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Dear Haslina,

Here are Captain Nobody’s notes and tasks which we have covered.

Please complete each of the task and submit when school re-opens.

Lots of love,

Teacher Kel.

19 May 2020.5.19


Co- JJ and Cecil helped Newt to make his costume

                Newt is worried about his brother Chris, who fell into a coma as a result of his
injuries during the Big Tackle incident of the Big Game. His friends, JJ and Cecil, come to
visit him to cheer him up. They bring him a CD each as a present. They tell him how Chris’
football teammates took revenge on Reggie Ratner, who is accused of injuring Chris, by
vandalising his house and car. JJ and Cecil come back later in the evening to take Newt trick-
or-treating with them, but Newt doesn’t have his Halloween costume ready, and doesn’t feel
like celebrating Halloween. JJ and Cecil help him turn Chris’ old clothes into a superhero
costume. Newt ends up going out with his friends, and he calls himself Captain Nobody

B - Captain Nobody Climbs a Dumpster to get the Big Bass Drum

                Captain Nobody gets a summons over his walkie-talkie. It was Cecil, asking
Captain Nobody to meet him in an alley. Captain Nobody is reluctant to go at first, but in the
end he goes to meet his sidekick and friend. He finds Cecil next to a dumpster. Cecil asks
Captain Nobody to climb the dumpster to take down a big bass drum that has been left there.
Initially, Captain Nobody hesitates because he is afraid of heights, but then Cecil says that
Captain Nobody is fearless. This gives Captain Nobody the strength to cast aside his fears. He
climbs the dumpster and retrieves the bass drum for his friend, Cecil.

Keywords:  helpful, courage/bravery, friendship/love

R - Captain Nobody Foils a Robbery Attempt

JJ gives Newt an emergency call on the walkie-talkie. She is upset about the spelling mistakes
on the signs outside Sullivan’s Jewelry Store. She insists that Captain Nobody (Newt) talk to
Mr & Mrs Sullivan about this.

Captain Nobody enters the store when a robber is actually pointing a hidden gun at the
Sullivans. This creates a distraction which gives Mrs Sullivan the chance to press the alarm
and alert the police. The robber flees. The news is widely reported on television. Everyone
wants to know more about Captain Nobody, but Newt is not hungry for publicity.

A - Captain Nobody saves an aeroplane

                Captain Nobody is given Ferocious the Ferret to take care of. On the way home
from school, Ricky Ratner and his friends corner Captain Nobody, JJ, and Cecil to threaten
Newt into telling everyone that his cousin Reggie was not responsible for causing Chris
Newman’s coma. JJ and Cecil try to defend Newt. They stand protectively beside him when
he is surrounded by Ricky’s friends. When Ricky’s friends try to yank the cage away from
Captain Nobody, the cage door opens and Ferocious manages to escape its cage. It runs to a
busy highway. Captain Nobody runs after the ferret, waving his arms to make traffic stop.
The vehicles stop and a section of the highway becomes clear, just in time for an airplane to
make an emergency landing. The passengers on the airplane was saved and Captain Nobody
manages to rescue the ferret.

Keywords:  brave/courageous, responsible, loyalty/friendship/love

S - Captain Nobody saves Reggie Ratner

                Newt happens to see a television showing news that Reggie Ratner has climbed the
Appleton Water Tower and is about to commit suicide. It is said that Reggie is feeling
depressed because everyone blames him for causing Chris Newman’s coma. Even though he
doesn’t want to be Captain Nobody anymore, Newt knows that he has to rescue Reggie
Ratner because he knows Reggie wasn’t the one who caused Chris’ coma. JJ and Cecil sneak
out of school together with Newt, who quickly put on the Captain Nobody costume once
more. At the water tower, his friends distract the police officer so that Captain Nobody could
get to the ladder leading to the top of the water tower. Captain Nobody is afraid of heights,
but he doesn’t want Reggie to jump off the tower, so he climbs the rusty ladder until he gets
to the roof. There, he learns that Reggie wasn’t about to jump off. The older boy actually
climbed the water tower to spray graffiti there, but his foot is now stuck in the rotten wood.
Captain Nobody helps to free Reggie’s foot and helps him climb down the water tower.
Captain Nobody, JJ, and Cecil become heroes in the eyes of the town for the daring and
successful rescue.

