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Assignment 1(Classwork activity)

Name: Alizay Waheed Kayani 20181-24347

Course: HRM 301 M-7005
Boosting Productivity through Work Redesign
The Atlantic American insurance company in Atlanta conducted a workflow analysis to identify
inefficiencies in how it processes its insurance claims. The firms HR Director described the workflow
analysis as follows: We followed the life of a claim to where it arrived in the mail and where it eventually
ended up in order to find ways to improve the process. American Atlantic s workflow analysis prompted
several productivity-boosting changes. The firm reduced from four to one the number of people opening
mail, replacing three people with a machine that does it automatically. A new date stamping machine
lets staff stamp 20 pages at a time rather than 1. A new software program adds bar codes to each claim
automatically, rather than manually. Thus, the firm used workflow analysis to view the process s big
picture to automate work, redesign jobs, boost labor productivity, and redeploy claims processing

Atlantic American Insurance Company performed workflow analysis in order to figure out the
inefficiency in the method applied for insurance claims. With workflow analysis the insurance
company will be able to study its processes and also detect the grey areas. This will enable it to
improve the processes/ operations and the overall workflow. The company tried to improve its
production by adopting a new date stamping machine. With this technology they can stamps 20
pages rather than 1 page. Also they adopted a new software program which automatically adds
bar codes. They also introduced a machine that performs work automatically. For improving
their efficiency they assign task of opening email to one person rather than four so they laid off
The company was able to make use of the workflow analysis as they were able to spot the areas
of problem and improve their productivity’s efficiency by remaking of job and by adopting to
automatic technology. In this way the company was able to enhance its production processes,
improve workforce productivity and perform insurance claim procedure in a more a better way.

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