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BQ GIAO DYC VA DAO TAO KY THI CHON HQC SINH GIOI QUOC GIA THPT DE THI CHINH THUC NAM 2014 Mén: TOAN ‘I y ‘Thoi gian: 180 phut (khdng ké thoi gian giao dé) } Neay thi thir nh4t: 03/01/2014 Bai 1 (5,0 diém). Cho hai day sé duong (x,), (y,) xde dinh béi x, =1, y,=V3 va FyuYnet Xn =O Xn + Yy=2 véi moi m= 1,2,... Chimg minh ring hai day sé trén hi ty va tim giéi han cia ching. 2 (5,0 diém). Cho da thie P(x) =(x?-7x+6)"+13 voi m 1a sé nguyén duong. Chimg minh ring P(x) kh6ng thé biéu din duge dudi dang tich cla n + 1 da thite khic hing sé voi hé s6 nguyén. Bai 3 (5,0 diém). Cho da giéc déu c6 103 canh. T6 mau dé 79 dinh cia da giée va t6 mau xanh cae dinh con Iai. Goi A la s6 c&p dinh dé ké nhau va B la s6 cp dinh xanh ké nhau. a) Tim tit cd céc gid tri 06 thé nhdn duge cba c&p (4, B), b) Xée dinh sé céch t6 miu cae dinh cia da giée dé B=14, Biét ring, hai cach t mau duge xem 1a nhu nhau néu ching ¢6 thé nhin duge ti nhau qua mot phép quay quanh tém cba dudng tron ngoai tiép da gic, Bai 4 (5,0 diém). Cho tam gide nhon ABC n6i tiép duimg tron (0) voi AB < AC. Goi Ila trung diém cung BC khéng chita A. Trén AC ly diém K khéc C sao cho IK = IC, Duong thing BK cit (0) tgi D (D # B) va cit dutng thing AI tgi E. Dudng thing DI cit duing thing AC tai F. a) Ching minh ring er =F. ___b) Trén DI léy diém M sao cho CM song song voi AD. Duvmg thing KM eit during thing BC tai N. Duvmg trin ngogi tigp tam gide BKN cit (0) tai P (PB). Chimg minh ring drimg thing PK di qua trung diém ca dogn thing AD. —HET—— + Thi sinh khong duege sie dung tai ligu va may tinh cém tay. + Gid thy théng gidi thich gi them. BOQGIAO DUC VADAOTAO KY THI CHON HOC SINH GIOI QUOC GIA THRT pt THI CHINH THUC NAM 2014 ———— , Mén: VAT Li | 1 (Y ‘Thdi gian: 180 phitt (khong ké thai gian giao dé) B AN CHINH Neay thi thir nhdt: 03/01/2014 (Bé thi c6 03 trang, gdm 05 cdu) ~ Caw (4,0 diém Cho co hé gém mét vat rn M va hai vat do ging hét nhau, Vat M khoi Iugng m cé dang hinh non kép durge tao béi hai binh nén dc dng chat gidng hét nhau, day chung 1é hinb trén bén kinh R, Khoang céch gitta hai dinh AB ~ 2. Vat dé hinh hép chit nhat c6 46 cao H va khdi lugng m. Bé qua ‘moi ma sat, Hinh la Hinh 1b Hinh le 4. Dat hai vat dé rdt gan nhau trén mat phiing nim ngang nhin sao cho céc canh PP’ va QQ’ cia chiing song song véi nhau. Tha nhe vat M trén hai vat 4 theo hai cach. Gia thiét ring trong qué trinh chuyén dng cde vat khong quay va trac AB cia vét M luén song song véi mit phiing nim gang. a) Truc AB nim vudng géc véi cdc canh PP' va QQ cia hai vat dé nhur hinh 1a, Tim 49 én van t6c vat M tai thei diém no bait du roi khdi hai vat 46. ) True AB song song voi céc canh PP’ va QQ' cia hai vt d& nhwr hinh 1b. Tim a9 16n van tbc cia vat M ngay trude khi n6 va dip xudng mat phing ngang. 2, Dat hai vat dé sao cho P’, Q' tring nhau tai © va cde canh OP, OQ ciia ching hgp véi nhau goc POQ=2f. Nang déu céc dau P, Q cia hai vat 4 1én cho dén khi mat phing (POQ) hgp véi mit nim ngang mét géc y ri gitr ching cé djnh (Hinh Ic). Quan sét thay ring vat M chuyén dng thing déu va trong qué trinh chuyén déng day chung cia hai hinh nén Jun nim trong mat phing thing dimg chita duéng phan gide ca goe POO. Tim méi lién hé gitta cde gée B, 7. Chu Tl (4,0 diém) MOt hong khi thye luting nguyén tir tuan theo phuong a na trinh trang thai P="*~~"2 thue hién qua trinh dan né tir trang thai 1 (Po, Vo) den trang thai 2 (Py/2, 2Vo) biéu dién trén. 43 thi PV nhw hinh 2. Biét ring trong qué trinh bién déi doan nbigt thuén nghich khi twin theo phwong trinh TV"=const, gid thiét ring nhiét dung mol ding tich Cy =sR. ‘Cho Po = 0,2MPa, Vo = 25lit , R= 8,31 JAmol.K), a= 1 J m’/mol’, n= Imol. 1, Tim nhigt 46 cye dai cia khf trong qué trinh 1-2. 2 2. NOi ning ca luong khi trén tuan gin ding theo phyong trinh U = nC, T= > trong dé @ la hing s6. Ap dung nguyén li I cho qué trinh doan nhiét thuan nghich v6 cing bé, tim a. 3, Tir trang thdi 2 (Pp/2, 2V0) thy hign qué trinh nén ding ap dén trang théi 3 (Po/2, Vo), sau d6 thye hign qua trinh ting ap dang tich dé tr vé trang théi 1 (Po, Vo). Tinh higu suét cla chu trinh, 4. Néu kh dang xét 1a khi Ii trimg lung nguyén ti (a = 0) thi higu suét cia chu trinh dang xét bing bao nhiéu? Cau IMI (4,0 aiém) Hai ving kh6ng gian I va II duge ngin céch véi nhau boi mat phing P (c6 toa dé x = 0), trong 46 tn tai cdc tir trrimg déu B, ®, -@ va B, 6 phuong chiéu nhu hinh 3 va cé d Ion cam img tir @ twong img la By va By = KB, (k > 2). 2 B, Tai mét thoi diém nado 6, mét vat nhé khéi lugng M tich dign. x, duong q duge bin tir géc toa dé 0 véi van téc ban dau ¥, theo @e* ®® B, ' chiéu duong cla truc Ox. Bo qua tic dung cia trong trong, OT! van téc trung binh cia vat (% -4) trong mét khodng thai Hinh 3 4. Vé quy dao cua vét trong ving khong gian nay. Tim 4 lon gian di dai theo ve vak. _ 2, Sau thei gian di da, ban tiép tt abe toa 46 0 mot vat nhé Khe o6 kh6i lugmg m va didn tich =~d véi dong hong ban ddu p’=-M¥,. Quy dao cia hai vat giao nau tai A. Biét thoi gian hai vat chuyén d6ng tir 0 dén A la nhwr nhau. Tim ti sé Z theo k. Cau IV (4,0 diém) Ly thuyét nguyén tir Hydro va céc ion trong ty Hydro He’, Li™,...) duge Bohr xay dumg dua trén hé tin d8 sau: ~ Electron mang dign tich -e (e = 1,602.10"°C), khdi long m, (me= 9,1094,107 kg) chuyén Ong trong nguyén ti theo nhtng quy dao tron ban kinh r xung quanh mét ht nhén mang dign tich +Ze dudi tée dung oiia lye hit Coulomb pee (k = 8,987552.10°Nm’/C?, Z=1 déi v6i nguyén tir Hydro, Z2>2 d6i véi cde ion khéc). Cae quy go tron kha di cia electron phai la céc quy dao dimg va théa man diéu kién luong tit héa L, =m,y,1, h =n; n=1,2, Yah, = (h = 6,62607.10-"Js la hang sé Planck). ~ Khi electron chuyén dng trén quy dgo dimg thir n thi nguyén tir Khéng hap thy hog bire xq song dign tir va ¢6 ning lugng E, xéc dinh. Nguyén tit chi hdp thy hay bite xa séng dign tir khi 213 cchuyén tir mét trang thai dimg nay sang mét trang thai dimg khac. Tan sé cia bite xa khi nguyén tit chuyén tir trang thai dimg o6 ning luong E, vé trang thai dimg c6 nang hong E,, thdp hon duge tinh bang cng thite jn>m2i Yam (Cooy ld bube song eta bite xe, ¢= 299792458m/s 1a ven téc énh sang trong chin khong). 1, Tinh ban kinh quy dao r, va nang luong E, cia electron, 2. Bidt thoi gian séng cia trang thai kich thich thi nhdt la 10s, tinh sé vong ma electron thy hign duge quanh hat nhan nguyén ttt Hydro trong trang thai nay. 3. Khi nguyén ti chuyén w trang thai img o6 ning Iuong E, vé trang thai dimg e6 ndng hong E,, thdp hon né bite xa photon cé bude song i, thda man céng thite 1 pf id wberzft1) Iran Ge 7) R duge goi la hiing sé Rydberg ly thuyét. Tim biéu thite cita R va tinh gid tr cua né, 4. Trong céc tinh toan ly thuyét trén, hat nhan duge gia thiét la di nang so véi electron va xem h6i Iugng cila hat nhan 1a lén v6 cing, Trong thute té khéi Inong ca hat nhan nguyén tir Hydro va. hat niin nguyén tir Heli Lan lugt 1d my = 1836m, va mye ~ 7298,33m,. a) Tim biéu thie chinh xéc va tinh gid tri cha hang sé Rydberg Ry cla nguyén tir Hydro. b) Tinh hang sé Rydberg Ruy cho ion He". ©) Tinh higu sé gitta bude song cia vach quang phé img voi sy chuyén doi 3-2 cha ‘Hydro va bude séng cia vach quang phd tmg véi su chuyén doi 6 > 4 ciia ion He”, Cau V (4,0 diém) Mét dng phat tia X lam vige & higu dign thé U phat ra photon c6 bude séng ngdn nhét 1a o = 0,1250nm. 1, Tim higu dign thé lam vige oda éng. Bé qua dng nang cia electron khi né bitt khoi catét, 2. Photon ¢6 buéc séng ho t6i tan xq trén mét electron tyr do dang chuyén déng véi van téc khong i, Sau va cham ta thu duge mt hé gdm mét electron diing yén va m9t photon tén xa. Biét géc tan x@ 6 = 60°, Tinh: a) Bude séng cia photon tén xa, b) Bude sing de Broglie cia electron trude va cham. Cho biét kh6i lugng nghi oa electron la me = 9,1.107"kg, hing s6 Planck h = 6,626. 10s, van téc anh sing ¢ = 3.10%m/s, HET.