Keywords:  loyalty/friendship, kind/helpful, bravery/courage, responsibility


B - Newt Prepares Breakfast 
                Newt Newman prepares breakfast for his family every morning. He takes over from
his mother when he catches her pouring milk into a bowl filled with strips of raw turkey. He
scrambles a platter of eggs and cooks up some sausages, and makes coffee. He also reminds
his mother about things that she forgets about because she is too busy. Newt also wakes his
brother up to get ready for school.

Keywords: love, care, responsible, family

TASK 1 :

For each of the event, *write a paragraph* *showing that you understand the
importance* of the event. It does not matter how long it is, what matter is that *you
need to tell and show what you understand in detail*.

Take time to think what you would say and how you want to say it. Be creative. Be
expressive. Enjoy writing. Because if you do enjoy writing it, I would enjoy reading it

In each of your paragraph, you need to have the STO.
Here is your guideline:
S - Statement - write what the event is
T - Textual evidence - explain how the event started and how it went on
O - Opinion - write why do you think this event is important
Here is how you can start your sentence to elaborate each of the event:
S - Statement - The first event is ………. This event is interesting because…..
The second event is ………. I like this event because…..
The third event is ………. I find this event interesting because…..

T - Textual evidence - This can be seen when …

We can see this when….
It happened when…..

O - Opinion - In my opinion…
I think…..
We can learn that…..


1. You must know THE IMPORTANT EVENTS in the novel (CoBRAS)

Co - JJ and Cecil helped Newt to make a costume for Halloween
B - Captain Nobody climbs a dumpster to get the big bass drum

R - Captain Nobody foils a robbery attempt
A - Captain Nobody saved an aeroplane
S - Captain Nobody saved Reggie Ratner
*Extra B - Newt prepares breakfast


1) Analyze the question :
a. How many *parts* are there in the question?
b. What are the *requirements*?
c. Which *evidence* should you use?

2) Use an *answer template* - we will practice using it from today (you can modify it as u


Paragraph 1

In the novel ____(title of novel)___ by __(name of author)__, the

______________________(repeat the question here)_________________________. This is
because ____________(state the main ideas)_________________.

Paragraph 2

First of all, _________________(state FIRST main idea)_____________________.

This is because ___________(state reason)____________. This is shown in the story when
___________(provide evidence(s) with keywords from the novel)__________________.
______________(Write MORE than TWO sentences)____________________________.
As we can clearly see now, _________(link the “cause” to an “effect”)_____________.

Paragraph 3

Moreover, ________________(state SECOND main idea)____________________.

This is because ___________(state reason)____________. This is shown in the story when

___________(provide evidence(s) with keywords from the novel)__________________.
______________(Write MORE than TWO sentences)____________________________.
It is clear as day that __________(link the “cause” to an “effect”)_____________.

Paragraph 4 (OPTIONAL)

Apart from that, _______________(state THIRD main idea)___________________.

This is because ___________(state reason)____________. This is shown in the story when
___________(provide evidence(s) with keywords from the novel)__________________.
_________________(Write MORE than TWO sentences)_______________________.
Now we can see that ____________(link the “cause” to an “effect”)_____________.

Last Paragraph

In conclusion, ________________(re-state the main ideas)___________________. I

hope ___________________________________________________________________.


In my opinion / I think, _______________________________________________________.

3. TO SCORE GOOD marks, you need to ANSWER ALL PARTS of the question WITH


7–8  Your answer is relevant and is usually supported with evidence.
 You answer all parts of the question.
 Enough evidence, but some may not be relevant.
 Your answer is organised.
 Your answer can be easily understood.
9 – 10  Your answer is relevant and is well-equipped with evidence.
 You answer all parts of the question.
 Enough relevant evidence.
 Your answer is well-organised.

 Your answer can be easily understood.



“Maintaining relationships is important.”

How is this shown by a character in the novel you have read? Give reasons why is it so,
with close reference to the text.

