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What will be the response time and response procedure for ASRS when request will
come from staging table regarding the full availability, partial availability or non-availability
of product?
2. What will be the response code for full availability, partial availability, non-availability of
the product? how to handle it in staging table?
3. How will Loading Bay number will be sent by ASRS system. If new field is needed to
introduce in staging table, then please explain the field name and type of fields and
length of fields and Please fill in the excel file attached with the mail (Operation number:
-9,11. sheet Name: - Tinterfaceorder)?
4. What will be the mode of ASRS to pick up and update the data from staging table?
5. How do you going to handling Multiple product in One truck load? How Sequence of
product will be updated in ASRS system? please explain the input mechanism / process
in details about manual input in ASRS system?
6. In case of other factory inbound - If Part quantity is damage / shortage / mismatch, how
qty get updated in ASRS SYSTEM product wise? please explain the input mechanism /
process in details about manual input in ASRS system? how same will be updated in
Staging table?
7. In staging table how ASRS going to update the return qty, repack qty etc as return input
with product & batch details?
8. Is any facility in ASRS SYSTEM for manual input?
9. Complete cycle of Direct Sales (How operation type is fed into ASRS and how SAP will
pick up for production confirmation and assigning the s.loc).
10. What will be the response code for success and failure from ASRS and Anxin.
11. Mode of data reading from Staging Table by ASRS and Anxin.

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