--—— © Thi sink khong duge sit dung tai ligu. © Gidm thi khéng giai thich gi them. 3/3 AN A buc Uh bro TAO KY THI CHON HQC SINH GIOI QUOC GIA THPT oe NAM 2014 DE THI CHINH THUC Mén: HOA HOC ‘Thi gian: 180 phit (khong ké thoi gian giao dé) Negi thi thr nhat: 03/01/2014 (Dé thi cd 03 trang, gdm O5 céu) c=12 5,5; K = 39; Ma = 022.10" mol"; TK) = (°C) + 273; R= 8314 J.mot! 44; F = 96500 C.mol''; lpm = 10"? m. ; Cu = 63,54; 1 eV = 1,602.10"; ,082 atm.L.molK"; Zey = 27: Cau 13,0 diém) Nhigt phan hoan toan x gam KCIO; (¢6 MnO, xtie tée), khi thodt ra durgc thu qua chau dyng dung dich HS0, loang (D = 1,15 g/mL) vio dng nghiém tp nguge (nhur hinh ve). Céc dét kign thi nghiém: Nbigt 4 17°C; dp sudt khi quyén 752 mm Hg; thé tich khi thu duge trong éng nghigm V = 238 cm’; khoang céch gitta 2 mat thodng h = 27 om; khéi lugng riéng ciia Hg 1a 13,6 g/em’, ap suat hoi nude trong ng nghiém 1a 13,068 mm Hg. 1. Tinh x. 2, Nung néng mot thdi gian hn hop A gdm 10x gam KCIOs (gid tr] x thu duoc 6 tn) va y gam KMn0y, thu duge chat ran B va 3,584 lit khi O (dkte). Cho B tée dung hét voi dung dich HCI dc, néng, du, thu duge 6,272 lit khi Cl: (dkte). Viét tt ca cde phuong trinh phan img ¢6 thé xay ra va tinh y. Cau I (4,0 diém) 1. Cho cée ion sau day: He", Li”, Be™*. a) Ap dung biéu thite tinh nang lugng: Ey = -13,6(Z"in*) (co dom vj Id eV); n 1a $6 luong tir chinh, Z la s6 dign tich hat nhén, hay tinh ning Iugng E2 theo don vj ki/mol cho m&i ion trén (trong dap s6 cé 4 chit s6 thap phan). b) Cé thé ding trj s6 ndo trong cdc tri s6 nang Iugng tinh duge 6 trén dé tinh nang long ion da eta hé tuomg img? Tai sao? ; «¢) G trang thai co ban, trong s6 cdc ion trén, ion nao bén nhét, ion nao kém ben nhét? Tai seo? 2. Thue nghiém cho biét ding tinh thé od khéi Iugng rigng D = 8,93 g/em®; ban kinh nguyen te ddng 1a 128 pm. Dang két tinh theo mang tinh thé 1p phuong don gin hay lép phuong tim dign? Tai sao? 3. Déng vi ‘I ding trong y hoc thudng duge diéu ché bang cach ban pha bia chia "Te bang notron trong 1d phan ting hat nhén. Trong phirong phap nay, wade tién "Te nbén 1 nowon chuyén héa thanh '%Te, réi ding vj nay phan rd B tao thanh "1. a) Viét phuong trinh cdc phan (mg hat nhan xay ra khi digu ché "11. b) Trong thé gian 3 gid, 1 mL dung dich '2!1ban dau phat ra 1,08.10"* het B™. - Tinh ndng 46 ban dau ctia "11 trong dung dich theo don vj pmol/L. - Sau bao nhiéu ngay, hoat 4} phéng xa riéng cia dung dich '1chi cdn 10° Ba/mL? Biét chu ki ban ri cia ‘3{I 1a 8,02 ngay. trang 1/3 Cau IDL (4,5 diém) 1. Cho phan tng: | 2A+B>C+D ‘Thyc nghiém cho biét phuong trinh dng hoc t6c 49 cia phan img e6 dang nhu sau: 5 y= KAPBI {c] Gian 48 nang lugng cia phan img ¢6 dang nhu hinh vé. Thye nghiém cho biét phan img xay ra qua 2 giai doan, mét trong 2 giai doan a6 la thugn nghich. a) Dé xudt co ché cita phan img sao cho phi hop ‘vGi phuong trinh déng hoc va gian dé nang long da cho. b) Trén co so co ché phan ting, hay tim hé thie lién hé gidta hing sé téc d6 chung cia phan img YOi cdc hing s6 t6c d6 cita cdc giai doan. ¢) Tim hé thie lign hé gitta nang hong hoat héa chung (Ea) cia phan img v6i cde gid tri Ea), Fay as va Ea, Biét ring, nang long hoat héa E phy = thude vao hing sé téc a9 phan img k theo phurong tinh: =rr dink, B=RP oS 2. Déi véi phan img dé hidro héa etan: CaHs (K) = CrHs (Kk) + Fe (kK) Q@) 6 cdc 36 ligu sau: AGS. = 22,39 kJ.mol" va cdc gid tri entropy durgc ghi & bing duéi day: Chat He GH CH Svea [molKY | 163,0 319,7 2917 8) Tinh Ky cia phan tmg (1) tai 900K. b) Tinh Ajo, cla phan img CoH, (k) + Hz (k)> C2Hs (k) ©) Tinh K, tai 600K cia phan img (1), gid thiét trong khoaing nhiét 46 tir 600K dén 900K thi AH? va AS® khéng thay di. 3. O 1396K va 4p sudt 1,0133.10° N.m?, d6 phan li cua hoi muée thanh hidro va oxi 1a 0,567.10; 46 phan li ca cacbon dioxit thinh cacbon oxit va oxi li 1,551.10". Hay xéc dinh thanh phan hén hop khi (6 trang thai can bang) dugc tao thanh theo phan tng: CO+H,0 = Hp + CO, tir hai thé tich nhw nhau cia cacbon oxit va hoi nude & diéu kign trén. Cau IV (4,5 diém) 1. Chét A 1a hop chat cé thanh phin chi gdm nite va hidro. Chat A duge sir dung lam nbién ligu cho tén lira. G citing diéu kign vé nhiét d6 va dp sudt, m6t thé tich hoi céta A cé khéi lung bang khdi lugng cia cing mét thé tich khi oxi. a) Xée dinh céng thie phan tir, cdng thite edu tao cla A va cho biét trang thai lai héa cia niter trong A. b) Dya vao de diém cu tao, hay so sdnh tinh bazo va tinh khir eda A véi NH. Gidi thich, trang 2/3 ©) Ngudi ta thyc hign thi nghigm sau: cho 25,00 mL dung dich A néng d6 0,025M vao dung dich Fex(SO,)s du, dun néng, thu durge dung djch B va m6t chat khi X. Chudn 46 1/2 dung dich B trong méi trudng axit, can vita di 12,40 mL dung dich KMnOy. Biét ring chudn dO 10,00 mL dung dich H2C,0, 0,05M (trong méi trung axit H2SO,) cn via dit 9,95 mL dung dich KMa0, 6 trén, Xac djnh chat X. 2. Nam 1965, cée nha khoa hoc da tim ra phuong phap cé dinh nito & nhiét dO phong bing céch qua dung dich pentaaminoaquoruteni(Il) (A1). Khi d6, nit sé thay thé nude trong cdu ngi cia Ay tgo phite chat méi Ap. Phite ch4t Aq c6 tinh thudn tir. a) Viét phuong trinh phan tng xay ra. b) Ap dung thuyét lin két héa tri (VB), hay mé ta lién két trong phic Az va dy dodn cu tric hinh hoe cia n6. Xée dinh héa tri va s6 oxi hoa ciia ruteni trong phite chat Aa. 3. Trong dung dich OH" 1,0M ciia [Co(NHs)sCl]” tdn tai can bing: (Co(NH3)sCl} +0H = [Co(NH,)4NH2)CI}" +#H,0. 6 25°C, tai thoi diém can bing xdc dinh duge ring it nhat 95% phite chat tin tai 6 dang axit [Co(NH;)sCl]**. Chimg minh [Co(NHs)sCI?* 14 mot axit rat yéu c6 K, < 5,26.10"*. 4, NHj c6 kha nang phan img véi nhiéu ion kim loai chuyén tip. Alfred Wemer (duge gidi Nobel héa hoc nam 1913) da phan lap thanh céng mét sé phire chat gitta CoCl; va NHs, trong 46 ¢6 phite chat bat dign véi cdng thire phan tir 1 CoCls4NHs. Tay thude vio digu kin ting hop, phire cht nay cé mau tim ho’c mau xanh. Khi cho lugng du dung dich AgNO; tac dung v6i dung dich chita 1 mol phite chét nay déu thu duge 1 mol AgC! két tlia, Hay xéc dinh cde céng thite 06 thé c6 clia phite chat néu trén. ‘Cau V (4,0 diém) 1, Tinh hiing sé can bang cia phan img: Cr,07" + H,0 = 2C107" + 2H" 2. Tr6n 10,00 mL dung dich KxC10; 0,80M véi 10.00 mL dung dich A gdm BaCl 0,08M va SrCl; 0,08M thu duge hdn hgp B. Hay cho biét hién tugng xay ra va thanh phan hn hgp B. 3, Tinh khéi luong CHsCOONa cin cho vao hn hgp B, khi c6 mat CsHsCOOH 0,02M dé bit dau cb két tia SrCrO, tach ra (bd qua su ting thé tich do thém CHsCOONa). 4. Tinh khoang pH cn thiét 14p dé c6 thé tach hoan toan ion Ba’* ra khdi ion Sr” bang K,Cr)O; khi trn 10,00 mL dung dich KxCr,0; 0,80M véi 10,00 mL dung dich A (coi Ba” duge téch hoan toan khi ndng 6 cdn Iai cba Ba” trong dung dich nhé hon hoae bang 1,0.10%M). Cho: CO? + H,O = HCrO¢ + OH Ky= 1078 Cn 07" +H,0 = 2HCrOe K= 10" pK,(CH;COOH) = 4,76; pK«(CoHsCOOH) = 4.20; pK (20) = 14,0; pK,(BaCrOy) = 9,93; pK,(SrCr0.) = 4,65. HET -- * Thi sinh KhOng dave sie dung 1 teu: * Giddm thi Khing gid thich gi them. trang 3/3 BQ GIAO DYC VA DAO TAO KY THI CHON HQC SINH GIOT QUOC GIA THPT a NAM 2014 DE THI CHINH THUC . Mén: SINH HOC ‘Tho: gian: 180 phuit (khong ké thdi gian giao dé) Ngay thi thir nhdt: 03/01/2014 (Dé thi cé 2 trang, gom 15 cau) Cau 1 (U5 diém) ‘Trong oo thé d6ng vat, hai é bao nhan biét nhau dua vio die diém céy yo mio trén é bio? Neu mt s6 vai trd quan trong cia sur nhén biét té bao trong cée hoat déng sng clta dng vat? CAiu 2 (1,0 diem), Chudi chuyén electron trong hd hap té bio sinh vat nhdn so khée véi chudi chuyén electron trong hé hap 18 bio sinh vat nhan thyc 6 nhing diém ndo? Cfu 3 (1,5 diém) ; a) Vi sao cde nhiém sic tir chj em c6 thé dinh két va tich nhau ra trong cée qué trinh phin bio c6 to ign ra binh thatmg ? ) Trong qua trinh nguyén phan, cdc nhiém sic thé c6 thé di chuyén duoc vé hai ogc té bao theo cae co ché nao? Cau 4 (1,0 diém) Trong sin xudt cdc ché phim vi sinh vat, ngurdi ta c6 thé ding phuong phap nudi cdy lién tue va khéng lién tye. Gid sit ¢6 2 chiing xa khudn, mt ching c6 kha ning sinh enzim A, mot ching khée ¢6 kha ndng sinh khéng sinh B. Hay chon phuong phap nudi cay cho méi ching xa kbudn dé thu dugc hong enzim A, khéng sinh B cao nhat va gidi thich li do chon? Cau 5 (1,0 aiém) Tai sao mét sé gen cia nim men Iai gidng vi mot sé gen cia ngudi? Lam thé nao dé biét duge mét gen ndo 46 cia ndm men cé trinh ty nuclé6tit twong ty nhu gen nam trén nhiém sie thé nhat dinh 6 nguoi? Clin 6 (1,5 digm) a) Hay xéc dinh