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Subject: English 6 Teacher: Lcda. Marisol Briones, Mgs Date: 13/07/2020


Your Vocabulary Log total 22 words
Make a vocabulary log. Write a sentence per each word, to help you remember.

1. We were amazed to see all this stuff on the beach.

2. She gets angry with me all the time.

3. I know why people get annoyed with you
4. he has a problem with bite his nails
5. If you're bored, go wait in the car.
6. People get confused and make mistakes all
the time.
7. you have a tendency to close up your body
and cross your arms
8. He was disgusted with the indifference of
many people
9. You must have been embarrassed by the
questions today.
10. t's been a long day, and my aunt is exhausted
11. The guy is a frustrated musician
12. You can see why he is both fascinated
and impatient
13. She became irritated and easily swayed by
the time walking
14. That experience could be the reason for
your nervous breakdown
15. Did you just roll your eyes at me?
16. We were too scared to take the plane
17. You scratch your head like a monkey.
18. You just shrug your shoulders everywhere
19. You shouldn't be surprised by the attitude of these people.
20. Maybe tap your foot so I get the message.
21. You always twirl your hair like that when you're proud of something.
22. she wrinkles her nose when she has a cold

A Classify the words and phrases in your vocabulary log. Write F for feelings or G for

B How do you feel in these situations? What do you do? Complete the chart.
Use words from your vocabulary log.

Feel Do
You see a snake. I try to get away from the
Surprised snake
You have to give a speech in front of your class. Nervous I try to take away my fears
You have to wait in a long line. Impatient I just wait in line
You eat something terrible. disgusted I try not to eat
You watch a horror movie. scared I don't watch the movie
You don’t understand a question. Frustrated I ask what it's about


A Complete the chart with the words in the box.

are allowed to can have to

aren’t allowed to can’t have got to

Permission Obligation Prohibition

Are allowed to Have to arent allowed to

Can Have got to Cant

B Write each sentence a different way.

1. You can ride your bike here.  You’re allowed to ride your bike here.
2. You aren’t allowed to park your car here. You can’t to park your car here
3. You’re allowed to camp here. You can allow to camp here you
4. You have to wear shoes you have got to to wear shoes
5. You’ve got to wear your seat belt. You have to wear you seat belt
6. You can’t chew gum in class. You aren’t chew gum in class

 Imagine you are in these situations. What do you think they mean?
Compare your ideas.

1. You walk into your classroom. There are no people there.

2. You are driving a car. A police officer stops you.
3. It’s 3:00 A.M. You hear a loud noise outside your door.
4. You receive a greeting card. There is no message and no return address.
5. You find an old painting in your garage. The person in the painting looks like you.

A: You walk into your classroom. There are no people there.

What do you think it means?
B: It might mean you’re in the wrong classroom.
C: Or maybe it means you’re very, very late for class!


Before You Write
Read the traffic rules and complete the sentences.

City Traffic Rules

a. You have to obey the street signs.
b. You aren’t allowed to drive through a red light.
c. You can park in the parking garages.
d. You can’t drive more than 30 miles an hour.
e. You’re allowed to turn right at a red light.
f. You have to carry your driver’s license.
1. Rules are allowed too and can express permission.
2. Rules have to and have got to express obligation.
3. Rules aren’t allowed to and can’t express prohibition.

Your First Draft

A Write a list of six traffic rules for your city or town. Use the City Traffic Rules
above as a model.

Not carrying excess passengers

Don't take forbidden turns

Stay within speed limits

Don't text while driving

Wearing seat belts

Respect the traffic light

B PAIR WORK Read your partner’s list. Write answers to these questions.
1. What do you like about the list?
it is important to know the rules of trafficking that is allowed and not allowed
2. What information is unclear?
everything is clear
3. What else do you want to know?
learn more about the traffic rules of each country

Aim:   Give Ss practice using modals and adverbs to explain meaning.

Preparation:   Make one copy of the worksheet for every S.
Materials:   Poster paper; colored pencils or pens


■ Give each S a worksheet.

■ Focus the Ss’ attention on the picture. Discuss the question as a class.

■ Have Ss write three proverbs and their meanings. Encourage Ss to think of proverbs
from their own country. If necessary, tell Ss to ask friends or relatives for ideas.

■ Option: Give Ss a proverb and its meaning to illustrate and explain to others.


■ Divide the class into small groups.

■ Explain the task. Ss compare their proverbs.

Then groups choose one proverb to illustrate for the class.

■ Have Ss create a poster that illustrates the proverb. Remind them to represent the
proverb using pictures, not words.


■ Put the posters on the classroom walls.

■ Ask the class to look at each illustration and guess the meaning and the proverb.

■ Elicit guesses from the class. Encourage Ss to

use modals and adverbs to guess the meaning

and the proverb (e.g., It might mean . . . , It could mean . . . , Maybe it means . . .).

Look at the picture. What do you think the proverb there is no use crying over spilled milk

Write three proverbs you know.

1. Don’t judge a book by its cover

2. Better late than never

3. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you

Write the meaning of each proverb.

1. This proverb teaches you not to judge others from their appearance or costume. A book with
a boring or simple cover can be great, just like people.
2.This proverb is said to end a conflict. It's best to apologize and make peace years later than
never finish the fight.
3. This proverb gives you that you shouldn't be mean to people who give you things or help
Choose one proverb to share with the class. Then make a
poster to explain the proverb. Draw pictures, but don’t write the proverb!

Look at the posters. Can you guess the meaning of each
picture? Can you guess the proverb?

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