the midline
through the left cerebellar hemisphere. Each block of data was Fig. 5. CT scans and tapping estimates for Case 4, PRI. The
obtained at a separate test session, spanning a total period of six postoperative scans show a lesion extending in the anterior/
months posterior direction on the right side of the cerebellum. The lesion
appears to include both vermal and hemispheric regions. Data for
Blocks 1-3, 4-6, and 7-9 were collected at separate sessions over a
two month period
resume work as a typist, reflecting her persistent deficit in left-
handed coordination. Sequential tasks were performed slowly and
in a clumsy manner on the left and she presented some dysmetria
in pointing tasks. Saccadlc eye movements were also hypermetric, BRO was tested on six sessions spanning a six-month period.
especially on gaze to the left. Lower extremity testing revealed Each session consisted of a single tapping block with each hand.
only minor deficits: Although there appeared to be some general Her overall standard deviation was 42 ms when tapping with the
clumsiness in left-footed movements, there was no dysmetria and left hand and 33 ms when tapping with the right. These overall
heel-to-shin testing was performed normally with both legs. The scores were decomposed into separable estimates of the clock and
patient's gait was normal except for a slight widening of the base. implementation components according to the Wing and Kristoffer-
Her pace and stride were normal and she could stand on either son model (Fig. 4). For each session, the clock estimate is higher
foot, although she was unable to hop on her left foot. for the left hand (t(5) = 2.73, p < 0.02). No consistent differences
The patient's pre-operative CT scan is presented in Fig. 4. emerge in comparing the implementation estimates. In fact, the
The films show a large cystic tumor situated in the left eerebellar mean estimates of the motor delay component are approximately
hemisphere which clearly extends to the midline. The surgeon's equal for the two hands. As with the preceding two patients, a
report indicates that the tumor was located about 1 cm under the clock deficit is still present despite the fact that a substantial period
cortex, although upon excision, the cyst was found to have of time had elapsed since the cerebellar surgery.
.penetrated a small section of the left cerebellar cortex. It is
difficult to classify this patient solely on the basis of the CT scans. Case 4. PRI, a 46 year old female had undergone surgery four
Indeed, her post-operative scans, although of poor quality, do not years prior to testing for the evacuation of a right cerebellar
reveal any sign of the lesion. Nonetheless, given the clinical hematoma. At the time of testing PRI demonstrated persistent
picture, the size of the lesion and the fact that the tumor clearly dysfunction in the use of her right arm and hand. Finger-to-nose
extended into the hemisphere, we believe the patient can be testing presented a moderate degree of difficulty, pointing move-
considered to have a lateral cerebellar syndrome. Caution, of ments were hypermetric, and dysadiochokinesia was clearly evi-
course, is well warranted in interpreting this patient's classification dent when the patient was asked to rapidly rotate her wrist.
as lateral. Intentional tremor was present, although not excessive. While PRI

40. CLock
Standard 30-
Deviation Standard 30
(ms.) 20 - Deviation
(ms.) 20 8 ~ ~ ~ o ~ /o
0 I ! i i
2 3 4 5 ! i i i
Tdal Block 1 2 3 4
Tdal Block
50- Motor Delay 5O
40- 4O
Motor DeLay
Standard 30. Standard 30
Deviation Deviation
(ms.) 20. (ms.) 20
0 / 0 - 0 / 0 ...~.0~ 0 - ~ - 0
10 10
0 i o i i i
i i i .... i
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4
Tdal Block Tdal Block

Pig. 6. C T scans and t a p p i n g estimates f o r Case 5, B O C . The Pig. 7. CT scans and tapping estimates for Case 6, FIN. The
lesion is located in the right vermis. The clearest portion can be postoperative scans show a bilateral lesion in the posterior vermis.
seen in the more posterior region. The data were all collected in a Blocks 3 and 4 were completed two months after Blocks 1 and 2.
single session Impaired effector refers to performance with the left foot and
unimpaired effector was the left index finger

reported using a cane when walking on irregular surfaces, only

minimal postural or ambulatory disturbances could be observed in for the left (t(8) = 6.71, p < 0.001). The motor delay estimates
the laboratory. She was able to tandem walk for a few steps as well show no laterality effect.
as stand and hop on either foot singly.