kiéu dinh duéng theo ngudn cacbon, nang long va kiéu hé hap cla nm men rugu (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). b) Dé chon duge ching nm men t6t sir dung cho san xuat rugu thi cn chon nhtmg ching ndm men c6 die diém nhu thé nao? Giai thich. Cau 7 (1,0 diém) | Gia sir cay ng6 A va cay ngo B gidng hét nhau, duge tring trong céc diéu kign hoan toan nhu nhau, nhumg chi khéc nhau mét trong cdc yéu t6: a) Cay A di nude, cay B thiéu nude. b) Cay A di dinh dudng khodng, cay B thiéu sét. ©) Cay A di anh sang, cay B thiéu 4nh sing. d) Cay A chiéu sang bing diém bu, cay B chiéu séng trén diém ba. Hay chon mér tiéu ehi thoa ding nhit 6 a, b, ¢, d phan énh chinh xée anh hurémg eta mdi yéu té trén dén hai cay ng6 A va B. Cfu 8 (1,5 diém) © mot s6 loai hat (ng@, dau...) ngudi ta thdy ring, néu lay hat tuoi dem U6 nhigt 46 va 46 dm 16i wu thi igu suit nay mim Khéng dat 100%. Nhumg néu phoi kh6 nlhtmg hat twoi a6, mgt thoi gan sau dem ngiim nude ri i é nhigt d6 va d6 dm 161 uu thi hiéu suat nay mém cao hon, 06 thé dat 100%, a) Giai thich hign tugng trén. b) Néu céch don gian nhét dé kiém ching giai thich trén. Cu 9 (1,0 aiém) a) Ap sudt duong trong mach ray (phloem) duge hinh thanh nhu thé nao? b) bi mot loai cdy c6 ré cui, khi ra hoa cay sti dung tinh b6t 6 ré ci thi ép sudt dong thay doi nhu thé nao trong phloem tir ré cu dén hoa? Cau 10 (2,0 aiém) Mt sé qui trinh sng cita thye vat san day 1. Van chuyén nude bén trong té bao séng. 2. Khtt ion nitrat (NOs) thinh ion amoni (NH¢’). 3. Hap thy ion K” qua mang sinh chat cia té bao n6i bi 4, Hap thu CO, trong cac té bao mé gidu. 5. Dong va mé khi khéng. 6. Van chuyén NADH tir té bao chat vao mang trong ciia ti thé. 7. Van chuyén O, va CO> tir ngoai vao té bao. 8. Chlorophy! a hdp thy 4nh sang. Hay cho biét, qua trinh ndo can nang long va qué trinh ndo khong cin nang luong? Giai thich. Cfu 11 (1,5 diém) a) Quaban la thude gay gidm hoat dng ciia bom Na-K. Sit dung thuée nay 6 anh huéng dén dign thé nghi cia noron khéng? Tai sao? b) Néu tinh thdm cla mang té bao déi véi Na" gidm thi d6 lén (bién 46) cia dién thé hoat ‘d@ng sé thé nao khi noron bi kich thich? Giai thich ©) Khi kich thich lén mot sgi thin kinh kim xudt hign dign thé hoat dng lan truyén doc theo soi thin kinh, Néu dya vao bién d6 ciia dign thé hogt dng lan truyén ed thé biét duge curing d9 kich thich tac déng lén sgi than kinh 46 manh hay yéu khng? Tai sao? Cau 12 (1,5 diém) a) Mét bénh nhan méi bj bénh huyét ap cao (huyét 4p tam thu la 180 mmHg va huyét ap tam trong la 105 mmHg). Hinh anh chup cong huéng tir cho théy bénh nhan dé o6 mét khéi u trong than. Khdi u nay tiét nhiéu renin vao méu. Bénh nhén nay c6 nhtig thay d6i nhur thé nao vé nong 46 aldéstéron va K* trong mau, lugng Na’ thai ra theo nude tiéu, thé tich dich ngagi bio? Gidi thich. ») Mot bénh nhan bj bénh dai tho nhat (4a nigu) do thity sau tuyén yén Khong tiét ADH. Hay dy doan nhimg thay déi vé ap swat thdm thau, néng d6 Na* va renin trong huyét trong? Giai thich. Cau 13 (1,5 diém) a) Nhiing phan img nao xay ra khi mau vé tim niéu lim tng 4p Iye trong tém nhi? b) Mot ngudi bi bénh huyét dp ket (huyét ép tm thu - huyét 4p tm trong = 20 mmHg). Bac sf cho biét nguyn nhan huyét ap ket lé do hep van 16 chim trong dng mach chi. Tai sao hep van t6 chim gay ra huyét dp ket? Huyét ap ket gay nguy hiém nhu thé nao déi véi ngudi bénh? Cau 14 (1,5 diém) a) Trong qué trinh diéu héa sinh tinh va sinh trimg, diéu hda nguge duong tinh va am tinh dign ra nhu thé nao? b) Khi phy nit mang thai thi hong estrogen, progestérén, FSH va LH trong méu thay ddi nhu thé nao? Tai sao? Clu 15.(,0 diém) Nguoi ta tién hanh nghién ciru téc dyng ctia ba logi thuéc A, B va C dén qué trinh truyén tin qua xindp thin kin - co xwong 6 chu6t. Két qua thi nghiém cho thay: sit dung thuéc A thi ey ting gidi phéng chat dan truyén than kinh (chat trung gian héa hoc), sir dung, thudc B thi gay tre ché hogt dong cia enzim axetincolinesteraza va sir dung thudc C thi gay dong kénh canxi 6 xinap. Hay cho biét cdc thuéc nay anh hudng nhu thé nao dén hoat dng ciia co xuong? Giai thich. -HET-~ © Thisink khong duge sit dung tai liéu. ‘© Gidm thi khang gidi thich gi thém. BOQ GIAO DUC VADAOTAO KY THI CHON HQC SINH GIOI QUOC GIA THPT pi THI CHINH THUC NAM 2014 Mén: TIN HOC a ‘Thoi gian: 180 phit (khong ké thdi gian giao dé) | h AN \ NeAy thi thirnhdt: 03/01/2014 = 7 (Dé thi c6 03 trang, gdm 03 bai) TONG QUAN NGAY THI THU NHAT Ten bai File churong tinh | File dirligu vao | Fite két qua Bai1_ | Con duéng Tang-Tric ‘MINROAD.” MINROAD.INP | MINROAD.OUT Bai2 | Day con chung bOi hai dai nhat | LCS2x." LCS2X.INP Les2x.0uT Bai3 | Mang truyén thong AZNET.” AZNET.INP AZNET.OUT fu * duge thay thé bdi PAS hoe CPP cia ngin ngi lip trinh duye sit dyng twong ding ka Pascal hoe C+~. Hay lip trink gidi cde bai ton saw: Bai 1. Con duréng Ting-Triie (6 diém) Bia diém du lich Dailai ndi tiéng voi con dudng Ting-Tric. Dé 14 mot con dudng dai va thing, doc bén durémg ngudi ta tring rét nhiéu cay ting va cdy tric. Véi mye dich tgo digm nhan cho con dugg, Ban quan ly khu du lich muén chon mét doan duémg ma doc theo né c6 it nhat a cay ting va c6 it nbat 6 cay trite 4@ trang tri. Sau khi Ithio sét, Ban quan ly ghi nhiin duge vj tr cia timg ey ting va cdy tréc. Trén con dudmg o6 tat cd n edy, khong 06 hai cay nao & cling mét vi tri. Cay thir & vi tr c6 khoding edch dén vi tri bit du con dudng lad, (i= 1, 2, ..., n). Voi kinh phi o6 hgn, Ban quan ly muén chon doan dug théa man diéu kign da néu voi d6 dai la ngin nh. Yéu edu: Cho a, b va vj tri ola n cay. Hay tim doan dong cé a9 dai ngin nhat ma doe theo 46 06 itnhat a cay ting va cé it nhat b cdy tric, Di ligu: Vao tir file van ban MINROAD.INP: * Dong dau chita 3 sé nguyén duong n, a, b (a +b < n); * Dong thit i trong dong tiép theo, méi dong chita hai sé nguyén duong d, (d; < 10°) va k, trong dé d; la khodng cach cia cay tinh tir vi tri bat dau cua con duong, &, = 1 néu la cay ting, k; = 2 néu 1a ey trac. Céc s6 trén cing m6t ding durge ghi céch nhau it nhdt mot dau céch. két qua: Ghi ra file van ban MINROAD.OUT mét sé nguyén 1a 46 dai doan duémg ngan nhat tim duge, quy ude ghi s6 -1 néu khdng tén tai dogn duéng nao théa man digu kign dat ra. Vidy: MANROAD. INP | MNROAD. OUT | | 722 35 20 30 25 35, 60 65 10 Trang 1/3 Rang buge: # C6 30% sé test ting vdi 30% s6 diém cia bai c6 m < 300. © C6 30% s6 test khac img voi 30% s6 diém cua bai cd $3000. © C6 40% sé test con lai img vi 40% sé diém cia bai cd m < 300000, Bai 2. Day con chung béi hai dai nht (7 ciém) Day C= ct, crn cy dupe goi ld day con oiia diy A = a1, az... dp néu C6 thé nhiin duge bing cach x6a bét mOt sO phan tir cla day 4 va gitr nguyén thér ty ciia ede phan tir con lai, nghia 1a tim duoe day cc chi sb 1 Si, < ip <... < ik $m $00 cho: G = 4,0; = 4, only =G,. Ta goi d6 dai cia day 1a sé phan tr ca day. Cho hai day A= a), day. Gm V8 B= b1, Bay be Dy C= C1, Cay Ce dugee goi la day con chung boi hai cia day 4 vi B néu C vita la day con cite day 4, via la day con cia day B va théa man diéu kign: 26) $c) (1, 2, ne hel). Yeu cdu: Cho hai day 4 va B, Hay tim 46 dai day con chung boi hai 6 d6 dai lon nbét cia hai day Ava. Di ligu: Vao tir file van ban LCS2X.INP: Dang dau tién chita 7 la sé lugng bé dit ligu. Tigp dén la 7 nhém ding, mdi nhém cho théng tin vé mot b6 dit ligu theo khuén dang sau © Dong dau chia 2 sé nguyén duong m van; © Dang thir hai chita m so nguyén khong 4m a1, a2,.., dn mdi sé khong vugt qué 10°; © Dong thir ba chita 56 nguyén khéng am 61, by... bx méi s6 Khéng vuot qué 10°. Cac 86 trén cling mét dong duge ghi cdch nhau it nhét mot dau cach. Két qua: Ghi ra file vin ban LCS2X.OUT gdm 7 ding, mi dong chita mot sb nguyén la d6 dai dy con chung bi hai dai nhat cla day 4 va B tuong tg véi b6 dit ligu vao. Vidy: ‘LCs2x. INP LeS2x, OUT ; at 55 51610 20 18 6 10 20 Rang bude: * C6 30% 86 test img voi 30% sé diém oa bai 06 m,n < 15. © C6 30% sé test khdc tmg voi 30% sé diém cia bai c6 m, n $150. * C6 40% sé test con lai ting vdi 40% s6 dim cha bai cé m, n < 1500. Bai 3. Mang truyén théng (7 diém) Ngan hang AZ cé n chi nhanh, méi chi nhanh e6 mOt may chi la dau méi dim bao truyén thong vi cée chi nhénh cén