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Pp vs. Padillo Crim. Case No.

20081 and 20082

August 1, 2019

Witness: Manolito (Willy) Maestrado

For the State: Prosecutor Aida I. Digaum-Langcamon
For the Accused: Atty. Rainero Z. Bautista

This witness is presented to prove that witness is media practitioner of

DYRD, he is the same person named as Willy Maestrado and he was among
of the civilian witnesses who witnessed the conduct of the inventory of the
drug and non-drug items seized from the possession of the accused during
the buy bust operation on March 23, 2017; he will identify the inventory
papers that he had signed and he will identify other documents and he will
testify on other allied matters Your Honor.



In its direct examination, the prosecution asked the witness’ account

on the the buy bust operation. The witness recalled that as a media
practitioner of station DYRD, he was requested to witness inventory
involving one Michael Padillo on March 23, 2017 at past 12:00 by Police
Captain Jojit Mananquil through a phone call.
He proceeded to the area in Sitio Union, Dauis and Michael Padillo was
already arrested when he arrived. Capt. Mananquil told him that they had
buy bust operation against Michael Padillo and that he had to witness the
inventory. The inventory was done outside the chapel and the area was
already secured and the accused was already seated. The witness said that
that there was indeed an inventory conducted and that he saw that a
document was signed relative to the inventory, that he saw the items to be
inventoried but not marked yet. The DOJ Representative, whom he recalled
to be Gaspar Dangoy, and the two barangay officials were also shown of the
items that were not marked yet. According to the witness, he arrived
together with Dangoy and that the two Barangay officials were already there
when they arrived.

In the course of the direct examination, the witness identified his

signature (Exhibit E-2) and an inventory document ( Exhibit E-Trading) as
the one he signed relative to the conduct of inventory in response to the
request of P/SrInsp. Mananquil. The witness affirmed that he saw the items
listed in the inventory which included one (1) heat sealed transparent plastic
sachet believed to be shabu, one (1) P500 bill, one (1) unit cellphone and
one (1) motorcycle. He also identified a signature (Exhibit F-2) after the
name Willy Maestrado, Media as his signature. The witness also explained
that Willy Maestrado is his name in the radio station and he was not known
as Manolito. He further explained that a Willy Maestrado appearing as
witness in the two inventories is the same person with Manolito Maestrado.

The witness further identified sets of pictures (Exhibit I-4). He

identified himself, Mencede and Hinay. He said that the picture was taken
outside the chapel and that he saw the things on the table in front which are
the same items when he signed the receipt. The witness also identified
himself in a picture marked Exhibit “I-5” and later identified the two
pictures found on page 24 , a sachet marked as MPA-BB-01 with date
March 23, 2017 and signature as the sachet that was bought and the P500.00
bill used by the police to buy shabu. The witness later on identified the
accused, Hinay, the two barangay officials in another picture (Exhibit I-1).
When shown pictures (Exhibit I), the witness answered as items subject of
Section 11 which include two medium sachets, two large and four small
sachets. The witness then identified Michael Padillo inside the courtroom.



On the defense’ cross examination, the witness confirmed that he

signed a particular document. He said that he was not able to see Gaspar
Dangoy signing and did not see him because Dangoy of the DOJ was
suspended. He further said that he affixed his signature several times
because there were as much photocopies as there were witnesses. The
witness answered in the affirmative when asked if he knew Police Officer
Joselito Mencede. According to him, they will be the first to sign then the
police officers followed. The witness in his account said that he is present
when Police Officer Joselito Mencede affixed his signature in the inventory
but he cannot recall if he really signed because they will be the first to sign
and they, referring to the police officers, followed. The witness recalled that
they were furnished copy of the Receipt/Inventory and examined it before
leaving the area however he did not notice that Police Officer Joselito
Mencede did not sign as poseur buyer because they were concerned of
counting the items that were confiscated and listed in the receipts. The
defense ended its cross examination.

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