The postoperative CT scans (Fig. 5) for PRI show a lesion Case 5. BOC, a 48 year old male, had suffered an ischemic lesion
extending across the right side of the cerebellum. It is not possible focused on the right, posterior part of the cerebellum in 1981.
to unambiguously assign PRI to either a lateral or medial group on Shortly after the accident, the patient presented the typical array
the basis of the scans: the lesion appears to extend into both the of cerebellar symptoms. One notable exception was that BOC
right cerebellar hemisphere and vermis. Even more so than with showed only a mild intentional tremor whereas this tends to be the
BRO, the classification of PRI as a lateral patient is primarily most dominant sign following lesions of the lateral regions of the
dependent on the clinical examination rather than the neuroimag- cerebellum and dentate nucleus. At the time of testing, BOC
ing results since there appears to be residual structural damage in presented no persisting clinical signs related to his accident.
the vermis. Recovery appeared to be complete.
PRI was tested on three sessions. Each session consisted of The CT scans shown in Fig. 6 are of poor contrast. Nonethe-
three blocks of tapping with both hands. The overall standard less, a hypodense region can be seen in the medial portion of the
deviations were 44 ms for the impaired, right hand and 32 ms for cerebellum. A clearer posterior focus, displaced slightly to the
the unaffected, left hand. The clock and motor delay estimates right side of midline, is apparent in the more superior views of the
from the Wing and Kristofferson model are given in the bottom cerebellum. This is the region where the vermis is most extensive.
half of Fig. 5. Note that on the first session, the motor delay It is unclear whether the damage extends into the right cerebellar
estimate averaged -1 for the left hand. However, no clear violation hemisphere. The CT report, together with the fact that the patient
of the assumptions underlying the model (Wing 1977) were showed only mild tremor suggests that the lesion affected midline
evident, and thus, this may reflect sampling error. Furthermore, structures more than the lateral portions of the cerebellum.
the difference in the clock estimate was similar in all three BOC was tested in a single session in which he completed five
sessions. The clock estimate is much higher for the right hand than blocks of tapping with each hand. As usual, testing alternated

Fig. 7). The lesion was completely restricted to the posterior

region and was consistent throughout the superior-inferior views.
The lesion does appear to be slightly more pronounced on the right
side, but no lateralized differences were ever observed during
neurological testing before or after surgery. FIN was tested seven
months after surgery. At this time he was able to walk with the
assistance of a cane. Postural and balance control were still greatly
disturbed. His gait was wide-based and unsteady. He was unable
to perform tandem walking or stand on either foot individually. He
presented no cerebellar signs in hand movements.
Given this clinical picture, the standard test procedure was
modified with FIN. Rather than compare his tapping performance
across the two hands, a comparison was made between his left
50 hand and left foot. The foot is therefore considered the impaired
40 effector and FIN's performance with the hand can serve as the
control. A previous study in our laboratory (Keele et al. 1985b)
Standard 30 had found no difference in tapping ability between the hand and
(ms.) 20 foot with normal subject, a finding we have replicated in unpub-
lished data.
10 FIN completed four error-free blocks with both the left hand
0 I I I I | I and left foot over two test sessions. On the first day the two blocks
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 with the hand were run before any testing with the foot. On the
Trial B l o c k second session, testing alternated between the left hand and left
50 foot. The two sessions were separated by 10 weeks.
Motor Delay
The overall mean standard deviations for the left finger and
foot were 27 and 40, respectively. The bottom half of Fig. 7
Standard 30 displays the clock and motor delay estimates for each block. The
Deviation most outstanding feature of this figure is the large increase in the
(ms.) 20
motor delay estimate for the left foot (t(3) = 3.86, p < 0.02). The
10 o _ _oJO inflated implementation estimates were observed in all four
blocks. There appears to be little difference between the clock
1 2 3 4 5 6 estimates for the hand and foot. Note, however, the low clock
Trial Block estimates observed during two blocks of the second session. It is
assumed that these low estimates are the result of sampling error
Fig. 8. CT scans and tapping estimates for Case 7, DUV. The rather than transient improvement in a timing process since these
preoperative scans show a tumor in the vicinity of the anterior, scores are lower than observed in normal subjects.