lai, Céc méy chi 6 cde chi nhanh duge danh 36 tit 1 dén n. Dé dam bao ‘ruyén thing gia cd chi nhénh, ngdn hang thué m kenh truyén tin cia hai cOng ty A va B dé ket ni n may chi eta céc chi nhanh thanh mt mang may tinh. Cac kénh truyén tin duge dnh sé ti | dén m, khong c6 hai kénh truyén tin nao két n6i cing m6t cp may chi, Kénh truyén tin i (thué cia cong ty A hode B) dam bao vige truyén tin hai chiéu gia may chit cla hai chi nhanh w, va v, (i= 1, 2, ony mi), Mang may tinh, e6 tinh chdng sudr, nghia la. dm bio tir may chi ciia mot chi nhanh bit ky c6 thé truyén tin dén tat c cde méy chi cla cée chi nhdnh cén Iai theo kénh truyén tin try tiép Trang 2/3, gitta ching hoac théng qua duéng truyén di qua mét sé may chi ca cde chi nhanh nao dé. Trong thoi gian t6i, do tinh hinh ti chinh gap khé khan, ngan hang muén cat giam t6i da vige thué cac kénh truyén tin nhung van bdo dam mang théng sw6t. Do chi phi thué bao phy thude vio sé lugng kénh truydn tin phi thug, nén sau khi hii ¥ kien céc chuyén gia, ngéin hing duge é dam bio tinh théng sudt ctia mang, t6i thiéu phai thué n-1 kénh truyén tin. Tir bang don gia thué bao kénh truyén tin véi hai cng ty, ta biét a va B; twoong img 1a gid thud bao k kénh truyén tin cha cong ty A va B (k= 1, 2, .... n-1). Ngan hing muén tim phuong an git lai ding 7-1 kénh truyén tin tong sb m kénh truyén tin da thué cba hai cng ty sao cho tng chi phi thué bao phi ta lé nho nat ma van dam bao tinh thong suét cia mang. Yéu clu: Cho biét danh sach cdc kénh truyén tin, va cde chi phi as, be (R= 1,2, nel). Hay tim phuong én phuong dn gift Iai ding n-1 kn truyéa tin trong sO m kénk truyén tin 48 thud cia hai Ong ty, sao cho téng chi phi thué bao phai tra 14 nhé nhat ma vin dam bao tinh thong suét etia mang. Dr Vao tir file van ban AZNET.INP: Dong dau tién chita 71a s6 hong bé dit liéu. Tiép dén la Tnhom dong, mdi nhom cho biét théng tin vé mot bé di ligu theo khuén dang sau: # Dong thir nhét chtta hai s6 nguyén duong 7, m; © Dong thit hai chira n-1 s6 nguyén duong a1, a2, «.... dy.1, mdi s6 nhé hon 10°; b,-1, mbi sé nhd hon 10°; © Dang thit ba chita n-1 s6 nguyén dwong bj, bp, .. * Dang thi: / trong s6 m dong tiép theo chita ba sé nguyén duong w, v,, ¢, cho biét théng tin vé kénh truyén tin thir i (i= 1, 2, .., m). Gia thiét: uj # vj, ¢)= L néu kénh truyén tin thué cua céng ty A, j= 2 néu kénh truyén tin thué cia cong ty B. Cae sé trén cling m6t dong duge ghi cach nhau it nhét mét dau cach. Két qua: Ghi ra file van ban AZNET.OUT gem T dong, moi dng 1a mot phuong 4n tim duge twong img v6i bo dit ligu vao. Cu thé: ding gém n-1 sé la chi s6 cdc kénh truyén tin duge gitt Iai. Vidy: AZNET. INP AZNET. OUT Fy 13 33 12 1s a2. 132 232 Rang buge: * C6 30% sé test img vai 30% sé diém euia bai c6 n < 10, + C6 30% s6 test khéc img v6i 30% sé diém cla bai cb n <100. * C6 40% sé test img vai 40% sé diém cua bai cb a $10, ms 10°. Hét © Thi sinh khng duge sic dung tai liéu ‘© Can b6 coi thi khong gidi thich gi thém, Trang 3/3 BOQGIAO DUC VADAOTAO —_—KY THI CHQN HOC SINH GIOI QUOC GIA THPT pi THI CHINH THUC ‘mu In? | Mén: NGU VAN | BAN CHINE { Thai gian: s80 pho thong bi hd gan giao dé) Negay thi: 03/01/2014 Cu 1. Nghj Iufin xa hGi (8,0 didm) Phai chang, s6ng la toa sng? Cfu 2. Nghj ludin viin hoc (12,0 diém) Van hoe chan chinh ngay ca khi néi vé cai xu, cdi dc cing chi nhim thé hign khat vong vé cdi dep, cai thién. Suy nghi ciia anh/chi vé y kién trén. © Thi sinh khong duoc sit dung tai ligu. © Gidm thj Khong giai thich gi thém. BQ GIAO DUC VABAO TAO KY THI CHON HOC SINH GIOI QUOC GIA THPT Di: THI CHINA THUC NAM 2014 Mén: LICH SU’ Thoi gian: 180 phut (khéng ké thai gian giao dé) Negay thi: 03/01/2014 Trong khoang thii gian tir dau thé ky XX dén truée Chién tranh thé gidi thir ahdt, Phan BOi Chau, Phan Chau Trinh va céc si phu yéu nude thire thdi khac c6 nhimg ding gop gi cho phong trao van dng giai phong dan toc va phat trién kinh té - xf hoi & Viet Nam? CAu 2 (2,5 diém) Giai thich vi sao Higp h6i cae quée gia Dong Nam A (ASEAN) ra dai nam 1967 nhumg vigc mé rng thanh vign tir S nude ban dau lén 10 nude tai dign ra lau dai va dy tré ngai. Chu 3 (3,0 diém) Vi sao néi, tir khi Nhat Ban dau hang Dong minh dén nhimg ngay dau thang 9 nam 1945 18 thoi co "ngan nm cé mét" cua dan te Vigt Nam? Viée chép thai co gianh chinh quyén trong Céch mang thing Tam nam 1945 cita Dang Cong sin Déng Duong va Chi tich Hé Chi Minh thé hign qua nhimg su kign nao? Cau 4 (3,0 aiém) Trude va sau ngay 6 - 3 - 1946, sich hrge cla Chinh ph Vigt Nam Dan chi Cong hoa va Chil tich Hé Chi Minh déi véi thye dan Phap va quan Trung Hoa Dan quéc od gi khde nhau? Vi sao c6 su khée nhau 46? CAu 5 (3,0 diém) Nhiing thing Igi quiin sy ndo cia quan dan ta bude Mi phai chap nhén bat dau dam phdn va ky Higp dinh Pari vé chém diit chién tran, lp lai hoa binh & Vigt Nam? Néu ¥ nghia cia nhting thing Igi do. CAu 6 (3,0 diém) Dang Cong san Vigt Nam dé ra durong |6i ddi méi trong hoan canh lich sit no? Anh (chj) hiéu nh thé nao vé dudng 16i di moi? Cau 7 (3,0 diém) Trinh bay tom tét qué trinh phat trign thing Igi cia phong trao giai phéng dan t6e 6 cde nude A, Phi va Mi Latinh tir sau Chién tranh thé gidi thir hai dén nim 2000. Thing Igi dé da tac dong nhur thé nao toi quan hé quéc té? HET * Thi sinh khong duge sie dung tai ligu. © Gidim thi khong gid thich gi them BO GIAO DUC VADAO TAO Ki THI CHON HOC SINH GIOI QUOC GIA THPT DE THI CHiNH THUC NAM 2814 ea a Mon; = BIALE [?, ? ‘Thoi gian: 180 phist (Khng ké thoi gian giao dé). BAN CHINH Neay thi: 03/01/2014. ae | (Dé thi cé 02 trang, gdm 07 cau). Cau 1 (3,0 diém) a) Tai sao trén Trdi Dat, sur phan bé nhiét 46 khéng khi thay déi theo vi d6 dia li, theo Inc dia va dai durong? b) Chimg minh dia hinh la nhan 16 téc dng 16 rét dén sy thay Adi khi hau. Cu 2 (2,0 diém) Tai sao néi su phét trién cia céc nganh dich vy c6 méi quan hé ch&t ché v6i qué trinh cong nghiép hba? Clin 3 (3,0 diém) a) Dya vao Atlat Bia If Viét Nam va kién thite da hoc, gidi thich su da dang cia dia hinh ven bién nuréc ta. b) Hoat déng cia dai héi ty nhiét déi anh huéng nhu thé ndo dén ché 46 mua trong mia ha & nuréc ta? Cau 4 (3,0 diém) a) Dua vao Atlat Dia li Vigt Nam va kién thite da hoc, phan tich su khc nhau vé ché dQ mua cla ving khi h4u Bac Trung BO va ving khi hu Nam Trung BO. +b) Gidi thich tai sao trong mia khd, Ha Ni cé Ing mua Ién hon TP. Hé Chi Minh; cn trong mda mua, TP. Hd Chi Minh lai c6 long mua lén hon Ha N6i? Cau 5 (3,0 diém) a) Dya vao bang sé ligu sau, phan tich ti 1é tang ty nhién cua dan sé nude ta, Sy thay di ti suat sinh thé cé tic dong nhu thé nao dén co céu dan sé theo tudi? TISUAT SINH THO, Ti SUAT CHET THO VA TI LE TANG TU NHIEN CUA DAN SO VIET NAM QUA CAC NAM (Bon vi: %o) Nam Tisudt sinh tho Tisudt chét tho TiI@ tang ty nhién 2004 19,2 54 13,8 2006 17,4 5,3 12,1 2008 16,7 5,3 11,4 2010 17,1 6,8 10,3 (Wien giém thong ké 2011, NXB Thdng ké, 2012) b) Dya vao Atlat Dia li Vigt Nam va kién thite da hoc, nhfn xét va gidi thich sy chuyén dich co edu lao dong dang lam vige phan theo khu vyc kinh té, Céiu 6 (3,0 diém) a) Dya vao bang sé ligu sau, nhjn xét tinh hinh phat trién cong nghiép sin xudt hang tigu ding ca nude ta. GIA TR] SAN XUAT CUA CONG NGHIEP SAN XUAT HANG TIEU DUNG QUA CAC NAM (Bon vi: Ti déng) [Nam 2005 2008 2010 Dét, may 79031 156 630 236 940 Da, gidy 42313 69 462 102074 Gidy, in, van phong phim 28 340 54021 80 250 Gi tri sin xudt ca to&n nganh 149 684 280 113 419 264 Gia trj san xuat c6ng nghiégp cd nude | 988 540 1903 128 2.963 500 (Nién gidim thong ké 2011, NXB Thong ké, 2012) b) Dya vio Atlat Bia Ii Vigt Nam va kién thtte 44 hoc, phan tich sur phan bé cla céng nghiép dét, may va da, giay. CAu 7 (3,0 diém) _ 4) Dya yao Atlat Dia li Vigt Nam va kién thite d& hoo, chimg minh Trung du va mign ni Bac B6 c6 nhiéu thé manh ty nhién dé phat trién da dang chuyén mén héa sin xudt néng nghigp. b) Viée xdy dymg cdc nha may thy dién 6 mién Trung nude ta néu khong hgp i, thi sé anh huéng nhu thé nao dén tai nguyén, méi trudng? HET Thi sinh duoc str dung Atlat Dia li Viét Nam (Nha xudt bain Gido duc Viét Nam); khéng duge sit dung cdc tai ligu khde. © Gidin th; khong gidi thich gi them. BO GIAO DUC VA BAO TAO KY THI CHON HOC SINH GIO! QUOC GIA THPT DE THI CHINH THUG NAM 2014 Mon thi TIENG ANH Thoi gian thi 180 phuit (khOng ké thoi gian giao a8) Noay thi 03/01/2014 86 tni co 11 trang + Thi sinh khéng duce si dung tai iu, ké ca tor dién, | + Gidm thi khéng giai thich gi thém. |. LISTENING (50 points) HUONG DAN PHAN THI NGHE HIEU . © Bai nghe gdm 4 phn, mai phan duoc nghe 2 lén, mdi lan ctich nhau 15 gidy, mé dau va két thie mi phan nghe cé tin hibu. © Mo déu va két thiic bai nghe c6 tin higu nhac. Thi sink c6 3 philt dé hoan chinh bai trubc tin hiéu nhac két thie bai nghe. © Moi huéng dan cho thi sinh (bing ting Anh) da cé trong bai nghe. Part 1: For questions 1-6, listen to a conversation between two students about a book and decide whether the following statements are true (7) or false (F). