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I go and prepare a place

JOHN 14 vs 3

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where
I am, there ye may be also. (KJV)

There is the erroneous popular understanding that Jesus is in Heaven right now building mansions,
road and structures and when he finishes, he will come and take believers to go and dwell in them.
Sometimes they say, hardworking believers will have bigger mansions and lazy believers will have
smaller mansions. People have supported this error and others have had dreams and visions of it.
There are books and recorded tapes made from people who claimed went to heaven when they died
and have come back with this error or misinformation.

There are no construction works going on in Heaven where believers are waiting for it to be
completed for us to go and dwell in them. Jesus in the context of the opening text was talking about
preparing a place at the right side of the Father for us after his death and resurrection which will
make it possible for the believer to be at the same place.

Jesus was talking about his post-resurrection reality where the believer will become the dwelling
place of the Father. We are now at where Christ is. The place prepared for us is the right hand of the
Father. Jesus went by his death, he came back by his resurrection, and we are where he is. He is in
us; we are in him. Therefore, any such vision of physical construction work in heaven is false.

Confession: I am where Christ is, at the right hand of the Father. A place of oneness, power and

Additional Studies

John 14: 1- 20,

John 20: 11- 18,

Ephesians 2: 4- 7

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