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1) What happened at the battle of Covadonga?

a) The Muslims defeated the Visigoths.

b) The Visigoths defeated the Muslims.
c) The Christians defeated the Muslims.

2) When was the battle of Covadonga?

a) In 722 A.D.
b) In 711 A.D.
c) In 1492.

3) Who was the Christian’s leader?

a) Abderraman II.
b) Don Pelayo.
c) Alfonso VI.

4) Who ruled the country?

a) The Caliph.
b) The king.
c) The lord.

5) Society was divided into:

a) Three groups: nobles, clergy, peasants.

b) Three groups: king, farmers, artisans.
c) Different groups: nobles, king, bishops, monks and peasants.

6) Most people were:

a) Artisans and lived in the cities. There was a lot trade.

b) Peasants and lived in the countryside, there wasn’t much trade.
c) Nobles, they lived in big castles.

7) When was the Reconquista?

a) Between the 8th and 15th centuries.

b) In 929 A.D.
c) Between the 5th and the 8th centuries.

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