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. David began to enjoy the book when he understood why the characters kept conficting themselves, Maria believes that the contradiction makes the story absorbing, ‘Maria wishes to see the place where the book was set but David doesn’t ‘Maria doesn't want to read the story again because its not original According to Maria, the author writes the book to show that people have different interpretations of the same event ohene Your answers [i 2 3 4 5. Part 2: For questions 6-15, listen to a piece of news from the BBC about education reform in the UK and fill in the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the spaces provided. 6. According to the reporter, 400 secondary schools could be re-designated as failing under the plan to raise the Used fo measure the performance in England. 7. Numerous have been made regarding teacher training and exam administration 8. Training up can be a part of the best teacher recruitment 9. Breth Murphy used to spend 7 months in Afghanistan, and he is now helping the young people from the 10, The government is keen to see people with Breth Murphy's engage in teaching. 11, It is expected to provide free postgraduate training for and the search for fest-track university education for those who don’t have degrees. 12. The [proposes moving teacher training away from universities into schoo's, 13, Teachers will have more freedom to pupils and schools will have to review how many pupils sit fve selected academic subjects at GCSE. 14, Those who are critical of the government's approach say that itis an absolutely 15, School inspectors said too many students were receiving dull and teaching and government's task is to try to turn that around, Page 1 of 11 pages Part 3: For questions 16-20, listen to a talk on the history of Balinese Culture and complete the table with the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the spaces provided. Date Event Importance of art 3000 BC (beginning ofthe | Rice farmers from China settied | Built temples with wood and stone (18) in Bal carvings, 414" century | Introduction to Hinduism Artists employed by (17). ‘and focused on epic narratives 1906 Dutch East Indies Company _| Art became expression of opposition to established (18), 19208, (19) Encouraged use of new materials, of tourism techniques and subjects 1945 Independence New art with scenes of everyday life (e.g harvests, market scenes, daily tasks, (20), and reflecting national identity Part 4: For questions 21-26, listen to a radio interview with a psychologist about friendship and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. 21. According to the presenter, ‘A. new books are being written to teach people how to manage friendships, Bits almost impossible to keep childhood friends for life. C. the most important friends are childhood friends. D. we have to adjust our friendships as our lives change. 22, Barbara wams that foul-weather friends ‘A. never want you to be happier than they are. 3. can spoil the times when you are feeling good about life. C._ engineer bad situations so that they can feel superior. D._ have their ife perfectly organized. 23. ‘The danger of trophy friend is that ‘A. you may be put in a serious mood B, you may develop unrealistic expectations. C. he or she will push you to get a higher achievement that you don’t want. D. he or she will inhibit your social life. 24, Asisterly friend ‘A. will want to go out on dates with you and your new partner. B._ will be as close to your family as she is to you C._ canbe relied on but may be too involved in your life. D. can resent other close friendships in your life. 25, When making new friends, ‘A. be sensitive to their nead for space. B. try to be as funny as you can. C__ con't mention serious issues before you have got to know them well 1D. don't expend too much of your time and energy. Your answers 2 22 23, 24, 25 Page 2 of 11 pages i, LEXICO-GRAMMAR (30 points) Part 1: Choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D) to each of the following questions and write your answers (A, B, C, or D) in the corresponding numbered boxes. 26. More women show their for dangerous sports, especially mountaineering and bungee Jumping. A inspiration 8, dominance C. predilection D. attraction 27. His new play is not only interesting but also unique. It is really off the beaten A track 8. road ©. path D-route 28. English presents its learners with many difficuties, ts spelling system. A atleast 8. not least Tat the least D. notin the ieast 29. He tends to act impulse, especially when he is together with his best friends. Aat Bon D. with 30. If were you, ! would never let such a golden opportunity through my fingers Aside B. slip c.sid D. pass 31. The river is. with increasing load of household rubbish A soaked B. burdened ©. saturated D. choked 32. The misapplication of the national budget 2 wave of public protest A. sparked B. sparkled C. ignited D. triggered 33. The dispute was eventually resolved by a(n) ‘decision of the arbitrator. A interested B. uninterested © disinterested D. uninteresting 34, Since his head-on colision, he has become a(n) to the whole family A. vulnerability B. weakness asset D. iabiity 35. Being ‘out of $20,000 by his bestfriend, he swears not to put trust in anybody A. done 8, made . cheated D. tricked Your answers 26. 27. | 28. 29. 30. 31 32 33. #4. 36 Part 2: For questions 36-43, write the correct form of each bracketed word in the corresponding numbered boxes. There is an example at the beginning (0). FENG SHUI Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of bringing balance to one’s immediate surroundings. tt aims to harness energy from within the home to make it a nice, healthy place in which to live. Although in the West it has only recently gained (0) (ACCEPT), in China itis considered (36) (DISPENSE) to consult a Feng ‘Shut (37), (PRACTICE) before moving house or establishing a business. On a mundane level, tis the art of furniture placement, but on deeper examination meaningful philosophical and religious roots are found (38), (PIN) this venerable art form. The Tacist philosophy cut of which it grew sees the world as made up of potent but invisible energy which it calls ‘chi. Feng Shui aims to civert this hidden flow to create a (39), (HARMONY) environment, Although this is an unfamiliar concept to the Western world, the rise of Feng Shui continues (40) (ABATE). Feng Shui offers some basic rules with which to augment the potential of one’s environment. Removal of clutter is said to promote feelings of (41), (LUCID) and calmness. The utilisation of plants (42), (ACT) the detrimental effect of machinery, computers and so on. Finally, because chi energy enters through the front door, itis provident to keep one’s door in perfect condition to remove any (43) (IMPEDE) to the passage of entering chi energy. Your answers 0. acceptance | 36. 37. 