To analyse the question, you need to answer 3 questions:

1. How many parts are there in the question?
2. What are the requirements?
3. Which evidence should you use?

1. How many parts are there in the question?

Part 1 - “Maintaining relationships is important.”How is this shown by a character in the
novel you have read?
Part 2 - Give reasons why is it so

2. What are the requirements?

General requirement:
Character – Maintains relationships with more than 1 other character

Specific requirement:
One main character

At least 2 other characters
How did the main character maintain each relationship
At least *two reasons* for his/her actions for each of the character

3. Which evidence should you use?

Choose at least 2 evidences from CoBRAS to elaborate
Show how the main character maintain each relationship with the other character in the event
Explain at least *two reasons* for his/her actions for each of the character


“Maintaining relationships is important.”
How is this shown by a character in the novel you have read? Give reasons why is it so,
with close reference to the text.
Who is your main character?
Which 2 events do you choose?
Who are the other characters in the event?
How did the main character maintain each relationship with the other character in the event?
(What happened? What was the actions?)
Explain two reasons why the main character acted in such a way towards the other character
in the event.

2 Based on the novel you have studied, describe an event that changes the life of a
character in the novel. Support your answer with close evidence from the text.

How many parts are there in the question?

Part 1 - describe an event that changes the life of a character in the novel.
Part 2 - support your answer with close evidence from the text.

What are the requirements?

General requirement:
Character – Life changed by event
Specific Requirement:

Only *One character*
Only *One event*
How did the event changes the life of the character?
At least 2 ways how the event changes the life of the character.

Which evidence should you use?

Choose 1 event from CoBRAS
2 explanation how the event changed the life of the character


2 Based on the novel you have studied, describe an event that changes the life of a
character in the novel. Support your answer with close evidence from the text.

Who is your character? (Only 1)

Which event do you choose? (Only 1)
Describe the event.
Explain 2 ways how the event changed the life of the character.
Tip : You have to show the difference in the life of the character before and after the event.
*Analyse why is the change important for the character

TASK 2 :

Analyse the 3rd question. After you are done, compare your answer to the answer
scheme. How well did you understand?

3 Based on the novel you have read, write about how being positive helps the characters
in the story. Support your answer with close reference to the text.
1. How many parts are there in the question?
2. What are the requirements?
3. Which evidence should you use?

Write your answers here:

1) How many parts are there in the question?

2) What are the requirements?

3) Which evidence should you use?



3 Based on the novel you have read, write about how being positive helps the characters in the
story. Support your answer with close reference to the text.

How many parts are there in the question?

Part 1 - write about how being positive helps the characters in the story

Part 2 - support your answer with close evidence from the text.

What are the requirements?

General requirement:

Characters – helped by being positive

Specific Requirement:

More than one character

How was each character positive in an event?

Show 2 ways how each character was positive - it could be in one event or more

Which evidence should you use?

Choose the character then the event(s) from CoBRAS

State 2 ways of being positive

Show how being positive helps the characters in the event(s)

Relate - what might have happened if the character was not positive


Who are your characters?

Which event(s) do you choose?

Describe the event(s).

How was the character positive in the event?

Show how being positive helps the characters in the event(s)

Tip : Relate - what might have happened if the character was not positive

How well did you understood?

TASK 3 :

Analyse the 4th question. After you are done, compare your answer to the answer
scheme. How well did you understand?

4 With close reference to the text, describe one problem faced by the main character. Give
your opinion about the way the problem was solved.

1. How many parts are there in the question?

2. What are the requirements?
3. Which evidence should you use?

Write your answers here:

1) How many parts are there in the question?

2) What are the requirements?

3) Which evidence should you use?



How many parts are there in the question?

Part 1 - With close reference to the text, describe one problem faced by the main character.

Part 2 - Give your opinion about the way the problem was solved.

What are the requirements?

General requirement:

Main character - problem faced

Specific Requirement:

One main character

One problem

How was the problem solved

Your opinion on the way it is solved

Which evidence should you use?

Choose 1 event(s) from CoBRAS

Explain what was the problem

Explain how was the problem solved


SPM 2018 With close reference to the text, describe one problem faced by the main character .
Give your opinion about the way the problem was solved.

Who is the main character?

Explain what was the problem faced

Explain how was the problem solved by the character

State your opinion on the way it is solved

Tip : You have to judge how the problem was solved

*Analyse whether it was a good solution or whether there are other better ways

I hope you did better than before =D

So, now you are ready to begin writing novel answer.

Let’s start.


A good answer which is relevant, well organised and well-equipped with evidences will be
written in 1 and a half page of A4 paper.

Now Haslina, I need you to write your own answer script first. Do not read the answer sample
before you are done. Only read it after you are done. Do your best.

How do you write your answer? Refer to the question analysis notes.

Write it well, Haslina. Please submit your answer when school re-opens.


