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John Cyruz B.

Las Pinas

A9/ GED-104

In this movie Gray Trace is a mechanic, he met a planned accident wherein their car was flipped out in
the air that cause a lot of damage to the car. He became a quadriplegic individual and his wife was
caught death and being murdered by some thugs an upgrade one wherein they have fully functional
weapon built-in to their body to become assassin. Amidst of his quadriplegic state one of his friend
named Eron Keen offered him a life changing possibility to walk again and with that the technological
advancement comes in its way to help. A chip like a computer system called Stem planted into the spinal
cord of Gray Trace and he be able to walk again but became a threat because the owner of the company
planned the accident and setup Grey as their testing subject that could help him in his current state. In
the end of the story the Stem that has planted on Greys body had been take over which is about to be a
bound limit to the human capability and took revenge.

In line with the Art as saving power it can help all the disabled person to have of normal life became part
of social world however if this technology misused of its essence it became consequential just like this
movie portraying.

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