medial region of the left cerebellum. Blocks 1-3 were completed
one month prior to Blocks 4-6
Case 7. DUV, a 66 year old male, had undergone surgery five
years prior to testing for removal of an acoustic neuroma. The VII
and VIII nerves were not preserved, thus creating a facial paralysis
between hands. Despite the absence of any clinical signs, BOC was and left ear deafness. The patient has experienced persistent
much more variable when tapping with the right hand. The mean diplopia which is corrected by prism glasses.
standard deviation with the affected hand was 56 ms whereas the Postoperative neurological reports have been lost. The
mean for the unimpaired hand was 36 ms. Following the Wing and patient reports that his balance problems were so severe as to
Kristofferson analysis, the mean clock estimate for the right hand prevent him from walking for three months. Many of these
of 33 ms was found to be 7 ms higher than that for the left. As can problems remain. DUV requires a cane, displays a wide-based
be seen in the bottom half of Fig. 6, this difference was only gait, is unable to tandem walk, and shows a moderate degree of
observed in three of the five blocks with the estimate being equal sway when standing still. He is unable to stand on his left foot and
for the two hands in Block 3. Therefore, it can not be confidently can only retain his balance for a couple of seconds on the right
stated that BOC shows a clock deficit. foot. There are slight indications of dysmetria and intentional
The picture is less ambiguous in terms of the implementation tremor when pointing with the left hand. Finger-to-nose testing
estimates. The motor delay estimate is considerably higher for the was minimally impaired on the left. In addition, DUV presented
right hand on four of the five blocks and equal for the two hands moderate coordination problems on heel-to-knee testing.
on the remaining block. The mean implementation estimate for The preoperative CT scans are presented in Fig. 8. The
the right hand is twice as large as the comparable score for the left tumor, situated in the pontine angle, is in the vicinity of the
hand (t(4) = 3.29, p < 0.02). Unlike the first four patients, BOC anterior, medial region of the left cerebellum. At this level, the
has difficulty in implementing a response. portions of the anterior lobe wrap around the brain stem,
projecting forward of the fourth ventricle. Indeed, the surgeon's
Case 6. FIN, a 59 year old male began to experience dizziness in report indicates that the tumor was found to be densely adherent
the early part of 1985. In the next few days, he was noted to have to the cerebellum. It is also evident in the scan that the tumor was
difficulty in walking, with his gait characterized by a side to side compressed against the pons and, in fact, the surgeon noted that
sway. In addition, he would occasionally lose his balance entirely small amounts of tumor were not removed because of the risks
and fall down. The patient reported no loss of coordination in the involved in brain stem operations. The clinical picture for DUV is
upper limbs. CT scans revealed a bilateral hematoma in the very consistent with a postoperative eerebellar syndrome. The
posterior vermis of the cerebellum. A craniectomy was performed cerebellar signs may be due to damage in either the anterior lobe
for the evacuation of the hematoma (post-operative scans in of the inferior cerebellar peduncle. The more superior views of the

Table 1. Summary of case studies. Top figure in each pair refers tO difficulty determining when a response should be
performance with impaired effector, bottom figure is for unim- initiated. For each of these patients, the lesion
paired effector, a indicates significant difference
included the hemispheric region of the cerebellum.
Patient Lesion focus Clinical evaluation Tapping performance Indeed, in a couple of the cases (Cases 1 and 2), the
Vermal/ M e d i a l Lateral Clock Implemen- lesion was restricted to this part of the cerebellum.
hemisphere syn- syn- estimate tation All four of these patients presented clinical signs
drome drome estimate consistent with this type of lesion: dysmetria during
1. YOU H - + 47" 26 pointing tasks, intentional tremor, and dysadiocho-
21 17 kinesia. Note, though, that any trials disrupted by
2. CON H - + 33" 10 tremorous responses (a significant p r o b l e m only for
20 9 Y O U , Case 1) were not included in the analysis.
