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 It would still be true that, as noted by Piketty (2014), only the growth in per capita GDP would

give rise to improvements in economic well-being. On the other hand, if population growth
affects per capita output growth, higher population growth rates would contribute to either higher
or lower overall economic growth depending on the nature of its effects on per capita GDP. For
the world as a whole, over the period 1990 to 2015, the correlation between population growth
and real per capita GDP growth, based on World Bank (2017) data, w

 Piketty (2014) conducted research that seek to identify the relationship between population growth
and per capita GDP, according to his findings population growth correspond negatively to the
overall economic growth of any city. his report was backed out by the theory that continuous
increments of population will at one point affect the city resources in such a way that the
resources will not be able to sustain them. However, his theory took into consideration that the
causes if migration from rural to urban was not poverty. Accordin to our research one of the
factor we considered was that people move due to poverty and are willing to work for longhours
inorder to attain better living conditions. Maslow theory of need is provides a more profound
explanation to the reason why thses people move

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