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While washing the clothes Shabana felt intense pain on her left
side of chest. Holding a piece of soap in her right hand, she was washing
clothes on a cement floor. After sometime she feel relax and when she
put her left hand on heart she again feel severe pain. Her heart beat was
not normal. She unintentionally called her daughter.
Talat was her little daughter. She was in her clinic at home. She
used to take no dues from poor, she cure them free of cost. She was not
so much heighted due to which her husband gave her divorce after first
week of weeding. This made Shabana very upset, when Shabana
couldn’t bear the pain she called Talat. Talat came out in hurry from
clinic when she listen her mother’s voice. She saw her mother face was
entirely pale due to pain,
What happened to you Mom_____?
“I am feeling not well and don’t know what is happening to me”. Give
me some medicine or took me to the doctor. She examined her pulse, it
was not normal.
No____ took me to the doctor and inform your father as well.
Talat arranged a taxi and took her mother to private hospital. After
examining her, doctor said her chest pain turned out to be caused a
minor heart attack, she is very serious. Get her to a civil hospital. Talat
said to the doctor, gave her some medicine that maintained her heart beat
until we reached there. Doctor inject some medicine into her body and
said hesitatingly don’t waste your time……Hurry up.
Talat took her to civil hospital. She was in critical situation nurses
shifted her in emergency ward. Talat told all the story to doctor then
nurses let her out of the ward and begin to treat the patient. After some
time doctor came out and said silently,
“She is no more, we couldn’t save her” we are sorry.
After listening these words Talat shouted loudly, she was about to
panting but nurses handled her. After some time, she was dialing her
father contact number but he was out of range and then she informed
other family members about mother’s death. The nurses came out from
emergency ward with dead body they asked Talat, to arrange an
ambulance for dead body. Two servants of hospital Hanifa and Siraj u
din came forward to enter the dead body into the ambulance, at that time
Hanifa saw one dozen golden Bangles and two golden rings on dead
body’s hands. She wanted to have it at any cost so when she saw Talat
was busy on phone call she stole all that bangles and two rings and
covered the dead body. She was very clever when she saw Talat is very
upset she came near to her share condolences with her and hugged her.

When she reached home all of her family members were at home.
They were deeply upset of the departure of Shabana. Talat sisters were
deeply stressed then they embathed the dead body. One of her sisters
saw that her mother hands were free from bangles and golden rings.
Then she asked from Talat, she said when we were in taxi, mom was
wearing bangles and rings as well. They asked about it in hospital but
they did not find it. That day Hanifa was absent.
Hanifa had sold six bangles and two golden rings and purchased a
bike for her son-in-law and gifted the remaining six bangles to her
daughter, saying that this is her last savings. Actually she had stolen it
from a dead body.
One day Hanifa was in hospital, her mobile rang when she listened
to the call, she left the stairs ardently. She went to home, she was
shocked to see two dead bodies of her daughter and her daughter’s son.
Later she was informed by some one that her son-in-law-crushed a bike
into a car and fractured his two legs but his wife and son died on the
spot. They were going to a picnic point, her wife was wearing six
bangles that was gifted from her mother owing to this someone had cut
one of her wrists. Hanifa was out of mind after listening this.
After some days, there was a woman at heap of dusts near to the
hospital saying that I am finding my doll’s wrist. She was Hanifa. On the
way she stopped the bikers and asked every one,
“I want my daughter’s wrist”
“For God sake give me her wrist”
“You want Bangles, I will give but for god sake give me her wrist”
“My doll is weeping, Please help her”

The End

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