38, 39, | 40. a 42 43 Part 3: The passage below contains 6 errors in spelling, grammer, word form. For questions 44-49, underline the errors and write the corrections in the corresponding numbered boxes. There are THREE examples at the beginning (0, 00, 000). Page 3 of 11 pages ‘THE VOLCANOES OF HAWAII Line The Hawaiian istand chain in the central of the Pacific consists of several volcanoes, with the active ones at the south-eastemn tip of the archipaiago. The largest island is Hawail itself, which are the site of two major active volcanoes, The volcanoes, protected as a national state park, are crucial for several types of agriculture. When volcanic ash cools and is exposed to weatherng, it is converting into 5 exceptionally fertile soil, The Hawaiians utilise it for one of their main agricultural exports, pineapples. ‘The island of Lanai comprises a single plateau, containing the world's largest pineapple plantation, The continual volcanic activity is also a major attraction for the hordes of tourists flocking to the area to see Hawaii's various spectacular geological marvel. But isr't it rather dangerous for them to do this? Actually, a daily rumble is the least of the problems associated with volcanoes. Far more worrying is 10 thick clouds of volcanic ash or flows of lava, like those that smothered the ancient Roman ctty of Herculaneum, pouring down from the mountainside in the night with a destructive, and totally unexpected, force. Fortunately, Hawaii rarely witnesses such frightening occurences. Jil Brooke, a leading expert in volcanoes, recently said, ‘Hawaii experiences thousand of eruptions each year, but ‘most are s0 small that they can only be detected by sensible instruments. There will eventually be a 15 huge one, but itis elmost impossible to predict when it will happen.” Your answers 0. centre (line 1) | 00, archipeiago ine 2) _—_—| 000. is (ine 2) 44 [4 46 47 [8 4 Part 4: For questions 50-56, fll in the gaps in the following sentences with suitable particles. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes, There is an example at the beginning (0). 0. He finds it hard to put the noise of the nearby factory. 50. Tougher measures are to be brought to fight increasing social evils in the city, 51. He left no stone unturned to hunt his forefather reported missing in the war. 52, They finally decided to settle @ compromise rather than take legal action against their rival 53. She was completely snowed right after taking up the managerial post. 54. Having been passed ‘twice, he decided not to apply for promotion this time. 55. {don't hold the use of violence to resolve conflict between ethnic groups. Your answers 0. up with 50, 51 52 53, 54. 55, Ill, READING (50 points) Part 1: For questions 56-65, read the following passages and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. Write your answers (A, B, C, or D) in corresponding numbered boxes. JOB OPPORTUNITY ‘Would you relish the opportunity to join a growing company at the cutting (56), of the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries? Do you already command a high (57), of credibility in the industry? Can you proactively use your (58) of project management know-how and leadership skills to manage teams and to take (59). of a variety of consulting projects? Are you ready to build and provide quality thought leadership? Do you enjoy (60)__out the best in colleagues with well chosen advice and sensitive mentoring? Do you have superb presentation and communication skils? Are you ready to make a positive contribution to the future of our expanding operations throughout the whole industry? 56. A. side B edge cam D. blade 57. Arate B scope C. amount D. degree 58 A hand B.orip ©. grasp D. hold 59, A. charge B. responsibilty C teed D. credit 60. A getting B finding ©. taking D. bringing Page 4 of 11 pages CAUGHT NAPPING Sleep, according to the Bard, “knits up the ravelled sleeve of care,” but not, it seems for narcoleptics is the (61), to fall asleep any time anywhere. First (62), 120 years ago, it offen goes undiagnosed, its (63) labelled “lazy". The condition is debilitating and surprisingly common, affecting approximately one in 1,000 inhabitants of the western world, The three main symptoms of narcolepsy are all expressions of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. They (64), cataplexy, a sudden loss of voluntary muscle control, common to 60% of narcoleptics, sleep paralysis, which generally occurs on waking or falling asleep; and excessive sleepiness throughout the day, with frequent naps and a struggle against drowsiness. Paradoxically, many narcoleptics are insomniacs and (65) litle oF no refreshment from sleep. 61. A trend B. propensity ©. mood D. mode 62. A located B. invented C. notified D. identified 63. A sufferers B. subjects C. instructors D. patients 64. A comprise B. compose C. consist D. contain 65. A. desist B detect © detract D. derive Your answers 56. 87. 58, 59. 60. | 61 62 63. 64 65 | Part 2: For questions 66-77, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use ‘only ONE word in each gap. Write your answers in corresponding numbered boxes. There is an ‘example at the beginning (0). SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER: Organised excursions are one of the ways that summer schoo! programmes create a relaxed and fun atmosphere for their students, (0) escape from the classroom for a day Is not an excuse to stop learning. ‘As well as (66) ‘a great way to see Britain and to learn more about British life and culture, ‘excursions can have a valuable role to play in language learning as they give learners the opportunity to put 7), practice what they have learnt in the classroom. Excursions can (68) from visits to famous towns and cities to the thousands of sites of historical interest around the country. Museums, art galleries and theme parks are other options. However, (69) is the responsibility of the school to ensure that learners are properly prepared for their trips (70) siil in the classroom. Teachers should introduce the excursion as a discussion topic, provide background information on the place of interest or instruct students to carry (71), their own research. New vocabulary and key words can be explained and leamers can prepare questions to ask (72), they get to their destination. Once (73). of the classroom, many leamers find it easier to relax and, as a result, become more articulate. They are helped by the (74), that at most tourist attractions there are staff who are used to talking to learners and will make the effort to understand their English. (78). returning to the classroom, teachers can set students a variety of extension exercises such as giving a mini-presentation (78) an aspect of the trip of making a poster of an information leafet to advertise the place a7, Your answers 0. but 66. 67 |68. 68 | 70 7 72 73 [74 76. 76 7. Part 3: For questions 78-83, choose the best phrase or sentence A-! given below the text to fill each of the blanks in the following text. Write one fetter (A-!) in corresponding numbered boxes. THREE of the suggested answers do NOT fit at all. Page 5 of 11 pages COUNTING PENGUINS! Scientists in the South Atlantic have developed an alternative way to track penguins: they now count the birds by giving them supermarket-style electronic tags. The aim of their work there is to examine the factors (78) and how numbers relate to environment change. ‘At present, there are about 2.5 millon breeding pairs of Macaroni penguins on Bird Island in South Georgia, but fong-term monitoring studies show the numbers may have halved since 1978, Researchers from the British Antarctic Survey have been studying the penguins throughout this time, (79), Weighing the birds has been an important part of the research, giving data on how regularly and effectively they feed. However, the traditional method of weighing penguins, by picking them up, putting them in a bag and using a hand-held balance, is now seen as (80) in what is a harsh environment. It can also be disturbing for the penguins, So the team has worked with a consuitant design engineer on (81) The birds are given an individual supermarket-style electronic tag, attached to a plastic ankle ring. A special weighbridge has also been constructed ~ painted with the intention of (82) and it has been placed on the birds’ route to and from their colony. Every time a tagged bird crosses the weighbridge, the tag is electronically read, (83)_ This weighbridge has proved to be of great assistance to the scientists. ‘A {eading them to the steady