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Kindergarten Lesson Plan:

Our 5 Senses

I. Day 1:


A. Discuss this week's Lesson.

1. Use hand-held manipulative materials to create a discussion on what students

feel. i.e. Play-doh, water, wood blocks.

I. Day 2:


A. Discuss how we use listening every day.

1. Listen to different wildlife sounds (

v=8myYyMg1fFE) Discuss what was heard.

I. Day 3:


A. Discuss different things that we taste.

1. (Allergy/Diet permitting)

Taste test different foods and explain the differences between them. Discuss what
may cause the differences.

I. Day 4:

A. Discuss how we use our sight everyday.

1. Look at different pictures in the Internet and around the classroom. Compare
and contrast colors.

I. Day 5:


A. Discuss how we uses our noses.

1. Take students to school garden to smell different plants. Discuss the different
ways that each plant smelled.

Kindergarten Science Lesson Plan (One Week)


Stephanie McElvain

EDU 214-1004

March 10, 2019

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