3. BRO H - + 31a 19
20 18 The remaining three patients were found to have
4. PRI H, V - + 37" 16 a deficit in the tapping task due to increased variabil-
23 13 ity in the m o t o r delay component. These patients can
5. BOC V + - 33 32a thus be assumed to have difficulty in implementing a
26 16 planned response. That is, although they are able to
6. FIN V + - 20 24"
19 13 accurately time when a periodic m o v e m e n t should
7. DUV V + - 28 20~ occur, they are unable to execute the response
24 10 precisely at the indicated time. The lesion was found
to include the vermal zone of the cerebellum in all
three cases. The clinical picture, however, was unam-
biguous. All of the patients d e m o n s t r a t e d disturb-
tumor appear to extend to the level of this output pathway from ances of gait and stance which were clearly m o r e
the fastigial nucleus. pronounced than deficits elicited in u p p e r limb
DUV completed three blocks of tapping with each hand on volitional tasks.
each of two sessions. The overall standard deviation with the left
In summary, the results are consistent and con-
hand was 40 ms whereas the comparable score for the unimpaired,
right hand was 20 ms. The clock and motor delay estimates vincing. The data reveal an important dissociation of
(Fig. 8) are consistent with a deficit in the implementation system. separable neural systems within the cerebellum in the
The clock estimate is only slightly higher for the left hand. In production of voluntary, rhythmic m o v e m e n t s . The
contrast, the motor delay score is twice as large for the left hand as lateral region of the cerebellum is critically involved
the right (t(5) --- 4,66, p < 0.01).
in the operation of a timing process. In contrast, the
role of the medial region is associated with the
implementation of the response. W e believe the
Discussion reliability of these results is quite impressive. Across
the seven patients, a total data set of 50 blocks of six
The results for the case studies are summarized in trials each was collected. The Wing and Kristofferson
Table 1. The neuroimaging findings have been estimates deviated from the general pattern in only
categorized on the basis of whether the lesion focus three blocks: Block 10 for the lateral patient Y O U
was hemispheric or vermal. The s u m m a r y of the (Case 1) produced a higher clock estimate for the
clinical evaluations was m o r e problematic, princi- unimpaired effector and Blocks 5 for medial patients
pally because the dimensions typically used s u c h as B O C and D U V (Cases 5 and 7) produced equal
postural/volitional or lower limbs/upper limbs are not motor delay estimates for the two effectors. In the
orthogonal to each other and the endpoints within remaining 47 tapping blocks the estimates were in
either dimension do not define distinct syndromes. accord with the hypothesis that the clock estimate
The last two columns present the individuals' clock would be affected by lateral lesions and the m o t o r
and m o t o r delay estimates derived f r o m the Wing delay estimate would increase following damage to
and Kristofferson (1973) model. The u p p e r n u m b e r the medial region.
in each pair is the estimate f r o m when the subject was I t is of interest that some of the focal patients
performing with his or her imPaired effector and the reported in this p a p e r have relatively large
lower n u m b e r is the control score obtained from i m p l e m e n t a t i o n estimates even when tapping with
performance with the unimpaired effector. their "unimpaired" hand. In our earlier study (Ivry
Poor tapping p e r f o r m a n c e for four of the patients and Keele, in press), the m e a n m o t o r delay estimates
was attributed to increased variability in the clock were 9.6 and 11.0 ms for the college aged and elderly
component. According to the logic underlying the control subjects, respectively. Only 7.9% of all the
Wing and Kristofferson model, these patients have tapping blocks for the control subjects produced

motor delay estimates greater than 16. In contrast, or setting the desired force level. The effect of these
47.3% of the tapping blocks for the eight patients independent computations could then be integrated
reported in this paper yielded estimates greater than in the motor cortex. On the other hand, the computa-
16 when tapping with the hand contralateral to the tions could be in terms of the duration of specific
lesion. Moreover, relatively high motor delay esti- responses such as setting the timing for the reciprocal
mates were frequently observed with either hand for activation of antagonist muscles. These alternative
three of the four patients with lateral lesions. Thus, computational modes are not mutually exclusive.