decline 3 helping itto biend in with ts surroundings using up too much time and iabour D__ having a certain negative influence on ail those E __ allowing specified information to be recorded F —Snalysing the results in any way affecting penguin populations H. developing a different, less intimidating technique 1 attempting to discover why their numbers are declining Your answers: 78, 79. [20 81 [ss Part 4: Read the following passage and answer questions 84-93. For questions 84-89, choose the best answer (A, 8, C, or D) according to the text. Write your answers (A, B,C, or D) in the corresponding numbered boxes. Itis a lamentable truth that women are sometimes presented with impossible choices between career advancement and family commitment. This dilemma is perhaps sharpest for female scientists who leave their profession in order to raise children and then find themselves at a disadvantage compared with men on Feturning to work years later, Women in science get left behind because scientific developments move so fast and knowledge needs to be continuously updated. In addition to thal, working conditions for scientists, with unsociable hours, do not favour the family. This is where a newly-launched campaign to attract female scientists back into the fold comes in. The campaign aims to emphasise a woman's academic as apposed to her chronological age so that, after raising a family, she will be compared to men with the same amount of work experience rather than to men of the ‘same age, and encourages women to retrain and upgrade their skills. The Royal Society and the Welcome Trust, the major founder of Biomedical research in the UK, have ient the campaign thelr support Dr. Nenoy Lane, a cell biologist and fellow of Girton College, Cambridge, and director of the Women in SET (Science, Engineering and Technology) Initiative at Cambridge has dedicated her life to encouraging female scientists, A working party chaired by her produced a report for the government highlighting the low percentage of women in science, particularly at senior levels. The report was given the optimistic title ‘The Rising Tide’, in the hope that this dismal trend could be on the turn, Despite good intentions, a rising tide of female scientists seems at present to be distant prospect. The majonty of successful women in the field are either unmarried or married but childless. One organisation ‘geared towards changing this is the Athena Project, of which Dr. Lane Is deputy chair, The organisation is compiling a register of women in higher education to outline the skill areas of those in the SET fields. Back by various government and scientific bodies, the project's goal is to achieve significant increase of women in top positions in science, engineering and technology by the year 2017. ‘There is much room for improvement on present percentages, with women making up no more than 21% of fulltime researchers in the physical sciences, a mere 2% at the level of professor, and with just one female Chemistry professor in the UK. A lack of research grants exacerbates this deplorable situation, with studies in Sweden pointing to strong evidence that women need to prove themselves two and a half times better than men in order to receive them. Page 6 of 11 pages ‘One eminent scientist with a mission to help other women in the field was Daphne Jackson, Britain's first Physics professor. After her premature death, aged 54, in 1901, the Daphne Jackson Memorial Trust was established to help retrain highly-qualified ferale scientists who have taken at least three-year break from work. The trust pays part-time salaries for two years to women able to find an institution and supervisor to allow them to pursue @ research project. A successful example of somebody on a Daphne Jackson fellowship is Dr ‘Sue Jackson (no relation), a former welding engineer wth a PhO from Cambridge when her first child was born 14 years ago and she gave up work. The fellowship has enabled her to conduct research on laser welding for car bodies and has helped her cope with radical changes such as the move from practical work to computer ‘modeling. Sue Jackson has found the project tremendously stimulating and motivating, Let us hope that, with the help and encouragement of organisations such as Athena Project and Daphne Jackson Memorial Trust, more women will follow suit and return to the scientific fields to which they have contributed and will continue to contribute so much, Society as a whole will certainly be the better for it 84. What does the writer say about women in science? ‘A. They tend to lack the criving ambition that motivates male scientists. B. They are not as well suited to the pace of developments in science as men C. {tis difficult for them to get back into the field after a lengthy absence. D. The demands for family generally force them to choose other careers. 85. Anew campaign has been launched in order to ‘A. narrow the gap between male and female Scientists, B. attract more female graduates into the field of academic research. ©. _ assist female scientists in coping with both children and work D. encourage experienced female scientists to return to work 86, The report was called The Rising Tide" A. toreflact recent trends. B._ to present a positive image. C__ to show the extent of the problem. D. to suggest things can't get worse. 87. What does the writer say about the current situation? A. There is a clear link between family status and attainment. B. Many women in the field try to be too self-reliant C. Further research in needed to determine the extent of the problem. ©. Current initiatives have little prospect of success, ‘88. Whatis the problem with research grants? A They are unlikely to provide sufficient support for projects B. Countries such as Sweden have fairer systems for awarding them C. They represent another obstacle for women in the field. D. They are not distributed fairy among the different fields of science. 89, The Daphne Jackson Memorial Trust ‘A. puts women scientists in touch with potential research supervisors B. offers further training for women scientists in research fields. C._ only supports female scientists over a certain age. D. provides support for women scientists returning to research Your answers 84, 85, 86. [o. je For questions 90-93, complete the following sentences. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. 90. Working hours for female scientists are so that they cannot support their family 91. Anew campaign is launched to promote female scientists to their academic knowledge and skills after their maternity and child care. 92. “The Rising Tide" is considered because it aims at improving the current problems soon. 93. A doctor of engineering science realised that the Daphne Jackson Memorial Trust was so because the Trust helped her accomplish a practical project. Your answers 90. 1 92 93, Page 7 of 11 pages Part 5: Read the following extract and answer questions 94-105. THE GLOBAL PRODUCT - THE WORLD AS A SINGLE MARKET? A. For businesses, the world is becoming a smaller place. Travel and transportation are becoming quicker and easier, communications can be instantaneous to any part of the world and trade barriers are breaking down. Consequently, there are tremendous opportunities for businesses to broaden their markets into foreign countries, The challenge facing those promoting products globally is to determine whether marketing methods should be the same across the world or if they should be adapted to different markets based on specific cultural factors. B. Many theorists argue that, with the ‘shrinking’ of the world, global standardisation is inevitable. Over time, and as economies develop, it has been suggested that consumer buying patterns will blend into ‘one another and national differences may diseppear. Kellogg, the American breakfast cereal producer, has been very influential in challenging consumption patterns in countries outside the United States. In France, for example, breakfast cereals were almost unheard of, and market research suggested that the market was closed to companies like Kellogg. However, today, there