33 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English

Dear Mr. Kilmer - Anne Schraff

Captain Nobody - Dean Pitchford

Sing To The Dawn - Minfong Ho

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.

Based on the novel you have studied, describe an event that changes the life of a
character in the novel.

Support your answer with close evidence from the text.


33 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English

Dear Mr. Kilmer - Anne Schraff

Captain Nobody - Dean Pitchford

Sing To The Dawn - Minfong Ho

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.

Based on the novel you have read, write about how being positive helps the characters
in the story.

Support your answer with close reference to the text.




Based on the novel that I have studied, Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford, an event
that changes the life of Newton Newman was the day when he went as Captain Nobody to
save Reggie Ratner on the Appleton water tower. This is the day when everyone came to
know who Captain Nobody is.

To begin with, the event was sparked by the television showing news that Reggie Ratner
has climbed the Appleton water tower and the assumption that he was about to commit
suicide. The news reported that Reggie is feeling depressed because everyone blames him
for causing Chris’ coma. When Newt saw it, he told Cecil and JJ that it was not Reggie who
have knocked Chris into coma. He knew who it was. Cecil and JJ both said that only Captain
Nobody can tell Reggie and save him. But at this time, Newt does not want to be Captain
Nobody anymore. He felt frustrated that even though he had saved other people, he could
not save his own brother. Yet he knew that somebody has to tell Reggie the truth and
convince him to come down from the tower. So he decided that he had to do it. Once again,
he wore his costume and became Captain Nobody. With Cecil’s and JJ’s help, he got to the
ladder of the water tower.

On the way to the top, as he was climbing the rotting ladder, his mask got caught by a
nail and is ripped off. Without his mask, he became Newt again. He loses his confidence and
wanted to climb down the water tower. Suddenly, he remembered Sticky Ricky, one of the
character with climbing power. So, he fought his fear and slowly made his way up. He
slithers on his belly on the shingle roof of the water tower towards Reggie. After finding out
that Reggie’s foot was stuck in the roof and that he was not trying to commit suicide, Newt
helped him to get unstuck and to get to the ladder of the water tower. His plan was they
would climb down one at a time because the rotting ladder would not be able to support
both of their weight at once. But Reggie was impatient and a bit scared. He did not wait until
Newt was safely down. He got down the ladder when Newt was barely halfway. This broke
the ladder and they fell freely down.

First of all, this event has changed Newt from a kid who has low self-confidence into a
person who can make a daring decision. This is shown in the event when Newt himself made the
decision to go save Reggie on top of the water tower. Although he no longer wanted to be
Captain Nobody, he put the costume on. He also decided this without any pushing or pleading
from Cecil and JJ. He became the leader of the mission. He set the ball rolling. They went to the
water tower to save Reggie. This change is important for Newt because if it did not took place, he
would still be the kid who has low self-confidence and will always be insecure.

Apart from that, this event has also changed Newt from a kid who have a fear of height into
a person who is courageous to overcome his fear of height. This is shown in the event when his
mask was torn off while he was climbing the rotting ladder. Without his mask, he lost his
confidence and his fear of heights returned. But then, he recalled one of his comic character and
drew courage to continue on his mission. This change is important for Newt because if it did not
took place, he will be always afraid of heights. If he had let his acrophobia overcome him, he
would not have reach Reggie and bring him down from the water tower.

In conclusion, the day when Newt went as Captain Nobody to save Reggie Ratner on the
Appleton water tower, he have changed from a kid who has low self-confidence and is afraid
of heights into a person who can make a daring decision and is courageous to overcome his fear
of heights. In my opinion, everyone needs to change for something great to happen in their life.


In the novel Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford, being positive had

really helped the characters in the story.

First of all, Newt chasing Ferocious the ferret on the highway is an

evidence that being positive does helps. Ricky Ratner,who is Reggie Ratner’s cousin
had caused some chaos that resulted in Ferocious’ escape from its cage. Ferocious
ran onto the highway. Cecil and JJ stopped chasing and let Newt continue the
chase to save it. Even though it was dangerous, Newt knew that he need to save
the ferret. He did not hesitate or retrace his step back to safety. This was how he
was being positive. I think, if Newt did not rush to stop the vehicles, the ferret
might be run over. On top of that, the passengers on the airplane would be in peril
because the plane would have nowhere to make an emergency landing.