YOU, BRO, and PRI (Cases 1, 3, and 4, respec- While the lateral regions are part of the planning
tively) may not only have lateralized clock deficits, processes, the medial zone of the cerebellum is
but more generalized implementation problems. This associated with the implementation or on-going regu-
could be explained by the fact that much of the lation of a motor response. The Wing and Kristoffer-
cerebellar cortex (Braitenberg 1967) is continuous son model assumes that rhythmic tapping is per-
across the midline and lesions may affect fibers which formed in an open-loop mode and thus a deficit in a
descend to either medial nuclei. In addition, whereas feedback mechanism would not be expected to
lesions in the lateral nuclei produce purely ipsilateral disrupt performance of the clock. However, it is clear
effects, the situation is less clear for the medial that disruption in either a feedforward or postural
nuclei. Asanuma et al. (1983c) report that axons control mechanism could adversely affect the
from the fastigial nuclei exit the cerebellum bilat- implementation of a planned movement. For exam-
erally. Given these findings, it would be of interest to ple, if a limb was not correctly stabilized due to a
examine the motor performance of the contralateral medial lesion, a given command signal might not
limbs in hemicerebellar patients in comparison to produce the desired goal since the initial conditions
normal subjects. were n o t correctly established. Note that whatever
The cerebellar case studies clarify a critical issue the specific roles of the medial cerebellum, the Wing
raised by our previous study in which we employed a and Kristofferson model lumps together into the
group methodology (Ivry and Keele, in press). In implementation system all processes which influence
that paper, we reported that cerebellar lesions can a motor response after the command signal is issued.
affect either the timekeeper or the implementation Thus, a variety of deficits could increase the variabil-
process in the production of rhythmic responses. It ity of the implementation component. Of greatest
was unclear from the group results whether the two interest in the present study is the fact that, unlike
forms of tapping deficits could be dissociated. Within lateral lesions, damage to the medial region of the
subject control was not possible with most of the cerebellum does not appear to impair the timing
patients since their lesions were the result of ad- component of the command signal.
vanced atrophy and thus the deficits were symmetric. Performance on a perception test of timing are
These problems were avoided in the present study by also supportive of the hypothesis that the integrity of
selecting only patients with focal lesions who could the lateral regions of the cerebellum is critical for
serve as their own controls. accurate timing control. We found (Ivry and Keele,
The dissociation between the effects of lateral in press) that, as a group, cerebellar patients were
and medial lesions on tapping performance are in impaired in their ability to make perceptual discrimi-
accord with the anatomical, clinical, and experimen- nations based on temporal differences in comparison
tal research reviewed in the Introduction. The gen- to healthy control and other patient groups. The
eral picture that has emerged from these diverse convergent deficit in both a production and percep-
paradigms is that the lateral and medial regions of the tion task led to our argument that the cerebellum
cerebellum contribute differently to motor control. played a central role in timing control. However, the
The lateral regions have been associated with the acoustic inputs to the cerebellum do not appear to be
planning and preparation of movements. Setting up strongly lateralized (Moyer 1980; Musiek and Baran
the temporal parameters of a motor program would 1986; Aitkin and Boyd 1975). This prevents making a
certainly be one aspect of motor planning. This perceptual within-subject comparison similar to the
process might take a number of different forms. For tapping data presented above. Nonetheless, we have
instance, the cerebellar timing mechanism might observed two types of cerebellar patients who have
operate in an abstract, effector-independent mode, difficulty in the perception of time task.
performing real-time computations to determine The first group is composed of sporadic and
when each of a series of responses can be initiated. In hereditary atrophy patients. As reported in Ivry and
this modular view, other neural systems might be Keele (in press), these patients were significantly
expected to compute non-temporal parameters of the impaired in judging the relative duration of a variable
movement such as selecting the appropriate effector interval in comparison to a 400 ms standard interval.