is growing demand for breakfast cereals across France. Nevertheless, the standardisation of products for worldwide consumption in this way is rarely the most effective strategy as is evident from an analysis of the following key aspects of global marketing, C. First of all, it is considered better business practice by many large, established companies to change their products from ene country to the next. Take the example of Coca Cola. The recipe for this drink is changed to suit local tastes - the brand in the US is much sweeter than in the UK, whilst in India the product's herbs and flavourings are given more emphasis. In terms of the car industry, it would be too expensive for manufacturers to develop and build completely different vehicles for different markets yet a single, global model is likely to appeal to no one. in response to varying needs, Nissan, for example, sells in 75 different markets, but has eight different chassis designs. The Ford Mondeo was designed with key features from different markets in mind in an effort to make its appeal as broad as possible. The best policy, as far as most multinational companies are concerned, is to adapt their product to a particular market. D. secondly, it is also important to consider whether a product should be launched simultaneously in alt ‘countries (known as a ‘sprinkier launch’) or sequentially in one market after another (a ‘waterfall taunch’). In practice, most companies producing consumer goods tend to launch a new product in one or two markets at a time rather than attempt to launch a product across @ range of countries at a single time. Many high-tech products such as DVD players reached the market in Japan before reaching the UK Hollywood films are often seen in the United States weeks or months before they arrive in other countries. For example, Star Wars Episode One was launched in the US in May 1999, in the UK in July 1999 and in Spain in August 1999. E. The advantage for firms is that itis easier to launch in one market at a time. Effort and concentration can be focused to ensure the best possible entry into the market. Moreover, for technical products especially, any inital problems become apparent in a single market and can be corrected prior to launch elsewhere, Even though this method can be time-consuming, it is usually a safer approach than a simultaneous launch. Despite this, in certain highly competitive markets such as computer chips, companies such as Intel tend to launch their new products internationally at the same time to keep the product ahead of its competitors. F.. The final consideration when planning to enter a global market, rather than assuming the product will suit all markets, is to take cultura! differences into account. Prices have to be converted to 2 different currency and any literature has to be translated into a different language. There are also less tangible differences. Its quite possible that common practices in one country can cause offence and nave grave consequences for business success in another. in one situation in China, a Western businessman caused offence to a group of local delegates because he started to fill out the paperwork immediately after shaking hands on a deal. Completing the legal documents so soon after the negotiations was regarded as undermining the hosts’ trust. Krowiedge about such cultural differences is absolutely vital G. Therefore, if a company is attempting to broaden its operations globally, it must take the time to find out about local customs and methods of business operation. Equally important is to ensure that such information is available to all necessary workers in the organisation. For example, in order to attempt to avoid causing offence to passengers from abroad, British Airways aims to raise awareness of cultural differences amongst all its cabin crew. H. it can be concluded that global standardisation of products to ‘fit’ all markets is unlikely to be the most viable option. Marketing methods employed will depend on many factors, such as the type of product, the degree of competition, the reputation of the firm and/or the brand, the state of the economy into which the product is to be launched and how and when to launch. In short, the key to marketing success ‘on a Global level is to have sufficient information on how cultural differences are likely to affect the marketing of a product and then allow the appropriate decisions to be made. Page 8 of 11 pages For questions 94-100, choose correct heading for paragraphs B-H from the list of headings below. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. There is an example at the beginning (0). List of Headings i Launching a new soft drink product ii The main benefits of the single market launch lil Researching cultural differences and providing information fv The lack of cultural differences in the world today v__ Examples of faunching a product in one market at a time vi The emergence of global marketing and its challenges vil The world as a single market: a successful case vill Specific cultural differences to consider ix Different markets, adapted products | x Success in the global market ~ key factors 0. Paragraph A 95. Paragraph C 97, Paragraph E 99. Paragraph G 94. Paragraph B 96. Paragraph D 98. Paragraph F 100, Paragraph H Your enswers 94, 95. 96 97, 98. 99, 100, For questions 101-105, write in the corresponding numbered boxes Y ifthe statement agrees with the information given in the passage N ifthe statement contradicts the information given in the passage NG if there is no information about this in the passage 101. The suggestion of market researchers was by no means applicable to Kellogg's story 102. Coca Cola is not untypical a case of the intemational standartisation of products for global consumption 108, Its better to make a product available in different markets at the same time. 104, In the computer industry, “Waterfall” launch seems to be safer and more competitive than "Sprinkler" launch. 105. Considering cultural and regional variations is the most important factor in marketing success, Your answers 101. 102, 103, 104 108, IV. WRITING (60 points) Part 1; Use the word given in brackets and make any necessary additions to write a new sentence in Such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Do NOT change the form of the given word. You must use between THREE and EIGHT words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0, He paid no attention to our warning. (notice) He fo0k no notice of our warning 106. If only | hadn't let my friends persuade me to go on such a risky off-road trip. (talk) regret ‘such a risky off-road trip. 107. We were completely surprised that the Rector didn't tum up at the opening ceremony as agreed. {absented) To our utter astonishment, the opening ceremony. 108, The student's performance appears to be improving dramatically this year. (evidence) ‘The student's performance this year. Page 9 of 11 pages 109. The Board will only reconsider @ fringe benefit cut if all the workers complain about It in writing. (written) Only fall the workers the Board reconsider 2 fringe benefit cut 110. He will certainly not give up his opposition to the new nuclear scheme. {question} There his opposition to the new nuclear scheme. Part 2: The table shows the percentage of journeys made by different forms of transport in four countries. The bar chart shows the results of a survey into car use. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Journeys made by | USA UK France Netherlands Car 90% 72% 68% 47% Bicycle 1%, 2% 2% 26% Public transport 3%. 12% 18% 8% On foot 5% 11% 11% 18% Other 1% 3% [1% 1% Most cited reasons people travel to work by car (USA) No ternative Convenient Need car for work Quicker Work night sit Page 10 of 11 pages Part 3: Write an essay of about 350 words to express your opinion on the following statement: “Economic development cannot be promoted in parallel with environmental preservation.” (NB: You may continue your writing on the back page if you need more space) - THE END ~ Page 11 of 11 pages

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