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A) Towards Rental expense for acquiring a Control Shed

Maximum estimated rent = 120,000 P/M

Total cost towards rental expense = 120,000 x 2 (Mnths) = Rs. 240,000/-

B) Towards purchase of Broiler

Today’s Broiler rate = 44.50/Chick (a day old)

Cost of broiler = 44.50 x 12,000 (qty) = Rs. 534,000/-


C) Towards purchase of Feed

Estimated feed per chick till selling = 3.50 Kg (in 36 days)

Quantum of Feed = 3.50 (kg) x 2000 (Chicks) = 7,000 Kg

Average cost of Feed = 65 / Kg

Total 3 types of feed will be used
1. S2 – Starter Crumble (for first 10 days)
2. S3 – Grower Pellets (for 11-22 days)
3. S4 – Finisher Pellets (for 23 till market)

Cost of Feed = 65 (Cost P/kg) x 7,000 (qty) = Rs. 455,000/-

Pricing analysis is based on top feed manufacturers, i.e. SB &/or SP &/or Olympia Poultry etc.)


D) Towards hidden Contingencies

1. Medical Expense = Rs. 15,000 approx.
2. Worker Salary = Rs. 40,000/- (for two months including support funding)
3. Generator Exp. &/or Elect. Bill = Rs. 25,000/-
4. Rice Husk / Parali (for sanitizing)= Rs. 20,000/-
5. Poultry Pots etc. = Rs. 15,000/-
6. Misc. Un-expected Expenditure = Rs. 30,000/-

Maximum Investment (A upto D) = Rs. 692,500/-

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