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India’s Population

Size Area Density

17.5% of world population 2.4% of the world area Number of people living in a sq km,
382 person per sq. km in India.

High population density areas Moderate population density areas Low population density areas
Areas above the national average Areas around national average Areas much lower than national average i.e.
i.e. 501 person per sq km. and i.e. 251-500 per sq km. 250 persons per sq km and below mountainous
above Northern plains, Kerala. peninsular states. areas, thick forests of North-East.

Population Growth
Changes in the number of people in a country.


High birth rate Decrease in death rate International Migration of People

Characteristics of Population

Age Composition Sex Ratio Literacy Rate Occupational Health

Number of people in Number of females Number of people above structure Judged by checking the
different age groups per thousand males, age seven who can read life expectancy at birth,
940 per thousand. and write, 74.04% in India. it is 64.7 years in India.

Distribution of population
according to occupations
Children Working age Aged
(below 15 (15-59 years (age > 59
years 34.4%). 58.7%). years 6.9%)

Primary Sector Secondary Sector Tertiary Sector

Activities which extract natural Activities that process these Activities that support the other
resources like agriculture, mining, resources e.g. manufacturing two sectors and provide services
forestry; 64% population engaged. construction; 13% population engaged. e.g. transport, communications;
20% population engaged

National Population Policy 2000

Family planning programmes Free and compulsory education Attention to adolescents

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