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Product Listing Secrets for

Amazon Sellers

When it comes to Amazon sales, breaking out of the overcrowded marketplace and establishing
your products as different, better and worthy of buying is crucial. If you want to create better
visibility and make more sales, one key element on your product listing page is the content.

Engaging titles, compelling bullets/features and product descriptions that make shoppers think,
"Yes! This is the one for me," are what will make your inventory steadily go down while your
weekly bank transfers go up!

Here are 5 product listing strategies that can bring you significant success (taken directly from
my e-course "Amazon Advantage: Product Listing Strategies to Boost Your Sales").

① Position Your Products Differently - Differentiation is your Amazon advantage and

the surprising secret to making more sales at higher prices. If your products look exactly like
other products, most customers will default to buying the one with the most reviews and the
lowest price. How do you figure out ways to set your product apart from the rest?

1. Bundle it with another product(s) 16. Offer free shipping

2. Mention another use others aren't 17. Make it Prime eligible
talking about 18. Give a bonus
3. Focus on benefits instead of features 19. Mention your Bestseller status (if applicable)
4. Take the healthy approach 20. Mention that you have an enormous number of
5. Take the fast approach positive reviews (if true)
6. Take the easy approach 21. Offer a lower price
7. Take the affordable approach 22. Offer more colors
8. Position it as family friendly 23. Offer sets (if most others are open stock)
9. Position it as luxurious 24. Offer open stock (if most others come in sets)
10. Position it as a real value 25. Relate it to vegetarians or vegans
11. Solve a specific problem 26. Position it as allergy-free
12. Relate your product to a news event 27. Position it as dairy-, wheat-, casein, gluten-free
13. Relate your product to a celebrity 28. Position it as the latest technology
14. Relate it specifically to men, women 29. Position it for an age group (senior citizens,
or children young kids, teens, over 50)
15. Offer a better guarantee 30. Position it for a medical condition (arthritis, high
blood pressure, migraines, menopause)

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② Build a Better Keyword List - Most people completely blow the development of their
keyword lists. This wastes space and reduces the amount of traffic you get to your product

 Amazon counts ALL of these fields (below) as keywords so there is no need to repeat
keywords between these fields. If you add a keyword to your keyword field, it
does not need to be in your title or the other fields below:

▪ Title/Product Name
▪ Key Feature Bullets
▪ Seller Name
▪ Brand/Designer/Manufacturer
▪ Search Terms in the 5 Keyword Fields
▪ Event Keywords

Also, Amazon works with individual keywords. You get a total of up to 250 characters of
search terms. Fill in as many relevant, targeted words as you can in your search term fields.
Do NOT simply include any words you can think of in order to max out the characters. This
often backfires, driving unqualified traffic to your page which then leaves without purchasing.
The result? Your conversion rate (and your rankings) begin to quickly fall.

③ Capture Attention with Enticing Product Titles - Your product title doesn't just
show on your product listing page. It also pops up in the Amazon search results page as well as
Bestsellers pages and other places. In addition, Amazon counts words that are included in the
title when considering where to rank products in its internal search results (because it considers
them to be keywords as we discussed in #2 above).

Your title is the first exposure shoppers have to your product so it needs to be descriptive and
engaging when possible. Think about the way you've positioned your product. Include words
that allow people to experience the product, not just read about it.

A general guideline (not carved in stone) is:

Brand + Description + Classification (Item Type: Running Shoe) +

Something Unique

④ Create Compelling Bullets/Features - When writing bullets (one of the most-read

sections of the listing page) consider:

 Who you are selling to - What do they want/need when buying this product?
 What sets you apart from all the other products?
 What features/benefits can you list with regard to the product?

Sometimes I reverse the order and put the benefit first and then the feature to catch the
shopper's attention quickly. For example, "The Dream Series mattress reaches full inflation and
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firmness in under 4 minutes. It can be topped off quickly and easily, thanks to its patented 1-
click internal pump." Here's another one: "You won't struggle with unwanted sliding during the
night. The ‘Sure-Grip’ bottom guarantees your inflatable mattress stays put."

⑤ Develop Product Descriptions that Set You Apart - Answering the question, "Why
should I buy from you instead of all the other sellers" is vital. Your product description should
answer this question in detail. Do you offer a bundle that includes items no one else offers? Do
your baking trays come with a free spatula? Are you the manufacturer of your own products
and no one else is allowed to sell them? Do you position your frozen food containers as a way
to feed your family healthy food instead of being a mere storage unit?

If every other listing for French press coffeemakers is focusing on simply making coffee,
position yours as a gourmet way to start your day. See ① for ideas.

These days, the competition on Amazon is brutal.

Why spend all that time & money creating a product
or bundle then wimp out on the sales copy?

"Amazon Advantage: Product Listing Strategies to Boost Your

Sales" walks you through every aspect of writing a product
listing that sells including:

• Time-tested methods for making your products stand

out in the crowd even if others are selling the exact
same things.
• 4 things you must have to rank well in their internal
search engine.
• How to get inside the minds of Amazon shoppers and
create compelling descriptions that entice them to buy.
• Real-life examples of products that excel (and some
that fall flat).
• Step-by-step demonstrations of precisely how to implement the method.
• My private process for creating an all-encompassing keyword list that can get you better
rankings and seriously more traffic to your listings.
• How to capture attention with engaging product titles.
• The right and wrong way to create features/bullets that work for you instead of sending
shoppers packing.
• Insiders tips on avoiding common mistakes that can seriously harm your success.

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