This group included subjects in whom the atrophy is great difficulty in following independent time courses
diagnosed as extending upstream from the cerebel- in rhythmic behavior with two hands (Klapp 1979;
lum into the pons and olive as well as patients in Yamanishi et al. 1980; Kelso and Scholz 1985).
which the latter two systems were clinically judged to However, as shown in the present study, a certain
be intact. While it is evident that all cerebellar degree of independence must be possible since the
systems can be involved in advanced atrophy, these circuitry that subserves timing for one hand can be
forms of cerebellar atrophy have a predominant damaged without effecting the performance of the
focus in the hemispheres and lateral nuclei (Green- other hand.
field 1958; Konigsmark and Weiner 1970). Cerebel- Early after cerebellar damage, however, tem-
lar atrophy of the lateral regions can be contrasted poral perception may be impaired even though the
with cerebellar atrophy secondary to long-term damage is unilateral. This could be due to spreading
alcohol abuse. The focus of this disorder has been effects from the lesion which diminish with recovery.
found to be almost exclusively restricted to the Alternatively, the perceptual timing system may
vermal region of the anterior lobe (Adams and normally involve a linkage between different timing
Victor 1985; Allsop and Turner 1966). We have circuits. For example, the perceptual judgments may
recently tested five patients (unpublished data) who be based on the dual output of the two halves of the
were diagnosed as suffering from cerebellar atrophy cerebellum working in concert. Part of the recovery
due to chronic alcoholism. All presented symptoms process could involve establishing the dominance of
consistent with the diagnosis: ataxia of gait and the intact side. As noted above, unlike the produc-
incoordination of the lower limbs. According to the tion task, the perception task can be performed with
hypothesis and data presented in this paper, damage the circuitry available on the nonlesioned side after
to the anterior vermis should not impair the timing sufficient recovery. Thus, the results of the percep-
process. As predicted, their performance on the time tion task also seem to require the conclusion of
perception task was equal to that observed for elderly duplicate timing circuitry in the two cerebellar hemi-
control subjects and non-cerebellar neurological spheres.
patients. Note that on a control task in which the Though we conclude that the cerebellar timing
loudness of tone pairs was compared, the two atro- system involves duplicate circuitry in the two hemi-
phy groups showed no difference from each other or spheres, there are additional issues regarding the
from the control subjects. In summary, the percep- finer structure of the clock which can not be presently
tual data from patients suffering bilateral cerebellar answered. Is there a single circuit within each hemi-
atrophy is consistent with the motor timing data in sphere which is used in any task requiring timing be it
suggesting that the essential timing circuitry is in the hand tapping, foot tapping, or perception? Or, does
hemispheric regions. the timing for these disparate tasks depend on
The second group of patients (n = 7) who show a different regions of the lateral cerebellum. Our
perceptual deficit is composed of patients tested correlational work (Keele et al. 1985b) suggests that
shortly after suffering a cerebellar stroke or after the functioning of the timing system is correlated
surgery for the removal of a cerebellar tumor. The between different effectors and with perception.
poor performance of these patients on the time Such correlations could be due, however, either to
perception task can be compared with seven patients identical circuitry or to distinctly different circuits
who also have focal lesions, but have had at least which are functionally similar because of some
eleven months of recovery since incurring their shared parameters such as a general rate setting or a
lesion. This latter group demonstrated no deficit on common tonic level of activation. Moreover, a hybrid
the perception task, even though some demonstrated model is possible in which some computational
increased clock estimates on the tapping task (e.g. elements are activated across tasks whereas others
Cases 2 and 4). are task specific.
Reviewing the case study analyses jointly with the The final point we wish to make is more specula-
perception results begins to provide some additional tive. It is quite striking that the regions involved in
answers concerning the organization of the timing timing of motor and perceptual functions are similar
system. One question concerns whether the cerebel- to the regions implicated in classical conditioning
lar timing process is part of a single clock. The (McCormick and Thompson 1984; Yeo et al. 1985).
simplest answer must be no given that we have While the similarity may be fortuitous, classical
observed unilateral timing deficits. At a minimum, conditioning may involve the lateral cerebellum
the circuitry appears to be duplicated in each hemi- because of the necessity of precise timing. Thompson
sphere. Perhaps in the intact brain, the two (or and his colleagues (Thompson et al. 1984) have used
more?) circuits are coupled. Certainly people have a 250 ms interval between the conditioned (CS) and

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to S. Keele and R. Ivry, and a grant from the Deutsche the peripheral implementation processes in repetitive move-
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