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Learning activity 2

Evidence: The perfect city / town

Fuente: SENA

Imagine that in 10 years your city / town will be perfect. What will it be like? Think
about the problems your city has now and how they can be solved for it to be
perfect in 10 years.

Write a description of your city in 10 years. Use will and the vocabulary learned in
this learning activity. Highlight will-sentences with green and vocabulary words
with blue. Remember to use connectors and punctuation.

Take a look at the example below to help you get started.

"I think my city will be better in 10 years. Probably there will not be traffic jams
anymore. Also public transportation will be clean, efficient and organized. For
this to happen, the roads will have to be in perfect conditions.

After solving social problems and creating better job opportunities, it will be the
safest city in the world. In addition, we will have the best museums and art
galleries. Besides, there will be a lot of green areas and parks to enjoy. We will
have the best football team, not like the one we have now which performs
poorly. I believe people will be friendly. And finally, the most important aspect
will be to have more public universities, so everybody will have the chance to

It will be as nice as a European city, but a lot more enjoyable and vibrant


In the near future, my city will probably have a subway to transport

passengers, which will improve passenger transport.

Then the lack of work with new technologies will be resolved. More
housing projects will be created and more shopping centers, more parks
and green areas, increasing the well-being of people.

And finally, little by little, access to education will be improved, more

universities, easier for young people to enter, easier for young people to
study abroad and prepare better. With that all people would help the city
to be better.

It will be a beautiful city very prosperous.

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