Moreover, in the event of saving Reggie Ratner, both Cecil and JJ were
positive about Newt’s capability to climb the water tower. Cecil reminded Newt
that he have had no problem climbing up on the high garbage pile before. JJ added
that they also knew what he is capable of. Then they kept staring at Newt until he
had to accept the truth that he is able to overcome his fear of heights. By being
positive about Newt’s capability, they have helped Newt to accept the truth that
the mission is possible. In my opinion, if Cecil and JJ was not positive that Newt
would be able to overcome his fear of heights, Newt would never made his way up
the water tower and helped Reggie down.

Apart from that, Reggie Ratner who were wrongly accused of causing
Chris’s coma had showed that he had been positive to the end. Although people
had thrown rubbish in front of his house and he had to pay for the pizza that he did
not order, he never held any grudge towards Chris’s friends and family. When
Newt went to save him on top of the water tower, he was not angry at Newt. He

was not even contemplating suicide. In my opinion, if Reggie Ratner had not been
positive, he might actually climbed the water tower to commit suicide.

In conclusion, I had learned that by being positive, we can overcome our

problems. The characters in the novel have shown us this. Sometimes, we will face
challenges in life but by being positive, we will be able to endure any difficulties.


There is a simpler way to analyse the question.

Examiners are going to look for key points.

You have to find the key points in the question.

You have to make sure that you fulfill each of the key points in your answer.

*Tip: There are usually between 3 - 4 key points in the question.

Let’s begin!

33 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English

Dear Mr. Kilmer - Anne Schraff

Captain Nobody - Dean Pitchford

Sing To The Dawn - Minfong Ho

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.

Based on the novel you have studied, describe an event that changes the life of a
character in the novel.

Support your answer with close evidence from the text.


C - Character

E - 1 event

L - How the event changes the character’s life

TASK 1 :

Now, you try this question. Find the key points. Check your answer with the answer
scheme after you are done.

33 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English

Dear Mr. Kilmer - Anne Schraff

Captain Nobody - Dean Pitchford

Sing To The Dawn - Minfong Ho

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.

Based on the novel you have read, write about how being positive helps the characters in
the story.

Support your answer with close reference to the text.

Answer :

C - Characters (more than 1)

E - Event(s)

P - How were the characters positive

Did you managed to get all 3? Well done if you did. If not, do not give up. Try another one.

TASK 2 :

Try this question. Find the key points. Check your answer with the answer scheme
after you are done.

33 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English

Dear Mr. Kilmer - Anne Schraff

Captain Nobody - Dean Pitchford

Sing To The Dawn - Minfong Ho

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.

With close reference to the text, describe one problem faced by the main character .

Give your opinion about the way the problem was solved.

Answer :

C - Main character
P - Problem
W - Way to solve problem
O - Opinion

How well did you do? Did you managed to find all 4?

Now, why am I teaching you to find the key points?

Because, I want to show you the difference of view point between you (the
candidate) and the examiner’s.

Remember how I have taught you to analyse the question before?

It was longer wasn’t it? And more detailed? Yeah…

Why did I show you the longer and complex analysis?

Because - you need to provide detailed and well - developed evidence in

your answer.

The examiner will read and tag your essay using the keywords.

If all of the tags are present in your answer, there is a chance for you to get
7-8/10 marks for content.

Do you still remember how we have analysed the question before?

How many parts are there in the question?

What are the requirements? (general & specific)
Which evidence(s) should you use?

Now, let us compare the key points to the step by step guide.

33 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English

Dear Mr. Kilmer - Anne Schraff

Captain Nobody - Dean Pitchford

Sing To The Dawn - Minfong Ho

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.

With close reference to the text, describe one problem faced by the main character .

Give your opinion about the way the problem was solved.

C - Main character
P - Problem
W - Way to solve problem
O - Opinion

Who is the main character?
Explain what was the problem faced
Explain how was the problem solved by the character
State your opinion on the way it is solved
Tip : You have to judge how the problem was solved
*Analyse whether it was a good solution or whether there are other better

What are the similarities between the key points and guide?

What are the differences between the key points and guide?

WRITING TASK : You are given 40 minutes to complete this task.

33 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English

Dear Mr. Kilmer - Anne Schraff

Captain Nobody - Dean Pitchford

Sing To The Dawn - Minfong Ho

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.

With close reference to the text, describe one problem faced by the main character .

Give your opinion about the way the problem was solved.


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